[nfbmi-talk] {Spam?} THE SOUNDING BOARD

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 16:31:17 UTC 2011

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Here is New Jersey's Newsletter. I thought Federationists from Michigan might like to read it.


Spring 2011

Katherine Gabry, Editor

Jerilyn Higgins, Co-editor

Published in print, by e-mail, on the Web, through Newsline and AudioVision by

The National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey


Joseph Ruffalo, President

State Affiliate Office

254 Spruce Street

Bloomfield, NJ 07003

e-mail: nfbnj at yahoo.com

Letters to the President, address changes, subscription requests,

letters to the Editor and articles for The Sounding Board should be sent to the

State Affiliate Office or e-mailed to specialk38 at aol.com. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all articles for space 
and/or clarity considerations.

Please Note: The deadline for the Fall issue is October 1, 2011.

Sounding Board subscriptions cost the Federation about six dollars per year.  Members are invited and non-members are requested to 
cover the subscription cost.  Donations should be made payable to the

National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey

and sent to the State Affiliate Office.

The Sounding Board has been printed by Budget Print of Bloomfield, NJ.

A grant from the Fund for New Jersey Blind assists in our production costs.

To subscribe via Newsline, please contact Bill Dougherty at 800-792-8322.

If you or a friend would like to remember the National Federation of the Blind

of New Jersey in your will, you can do so by employing the following language:

"I give, devise and bequeath unto the National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey, 254 Spruce Street, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, a 
non-profit corporation,

the sum of $__ (or "__ percent of my net estate" or "The following stocks and bonds: __") to be used for its worthy purposes on 
behalf of blind persons."


Presidential Message, by Joe Ruffalo                                                                                          4

Legislative News, by Lynn Reynolds                                                                                            6

Budget Crisis 2011: Commission Cuts 30% of Teaching Staff, by Carol Castellano       7

Legislative Testimony, by Linda Halm                                                                                          9

>From a 1914 State Budget Hearing, contributed by Pam Gaston                                     10

Holiday Season Wrap-Up, by Suzanne Woolbert                                                                  13

My Massage School Experience, by Rania Ismail                                                                  14

NJ Transit Offers New Alert System                                                                                          15

The Faith Healer Cometh, by Barry Brindisi                                                                            16

Looking Good Without Looking Now on ThruOurEyes, by Linda Zani Thomas            18

I Saw a Blind Person Driving! by Evelyn Valdez                                                                     20

My "Outstanding Student" Experience, by Hamlet Diaz                                                     20

NFB Newsline Now Offers Job Listings                                                                                     21

The TBBC is Coming to a Library Near You, by Anne McArthur                                         22

Covering the Bases set for July 29, by Pam Gaston                                                              22

>From the Kitchen of Jerilyn Higgins                                                                                           23

NFBNJ Chapter News 

NFBNJ Programs, Associations & Divisions News                                                                 27

NFBNJ Contact Info 


     The National Federation of the Blind is an organization where the blind and interested sighted persons can come together to 
plan and carry out programs to improve the quality of life of the blind; to provide a means of collective action for parents of 
blind children; to promote the vocational, cultural and social advancement of the blind; to achieve the integration of the blind 
into society on a basis of equality with the sighted; and to take action which will improve the overall condition and standard of 
living of the blind.  The Federation works toward the removal of legal, economic and social barriers to full participation by blind 
people in all aspects of community life.

     The National Federation of the Blind is an organization of the blind speaking for themselves.


     I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity and 
security for the blind; to support the programs and policies of the Federation; and to abide by its constitution.

Greetings fellow Federationists!

The National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey continues to grow and evolve, with more people than ever involved and benefiting 
from our activities not only  here in New Jersey but also across the country. At present, we're a conglomeration of eight chapters, 
seven divisions, and nine programs and projects. Congratulations to the members of the At-Large Chapter for reaching two years of 
changing what it means to be blind. Our monthly conference calls have assisted our members in their personal growth as individuals, 
which, in turn, has added to the development of our State Affiliate and our national organization.  At-Large Chapter members will be 
assisting in the establishment of a chapter in the Atlantic County area and in setting up and chairing a statewide Senior Committee. 
In addition, the Ocean County Chapter has a new president, Michael Halm. Many thanks to Mary Dockery and her husband Tom for their 
interest in building and maintaining this chapter for so many years.

One of our programs, ThruOurEyes.org, is the beneficiary of an Imagination Fund grant that was awarded to our State Affiliate and 
the Northeast Chapter. ThruOurEyes is our Internet radio broadcast under the nimble direction of the multi-talented Lenny Azzarone. 
In this issue of The Sounding Board, Lenny announces new ways to watch and listen to our shows. Please take notice of this article 
and join us on ThruOurEyes.org. In addition, the State Affiliate and the students' division received grants to conduct seminars on 
leadership and membership building. The State Affiliate's program will be held in Baltimore in early September, and the students' 
activity will be conducted in May in Northern New Jersey. Contact Evelyn Valdez at tweetybaby19 at comcast.net for additional 
information on the students' activity. Look for more information pertaining to all our chapters, divisions, programs and projects 
starting on page 24 of this issue. And, with so much happening, I hope everyone is regularly visiting the national and state 
websites - www.nfb.org and www.nfbnj.org - for even more information pertaining to our goal of changing what it means to be blind. 
Please be sure to visit www.raceforindependence.org to see how you can make a difference.  We all need to support this effort.

In this issue of The Sounding Board, you'll witness the determination, drive and desire from our members as they work to achieve 
their goals in education, employment and changing what it means to be blind. Please pay special attention to the articles written by 
Linda Halm and Carol Castellano that highlight the cuts proposed to the education of our kids. For additional information, please 
contact Carol at 973-377-0976 or by e-mail at blindchildren at verizon.net. We need your involvement to make a difference!

The National Convention will be held in Orlando at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel (phone 866-966-6338) Sunday, July 3 through the 
evening of Friday, July 8.  I urge all of you to make the effort to attend this largest gathering of blind persons in the country. 
Please visit www.nfb.org for convention details and much more.

A special thanks to Beatrice Oliveti, our state secretary, for her assistance in forwarding information to all on our e-mail lists. 
To stay in the know, please send your contact information to Bea at Beatrice.Oliveti at gmail.com and in the subject line, please write 
"Add to NFBNJ E-mail List."

 On a special note: my wife Judy and I attended the wedding of our son Jim as he married Kelly Sloan on Sunday, March 27 in Long 
Island.  It was a great ceremony and they thank you all for your good wishes.

Important Dates

·        May 22: New Jersey Association of Blind Students will host a hands-on workshop. Contact Evelyn Valdez at 
tweetybaby19 at comcast.net or Shafeka Hashash at shahas at bergen.org

·        July 3 - 8, 2011: National Convention, Orlando, Florida

·        July 17 - July  23: Youth SLAM, Baltimore

·        August 15: Getting ready for the State Convention! Get your ideas for agenda items in before this date.

