[nfbmi-talk] they don't live up to this

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Sep 2 17:58:59 UTC 2010

I agree Fred and understand.

But, once again I urge each and everyone of us as individuals to request the 
same information I do.

That we can do over and over again and document the abuses.

As you all know by now my requests are not copyrighted...Smile...

I urge one and all to request public information from MCB and to make those 
requests public and to cc the Commissioners.

Very Best,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fred Wurtzel" <f.wurtzel at comcast.net>
To: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] they don't live up to this

> Hi Dave,
> Yes, there is a degree of personal accountability involved here.  You and
> Christine and others were made examples of what happens when employees 
> don't
> toe the line.  All that being said, as you point out, we have limited
> resources.  We need to use them as efficiently as possible.  We need to be
> surgical in the way we go after the changes we want.  I am simply 
> suggesting
> that if we deal with Pat, we will automatically deal with the whole
> organization. We need to remove all the cover he has.  He needs to stand 
> out
> there alone and defend himself, alone.  He made these decisions, the buck
> stops at his desk.  He loves to hide behind others and scapegoat others. 
> We
> need to prevent him from doing that. To me, that is the best use of our
> limited resources.
> I don't think we disagree on the issues.  I am only working to create a
> focused and effective strategy.  I am not even disagreeing with anyone or
> their approach, only trying to set a clear organizational strategy and
> tactics.
> Warmest Regards,
> Fred
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
> On Behalf Of David Robinson
> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 12:22 PM
> To: 'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] they don't live up to this
> Dear Fred,
>   The question still remains in regards to what is the law and what is the
> right thing to do.  Cannon may be the general in all of these illegal
> actions, but he has had plenty of followers.  Perhaps they follow because
> they are concerned about their job, but nonetheless, they made the choice 
> to
> protect their job while they sold blind people down the river.  They are
> suppose to be the employees of the State that are hired to protect
> blindcitizens and the program which the law makes available to us.  I 
> would
> disagree with ou on the decency of Zanger and Heibeck.  Both have found to
> be manipulative and caught in lies.  How decent that.   I might remind you
> that Heibeck was the other person to accompany Cannon to Hazell's 
> cafeteria
> to suspend her license.  We all have our good characteristics and our
> shortcomings, but when someone demonstrates their bad side by destroying
> programs and the lives of blind persons in Michigan, then we as the
> organized blind can consider them only as instruments who need to be 
> changed
> or removed.  We as the blind of this State are the underdog in this fight
> and we do not have the resources that Cannon has at his disposel,and he 
> and
> his foot soldiers are not decent, they only feel threatened because they 
> are
> doing what is right.
>   Let's stand strong for the blind of Michigan and not worry how someone
> feels about the blind and how we express our rights.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
> On Behalf Of Fred Wurtzel
> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 11:54 AM
> To: 'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] they don't live up to this
> Hi Joe,
> I was involved in writing some of this.  I know we (those of us who were
> writing, like Sherri Heibeck and some others) were committed to sharing
> information and using the web to communicate with the public.
> Unfortunately, in the past year, especially, Pat has created a fortress
> mentality in the Commission.  For my part, I was working for openness and
> consumer involvement.  We did not know of all the requirements as you have
> pointed out, but we would have worked to comply at that time.  None of us
> felt threatened by consumers, then.
> I am feeling that, somehow, we need to reduce the threat level without
> backing off on our demands for openness.  I think we need to reduce our
> rhetoric with regard to individual staff members, not including Pat.  Some
> staff have philosophies contrary to ours with regard to services, but even
> they will, mainly, follow the direction of their supervision.  I will say
> publicly, from my extensive experience, Connie and Sherri are decent 
> people
> who are not anti-consumer.  I understand that there have been a lot of
> actions which do not support my opinion, but I reiterate, most staff,
> including these individuals, will happily work to support their 
> supervision.
> Now there is the rub, they are following Pat's direction.  The clearest
> example is when Pat personally went to the General Office Building to
