[nfbmi-talk] official dec 7 approval school for blind trust spending plan

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Jan 7 19:52:20 UTC 2011

Note the approval of the Michigan School for the Blind spending plan here on December 7, 2010 from pdf. (Sorry this is sort of long, but I can’t maintain the integrity of this whole thing in pdf.)



Attached board breifs:



Table with 5 columns and 1 row  JENNIFER M. GRANHOLM 











 December 7, 2010 

 The following is a summary of items addressed by the State Board of Education (SBE), 

with web links to electronic versions of those items. A video archive of the meeting is 

available at: http://www.mistreamnet.com/vidflv.php?who=sbe121010n01.   REGULAR MEETING 

 The Board adopted resolutions honoring Elizabeth Bauer, Carolyn Curtin, and 

Reginald Turner recognizing their contributions to the State of Michigan as 

members of the State Board of Education. The December 7 meeting was the last 

Board meeting for Elizabeth Bauer and Carolyn Curtin, who have served on the 

Board for eight years; and in November Reginald Turner resigned from the Board. 

 Click here for the Resolution Honoring Elizabeth W. Bauer Click here for the Resolution Honoring Carolyn L. Curtin Click here for the Resolution Honoring Reginald Turner  COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING 

 Presentation on New Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) Writing 

Assessment  This presentation provided an update on the status of the new MEAP writing 

assessment, and described the process that will be used to set standards this 

winter. The MDE will continue development of the assessment and recommended 

performance standards (cut scores) for approval by the Board in early-2011. 

Department staff shared information on how the new writing test has been 

improved by providing more instructionally relevant information to teachers and 


 Click here for the PowerPoint presentation.Presentation on Proposed Standards for the Preparation of Teachers of Industrial 

and Technology Education (IX) In order to provide teachers who are prepared to meet the needs of K-12 school 

districts, the Industrial Technology and Technology and Design endorsement 

standards have been combined and revised to incorporate both endorsement 

standards into the Standards for the Preparation of Teachers of Industrial and 

Technology Education. These proposed Standards are the result of collaborative 

efforts by experts at teacher preparation institutions and intermediate school 

districts. The standards will be available on the Internet for field review in January 

and February and final approval by the Board in mid-2011. 



 The Superintendent provided the Board with a Human Resources Update, and 

notified the Board of his approval of the Cheboygan-Otsego-Presque Isle 

Educational Service District Plan for the Delivery of Special Education Programs and 

Services.  In addition, the Superintendent provided the Board with information on several 

grants that have been awarded by the Michigan Department of Education including: 

 • 2010-2011 Striving Readers – Initial • 2009-2010 Enhancing Education Through Technology, Title II, Part D, 

Competitive Programs – Amendment • 2009-2010 Enhancing Education Through Technology, Title II, Part D, 

Competitive Programs – ARRA – Amendment  • 2009-2010 Enhancing Education Through Technology, Title II, Part D, 

Competitive Program, Michigan Education Data Portal Grant – Initial • 2010-2011 Enhancing Education Through Technology, Title II, Part D, 

Competitive Program, Michigan Education Data Portal Grant – Initial and 

Continuation • 2010-2011 Enhancing Education Through Technology, Title II, Part D, 

Competitive Program, 21st Century Learning Environments Initiative, E-

Learning Consortium – Continuation  • 2010-2011 Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) Grant Program (Title 

II (B)) – Amendment • 2011-2012 Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) Grant Program (Title 

II (B)) – Initial • 2010-2011 Title I, Part A – Improving Basic Programs – Initial  • 2010-2011 Title I, Part D – Prevention and Intervention for Neglected and 

Delinquent – Initial • 2010-2011 Title VI, Part B, Rural and Low Income School Programs – Initial   REPORT OF MICHIGAN TEACHER OF THE YEAR Ms. Matinga Ragatz, 2010-2011 Michigan Teacher of the Year, provided a written 

and verbal report on activities she participated in during the past month. 


 Approval of Amendments to the Michigan Accountability Workbook  The State Board of Education approved Michigan’s Accountability Workbook as 

presented by staff from the Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability. 

The Accountability Workbook is Michigan’s annual negotiation of the details of the 

Department’s accountability plan with the U. S. Department of Education, as 

required by the No Child Left Behind Act. The Workbook was first presented to the 

Board at its October meeting. The Workbook approved by the Board includes minor 

revisions identified by the Board at its October meeting. The revisions are 

described in the transmittal memorandum from the Superintendent. With Board 

approval, the Department will submit the Accountability Workbook to the United 

States Department of Education. 

  Approval of Michigan School for the Blind Trust Fund Spending Plan for 2010-2011  The State Board of Education approved the FY 2010-11 spending plan for Camp 

Tuhsmeheta, as recommended by the Board’s Trust Fund Committee. The total 

operation cost for Camp T for FY 2011 is $194,800. The amount includes new roofs 

on Maple, Birch, and Elm Halls, and well as fascia boards for White Pine Lodge. 

  State and Federal Legislative Update  The Board was provided with an update of legislative actions since the November 

Board meeting. The report included information on the Education Jobs Fund Bill; 

MI-SAAS Hearings; HB 4410 and SB 638 regarding teacher evaluations linked to 

tenure; SB 1284 regarding implementation of early intervention programs; and a 

Federal update on the Federal Child Nutrition Act. 


 The Board approved the following items on the consent agenda: 

 • Approval of Criteria for 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grants • Approval of Criteria for Allocation of American Recovery and Reinvestment 

Act (ARRA) Title I School Improvement Funds • Approval of Criteria for State-Approved Supplemental Educational Services 

(SES) Providers • Adoption of Resolutions Honoring Retiring Department of Education 


 • Teresa Abbott • Dan Alvarez • Ana Cardona • Michael Clinton • Denise Dickenson • Patricia Everett • Marilyn Fisher • MaryAlice Galloway • Ray Gross • Charles Hagler • Eileen Hamilton • Kay Harkness • Sharon Kibby • Susan Koenigsknecht • Patti Lehman • Sandra Marlowe • Brenda Mazuca • Cynthia McFall • Charlene Merrick • Nancy Mincemoyer • Maureen Mitchell • Sue Morrice • Marlene Muskan • Sharon Nierescher • Wesley O’Dell • Florida Parks-Wickoff • Mary Pfaff • Gerald Proulx • Kenneth Rademacher • Bonnie Rockafellow • Joyce Ruttan • Michelle Ryder • David Sanderson • Jean Shane • Catherine Smith • Lynn Ann Snellman • Jane Stone • Rosemary Suardini • Karen Taylor • Joellen Wonsey  • Adoption of Resolution Honoring Michigan School Principal’s Week – 

February 14-18, 2011 • Adoption of Resolution Regarding National Child and Adult Care Food 


 • Tuesday, January 11, 2011 (9:30 a.m.) 

• Tuesday, February 8, 2011 (9:30 a.m.) 

• Tuesday, March 8, 2011 (9:30 a.m.) 

• Tuesday, April 12, 2011 (9:30 a.m.) 

• Tuesday, May 10, 2011 (9:30 a.m.) 

       This publication is an effort to provide information on State Board of Education meeting highlights. The 

Board is interested in your feedback. Please direct your feedback to Eileen Hamilton, State Board Executive, 

at hamiltone at michigan.gov.  

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