·                September 9 - 11: NFBNJ Leadership/membership building seminar, Baltimore

·        October 1: Deadline for the fall issue of The Sounding Board.  Submit your articles to Kathy Gabry at specialk38 at aol.com or 
Jerilyn Higgins at jdhiggins3 at verizon.net

·        October: Meet the Blind Month activities conducted by our members at sites throughout the state

·        November 11 - 13: NFBNJ's 35th th annual State Convention in Clark, at the Crowne Plaza. The theme is "Making a 
 Difference."  Parents of Blind Children will celebrate its 20th anniversary and will be highlighted.

As we move forward in the mission of our organization, please keep in mind these ten words, each with two letters: "If it is to be, 
it is up to me." Don't wait for someone else to make a difference. Get involved!


                                                                    Joseph Ruffalo, President


By Lynn Reynolds, Legislative Coordinator

The Washington Seminar was held January 31 - February 4, 2011.  Over 20 members of the New Jersey delegation, including six LEAD 
students and their mentors, made the trip to Washington. There were three issues brought up for discussion with our congressional 
representatives.  Here is a brief overview of each issue:

Issue 1: The Technology Bill of Rights for the Blind

Purpose:  To mandate that consumer electronics, home appliances, kiosks and electronic office technology provide user interfaces and 
software that are accessible through nonvisual means.

Issue 2:  Ensuring Equal Education for Blind Children

Purpose:  To establish a commission within the Department of Education to set uniform national standards for the education of blind 
students in grades K-12.

Issue 3: Americans with Disabilities Business Opportunity Act

Purpose:  To unleash the entrepreneurial capacity of Americans with disabilities in order to reduce the staggering unemployment rate 
among these individuals and welcome them into the mainstream of American business.

At the time of this writing, the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired has proposed cutbacks that drastically affect the 
education unit which will, in turn, impact Braille instruction for children in our state. Carol Castellano is working very hard 
along with other parents to ensure that this will not occur. Please be sure to read her article starting on the next page.

As you may be aware, the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act was signed into law on January 4, 2011.  We do make a difference! Thank 
you to all of you who continue to make calls when action is requested.  To be added to the Legislative Alert list, please contact me 
at lhr1827 at optonline.net with your e-mail information.


By Carol Castellano, President, POBC-NJ

Editor's Note: A nationally recognized advocate for children who are blind and their families, Carol is one of the founders of 
Parents of Blind Children-New Jersey, and is a past president of the National Organization of Parents of Blind Children.

Parents of blind and visually impaired children in New Jersey have been engaged in a major legislative advocacy effort this spring 
to save our children's education services.  Since Feb. 22, when Vito DeSantis, Executive Director of the NJ Commission for the 
Blind, announced that the Commission would be "eliminating the position of 10-month instructor," and thereby cutting 20 of its 60 
teachers of the blind, we have been sending out alerts, contacting legislators, testifying at hearings, writing letters to the 
editor and talking to reporters.

Unfortunately, after the initial announcement of the cut, all our attempts to communicate and gain further information and 
understanding about this drastic move were rebuffed by the Commission's executive director.  We were told that a meeting would be 
set up and we would receive further information at that time.  The meeting was indeed set up, but for March 30-a full five weeks 

During the five-week information and communication blackout, we managed to get the information we needed from other sources in order 
to mount our advocacy campaign.  Many POBC-NJ parents and students testified at the Assembly and Senate budget committee hearings 
across the state, bringing the issue to the attention of legislators.  Many legislators expressed concern about the situation after 
hearing our testimony.  One, however, posted a press release containing misleading information he says he received from the 
Department of Human Services.  One of the claims in this release was that the cut had been done in consultation with advocates for 
the blind!  The testimonies gained us a good deal of press and were powerful enough to raise our issue to the top of the Department 
of Human Services list this year.

The March 30 meeting was billed as a "stakeholders" meeting.  However, when 12 of the parents showed up at the Department of Human 
Services offices in Trenton to attend, a most unfortunate event took place: incredibly, THEY WERE NOT ALLOWED IN!  We don't 
understand this appallingly disrespectful behavior toward those with the real stake in the outcome-parents of the children whose 
services we fear will be drastically reduced-and hope that at some point an explanation and apology will be offered.

Joe Ruffalo and I attended the meeting which consisted of mostly service providers, rather than true stakeholders.  Instead of an 
open meeting in which we discussed the cut and its ramifications, as we were initially told, the meeting was set up to discuss how 
our organizations could help in this "reform" effort!  Joe observed that some of the service providers in attendance were going to 
"get a piece of the pie."   When we attempted to ask our original questions, we were treated as if we were not team players and not 
following the rules.  It was a most disappointing and upsetting day on many counts.

The next event in our legislative effort was to attend the Assembly budget hearing in early April when the budget committee 
questioned chief staffers of the Department of Human Services and the Commission for the Blind.  At this hearing, the Commission 
began referring to the cut as "an innovation," claiming that somehow having 30% fewer teachers will be more efficient and will give 
the children more services, not less.  Assembly Budget Committee vice-chair Gary Schaer reacted to the Commission's numbers with 
skepticism.  In addition, committee chairman Louis Greenwald, who referred to the many blind students who testified as evidence of 
the program's success, asked why the Commission would be talking about cutting back such a successful program.

      The next step in our effort will be to attend the Senate budget committee hearing on May 2, when Senate committee members will 
question the department heads.  We will keep you posted regarding dates, events, plans and information updates through our ongoing 
e-mail alerts.  A profound thank you to all who have participated in this effort so far.  We still need your energy, your passion 
and your commitment as we continue to communicate with our legislative offices so that we can save the education of blind children 
in our state.

Find out more about this issue online:

"Christie's proposed $1.5M in budget cuts to Commission on (sic) the Blind spark partisan battle," April 8, 2011

"Staff reductions won't affect N.J. students, Commission of the Blind chief says," April 7, 2011

"N.J. budget proposal would slash jobs of teachers of the blind," March 9, 2011


By Linda Halm

Editor's Note: Linda, longtime first vice president of POBC, sent this letter to Assemblyman Greenwald.

Members of our organization are deeply troubled by the information that the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired will be 
cutting 1/3rd of its teachers of the blind and visually impaired.  I have to question why all the cuts will come from services to 

As a parent of a blind son, I have experienced the fears and uncertainty of what the future would hold for my son.  My child has a 
degenerative eye condition and so his vision was often changing for the worse.  What worked one year, often no longer worked the 
next year.  The Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired was and still is the "expert" that schools and teachers turn to in 
order to learn what to do, what to use and what not to do, to properly educate blind children.  I am using the term blind to include 
those students who also are visually impaired and the term TVI for Teachers of the Visually Impaired.

Even years ago when my son was school age, the heavy caseload of these TVIs allowed for only limited availability to each student. 
These are the people who would teach a child Braille, not the regular classroom teacher.  These are the people who instruct the 
classroom teacher as to glare and lighting problems, suggestions for safe science labs and many other situations that may occur 
during the normal school day for any student.  These services are core services and our children cannot be successful without them.

