[nfbmi-talk] Fw: [acb-l] Michigan rehab was accessible currency

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Sat Apr 30 03:31:12 UTC 2011

----- Original Message ----- 
From: bookwormahb at earthlink.net 
To: joe harcz Comcast ; Carl Jarvis ; Baracco, Andrew W ; acb-l at acb.org 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: [acb-l] Michigan rehab was accessible currency

This assumes some knowledge we don’t have.
Is MCBVI the Michigan Council, the affiliate of ACB?
I know Chris Boone was a cane travel instructor, rehab counselor,  and then 
yes head of the MI rehab center before she was unjustly fired.  Yes she did start a fire arms class, but it was with harmless BB guns.
It was not right of the commission to take the action they did.

Uh, who is Cannon?
“Also, and Carl is to the side on this issue, but Christine Boone, an able and noble Training Center coordinator whom I've grown to both "love" in the best sense of the word and "admire" and "advocate" for even though on many issues I disagree with her on was removed illegally and with great malice and forethought and with all sorts of violations of civil rights by Cannon more than one year ago for nominally autorizing, a highly and "sighted supervised" and, volitional and optional course, using a BB gun for crying out loud in a target shooting class!”

What is this all about? What violations of civil rights by Cannon?


From: joe harcz Comcast 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 3:28 PM
To: Carl Jarvis ; Baracco, Andrew W ; acb-l at acb.org 
Subject: Re: [acb-l] accessible currency

I agree fundamentally and find this to be a very regional phenomena too. For example you denote the strong west coast presence of ACB on th west coast. I agree that ACB in general and specific has done more than well there and has had, indeed a national impact.

Now, on the other hand while there has been NFB crap here in Michigan for a long period of time to be sure the ACB affiliate has been more than moribund and more than a lapdog, generally speaking for the established interests in rehab including substantial and protracted abuses of the ADA by the Michigan commission for the Blind. don't forget as well all the divisive tantrums by Michael Geno in his presidency and before over his notions of exclusion and his bigotry openly expressed over the BFLAGG issue. I mean here was a person who openly  used his affiliate power who went against the national because of his own bigoted notions and who sought to effectively disaffiliate with national. And he sure in the heck didn't represent me either in these things or in his subsequent matters as well after assuming presidency of MCBVI. In fact after his divide and conquer bull I quit MCBVI while still affiliating with ACB. In short he used his open bigotry against gays whether I agree or disagree with him on this seminal issue of affiliation of a gay group to manifestly run roughshod and mold MCBVI to his liking purging any discontents and we throw stones (imo my mind rightfully) at the likes of Jernigan for heavy handed bovine stuff?

Regardless, I would welcome Mr. Geno back into the fight as an equal if he'd do so just as I'd welcome anyone in NFB in that fight for real inclusion for all blind/VI folks today just as George Wallace once put into a WC changed his notions about segregation and in demonstrable form too. The emphasis is the proof lies indeed in the pudding and in the change of nature, posture and position in demonstrable form.
. By the way NFB MI has grown by leaps and bounds because it is the only organization here in Michigan fighting the outright, and rather well documented violations of all vital lawas regarding rehab here while MCBVI again is sitting and sucking up.

And I'nm trying to be kind to all sides here while bottom line is that most blind folksare simply getting screwed by power brokers and self serving hacks and leading this whole thing down the path of ruinition.

Also, and Carl is to the side on this issue, but Christine Boone, an able and noble Training Center coordinator whom I've grown to both "love" in the best sense of the word and "admire" and "advocate" for even though on many issues I disagree with her on was removed illegally and with great malice and forethought and with all sorts of violations of civil rights by Cannon more than one year ago for nominally autorizing, a highly and "sighted supervised" and, volitional and optional course, using a BB gun for crying out loud in a target shooting class!

Of course, in all of these things and divisions I, being an old reporter at heart have only a few basice questions. They are; who, what, when, why, where and how>?

It is too bad that these basic questions are not asked or often spurned when asked of both ACB, NFB, and any governmental or quasigovernmental agency.

But, I'll tell you all any organization that defers, or hides, or otherwise retaliates or obiskates answers to these basic questions has something to hide in my experience and all should be questioned about these things always, ad infinitum, and forever and ever amen. And all should be forced to answer these questions to in timely and accessible manners otherwise democracy is a freaking farce and only a religious exercise best and not a matter of anything of substance.

One thing that the so-called far left and the so-called far right for lack of better words agrees with is that public institutions regardless as to party or makeup must be:


And on the final note all should be accountable to we the people.

