[nfbmi-talk] woman steals from blind boss

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Sat Jan 1 20:54:21 UTC 2011

Woman steals from blind boss


By Kimball Perry •

kperry at enquirer.com

• December 14, 2010

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For the second time in a week, a judge sent to prison someone convicted of stealing from the blind owner of the deli inside the Hamilton County Courthouse.

This one was an employee who brought her baby to court Tuesday.


Common Pleas Court Judge Robert Ruehlman sent Sharon Watson, 23, to prison for six months after Watson pleaded guilty last month to theft from a disabled



Watson brought her newborn to court, likely hoping that would influence the judge to give her probation. It didn't work. The Sheriff's Department deputies

also took custody of the child who ould be cared for by the government unless a relative contacts them to take the child.


Watson, of Colerain Township, worked for deli owner Kent Parker. She was accused twice of cashing paychecks from the safe Parker keeps at the deli and,

each time, paying herself more than the check amount. She stole a total of $280 over and above her paycheck amounts from Parker.


Watson's sentence comes after Common Pleas Court Judge Steve Martin last week sent Dante Williams, who is visually impaired, to prison for eight months

after Williams was caught stealing from Parker's deli. Williams bought items from Parker twice, paying with a $1 bill but telling the blind Parker they

were $20 dollar bills each time and getting change from $20.


To follow Hamilton County court news, go to


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