It is unacceptable that blind students should get less than basic accommodations in order to be able to learn.  We are now being 
told that this will be done with 20 less TVIs, some with over 20 years of experience teaching Braille and blind children.   It's 
just not possible.  Students and schools will be deprived of the services necessary to educate the blind children of NJ.  This will 
affect those who are most vulnerable and who are too young to have any say in the matter.

Of the 600 students directly affected, 63 are Braille learners, 21 are babies, 52 are preschoolers and 292 have multiple 
disabilities. 276 schools will be directly affected.  And in the end, all of the over 2,400 children will be indirectly affected.

I urge you to please not allow this cut to the education of blind children.  Do not approve the removal of these core services to 
New Jersey's blind kids.

from a 1914 nj state budget hearing

Contributed by Pam Gaston

Editor's Note: Pam found this testimony by Lydia Hayes, Supervisor of the Commission for the Blind, in a search of archived 
documents at the NJ State Library. We find the message regarding the value of "work" in this testimony as appropriate today as it 
was nearly 100 years ago.

I have planned this paper so that at the close there will be time to ask questions. If I have not made certain points clear, I would 
like to have you ask for further and fuller explanation.

I want to make one statement: That the work of the New Jersey Commission for the Blind has only been carried on for about three 
years. It is nine years since the first call came from New Jersey to Massachusetts to come over into New Jersey and organize State 
work for the blind.

As intelligent sympathy is necessary in solving all social problems, let us turn our attention to the landmarks which stand out most 
prominently in New Jersey's work for the blind, as conducted by the commission especially appointed to this work in November, 1909. 
This commission consists of five unsalaried citizens of this State (at least one of whom shall be a blind person) appointed by the 
Governor for a term of three years.

The commissioners, recognizing the inalienable right of the individual, whatever his age or condition, whether blind or sighted, to 
that education which will free his powers to express the highest and best that is within him, secured in 1910 the Legislative 
enactment removing the age limit, which formerly excluded blind persons under eight and over 19 years of age from training. The 
present appropriation of $20,000 affords educational opportunities to all the blind youth of this State who desire institutional 
training at the New York Institution for the Blind, New York City, where 19 blind pupils are in attendance, and at the Pennsylvania 
Institution for the Instruction of the Blind, Overbrook, Pennsylvania, where 15 pupils are studying. At these two well-equipped 
institutions, pupils secure thorough elementary training in the common branches. They also pursue definite courses in manual and 
physical training, and they have an unusual opportunity to study the history, art and composition of music. From this appropriation 
seven blind babies are cared for at the Arthur Home for Blind Babies, Summit, NJ, at the rate of $330 per capita per annum. Mr. J. 
P. Byers, State Commissioner of Charities, has charge of the expenditure of this $20,000 appropriation.

The leading educators of the blind in this country have always recognized the reciprocal advantages of teaching the blind with the 
sighted, but it is only in the largest cities that this method is practicable. The simplification and improvement of apparatus and 
the consequent decrease in the cost of its production have played an important part in the solution of the problem. The education of 
the blind should be twofold: the individual and his responsibility to the community, and the community's understanding of the 
capabilities of the individual. This can best be done under normal conditions, where the blind and sighted live at home and pursue 
similar studies and interests. Advancement was made along these lines in New Jersey in 1911 by the passage of a bill requiring each 
school board having 10 or more blind children in its district, to open a class in connection with its public schools with a special 
teacher and apparatus. Prior to the passage of this bill at the close of 1910, Dr. Poland organized such a class in Newark, which at 
present has nine pupils. A year later Jersey City opened another such class with seven pupils. The establishment of these special 
classes is developing a fine spirit of cooperation between the sighted and the blind, and will do away with the heart-breaks of many 
who, on their return home from a well-equipped school, find that neither they nor their sighted friends understand conditions.

The Legislature of 1913 granted tuition and a reader to each worthy blind student desiring a college education, but made no 
appropriation for its execution.

During 1912, five blind teachers have given 4,247 lessons to 248 blind persons at the pupils' homes throughout the State and have 
worked in 18 counties, leaving only Hunterdon, Sussex and Somerset as yet without help.

These lessons have been in reading and writing the various embossed types, knitting, crocheting, hand and machine sewing, raffia and 
reed basketry, chair seating, hammock making and weaving on hand looms. Many messages have come to headquarters from all parts of 
the State, expressing the pleasure and profit received by the blind from the home teachers. One woman notices a marked improvement 
in her health over the previous year. Another, hearing of a man recently blinded, would not rest nor give the man or his family any 
peace until he, too, applied for the services of a home teacher. The relatives of other blind persons have expressed gratitude for 
the suggested ways of helping the blind. So we are assured that the home teachers are, by example and precept, training their pupils 
to recognize the sweetness of adversity and helping transform an "Enchainment into an Enchantment." All are gaining a deeper insight 
into the truth of the power of the endless life, and all realize more fully that each has the ability to further or retard the 
happiness of those about him.

The privilege of work is everything in the intellectual and spiritual development. The world may not need any man's work, but the 
man needs it. He expands under its difficulties and problems, his faculties grow alert, his perceptions become sensitive. That the 
blind might be encouraged to produce salable work, Mrs. S. J. Churchill, of Montclair, NJ, raised a fund with which to pay for such 
work when completed. This fund enabled us to employ a blind stenographer for 20 weeks. The balance, together with further donations 
and reimbursements from sales, from June 20, 1910, to the present, amounting to $1,171.83, has been disbursed among the blind 
throughout the State.

In order that the public may know the blind in their respective communities and become familiar with their capabilities, and also 
that the market for their work may be extended, addresses, demonstrations and sales of work for and by the blind have been given in 
16 different cities in New Jersey.

In these days of labor-saving machinery, it is difficult even for the sighted to earn a livelihood by means of their hands. It is, 
therefore, impossible for those handicapped by blindness to compete with the sighted and machinery in the industrial struggle. One 
manufacturer is putting up a high grade breakfast cocoa, which he furnishes at cost to the blind, to sell from their homes. This 
they may obtain from the headquarters of the commission at 859 Broad Street, Newark, NJ, where, in connection with the office, the 
commission maintains a classroom, to which the adult blind come daily for instruction. Music lessons are given to blind children in 
the Newark public schools and the work of the blind is on exhibition and sale, and orders for piano tuning and chair seating are 

Realizing the vital importance of the prevention of blindness in infants, the Legislature passed a law authorizing the State Board 
of Health to provide every registered physician and midwife with a copy of the law and mailing tubes of the prophylactic to be used 
in prevention. An appropriation was made for the execution of this law in 1911. In 1912 the State Board of Health voted that blank 
certificates of birth must contain the question, "What preventive for ophthalmia neonatoram did you use? If none, state the reason 
therefore." The commission and the Commissioner of Labor are considering possible ways of preventing blindness caused by industrial 
accidents and improper lighting of factories.

