[nfbmi-talk] May 14, 2011 Minutes

Elizabeth lizmohnke at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 11 23:41:09 UTC 2011

Thank you for sending out these minutes. However, the discussion about the 
scholarship committee that occurred during the beginning of the meeting is 
not reflected accurately in these minutes. Although some discussion did take 
place, there were no motions or decisions made regarding the scholarship 
program at this meeting. As the chair of this committee, I do not recall 
ever being asked about who was serving with me on this committee. The 
committee was formed well before this meeting, and I was never contacted by 
Brunhilde Merck-Adam about being a part of this committee.

I honestly believe it would be good practice to start approving the minutes 
for board meetings consecutively instead of treating the minutes from the 
face to face board meetings separately. I believe treating the face to face 
minutes separately only seems to create problems and confusion among 
members. I do not know of any organization that treats the minutes from face 
to face meetings any differently than a meeting that takes place over the 
phone, so why should we be any different? It would seem to me that as long 
as there is a quorum, then a board meeting is a board meeting regardless of 
where and how it takes place.

It only seems to confuse things when we discuss and decide things in one of 
the phone conferences, and then it appears different in the minutes from the 
face to face meetings. If we have continued to discuss and vote on an issue, 
then why should we have to go back and rectify what was posted in the 
minutes from the face to face meetings? It seems to me that this only brings 
up a he said she said battle, and since so much time has passed since the 
meeting, there really is no good way to rectify this situation. Therefore, I 
believe in order to prevent these kinds of situations from happening again 
in the future that we begin to approve the minutes from board meetings on a 
consecutive basis. I believe this practice would help promote a more 
positive relationship among all group members.


From: <trising at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:00 PM
To: "NFBofMichigan List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] May 14, 2011 Minutes

> National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting May 14, 2011 
> Minutes, 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
> St. Paul's Lutheran Church
> Quorum yes Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Melinda Latham, Terri Wilcox, Mary 
> Wurtzel, Marcus Simmons, and Dave Robinson.
> Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Fred Wurtzel moved to adopt the 
> Secretary's Report. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The Secretary's 
> Report was approved.
> Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel. We will be getting a new Youth Outreach 
> account.
> The affiliate account had $4323.71.
> The Newsline account had $1329.35.
> The youth account had $1035.43.
> We subtract the youth money and have $3288.2.
> Marcus Simmons moved to adopt the Treasurer's Report. Dave Robinson 
> seconded the motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved. The money for 
> the Michigan Scholarships was discussed. Brunhilde Merck-Adam may have 
> $2,000 of Scholarship money. The Scholarship money would be divided in the 
> following manner, one $1,000 Scholarship and 2 $500 Scholarships. The 
> Scholarship Committee is Elizabeth Mohnke, Donna Posont, and Brunhilde 
> Merck-Adam.
> Introduction of participating Members
> President's Report, Larry Posont. On Friday, Larry Posont had training as 
> a member of the Commission Board. He was trained with many Commission 
> employees. Steve Arwood is above Pat Cannon. The Commission is now under 
> Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. He had training on 28 separate issues. 
> Some of these included: conflict of interest, and the bylaws, which need 
> to be changed because they give too much power to the Director and the 
> Commission Board Chair. They discussed the Training Center and every 
> aspect of the training program. The budget is to be discussed at an extra 
> training meeting. Larry Posont asked for financial information for 
> 2008-2011. The agency is not broke. Last year, they had 1.2 million left 
> in Case Services money. Each year, they have Case Services money left 
> over. The Business Enterprise Program has money left as well. Last year, 
> they lapsed over two hundred thousand dollars in operational money. The 
> agency spent 48 percent more than they budgeted to fund other state 
> agencies. Joe Harcz got the budget through Freedom of Information and gave 
> it to Larry Posont. Meanwhile, blind people are denied services. Several 
> excuses were given about why Business Enterprise Money was held back. Pat 
> Cannon is trying to down grade the Commission for the Blind Board. Larry 
> Posont does not believe he will achieve this down grade, because the Board 
> has more power than they have ever used under Public Act 260. The 
> legislative budget has two line items one for agency operations, and one 
> for Training Center remodeling. The Commission for the Blind Board needs 
> to be more involved in the budget. The National Federation of the Blind of 
> Michigan needs to take action now.
> Geri Taeckens resigned and the position will be filled by the June 
> Commission Board Meeting. Send things to the Commission and the Commission 
> Board in writing.
> August Board Meeting. The next Board Meeting is August 6 from 10:00 to 
> 4:00 P.M. at the Clarion Hotel in Kalamazoo. Lunch will be served. 