> illegally remove Hazell Brooks from her facility.  He did not send someone
> else, he did it himself, in violation of MCB, Randolph-sheppard rules and
> laws.
> So, we need to have a conversation about how to, or whether, to work to
> support staff to do the right thing and keep up and increase the pressure 
> on
> Pat to follow the law.
> There is my two cents worth.
> Warmest Regards,
> Fred
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
> On Behalf Of joe harcz Comcast
> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 10:44 AM
> To: Jo Anne Pilarski MCB, Chair; Michael Geno MCB Vice-Chair
> Cc: Michael Geno MCB Vice-Chair; nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org; John Scott MCB,
> Commissioner; Margaret Wolfe MCB, Commissioner
> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] they don't live up to this
> June 23, 2010
> Here is the Michigan Commission for the Blind Long Term Strategic Plan 
> that
> I downloaded from MCB's web site today. It was in the resources for staff
> section of MCB's web site. How much of this "vision" has been facilitated? 
> I
> certainly like the part about sharing information on demand here.
> Joe Harcz
> http://www.michigan.gov/dleg/0,1607,7-154-28077_28313_28319_28324_32052-1458
> 65--,00.html
> DELEG - Long Term Strategic Plan FY2004-2007
> Long Term Strategic Plan FY2004-2007
> M E M O R A N D U M
> TO:          MCB Staff
> FROM:     The MCB Planning and Quality (PAQ) Team
> DATE:       August 29, 2003
> RE:           MCB Long Term Strategic Plan
> Over the past year, MCB's Planning and Quality (PAQ) Team has been 
> involved
> in designing and developing the Michigan Commission for the Blind's Long
> Term
> Strategic Plan which you will find attached to this memo. (Also attached 
> are
> the notes from the PAQ Team's last meeting, August 12.)  This team is
> comprised
> of members of the original Vision 2020 Process Design Team, agency
> supervisors, consumers and other stakeholders.  As a result of numerous
> planning activities,
> the PAQ Team has designed a pilot planning process for determining short
> term and long term objectives for the various programs within the
> Commission.
> The Long Term Strategic Plan is still a work in progress.   Many of us 
> have
> been invited and involved in designing and developing this plan over the
> last
> year.   It is an outline of the excellence we expect of ourselves as we 
> all
> strive to deliver quality services through the year 2007 and beyond.
> We now ask you to do the following:
> 1.                 Every individual staff member needs to review the Long
> Term Strategic Plan and decide what goals you will implement personally
> toward
> achieving the ideals outlined in the Plan.
> 2.                 Offices and program units should brainstorm a whole
> variety of ideas, suggestions and objectives in developing their local
> annual work
> plan.
> 3.                 Managers and staff should work together with partners 
> to
> design collaborative commitments to include in the local version of the
> annual
> work plan.
> 4.                 Each office will produce a local annual work plan by 
> the
> end of October to be used in achieving MCB's long-term strategic goals.
> This is an experimental system to create planning capacity, flexibility 
> and
> adaptability in Commission offices around the state.  It is a pilot 
> process
> to encourage staff in experimenting with new ideas.
> The PAQ team will work to combine all the local plans to produce an annual
> work plan for the whole agency by the end of the year.
> Thanks to each of you for your active participation in this important
> process which will help set the course for MCB in designing customer
> responsive service
> systems.
> Through 2007
> August 29, 2003
> The Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB) began a quality systems design
> process to redefine how MCB serves the community.   Commission staff
> received
> training through the Capital Quality Initiative (CQI) at Lansing Community
> College.  In January 2000, Director Patrick Cannon and the MCB Executive
> Management
> Team directed a newly organized Vision 2020 Process Design Team with a
> charge to create new quality systems for MCB.
> The Process Design Team worked for two years in an inclusive process to
> learn the priorities of customers, partners, stakeholders, and agency 
> staff.
> The
> Process Design Team held meetings around the state to provide Commission
> staff, customers, partners and stakeholders with opportunities to dialogue
> regarding
> the quality process.  Recommendations were gathered and published on the 
> 2020 listserv, which was created for the purpose of sharing information in
> the MCB community.  The first set of recommendations was presented to the
> Executive Management Team in the summer of 2001.
> The Process Design Team learned that the Commission for the Blind should
> create a customer responsive service delivery system.  In order to provide
> such
> a system, the team recommended a number of "tilting strategies" and values