Just here let me sound a note of warning. Do not overwork one of the most precious gifts of God. In your system of education 
remember that sight is but one of five senses. Conserve vision by developing and using the other five. Never strain your eyes by 
reading lying down or in a poor light. I am glad that my eight years of physical sight were spent on our frontier, and that there 
Nature spoke a various language and I learned to yield myself to her perfect whole, because her beauty appealed to every perceptive 
faculty. There is as much beauty and variety in the sounds of nature as in its color and form, and you may enjoy both. If you do 
not, you are not living up to your full opportunities. When you have learned to hear the beauties of the mountainside on a clear 
winter's morning and to listen to the song of the mountain brook in its various moods at different seasons, then you will find a new 
richness in nature; and in the pastoral music of the great masters for it is sounds rather than colors that they are reproducing.


By Suzanne Woolbert

Editor's Note: Suzanne is the proud mom of two bright and active children, Bryan 12, who is legally blind, and Lauren, 9. When she's 
not hovering in the background critiquing Bryan's piano lessons and performances or overseeing his church youth group, she may be at 
the local roller rink with Lauren or on the soccer field. Suzanne works for CBVI as a Rehab Teacher in the Southern Regional Office 
in Hammonton. After attending her first NFB State Convention, Suzanne became an active member of the At-Large Chapter. She believes 
strongly in making a difference in the lives of the blind, and changing what it means to be blind in America today.

 Although it was a blustery and snowy day in some parts of the Garden State,
95 brave souls attended the second annual After the Holidays Party at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Clarke. In the Grand Ballroom, 
guests were greeted warmly, many mentioned by name by our president, Joe Ruffalo. The room was bright and cozy, and the sounds of 
young musicians, eager to please, could be heard from the door. While the kids warmed up and got acquainted with each other, adults 
mingled and greeted friends, new and old.

As party-goers began to settle into their seats, a gourmet salad accompanied by warm rolls and butter appeared on tables, along with 
pitchers of water and soft drinks. We all began to dive in, while being entertained by our first performer, Matthew Whitaker, with a 
jazz tune on his organ. Only 9 years old and a student at the Lighthouse International and the Harlem School for the Arts, and 
already becoming well known in the metro music world, Matthew shared his gift and wowed the audience. Matthew was followed by other 
talents: Shajeda Cupido, with a gorgeous, flawless rendition of Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire, Bryan Woolbert, with a medley of 
Christmas tunes he arranged himself, and Angie Cocuzza in harmony with Caroline Ingal, Kaylin, Cavaluzzo and Samantha Corgasco from 
Basking Ridge High School in two melodic pieces sung a capella. Mr. Ruffalo shared the job of MC with 10-year-old Hank Miller, who 
delighted the audience with his jokes.

Everyone enjoyed a delectable main course, and a silent auction and door prizes -- favorites among the crowd - helped to raise 
funds. Luscious carrot cake, coffee and tea followed, but were soon upstaged by Santa Clause himself. Santa in all his finery and 
ho-ho-ho-ing enchanted the young children and grown-ups alike.

The party concluded on a high note, with warm embraces from friends new and
old, and promises to keep in touch. Trinkets that had been won were gathered up while party-goers began to make their way to the 
elevators, with bellies full and joyful music still ringing in their ears.


By Rania Ismail

Editor's Note: Rania, a former LEAD student, learned her lessons well. Her determination and hard work have given her the 
opportunity to complete what she started. Rania is an active member of the At-Large Chapter of the affiliate. Keep up the great 
work, Rania!

Since I was 14 years old, I wanted to become a massage therapist. I had sustained a neck injury that had left me in chronic pain, 
and at the time, massage therapy was the only thing that gave me any relief.  It was from then on that I knew I wanted to become a 
massage therapist.  I could give others who lived with chronic pain the same kind of relief I was receiving myself.After attending 
an 8-month program at Blind Industries and Services of Maryland, I did some research on massage schools.  I found out that my local 
community college offered a massage therapy program. I decided to try it.While I was researching whether the Commission for the 
Blind would assist me with funds, I faced a lot of discouragement.  Some people didn't believe that I could become a massage 
therapist, either due to my blindness or my learning disability.  Some of them even tried to convince me to change my career choice, 
but I wouldn't budge.  I knew that becoming a massage therapist was something that I truly wanted.  Although the massage therapy 
program at the community college didn't work out the way I hoped, I still learned a lot, and my journey didn't stop. Some people 
continued trying to convince me not to go back to school and work toward my goal.  Some people wanted me to gain work experience, 
instead of encouraging me to go back to school to finish what I had worked so hard to achieve.  I pushed on despite the negativity, 
and didn't let what they thought hinder my success. I continued looking for massage schools and at last found the Institute for 
Therapeutic Massage.  I called the school and spoke to an admissions counselor. I explained my experience at the community college, 
and I told the counselor that I wanted to achieve my goal of becoming a massage therapist.  When I toured the campus, I could tell 
that everyone at the school - from the counselors in admissions, to the teachers I met - really wanted to help me complete this 
program!  I could tell that everyone believed that I could make it and achieve my goal. The people who believed in me and encouraged 
me to keep going are my mother, Terri Lucas, a longtime friend, Nicki Newton, my aide from middle school until I graduated from high 
school, Joe Ruffalo, who was one of my mentors in both the blindness field and one of my mentors in the field of massage therapy, 
Mary Ellen Ricks, who is a massage therapist, Jane Marron, another massage therapist, Jason Rivera, also a massage therapist, Alan 
Reynolds , a yoga instructor, and many more.I started at ITM in September 2009 and graduated in July 2010 with my certificate in 
therapeutic massage! It took me three years to achieve my goal.  I will admit that it was a lot of hard work but it was worth it! 
After graduating, I applied for my New Jersey state certification, and I am now a New Jersey state certified massage therapist!  Yes 
the journey was long with many road blocks, but I did it!  I made it because of my willingness and my determination to learn.  My 
instructors were also willing to work with me until the very end of the program.  Now I am on call at a local salon. Joe taught me 
that when things don't go the way you want them to but you have something that you really want, "it doesn't matter how long you take 
to win the race, what matters is that you finish the race." After thinking about that for a while, I came to realize that it was 
going to take me a little longer to achieve my goal but it was possible! That quote showed me that the only thing that matters in 
the end is that you finish what you started. Another quote that helped me keep going is this one from Christopher Reeve:For everyone 
who thought I couldn't do itFor everyone who thought I shouldn't do itFor everyone who said, "It's impossible"See you at the finish 


A recent NJ Transit Access Link newsletter announced an automated alert and advisory system called My Transit. Since Access Link no 
longer calls its users when there are changes or cancellations, this system offers two ways to get this information. The first 
option is to call 1-800-955-2321. If an area is affected, there will be a message that says how long the changes or cancellations 
will be in effect. The second option is to sign up on the NJ Transit website to receive a message sent to your cell phone, mobile 
device or e-mail with any announcements and schedule changes, including elevator/escalator outages and boarding changes, that might 
affect your trip. You can sign up for this service at the NJ Transit website: http://njtransit.com/mytransit.