> National and State Conventions. National Convention will be held in 
> Orlando on July 3-8. The rooms in the primary hotel are full. Call the 
> main hotel to schedule rooms in the over flow hotel. There may be a 
> shuttle across to a market for a small fee. Our table in the exhibit room 
> at National Convention is selling Leelanau Coffee. The Board allocated 
> $600 to ship 100 bags of coffee and assorted confections to the hotel. 
> Mike Powell made the motion, and it was seconded by Mary Wurtzel. Tote 
> bags and back packs will also be sold. A product and price list will be 
> available in Braille and print. Please recruit people to work the table. 
> We need workers to volunteer at Independence Market. Mary Wurtzel and 
> Georgia Kitchen volunteered for this. Larry Posont will ask for a caucus.
> State Convention is the first weekend in November. Food prices are 
> reasonable. Rooms are $79.99 per night. The Commission is moving out but 
> they are two weeks behind schedule. The time for the Resolutions Committee 
> has not yet been determined.
> Conducting the Parents Seminar around our other Convention activities both 
> on Friday and Sunday gives parents a chance to get acquainted with the 
> organization. A motion was made to have a Parent's Seminar on Friday 
> evening and Sunday afternoon. Fred Wurtzel made the motion, and was 
> seconded by Mike Powell.
> Expenses for the Seminar must come through the President and to the Board. 
> Melinda Latham will organize the Parent Seminar. Brunhilde Merck Adam, 
> Diana Mohnke, Mary Wurtzel, and Mike Baer will assist her with
> various aspects such as child care and conferring with the hotel.
> Youth Outreach, National Convention. Youth are attending National 
> Convention through Youth Outreach. They leave July 2, and return July 10. 
> Rooms are reserved for youth. Tickets will be purchased within a week. Two 
> parents are attending. If you are interested in helping youth, contact 
> Melinda Latham. The youth are selling tee-shirts.
> Bridge Walk. We will walk the Mackinac Bridge, along with other fun 
> activities, from September 1-5. We will stay in Traverse City at a YMCA 
> Camp arbutus. Thursday we will depart in the evening. The price is not yet 
> established. Melinda Latham is working with Low Incidence Outreach. 
> Recruit youth and mentors. The camp is a good deal. We will stay in a log 
> building. Everyone must bring bedding.
> State Convention. Melinda Latham and Diana Mohnke will be in charge of 
> children's and youth activities.
> Brunhilde Merck Adam, Students are not getting transition plans. On 
> average, in eleventh grade in reading blind students without other 
> disabilities test at the same level as sighted students. Blind students 
> are seven points behind in science in eleventh grade. Blind students are 
> very behind in math. Numbers are not available concerning the numbers of 
> Braille readers versus large print readers. We also do not know how many 
> blind students took the MEAP test. There is a new MEAP for multipply 
> disabled students with fewer choices and fewer questions. College surveys 
> will come out in the fall. Text book publishers from outside the U.S. do 
> not feel like they must comply with our Copyright laws in giving access to 
> files for special formats for students.
> Donations at National Convention. Dave Robinson made a motion to donate 
> $100 each to the Jernigan, White Cane, and Imagination Funds. Mike Powell 
> seconded the motion. The motion was adopted. Coffee will be donated for 
> door prizes.
> Newsline. We must talk to the legislature about House Bill 4314. The 
> Chairman of the Subcommittee is reluctant to change the Bill. Many people 
> are doing much work. Marcus Simmons sent letters to Lions Clubs. Georgia 
> Kitchen urges us to sign more people up for Newsline. The Commission could 
> fund Newsline through stimulus and other sources. We could show the 
> Commission's budget to the legislature, but that may cause cuts. The 
> legislature needs to see the letter and be educated about Newsline. Larry 
> Posont wants members to volunteer for projects of interest.
> Nature's Finest Bounty Report. We are urged to, "buy coffee!" We may need 
> to set up our own Nature's Finest Bounty Website. Baker College Students 
> might be able to be hired for this.
> Consumer Involvement Committee Report. A Commission Counselor took leave, 
> but did not notify many of her clients. Larry Posont followed up and asked 
> about the policy for contacting clients while going on leave. Fred Wurtzel 
> asked if any money was spent at Lee's Inn. The first time, the agency said 
> no. The second time they were asked, they admitted to spending $3000. 
> There is no money for Consumer Involvement Committee members for food and 
> transportation. However, other committees have funding. It is proposed to 
> add Blinded Veterans representatives to the Consumer Involvement Committee 
> and increase the Parent's group involvement. The staff liaison is Susan 
> Turney and the Secretary is Carey Martin. Commission staff cause conflicts 
> that result in many canceled appointments. Document all encounters with 
> Commission personnel.