I put a pox upon any house, party, or organization that withholds or hides or subverts any questioning let alone those that withhold any public information from we the people. It is for us to decide how to use that information. It is not the power brokers right in this democratic-republic to decide for us for this is tyranny at best.

And any potential whistleblower who is retaliated against in any manner for simply asking the questions over and over again

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Carl Jarvis 
  To: Baracco, Andrew W ; acb-l at acb.org ; or who continues to look and work to truth is a hero in my book and not a villain, or loose cannon, or any of a number of diatribes used against those who fight for at least a glimpse at the truth at the top of any pyramid of power, let alone those who demand to speak real truth to power.

  Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 2:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [cab-l] accessible currency

  Your experiences are very familiar.  While I'm all for the two organizations getting along, I do not think we need to close our eyes to the differences.  Heck, I love my wife, but I know she and I disagree on several major issues.  Like, she won't let me have a girl friend...just kidding, Cathy.  
  But back to the NFB and the ACB.  What we want to be careful not to do is to Demonize each other.  We can talk, work together on certain issues and disagree on others without having to play, "Good Guy, Bad Guy".  

  Carl Jarvis
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Baracco, Andrew W 
    To: acb-l at acb.org 
    Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 10:53 AM
    Subject: Re: [acb-l] accessible currency

    Several years ago, the CCB and NFBC collaborated on sponsoring a bill in the state legislature to revamp and improve rehabilitation services for the blind in California.  I may be prejudiced, but it seemed as though the CCB did most of the heavy lifting, and the NFBC gave little more than lip service.  But when the bill passed, and was signed into law, the NFBC proceeded to take all the credit, and didn't mention any other organizations in their press releases.  It seems to me that whenever ACB has collaborated with other organizations, those organizations have always been mentioned in ACB press releases.





    From: acb-l-bounces at acb.org [mailto:acb-l-bounces at acb.org] On Behalf Of J.Rayl
    Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 8:44 AM
    To: Carl Jarvis
    Cc: Acb List
    Subject: Re: [acb-l] accessible currency


    Exactly, Carl.  I think one can pay dues to both organizations, go there and eat the food, socialize at both.  Above and beyond that? No.

    We're indeed not, usually, working for the same thing.  Even when we support the occasional same bill or cause, it is rare; very rare.  

    More often than not, we're not on the same page at all.


    Jessie Rayl
    EM: thedogmom63 at frontier.com


    "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall
    mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run, and not be weary"--Isaiah 40.31

      ----- Original Message ----- 

      From: Carl Jarvis 

      To: Eric Calhoun ; acb-l at acb.org 

      Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 11:07 AM

      Subject: Re: [acb-l] accessible currency


      Eric and anyone who thinks they can be members of both ACB and NFB, 


      There are philosophical differences between the ACB and the NFB that make it difficult for me to understand how anyone could belong to both.  But that is a choice of each of us, and I'll defend people's right to make their own decisions.  

      Some folks will say, "But we're all working for the same things."  But we're not.  It isn't that the NFB wears the black hat and the ACB wears the white hat.  It is that we represent two different approaches to running an organization.  The NFB is a tightly run organization from the top down.  In my opinion it has morphed into a National Agency.  Members are directed by the Central Organization, as are the state chapters.  But more important, members are no longer the central concern of the organization.  It's focus is on the development and maintenance of the Jernigan Center.  The organization has chosen to pattern itself after the Corporate Model.  

      The ACB is the only Grass Roots Organization of the blind at the national level.  

      The ACB gets its purpose and its strength from its many state, local and special interest groups.  

      The ACB will continue to be the more democratic, open, representative organization just as long as we members bother to understand that it is our responsibility to participate and make certain that the ACB remains an open forum.  

      Years ago I had this discussion with Kenneth Jernigan.  I had expressed concern that the NFB was taking a turn down the wrong road, cutting off local participation.  I had suggested that National Board members might be elected at the District level rather than being hand picked at convention.  In this way the members in the local areas would feel that they had someone they could bring their concerns before.  

      "I don't delegate authority!" was Jernigan's reply.  End of discussion.  

      Finally, when thinking that we are all working for the same goals, just imagine two countries, side by side.  One is run by a dictator and the other by an open, elected government.  Both nations say that they have the best interest of their people at heart.  But one government tells the people what their "best interests" are, while the other looks to the people to make those determinations.  

      Both countries are successful.  But they are not working for the same goals.  


      We can choose an organization in which we have the privilage of playing a meaningful rolde, or we can join an organization that will tell us what is best for us.  


      Your choice.  


      Carl Jarvis



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