By Barry Brindisi

Editor's Note: Barry is a member of the Blind Writers Group of CBVI's Central Regional Office, Toms River, NJ. Read more of his 
stories on his website, Inspiration Point, at http://inspiration-point.org/2009/12/09/the-faith-healer-cometh/.

 "A faith healer is coming to Toms River, NJ!" declared a local newspaper. It was a chilly autumn evening in 1976 when Mom and I 
went to see this guy.  I was 10 years old, and I wanted God to heal my eyes and ears.  My mom believed that if I was healed, then I 
would not have to suffer.

Upon arrival, we saw a large crowd packing the church. There may well have been over 200 people there that day. To handle the 
overflow, the church set up seats in a side room.  A sound system was set up so everyone could hear what was going on.

We were sitting on the front right side of the church.  As we sat watching, I could see a young man reaching out to various people 
and offering to pray for them.  He appeared to be 5 feet tall, had a small frame and sandy brown hair.  As he was busy working with 
other people, my mom saw some people getting out of their wheelchairs or walking without the use of crutches.  It appeared that 
healing was taking place.  My mom whispered into my ears about what she was seeing.  Suffice to say, this added to my expectations.

What drove my mother and me to see this healer?

In 1964, I was born with poor vision, a severe hearing loss in both ears and a slight facial paralysis.  The doctors told my parents 
that I would have a very rough future.

Dad's desire was for me to be independent and not rely on anyone.  This included not getting help from family and friends.  My mom 
shared a similar viewpoint.

My mother would say, "Barry, you have to tie your own shoes.  I am not helping you." According to mom, I tied my shoes when I was 2 
years old.  My two brothers did get help when learning.  It felt like a double standard.

"What disabilities? You can do the same things other kids can do," was a common remark of my father.  On the other hand, my mother 
was almost the opposite.  Though she tried to be encouraging, my mother was overprotective.

Dad would often remark that if I wasn't careful, "They would come and take me away and put me in a group home." Dad was not one to 
gauge his words and their effects.  The message I got was that society would not accept me unless pushed to do so.

This created a strong sense of anger, hurt and frustration inside me.  I was determined to show that I was just as capable as 
everyone else. I just would not take "no" for an answer. Funny thing is, I didn't have to prove anything.

In public school, I would push to prove that I was just as smart and as capable as the other kids were.  Oddly enough, I didn't have 
to prove I was smart.  I was blind to this truth.

It was no surprise to them that I'd do well in a 5th grade spelling bee contest.  Some old friends pointed out that I was considered 
a brainiac or a nerd.  Unfortunately, I had a bad habit of quickly raising my hand and blurting out the answer.

When our gym class would go outside to play softball and it came to batting, I would sometimes hit the ball, but more often missed 
it.  When it came to being in the outfield, I would just not see the ball in time.  If not for fellow classmates, the ball would 
have hit me.

I refused to acknowledge my physical limitations. I was afraid of what would happen if I even dared to ask anyone for help, and, for 
fear of pity and shame, I refused to let others help me, even if I was in danger.

So now it is 1976 and the faith healer has cometh. Oh, how I looked forward to being healed!

As he drew closer, I became increasingly excited about the coming miracle.  Finally, the young man stopped in front of me and asked 
what I wanted.  "I want to be healed," I replied.  He prayed that Jesus would heal me, and then he moved on to the next person.  I 
was not healed that first night. I felt disappointed and hurt.

Feeling skeptical and frustrated, I went again the next night.  I asked the healer, "If God can make the world in six days, then why 
isn't God healing me?" Seeing the hurts inside of me, he graciously prayed for me a second time.  He said, "God will heal you."  I 
was not healed that night, either.

Eventually, I asked my mother about the healing. She said, "You need to have faith."

Did I honestly believe that God could heal me? Yes, I did, and for a while after the healing service, I continued to ask God why I 
wasn't healed.

Years later, I learned that God did answer my prayers. It just was not as I expected. My eyes and ears were not the ones in need of 
immediate healing. The issue was my heart and how I perceived myself.  I had seen my disabilities as a prison that needed escaping, 
but they were not.  God desired for me to focus on what I can do for God and other people.  For Him, it is my availability and 
abilities that counted and not my inabilities.

By Linda Zani Thomas

Editor's Note: Join Linda the fourth Wednesday of every month for all kinds of fashion tips and trends. Linda is a longtime board 
member of Parents of Blind Children and a true fashion goddess.

Don't miss Looking Good Without Looking, a monthly webcast on personal style and fashion for the blind and visually impaired on 
www.thruoureyes.org. Here are some highlights from the first two shows, which you can listen to and/or watch at www.thruoureyes.org.

January, 2011

This show featured top fashion trends for Spring 2011, including the top colors this spring, deals of the month on perfume, and the 
10 wardrobe must-haves for men and women. Guest NFBNJ fashionista Evelyn Valdez revealed some of her Secrets of Shopping.

The Pantone Most Directional Colors for Spring 2011 include honeysuckle; a bright pink or rose color; coral, a red-orange; peapod, a 
light green; beeswax yellow; silver peony - a neutral; russet - a brownish-rust color; regatta blue; blue curacao, which is a dark 
blue green; and lavender.

Men's Top 10 Wardrobe Must Haves: (1) a blue or white dress shirt, (2) jeans, (3) blue or black T-shirt, (4) a suit in a neutral 
color, (5) a sport jacket in a neutral color, (6) chinos or slacks with a flat front, in a neutral color and with no logos or tags, 
(7) a red tie, (8) a solid, hip-length, plain 3-season jacket in black, navy, charcoal or chocolate, (9) a trench coat and (10) a 
thin, cashmere V-neck in a  color that plays to your personality.

Women's Top 10 Wardrobe Must Haves: (1) a trench coat in a neutral color, (2) a fitted black or white top, (3) dark jeans, (4) a 
tunic length, body-skimming top, (5) a black skirt, (6) a cashmere sweater or cardigan in a personal color, (7) a Little Black 
Dress, (8) a white or ivory blouse, (9) a sweatsuit alternative and (10) black  capri-length leggings.

February 2011

This show featured deals of the month on jewelry, and In the Spotlight featured Weddings, Proms and Special Occasion Dressing with 
tips from callers Kelly and Laurel. The Style School segment was all about eye makeup, including how to get the smoky eye look! What 
is a "smoky eye"? This look elongates the eyes by adding a shadow past the outer corner of the eyes and sweeping upward. To get a 
two-color basic smoky eye, use blues, browns, taupes and plums. Use a lighter shade on the lids and a darker shade in the creases 
and on the lower lash line. Add a touch of shine to the inside corners. Rim your bottom lashes with dark pencil, add a trace of 
colored shadow on the outer corners, and smudge a bit of extra mascara at the corners, too.

Weddings, Proms and Special Occasion Dressing - For men, a vest with a tie is a hot style trend. For women, the strapless look is 
still hot, but so are sleeves and the one-shoulder look. Look for gowns with beaded belts, and be sure to match your shoes to your 
gown. Purple - and especially eggplant - is popular this spring.