> Legislative committee Report, Mary Wurtzel. The Legislative Committee 
> urges us to speak with Legislators. Legislative day is May 18. We plan to 
> meet at The State Plate at 9:15 to 9-30 to set up teams to visit the 
> offices of our Representatives. Georgia Kitchen wonders what we should ask 
> for, and how much in funding from our Legislators concerning Newsline. 
> Larry Posont believes we should urge the Commission for the Blind to pay 
> for Newsline. Legislators should see all the unspent money in the 
> Commission for the Blind budget. Then, they could use it to fund Newsline. 
> However, if they see unspent money they may trim the Rehabilitation 
> budget.
> The Lansing Chapter is growing and getting together with parents and blind 
> kids. During the third week of August, they will have a picnic.
> The Merchants Division is quite active. They are busy dealing with 
> Business Enterprise grievances. They had a workshop and will have another 
> meeting on May 21. They intend to have a fund raiser to sponsor a bus to 
> Blast which is at the Nashville Airport Mariott. This conference addresses 
> business relating to Randolph Sheppard and other entrepreneurial affairs. 
> It is $50 cheaper to register before August 15.
> Membership. Kimberly Mohnke is working on the master list of individuals 
> from the last several State Conventions. This is a great source of 
> potential members. Let Kimberly know if you want to be a part of an At 
> Large Chapter.
> Reggie Alvarado says that Western Wayne County is selling books for 
> children with their names in them. They are also selling cherries. They 
> had a chocolate fountain during their last meeting. They have $700 for 
> chapter members to go to National Convention. Members are still 
> participating in the Birding by Ear class.
> Ann Arbor had an excellent Job Seminar on March 12. We had an excellent 
> Structured Discovery Training Seminar on April 9. We plan to have a pool 
> party in August.
> Camp Tuhsmeheta. Braille Camp, June 19-25. Culinary Camp, June 26, July 1. 
> Science Camp, July 24-30. We are trying to determine what can be paid for 
> by the camp and by the grant. Culinary Camp needs leaders. Each camp needs 
> volunteers. We get information from kids because they give it to us. The 
> state of Michigan is pulling the license. The state is responsible for 
> complying with camp laws. We want contact information on kids attending 
> our camps. We want a budget for each camp. We need people to be on the 
> Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind Board. What we do at Camp Tuhsmeheta 
> is valuable. There was a motion to have one contact person between 
> National Federation of the Blind of Michigan and Opportunities Unlimited 
> for the Blind for
> our Three Camps. Elizabeth Mohnke made a motion to have one appointed 
> person as a contact between National Federation of the Blind of Michigan 
> and Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind for our three Camps, Braille, 
> Culinary, and Science. Also, there will be a budget signed by
> National Federation of the Blind and Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind 
> before camp begins. We will also receive contact
> information for campers attending our three camps. Dave Robinson seconded 
> the motion. Larry Posont appoints Christine Boone as
> our contact person. The motion was approved.
> Discussion on Commission for the Blind
> Presentation at the June 17 Commission Meeting. Mike
> Powell, Dave Robinson, Terri Wilcox. Larry Posont stepped out of the room 
> at this time.
> The Commission Board needs to respond to expectations. We expect the Board 
> to take responsibility and be in control and take actions that best meet 
> the needs of blind consumers. In our opinion recently power has been 
> deferred to the director. Policy should be written that requires quality 
> services for Michigan's blind children. The Commission has not taken 
> necessary steps to support Children's Services as mandated by Pa. Act 260. 
> There is a lack of support to parents and school systems regarding blind, 
> deaf blind and multipply handicapped children. Programs need to be 
> overseen and gaps need to be filled. Commissioners and blind Consumers 
> need to be given materials such as budgets and the State Plan in an 
> accessible format, in a timely manner, without their having to obtain 
> pertinent information through Freedom of Information Requests.
> Training of staff. Policy statement the Board should consider? Staff that 
> are hired should have more immersion and extensive training under sleep 
> shades. New hires need 600 hours of training. Rehabilitation counselors 
> should have training in the Rehabilitation Act and have a clear 
> understanding of issues blind individuals encounter. Training should have 
> a positive philosophy about blindness. There should be an understanding 
> about blind consumer's inclusion in their vocational goals. Trainees 
> should know what constitutes a competent blind person. Hiring practices of 
> unqualified candidates should be questioned. A perspective employee should 
> have a positive philosophy of blindness. Hiring practices should reflect 
> the attitude and philosophy that is put forth in the training.