> that place emphasis on building relationships.  The Team recommended four
> strategic
> initiatives focused on developing customer responsive services:
> 1.  Visioning ideal systems and services
> 2.  Strategic thinking and planning
> 3.  Implementing quality systems
> 4.  Continuous learning approach
> These initiatives were identified and proposed as an ongoing context for
> further development of the MCB strategic plan.
> The Vision 2020 Process Design Team was expanded to include managers,
> supervisors and others to form the Planning and Quality (PAQ) Team.  In 
> the
> fall of
> 2001, the PAQ Team formed six focus design teams.  These teams worked with
> customers and staff sorting through gathered information in order to
> identify
> the vital priorities for a short-term plan.  Additionally, the PAQ Team 
> used
> all customer and staff contributions to create a long-term strategic plan.
> The Michigan Commission for the Blind community is grateful for the effort
> of so many who have given their best thinking to this process.
> What follows is our long-term strategic plan.  What we have learned is 
> that
> strategic planning is a continuous visioning and learning process that 
> will
> require the effort of everyone in our community in order to meet the
> challenges of the future.
> The MCB motto is "Changing lives, changing attitudes."  The philosophy of
> MCB envisions a world where people achieve self-sufficiency and 
> independence
> within
> a society that understands and accepts blindness.  This reflects our 
> intent
> to become a place where all of our actions model what we expect of 
> society.
> There are seven principles and values that encourage customers, staff,
> partners and stakeholders to be mutually involved in the ongoing process 
> of
> strategic
> thinking, designing, and planning for the future.
> The principles serve as roadside markers on the journey to full inclusion 
> of
> people who are blind and otherwise disabled.  The goal is leaderful
> empowerment,
> independence, accountability and full inclusion into the mainstream of a
> global society.  The MCB PAQ Team formally adopted the following "Tilting
> Principles
> and Values," as a reminder to keep people at the forefront of our 
> thinking.
> 1.   CUSTOMER RESPONSIVE SERVICES:  Systems are the single most important
> result.  Everything implemented in MCB must be designed to achieve the 
> goal
> of
> creating a customer responsive service system.
> 2.    TRUST AND RELATIONSHIPS:  These values are at the core of everything
> we do.  Every action taken will build trust and enhance relationships 
> among
> all
> who participate.  We must ask ourselves: does the proposed activity build
> trust?
> 3.    INVOLVING AND INFORMING EVERYONE: This is the process of sharing all
> the information all of the time.  It creates a pool of new ideas and
> strategies
> shared with all constituents and communities.  It fosters a world that 
> fully
> includes people who are blind in all aspects of society.
> 4.   VISIONING AND TEAM LEARNING:  MCB stakeholders are focused on the
> future, creating new capacities to meet the ever-changing needs of people
> with vision
> loss.  Team learning creates the energy and knowledge to keep customers 
> and
> staff at the cutting edge of the latest information and technology.
> 5.   IMAGINING INNOVATIVE POSSIBILITIES: Creating a whole systems mindset
> helps us foster holistic thinking, collaboration, and team building.  We
> consciously
> explore possibilities and develop strategies for customer responsive
> services.
> 6.   DIALOGUE CIRCLES: This is a process that encourages positive
> conversations in an open organization.   In dialogue circles, participants
> come to the
> table as equals and listen, learn, share and ask questions.  This process
> helps us focus on increasing agency capacities to serve our customers.
> 7.    TILTING: This is a symbol that reminds us to tilt toward customer
> responsive services.  The stakeholders are shifting their perspectives 
> from
> vertical
> to horizontal, from exclusion to inclusion, from client to customer, and
> from customer to partner.
> This list of six strategic goals provides the direction for all 
> stakeholders
> to follow as we work together to create a seamless service system for our
> mutual
> clients.
> 1.   LEADERSHIP RESULTS: Strengthen the values and mission to assure that
> all needed services are being provided either by the Commission or in
> collaboration
> with other partners.
> A.   Strengthen partnerships with the Department of Education, the School
> for the Blind, the Library for the Blind, and Camp Tuhsmeheta.  Enhance
> services
> for blind children and adults consistent with Public Act 260.
> B.  Continuously improve and implement customer responsive services.
> 2.   PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION: Plan, organize, staff, and position the
> agency to deliver the best possible quality services.
> A.   Use alternative human resources such as creative staffing methods,