Style School: Eye Makeup - For perfect eye wear, think about both the shape and color of your eyes. Consider what you want to 
accentuate, and then downplay the other areas. Use the same level of color intensity for your eyes, lips, cheeks and even your hair. 
Use colors that complement your skin and hair tone, that work with your outfit and that flatter your eyes. Keep in mind the kind of 
event you're attending and your age. Here are some color ideas:

·        Blue eyes - use gray, violet, lavender, rose, mauve, peach, gold, amber or bronze. Use the rule of opposites: for dark blue 
eyes, use sky blue shadows; for sky or light blue eyes, use dark blue.

·        Hazel eyes - use pink, brown, cream, taupe, purple violet, plum, purple, yellow or gold

·        Green eyes - use chestnut, royal purple, violet, plum, brown, forest green (keep in mind the opposite rule)

·        Brown eyes - use copper, bronze, champagne, beige, forest green or gold, and consider an accent of purple or navy, royal 
blue, dark teal.

Eye Makeup Tricks

·        For heavy eyelids, use dark liner or shadow near lash line.

·        To make your eyes look larger, use pearly shadow on the lids and inner corners.

·        If you have wide-set eyes, use dark shadow on the inner corners.

Define your eyes by the contour shadow in the crease. Debbie Azzarone recommends the Mally eyelift shadow duo A86902 contour set 
available from QVC, which comes in a taupe/grayish color or brown. This is a very natural looking shadow and is impossible to 
overdo. It contours and redefines with no risk of looking ridiculous.

At press time, the March 23rd show had not yet aired, but themes for the show included recommendations for eye makeup and 
accessorizing. Join the Looking Good Without Looking Facebook page to keep the conversation going, or e-mail Linda at 
lindazani at aol.com with questions or suggestions for upcoming shows! Remember, full vision, low vision or no vision . we can all be 
style icons!

I saw a blind person driving!

By Evelyn Valdez

Editor's Note: Evelyn is president of the NJ Association of Blind Students and chairperson of NJ's Imagination Fund/Race for 

January 29, 2011 was a gorgeous day in Daytona Beach, Florida. In fact, the weather complemented the excitement of all the NFB 
members who attended the Blind Driver Challenge that day. I stood alongside Oscar, my boyfriend, and all those individuals imagining 
what many have said was impossible: A blind person driving.

We watched in suspense as Mark Riccobono, executive director of the Jernigan Institute, drove onto the Daytona International 
Speedway in a shiny, black, 2011 Ford Escape Hybrid with the Whozit logo and the Blind Driver Challenge logo on it. The car was 
equipped with nonvisual technology - including laser sensors, vibrating gloves and a vibrating seat - that provided him with the 
information he needed to drive the car. He set out on a path with obstacles representative of the paths and journeys that each blind 
person faces every day.

We were in the grandstand, and as the vehicle approached us, we became even more excited. The momentum was building, and I was 
wondering if the sounds of the crowd would distract him, but Mark drove around each cone effectively. Then he drove around random 
boxes that a van dropped onto the racetrack, and I was feeling confident that we had succeeded, but Mark still had to go around Turn 
#3 and make it to the finish line.

When Mark completed Turn #3, he began to increase his speed with more confidence. He was approaching the finish line. He passed the 
van that had dropped the boxes on the track. He did it! My heart was filled with so much pride and a thousand jolts of happiness. 
Mark drove that car 1.5 miles on the racetrack. We accomplished a task; one more notch under our belt. We all drove that car that 


By Hamlet Diaz

Editor's Note: A frequent contributor to The Sounding Board, Hamlet is a senior at Union City High School and a member of the LEAD 

On Friday, March 11, I went to my gym class in the morning in school as usual. Suddenly, my gym teacher told me that the assistant 
principal wanted to see me. As I walked to his office, my heartbeat was racing. I was thinking, "What did I do wrong? No, I didn't 
do anything wrong." When I arrived at his office, I sensed right away that he didn't call me for anything bad since he greeted me 
pleasantly. In fact, he gave me  great news. He told me that people from the state would be visiting the school on March 14, and 
that they were going to interview 15 outstanding students. He told me that I was one of them. I was excited! I went back to my gym 
class and I began to dance. I told one of my friends that I was ready to "rock and roll."

Monday came. I attended my classes in the morning. At 11:43 a.m., I went to the media center, and the interview began at noon. I 
wasn't alone. The other 14 students were there with me. I answered questions like "What is your favorite subject?" (history) and 
"What do you like about the school?" (after-school classes to help students pass the High School Proficiency Assessment, or HSPA).

This was a great experience. It helped me to feel more comfortable when going to an interview. It also helped me to gain more 
confidence in expressing my opinions.

>From the NFB-Newsline® Team

In addition to the hundreds of publications and TV listings available, NFB-NEWSLINE® now offers subscribers the ability to 
independently access job classifieds and apply for open positions. With this ground-breaking job-listings feature, blind and 
print-disabled people can now search for job openings that match their education, skills and interests.  Subscribers can easily 
search through hundreds of thousands of job listings from all across the country and look for openings in their hometowns.

With the addition of content from a national job classifieds provider, NFB-NEWSLINE®subscribers can conduct searches for job 
openings in over 50 categories and can narrow the search to look for certain keywords within the listings. Subscribers can also 
request that a particular job listing be sent to them via e-mail; the e-mail will contain the listing as well as a link that will 
provide a Web page with the position's application form.

To access the job listings, subscribers call into the NFB-NEWSLINE® service (the listings are currently only available via phone) 
and press 9 from the main menu.  From there, subscribers then set up their search profile, and create and save their search 
preferences.  Because the job listings are pulled afresh from the classifieds provider on each call, subscribers get the most 
up-to-the-minute search results. To experience this revolutionary job-listings feature, call today!


By Anne McArthur

The New Jersey State Library Talking Book & Braille Center (TBBC) recently announced the roll-out of the Outspoken Library. Over 40 
free-standing Outspoken Library computer kiosks are being delivered to participating public libraries across New Jersey. The goal is 
to give every New Jersey public library patron an opportunity to learn about and explore the Talking Book & Braille Center's free 
library programs that are available to anyone who cannot read a standard print book.

Each Outspoken Library kiosk has live links to services administered through TBBC such as our own Audiovision Newspaper Reading 
Service and the National Federation of the Blind's Newsline with over 300 newspapers, magazines and wire services.  Access to the 
18,000 digital books available through the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) site is also available. Video demonstrations 
and instructions on how to do a BARD download are also found on each Outspoken Library kiosk.

The kiosks are not equipped with accessible software; they're designed primarily to be used by librarians to promote this free 
service to people who don't know about it, and by caregivers of TBBC customers who may have difficulty getting to the library. 
However, if you are a TBBC customer without home Internet access, the local librarian can assist you in setting up a BARD account 
and downloading TBBC's digital talking books at your local library. To learn if your local library has this program, check 
http://njsltbbc.org/outspoken_library or call 800-792-8322.


