[nfbmi-talk] December 1, 2011 Minutes,

trising at sbcglobal.net trising at sbcglobal.net
Mon Dec 12 20:17:29 UTC 2011

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting

December 1, 2011 Minutes,

Quorum Larry Posont, Dave Robinson, Terri Wilcox, Nick Wilcox, Melinda Latham, Mary Wurtzel, Christine Boone and Mike Powell. 

Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson made a motion to adopt the Secretary's Report as submitted by email. Nick Wilcox seconded the Motion. The Secretary's Report was approved.

Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel. The Treasurer's Report is probably the same as before. All treasury reports are caught up to send into the National office at Baltimore.

Introduction of participating Members.

President's Report, Larry Posont. committees are due to be appointed. They are as follows. The Legislation Committee consists of Terry Eagle, Dave Robinson and Joe Harcz. Terry Eagle is Committee Chair. The Membership Committee consists of Kim Mohnke, Mary Wurtzel and Terri Wilcox. Kim Mohnke is Committee Chair. The Fund Raising Committee consists of Dave Robinson and Mary Wurtzel. Dave Robinson is the Committee Chair. The Communications Committee consists of Kevin Reeves, Fred Wurtzel, Joe Harcz and Gere Wilcox. The Resolutions Committee consists of Dave Robinson. The Chair of the Resolutions Committee is Dave Robinson. The NFB of Michigan intends to issue a monthly Newsletter that will discuss one topic such as government transparency and Federation happenings. The White Cane list and the  Members at Large Chapter will be sources of contacts for the Newsletter. Volunteers are needed who will write articles and merge various lists. This will assist us in finding and maintaining contacts. Dave Robinson made a motion to appoint a committee to carry out communication ideas for members and nonmembers for monthly Newsletters and articles. Christine Boone seconded the Motion. The motion was adopted. Send recommendations for hotels for State Convention 2012 to Mary Wurtzel. 

Update on Sponsors for Subminimum Wage Legislation. We are seeking to get an appointment with the following Representatives and their blind Constituents who are Federation members. Representatives include: Tim Walberg, Fred Upton, Mike Rogers and Dave Camp. Constituents need to attend appointments with Anil Lewis and their Congressmen. 

Follow Up after December 15 Board Meeting. The next Board Meeting will be January 5, 2012.

Commission Board Meeting, December 8-9. Pertinent information has been placed on the internet by the Agency. The Meeting on Thursday is concerned with three Business Enterprise hearings and a report from Connie Zanger, as well as reports from the Ad Hoc Committee and the Eoc. Administrative Reports will be written.  Administrators will be presented with questions and will have an opportunity to speak with the Board to answer them. Accessible current financial information is not available for Commissioners or the public. The question was raised that since all state and local facilities were required to be made accessible by 1995, what is Nfb going to do about the lack of accessibility? The Agenda must be out three weeks before the meeting. If the Commission Board did not get accessible documents three weeks before the meeting the hearings should not be heard. 

The agency just released the Agenda. Commissioners need sufficient time with the documents to render a quality hearing for the operator. Mike Powell sent the Resolutions that require the attention of the Commission Board to the Commissioners.

Larry Posont left the meeting

 Joe Harcz and Dave Robinson urge immediate action on Resolution 2011-10. Larry Povinelli will give a legal opinion after this Resolution is sent to him  by Mike Powell. Mike Powell needs to give Larry Povinelli a deadline. The evaluation of the Director will be conducted on Friday. The evaluation is a public document. Even closed Meeting Minutes are public. 

Members at Large Chapter Meeting. Planning for Members at Large will be in early December.

New Business: Dave Robinson made a motion to have a winter Board Meeting in Lansing. Christine Boone seconded the motion. The Motion was adopted. Actions must be taken concerning the other Resolutions that do not directly concern the Michigan Commission for the Blind. Joe Harcz and Mike Powell will take the needed actions or seek partners to assist with the taking of appropriate action. Dave Robinson made a motion to go on record declaring a vote of no confidence for Pat Cannon as Director of the Michigan Commission for the Blind. The motion was adopted. This motion should be sent to the Commission for the Blind and be put in the Minutes. Discretion is the better part of valor concerning the sending of the Motion. Any organization can file a complaint.

Old Business: The Lansing Chapter is having their Christmas party on December 17. The Detroit Chapter is having a Cabaret on December 9 from 9:00 to 4:00 A.M. 

A motion was made by Christine Boone to adjourn at 10:04. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The Board Meeting adjourned. 


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