> Consult bylaws that defer too much power to the director. The bylaws give 
> power to the director, rather than the Commission Board. Investigate the 
> bylaws to make sure the Board's role conforms with Public Act 260.
> The budget is on target for staff but expenditures for case services and 
> stimulus money is down. The Board must figure out why this is happening.
> The Client assistance program is not functioning in its capacity of being 
> an advocate for blind citizens. The Board needs to investigate the 
> agency's role and make sure it complies with the Rehabilitation Act.
> We recommend that the Board establish a policy on job development. Greater 
> employability of blind people needs to be achieved. A new approach to job 
> development is needed.
> The Board needs to show support for the program to make the jobs that are 
> available within the Business Enterprise Program economically viable for 
> blind operators. Launch a full investigation into the viability of 
> Business Enterprise Program locations with results given to the Commission 
> Board. We should petition the Commission Board to do the just thing and 
> restore Christine Boone to her job. The  arbitrator said that Dave 
> Robinson was fired because of his affiliation with the National Federation 
> of the Blind. The Commission needs to allow people to make choices in the 
> college policy. Self determination is vital. We want the Board to deal 
> with issues and give immediate results with recommendations and a time 
> line. We need a bulleted list of demands and expectations. Goals or 
> benchmarks concerning spending should be in the high nineties in 
> categories dealing with services to individuals. Twenty-five to 33 percent 
> of the entire Commission budget should go to individuals, rather than 
> other state agencies. A person receiving Social Security is not to be 
> required to use it for certain things. The Commission Board needs to take 
> action to get rid of the management of the agency. We cannot get 
> discouraged even if we lose. We cannot protect people doing a bad job. 
> Cannon only recorded Larry Posont at the Business Enterprise workshop. 
> Mike Powell will present the introduction and explain why we are the 
> National Federation of the Blind. Terri Wilcox and Mary Ann Robinson will 
> read. The tone needs to be set and violations of the law noted. Fred 
> Wurtzel intends to write. The college policy is also important and ties in 
> with our state resolution. We are the strongest advocates for blind people 
> and we need to clearly lay out our positions and expectations. The 
> document should be a call to action. Fred Wurtzel and Marcus Simmons join 
> the Commission presentation Committee. Establish fairness for everyone. 
> Support our policy of empowering blind people. We will put our document on 
> our website.
> Monitoring Report. Pat Cannon sent Larry Posont an update on the 
> Monitoring Report. He notified Rsa and they have not responded. John Scott 
> sent Pat Cannon an email requesting transcripts of Dave Robinson's case. 
> We want Sherri Heibeck to stop changing things at the Training Center. 
> Staff have multiple skills but are master of none. We inquired if any 
> blind people are being interviewed for Orientation and Mobility positions. 
> After a long hesitation, we were told one. Sighted men are being hired for 
> Orientation and Mobility positions. John Scott asked for documents and 
> said he would go to the Bar if he did not get information. It is the 
> responsibility of the Commission for the Blind to give it to him. The 
> Commission Board should have influence in budgetary matters with the 
> Michigan Commission for the Blind. Cannon claimed not to know that Dave 
> Robinson or Christine Boone are part of the National Federation of the 
> Blind. Christine Boone's arbitrator asked for a three week extension. 
> There was nothing mentioned about the State Plan or college and high 
> school assessments. No cap is allowed for accommodations for college 
> support. In rehab, if you can justify it you can have it. The Commission 
> and Lansing Community College's Memorandum of Understanding is not 
> working. The Commission for the Blind is not helping concerning grievances 
> with Lansing Community College. In the past, the Commission Board did not 
> get involved with client issues. We are changing that understanding. The 
> Commission does not want us involved with clients, but our intervention 
> does work. If you are a member of, or promoted by a member of this 
> organization, you are not served by the Commission for the Blind. Notify 
> the organization set up by Schuette that is trying to eliminate corruption 
> in state government. Blind people should have ownership of hardware and 
> software purchased for them by the Commission for the Blind. The 
> Commission seems to own it for three years. It is in the Policy Manual. 
> Pat Cannon and Leamon Jones are civil servants. There were nine cash 
> matches in Larry Posont's training documents. MRS sent back six to eight 
> million in cash match agreements. Larry Posont believes that they could 
> not come up with state match dollars. The Commission for the Blind may be 
> doing this as well. Money is allocated for services to students who do not 
> see these services. The authority level and spending level are different. 
> Close to thirty million is allocated for this agency.
> Blast Conference Nashville Tennessee, September 2011. Let Larry Posont 
> know if you plan to attend. Rooms are $113 plus tax.
> Adjourn soon after 4:00 P.M.
> --
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