By Pam Gaston

The 6th Annual "Covering the Bases" - "The Trenton Thunder's Blind and Visually Impaired Awareness Night" - will be held Friday 
evening, July 29, 2011, at Waterfront Park in Trenton. The purpose of "Covering the Bases" is to promote full community inclusion 
and awareness of the potential and achievements of individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Last year, over 400 CBVI 
consumers came out to enjoy the evening's festivities with their families and friends. Each year, during a pre-game ceremony on the 
ball field, CBVI and TBBC recognize the achievements of outstanding NJ residents who are blind or visually impaired before a large, 
cheering crowd of baseball fans. To nominate someone, please contact Pamela.Gaston at dhs.state.nj.us.


Editor's Note: Jerilyn Higgins is an active member of the NFBNJ and serves as first vice president, chapter president, scholarship 
chairperson and co-editor of The Sounding Board.  She is employed as an ADL instructor in the Essex SCILS program and is a Northern 
Region mentor in the LEAD program. In her spare time, Jerilyn can be found in the kitchen cooking.

Penne with Vodka Sauce

This dish is very delicious, easy and filling.


2 29-ounce cans of crushed tomatoes

1 and ½ cups of heavy cream

½ cup of vodka

1 teaspoon basil

½ teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon parsley

1 teaspoon oregano

2 cloves garlic, chopped

1 small onion finely chopped

2 tablespoons olive oil


1.     Sauté garlic, onion and olive oil in a pot large enough to hold all the ingredients. Add the spices.

2.     Add the crushed tomatoes and cook for 15 minutes.

3.     Add the vodka and cook for 5 more minutes.

4.     Add the heavy cream and cook for another 5 minutes.

5.     Prepare 2 pounds of penne pasta and strain. Toss the pasta in the sauce and add grated parmesan cheese.

Italian Ricotta Cheesecake

If you're looking for a lighter cheesecake, you may enjoy this authentic Italian ricotta cheesecake. This delightful dessert has a 
light taste and texture and has a hint of citrus and cinnamon underlying the vanilla. Try it with some fresh raspberries for the 
best ricotta cheesecake for the summer months.

For the best results, follow these directions carefully. Cheesecakes can be touchy. They crack easily and are often overcooked 
because it's easy to misjudge the signs that the cheesecake is really done. Make sure the cheesecake is still wobbly in the center. 
You always want to bake a ricotta cheesecake until the top begins to brown, but you want the center to be soft. It will firm up as 
it cools.

2 pounds ricotta cheese
1 cup granulated sugar
4 tablespoons flour
1½ teaspoons vanilla
6 large eggs, gently beaten
2 tablespoons lemon zest
1 tablespoon orange zest
¾ teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon orange flavored liqueur (Triple Sec, Cointreau or Grand Marnier)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Set rack to center setting. Grease and flour a spring-form cheesecake pan.

In a mixing bowl, beat ricotta cheese with an electric mixer on low. Add sugar and flour and beat just until incorporated. The flour 
is added to prevent
the cheesecake from cracking. Add vanilla, eggs, zest, liqueur and cinnamon, beating just enough to get cheesecake filling to be 
smooth and lump-free,
but no more than is absolutely necessary. (Overbeaten cheesecakes are more prone to cracking.) Pour cheesecake batter into pan. 
Scrape sides of bowl to
get every bit of the batter into the spring-form pan.

Place cheesecake onto the center rack in the oven and bake for approximately 60 minutes or until center two to three inches is set, 
but still jiggles when
the pan is moved. Shut oven off and let cheesecake sit in oven for 30 minutes.

Remove cheesecake from oven. Let the cheesecake cool while still in the pan on a wire rack for 30 minutes. Then move cheesecake to 
the refrigerator for at least six hours. This gradual cooling process will help prevent your cheesecake from cracking
too much.

Unmold cheesecake carefully. Cover up any cracks with fresh berries or with a topping made from fresh berries.


Editor's Note: You'll find contact and meeting information for all our Chapters, Programs, Associations and Divisions on pages 27-28 
of this issue.

AT-LARGE CHAPTER, by Joe Ruffalo, Coordinator

The At-Large Chapter will celebrate its third anniversary in April and, to date, has connected with several hundred throughout this 
period.  The purpose of the At-Large Chapter is to meet monthly via conference call to conduct meetings of the NFB, and to educate 
all on the call with programs, projects and opportunities offered by the NFB and the NFBNJ.  A goal of the chapter is to encourage 
members to join their local chapter or to establish a chapter in their area.  This spring, a new chapter will be established in the 
Atlantic County area by an At-Large Chapter member, and we hope to establish a new chapter in the Somerset County area this fall. In 
addition, an At-Large Chapter member is coordinating a committee of senior blind with the goal of developing a division. The 
At-Large Chapter members hosted our 34th annual State Convention. The At-Large Chapter members are on the move and are changing what 
it means to be blind. Please join us each month on our conference call.

CAPITAL CHAPTER, by Mary Jo Partyka, President

The Capital Chapter celebrated the holidays at a restaurant in Yardville called La Forchetta. We were fortunate to have the 
restaurant to ourselves since it didn't open to the public until later in the afternoon. The food was delicious and the service 
couldn't have been better.

Our chapter has two new members, and in addition to acclimating them into the chapter, we are determining what projects to work on 
for this year. We hope to see you at our next chapter meeting!

CENTRAL JERSEY CHAPTER, by Jerilyn Higgins, President

On April 2, 2011 we celebrated our 12th anniversary at Haley's Harp and Pub in Metuchen. June 11 we will be participating in the 
Lion's club flea market, handing out NFB literature and hoping to raise funds.  If anyone has items for the chapter to sell, please 
call Lynn Reynolds at 908-251-5510. We're in the planning stages for our Meet the Blind Month activity for October.

For those interested in brushing up on their Braille, call Barbara Finan to schedule a time before or after the chapter meeting: 

Each month our chapter members participate in the Grace Lutheran Church food drive by bringing the food item of the month to our 

If you live in Middlesex County, would like to join us and are registered with Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT), call Kelly 
Leary at 732-388.1322to reserve a ride to the meeting. Please join us in changing what it means to be blind.

GARDEN STATE CHAPTER, by Linda DeBerardinis

Greetings from the Garden State Chapter!  Our holiday party was a great success. There were a lot of people, songs, prizes and, of 
course, food for all!

Ryan Stevens and Elizabeth Morgan attended the Washington Seminar this year. This was Elizabeth's first time on Capitol Hill. She 
came back well versed on all the issues, giving us a full report.

  We are still searching for a spring fundraiser. If you have any ideas, please send them our way! August 2011 will be the Garden 
State Chapter's 20th anniversary. To celebrate, we are planning something special for our members. Our annual picnic under the 
pavilion at Red Bank Battlefield Park will be held a bit early this year. The date is August 27, from 2 - 6 p.m. There will be food, 
music, games, tours and camaraderie. Please join us rain or shine!

NORTHEAST CHAPTER, by Debbie Azzarone
Greetings from the Northeast Chapter! We are slowly beginning to thaw out from this wicked winter and as the spring weather appears, 
we plan to be back on the curbs of various Shop-Rites to begin our fundraising for this year. We've welcomed a few new members, and 
we're always ready to welcome more. We also appreciate visits from other chapters' members at our meetings.