> interns, volunteers, and service clubs, as ways to supplement and augment
> staff
> to serve more people.
> B.  Develop collaborative opportunities with partners to mutually improve
> service delivery.
> 3.    RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT:  Secure adequate budget, staffing, and
> technology resources to deliver exemplary client services.
> A.    Increase MCB's share of Michigan'sfederal funds for rehabilitation.
> B.     Increase state financial support.
> C.   Secure foundation grants and substantial gifts to supplement state 
> and
> federal funds.
> 4.    CUSTOMER RESPONSIVE SERVICE SYSTEMS: Establish an improved customer
> responsive service delivery system, which is user friendly and effective 
> to
> staff
> and customers.
> A.    Continuously improve the processes for staff recognition, increased
> teamwork, pay equity, flextime, and meaningful work that will ultimately
> benefit
> clients through improved morale and quality services.
> B.   Improve accountability and timeliness of agency services.  Staff,
> customers, partners and stakeholders will increase communication and
> understanding
> of mutual expectations and responsibilities.
> C.   Continue staff, customer, partner and stakeholder involvement in the
> design, development and implementation of policies.
> D.   Increase capacity of ALL programs to serve all customers who need
> independent living skills.
> E.   Develop a formal tracking system for better data collection to 
> evaluate
> all programs and improve customer responsive services.
> F.    Develop improved methods of determining client satisfaction with
> agency and partner services.
> 5.   TECHNOLOGY AND PROCESS MANAGEMENT: Increase the application of
> appropriate innovative technology to improve the efficiency and
> effectiveness of people
> and systems, and the full inclusion of people who are blind in the
> mainstream of society.
> A.   Provide premier technology training and equipment that allows 
> customers
> to develop competitive skills, to enter into employment, and to fully
> participate
> in employer training and other job activities.
> B.  Provide state-of-the-art hardware, software and training that allows
> each MCB employee to optimize productivity.
> C.  Support collection, processing and dissemination of data and 
> information
> that allows decisions to be made throughout the agency that will respond 
> to
> changes and developments inside and outside the organization.   Provide
> internal and external customers with information about blindness and the
> progress
> of the Commission on demand.
> 6.  OUTREACH, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS: To better serve the citizens
> of Michigan, strive to increase awareness of the agency statewide, improve
> outreach
> efforts in the communities, and enhance communication between MCB, its
> customers, and community partners.
> A.     Monitor increased visibility throughout the years as the state uses 
> a
> variety of methods such as new brochures, videos, speaking events, and the
> Agency's 25th year anniversary celebrations to increase awareness.
> B.  Increase MCB's accessibility through a variety of methods, such as an
> easy-to-find phone number and continuous improvement of the MCB website 
> and
> other
> communication strategies.
> C.  Share "success stories" to demonstrate the accomplishments of people 
> who
> are blind so that employers and others will learn what a person who is 
> blind
> can achieve.
> When this Strategic Plan is fully implemented, MCB customers, partners,
> stakeholders and staff may be closer to realizing a vision that is shared 
> by
> many.
> This vision, first expressed by Director Patrick Cannon to the MCB staff 
> in
> 1998, states that:  "Someday it will be said that if a person is going to
> be blind, she/he could not be in a better place than Michigan. Someday our
> state will be such a place because (1) Michigan's education and
> rehabilitation
> systems believe fully in the capacity of blind persons to achieve
> independence and provides the finest array of education and rehabilitation
> services in
> the country, (2) blind persons in Michigan believe in themselves, (3) the
> general public has a positive image of blind persons and their 
> capabilities,
> and (4) the state's employer community demonstrates its belief in the
> capabilities of blind persons."  This is a corollary to Governor 
> Granholm's
> vision.
> Governor Granholm's vision is to create a Michigan that is:
> .         A positive and healthy high-technology state that is good for
> people in jobs
> .         A Michigan that is able to attract the most creative and 
> energetic
> individuals
> .         A state with cool cities that offer the most livable and diverse
> communities in America
> The Governor challenges all leaders when she says:  "The
> most important leaders in any organization are those who create
> the culture of integrity, creativity, excellence, respect, inclusion,
> and engagement."
> Michigan Business One Stop
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