[nfbmi-talk] To Hold a candle?

trising at sbcglobal.net trising at sbcglobal.net
Sat Dec 24 20:10:53 UTC 2011

Merry Christmas to all of my Federation Family:
    I am singing in my Christmas Eve service this evening at church. We are singing the Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten and I have the solos. Here is the big question though. The choir processes and recesses with a lighted candle. I have asked to be excused from carrying the lighted candle. I do not know how I would carry the open flame, read my Braille words to sing, carry my cane, and hang onto a person's arm. I do not have enough hands. I feel that the most important thing is to get in without stumbling on my robe while I accurately sing the music. I know my way around the church, but I know the orchestra members and choir members would be nervous if I was contacting things with my cane, rather than taking an arm. How would my Federation family handle this situation. I have opted for not carrying the candle and taking the arm, but I feel like I am not showing all the capabilities of blind people by choosing these options.

Terri Wilcox, soloist
Secretary, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan

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