[nfbmi-talk] Fw: Status of Joseph Harcz FOIA Requests

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Sep 20 17:49:14 UTC 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Farmer, Mel (DELEG) 
To: joe harcz Comcast 
Cc: Wyeth, Duncan (DELEG) ; Cannon, Patrick (DELEG) ; Haynes, Carla (DELEG) ; Jurus, Janet (DELEG) 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 1:11 PM
Subject: FW: Status of Joseph Harcz FOIA Requests

This notice is in follow-up to my September 17, 2010 letter and email response to your August 26, 

2010 email request to Mr. Duncan Wyeth, Mr. Patrick Cannon, and others for copies of Michigan 

Commission for the Blind (MCB) public records referred to in your request. As indicated in my 

September 17, 2010 communications, the Department is processing your request under the 

states' Freedom of Information Act (FOIA, MCL 15.21 et seq. As further indicated, processing  

portions of your request is extremely labor intensive and time consuming due to the number of 

that must be searched for, retrieved, reviewed to separate exempt from nonexempt material, and 

converted/transformed into accessible formats. 


In my September 17, 2010 communications, the Department electronically forwarded you copies 

of the following documents  responsive to your request:

--State of Michigan Budget Process

--FY 2009-10 Michigan Commission for the Blind Internal Operating Budget

--August 26, 2010 In Service Budget Training for Commission Members Agenda


As also stated in the September 17, 2010 communications, the Department would be forwarding 

you copies of certain other documents as retrieved and converted/transformed to an accessible 

format. Thusly, attached are copies of the following MCB records responsive to your request:

--911 Report (the "standards and indicators" are included in the MCB State Plan previously sent

  to you).

--Regional Services Administration (RSA) 15 Report of Vending Facility Program 

--Regional Services Administration (RSA)-Annual Vocational Rehabilitation Program/Cost Report

--Regional Services Administration (RSA) 113 for FY09 Report 


When other records are identified and determined to be responsive to the August 26, 2010 

request, they will be processed accordingly and forwarded to you.










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