[nfbmi-talk] letter to Joe Sibley about Newsline funding

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Sun Oct 3 22:37:26 UTC 2010

Dear Fellow Federationists:

            I sent a letter to Joe Sibley concerning Newsline Funding. I include it below. There is a reluctance on the part of 
MCBVI to communicate with us due to our law suit with the Michigan Commission for the Blind.

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan

20812 Ann Arbor Trail

Dearborn Heights, MI 48127

September 28, 2010

Dear Joe Sibley:

           Thank you very much for writing me concerning your views on Newsline Funding. I will address several of your concerns at 
this time.

           You indicate that the NFB uses Newsline as a marketing tool.  Such conduct would not be consistent with the purpose of 
Newsline, which is to disseminate print journalism and information that is not readily available to blind persons through any other 
means.  In other words, Newsline is exclusively an information dissemination tool.  The MCBVI is welcomed to have its own meeting 
information posted on this service, as do some chapters of the NFB of Michigan.  As a matter of fact, information about the National 
ACB conference already appears on Newsline each summer.    It is important to note that listeners who wish to be informed of the 
times and locations of area local chapter meetings, for MCBVI, local Lions clubs, NFB of Michigan or any other organizations, must 
select the appropriate category, so this kind of information is not compulsory.

You state that,  "It is my understanding that there has never been a clear breakdown of the budget of NFB Newsline which would be 
necessary to approve financial support at this level. I have also spoken with individuals more learned than I that the budget you 
propose seems excessive for the actual cost of operating NFB Newsline."

It is true that the Commission has not been given an accounting of the distribution of funds in the exercise of the Newsline 
contract.  This is only and absolutely because the Michigan Commission for the Blind does not ask for an accounting from any of its 
contractors.  Furthermore, the Commission does not even have a mechanism for monitoring the contracts that it funds in any given 
year.  We certainly believe that it would be far more responsible for the Commission to monitor or review all of its contracts on an 
annual basis, and as soon as a system is developed to do this, the NFB will immediately provide an accounting of the costs for 
Newsline.  You are also invited to inquire of the Commission, about the amount of money that was actually spent on Newsline in 2009 
and 2008.  If an accurate accounting exists you will see that this service was indeed funded at a level that is approximately 19 
percent under the contract budget for both of these years.

           In response to your concern about the cost of this service: Although the cost of the Newsline contract is listed as 
$80,000 annually, the actual charges each year generally amount to something in the neighborhood of $65,000.  Thus, the organization 
charges only actual costs.  It does not collect the entire contract fee.

 You state, "I am concerned that the NFB of Michigan is asking the Michigan Commission for the Blind to support one of it's programs 
at the same time the organization has a law suit pending against the commission."

           Law suits should not shut down the business of governmental entities. Individuals can agree to disagree. However, a 
refusal to talk and interact because of a lawsuit is not professional, and does not solve problems. It is customary for businesses 
to continue interactions during pending litigation. A refusal to do so has the potential to close down the business of one or both 
organizations. The Federation's law suit has nothing to do with Newsline, or commission service delivery of any kind.  The suit was 
filed against members of the Board, and is solely concerned with the manner in which Board meetings are conducted.

           You state, "I am troubled by the action at the recent Consumer Involvement Council meeting where the council was 
pressured to support this action. I am also concerned that the chair of the CIC allowed NFB members who are not on the council to 
speak to this issue at times other than public comment, adding additional pressure to the other council members."

           I have been urging the Commission Board and all committees to allow for open and honest discussion. This open discussion 
occurred at the Consumer Involvement Council meeting, not just for members of the NFB, but for all interested individuals who wanted

to express their views to the council. Open, honest discussions often do not follow strictly regulated formats.


Larry Posont, President

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan


Email: president.nfb.mi at gmail.com

Web page


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