You're encouraged to listen to our web radio show at thruoureyes.org every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. We've added a new show to our 
program line-up - Looking Good without Looking, which gives a variety of tips about fashion and makeup, color and style trends. We're 
able to continue ThruOurEyes for another year due to the generosity of the Imagination Fund, which gave us another grant this past 

NORTHERN CHAPTER, by Rebecca Irvin
The Northern Chapter had an exciting beginning of the year. Our vice president, Rick Fox, talked about the digital talking book 
player and showed us how to download books. We also had two nurses speak with us about nutrition. Three chapter members participated 
in the NFB Washington Seminar. The chapter's legislative chairperson, Rick Fox, summarized the issues and the Seminar experience for 
chapter members. Future meetings will focus on helping our members learn more about the legislative process and develop advocacy 



At the time of this writing, the pieces of equipment on hand are magnifiers and a Braille Blazer.  We have requests for computers, 
Braille writers, stand-alone readers and a CCTV.  If anyone has items to donate, or if you have a request, please contact me or Ed 

DIABETES DIVISION, by Vincent Chaney

The members of the National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey Affiliate and the Diabetes Division of the NFBNJ were grateful to 
Advanced Diabetic Solutions for their $2,000 Platinum Sponsorship of the NFBNJ 2010 State Convention and Diabetes Division of the 
NFBNJ. This financial backing will aid in our tasks, goals and projects. We look forward to working with them in the future.

division to promote the use of Braille, by Mary Jo Partyka

The Braille Division is awaiting the results of the Braille Readers are Leaders Contest to see how many people participated in New 
Jersey. Last year we had nine participants, and we sent letters and gifts to acknowledge their involvement in this worthy project. 
Our goal is to bring the participants to the State Convention in November and recognize them for their achievements.

The Braille Division also donated money to Pennies for Pages on behalf of two New Jersey students.

ThruOurEyes.Org, by Lenny Azzarone

Starting in April, we had video players embedded within our website which will play all of our video shows for a given month. These 
players also have playlists so that a user can watch just a given show title without having to look through all the shows of the 
month. All our videos will now be watchable on all mobile devices, like smartphones, as well as the iPad and iPod Touch.

 Our newest feature is the WTOE video podcast.  Users can subscribe to an RSS feed and receive all of our videos just like our audio 
podcasts. Additionally our video podcasts can be watched on any computer operating system, as well as smartphones such as 
Blackberry, Android and Apple OS devices.

 We are excited to extend our service offerings to meet our goal of offering quality programming to anyone and everyone who has 
access to the Internet.


NFB National Center


      Marc Maurer             410-659-9314

NFB State Affiliate


      Joseph Ruffalo          973-743-0075

   First Vice President

      Jerilyn Higgins           973-239-8874

   Second Vice President

      Mary Jo Partyka       609-888-5459


      Beatrice Oliveti         201-430-9314


      Tom Ferry                  973-694-5922

   Board Members

      Evelyn Valdez            908-206-8701

      Dan Facchini             201-906-8655

      Lynn Reynolds          908-251-5510

      Ryan Stevens             856-858-3518

      Linda DeBerardinis  856-764-7014

      Michele Chaney        732-251-8650

NFB of NJ Chapters, Meeting Info and President's Contact Info

At-Large Chapter

      Last Thursday, 8 p.m.


                           and enter code 460994

Capital Chapter

Third Sat., Lawrence Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrenceville,

10 a.m.

Mary Jo Partyka          609-888-5459

                             choirnfb at gmail.com

Central Jersey Chapter

Second Sat., Grace Lutheran Church, Perth Amboy, 9:30 a.m. - noon

Jerilyn Higgins              973-239-8874

                       jdhiggins3 at verizon.net

Cumberland/Salem Chapter

Third Mon., Tri-County Independent Living Center, Millville, 10:30 a.m.

Anna Jordan                 856-696-3905

                      ajjordan29 at verizon.net

Garden State Chapter

Third Sat., Kennedy Memorial Hospital auditorium, Cherry Hill, 10 a.m.

   Ed Godfrey                    856-906-4516

                    egodfrey137 at comcast.net

Northeast Chapter

Third Sat., St. Mathew's Church, Secaucus, 10 a.m. coffee, meeting at 11 a.m.                        www.ThruOurEyes.org

   Dan Facchini                 201-906-8655

                                   danfb at verizon.net

Northern Chapter

Third Sat., Free Public Library, 3rd Floor, Newark, 10 a.m. - noon

   Rebecca Irvin               973-723-6559

                           rirvin14 at optonline.net

Ocean Chapter

Second Sat., Ocean County Public Library, Toms River

Michael Halm               732-370-1797

                            Mbhrr15 at gmail.com

NFB of NJ Divisions

Association of Blind Merchants

   Anna DeSantis             732-462-4604

                          annades at optonline.net

Association of Blind Students

Evelyn Valdez               908-206-8701


              tweetybaby19 at comcast.net

Association of Guide Dog Users

Vincent Chaney           732-251-8650

                      vgc732 at optonline.net

Diabetes Division

   Vincent Chaney               732-251-8650

                            vgc732 at optonline.net

Division to Promote the Use of Braille

Mary Jo Partyka          609-888-5459

choirnfb at gmail.com

Parents of Blind Children

   Carol Castellano          973-377-0976


                     blindchildren at verizon.net

Technology Division

Michele Chaney           732-251-8650

msc732 at optonline.net

Programs and Projects

Adopt Adaptive Equipment

   Lynn Reynolds             908-251-5510

                           lhr1827 at optonline.net

   Ed Godfrey                    856-848-6372

                    egodfrey137 at comcast.net

Blind Children's Resource Center

   Carol Castellano          973-377-0976


                     blindchildren at verizon.net

Braille Mentoring Program

   Sue Tillett                       609-924-7489

                              suetillett at verizon.net

   Mary Jo Partyka          609-888-5459

                                choirnfb at gmail.com

Imagination Fund

Evelyn Valdez               908-206-8701

              tweetybaby19 at comcast.net

Legislative Coordinator

   Lynn Reynolds             908-251-5510

                           lhr1827 at optonline.net


   Beatrice Oliveti            201-430-9314

                    beatrice.oliveti at gmail.com

   Linda DeBerardinis     856-764-7014

                                ldeber at comcast.net

NFB Newsline

   William Dougherty     800-792-8322



   Jerilyn Higgins              973-239-8874

                                   jdhiggins3 at verizon.net

Thru Our Eyes/Internet Radio

Lenny Azzarone           800-572-0181


                       vdoman at optonline.net


Deadline for the Fall 2011 issue of The Sounding Board is October 1, 2011.
Articles received after this date will be held for the Spring 2012 issue.


www.nfbnj.org    www.blindchildren.org    www.thruoureyes.org    www.njabs.org

To receive The Sounding Board and other information via e-mail,

please contact Beatrice Oliveti at beatrice.oliveti at gmail.com.

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