[nfbmi-talk] just fyi this is where cannon is today
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Nov 12 21:48:29 UTC 2010
National Council of State Agencies for the Blind
Fall Training Conference
November 10-12, 2010
Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina
1380 Harbor Island Drive
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone #: 619-291-2900
Toll Free #: 877-734-2726
(Callers should mention CSAVR block
of rooms for hotel reservations)
Michael Gandy, President
Consumers and Rehabilitation Professionals:
Partnering Strategies for Success.
Wednesday, November 10
11:00-1:00 Registration
Harbor Island Foyer
11:30-1:00 Executive Committee Luncheon
Executive 2A and 2B
1:00-5:00 Exhibits
Harbor Island Foyer
Opening Session
Harbor Island 1
1:00-1:15 Welcome, Opening Remarks and Introductions, Michael Gandy, NCSAB President
1:15-2:15 OSERS/RSA Alexa Posny, Assistant Secretary, OSERS; (invited) Lynnae Ruttledge, RSA Commissioner; RSA Staff
2:15-2:30 Steve Wooderson, CEO, Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation
2:30-3:15 Dr. Fredric K. Schroeder, Policy Advisor for NCSAB—Washington Update
3:15-3:30 Break
Harbor Island Foyer
3:30-4:00 Vision Serve Alliance—Partnerships for the Future
Roxann Mayros, CEO, Vision Serve Alliance
Cash-strapped states and school districts, poor donor support, aging baby boomers, high unemployment rates, new for-profit entities … these issues and more will impact how, when and where services to people with vision loss will be delivered in the future. Ms. Mayros will examine future trends in rehabilitation of blind and visually impaired consumers and partnerships that will best use available resources for effective and quality programs and services.
4:00-4:30 A Class is a Class is a Class
Karen Keninger, Director, Iowa Blind
Field trips, camping, a banquet, holiday activities all work together with classroom training to build skills and confidence at Iowa's Orientation Center.
4:30-5:00 Committee meetings to discuss action items
6:00-8:00 Reception
Executive 3A and 3B
Thursday, November 11
8:00-5:00 Exhibits
Harbor Island Foyer
8:00-5:15 General Sessions
Harbor Island 1
8:00-9:45 Randolph Sheppard Committee—general session for all conference attendees
Moderated by Terry Smith, Committee Chairperson
· "Strategies for Success—A Report from Our Federal Partners"
Suzanne Mitchell, RSA
Daniel Frye, RSA
· "The Blind Entrepreneurs Alliance Partnership—A True Success Story"
Catriona Macdonald, Linchpin Strategies, Inc.
· "The White Paper—A True Collaboration"
Dan Sippl, Randolph Sheppard Vendors of America
Nicky Gacos, National Association of Blind Merchants
9:45-10:00 Break
Harbor Island Foyer
10:00-11:00 Partnering with Consumer Groups—NFB
Ron Brown, Second Vice-President, National Federation of the Blind
11:00-12:00 Pathways to Independence
Deanna Jesse, Program Specialist, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Using Stimulus funds, ‘Pathways to Independence’ is a project which exemplifies partnership between the agency (NCBVI) and consumers. Working together, staff and consumers developed DVDs for individuals to use to supplement and reinforce training they receive from NCBVI Rehabilitation Teachers. Seven modules were produced: cane travel, cooking, shopping and organizing a kitchen, tasks of daily living (TDL), Braille, personal information management, and general referral information.
12:00-1:30 Director's only and one representative lunch
Executive 2A and 2B
1:30-3:00 Employment Committee—general session for all conference attendees
Moderated by Ed House and Katy Morris, Committee co-chairs
· Transition work experience
Barry Rita, Connecticut Blind
Connecticut Blind has been working collaboratively with the Workforce Boards and community partners to create more work opportunities for transitioning youth in their communities. This has afforded multiple opportunities for the youth to not only learn work skills by doing, but also to begin making connections in the communities that they reside in.
· Self-Employment
Chuck Young, Hadley School for the Blind
Hadley has worked with experts in the field of self-employment for individuals who are blind and is currently developing a course on Self Employment for both consumers and professionals in the field of blindness. It is expected to be available in early 2011.
· State Experiences in Self-Employment in Rural and Urban Settings
A panel of State Representatives will relate what has worked well in rural and urban settings in the area of Self Employment.
3:00-3:15 Break
Harbor Island Foyer
3:15-4:15 Partnering with Consumer Groups—ACB
Mitch Pomerantz, President
4:15-5:15 Independent Living Committee general session for all conference attendees
Moderated by Bill Gibson & Janet LaBreck, Committee co-chairs
Friday, November 12
7:00-8:30 Executive Committee Breakfast Meeting
Executive 2A and 2B
8:00-11:00 Exhibits
Harbor Island Foyer
8:30-9:15 Business Meeting Committee Reports Officer's Reports
Harbor Island 1
General Sessions
Harbor Island 1
9:15-9:30 Update, Brenda Cavanaugh, Research & Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision Mississippi State
9:30-9:45 Update, Pris Rogers, American Foundation for the Blind
9:45-10:00 Col. Donald Gagliano, Executive Director, Vision Center of Excellence, Department of Defense/Veterans Affairs
10:00-10:15 Break
Harbor Island Foyer
10:15-10:45 Roundtable discussion—Using ARRA Funds: Special Projects, Stopgaps, and more.
10:45-11:00 Closing Remarks—Michael Gandy, NCSAB President
11:00 Adjourn
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