[nfbmi-talk] Minutes, May 26, 2011

David Robinson drob1946 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 15:23:31 UTC 2011

Dear Cheryl, 

   This event is occurring on State property and according to Public Act 260
and the promogated rules of October 2005, BEP operators have priority for
food service, catering, coffee service and the like, on State property.
First of all, this event is being sponsored by a private organization and
the funds for such would be going to that organization. Secondly, the
operator who runs the food service at the Capitol has, by law, the priority
for food service on the Capitol property, and he to should not be charged by
the private organization to provide such service. Finally, It is a known
fact that no BEP operator has ever made much from participating in this
event despite the promisesfrom the promotors. So I think that if an operator
wants to participate, they need to get permission form the operator at the
Capitol and consider it a service to the event and not a priviledge. 

Dave Robinson

-----Original Message-----
From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
On Behalf Of Cheryl Wade
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 10:43 AM
To: NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Minutes, May 26, 2011

    Why is it illegal for a vender to pay for the privilege of selling at a 
community event? Everybody else has to pay, even if they're selling art work

at a fair? That's how the event makes money. Why can't the vendor just pay 
to take part? If they want the increased sales, why can't they just fork 
over the money? And no, I don't think the state should pay for that sort of 
thing, either. But is there a legal precedent?

I had to pay for all kinds of things when I worked in private industry full 
time, including drivers. I don't get it.

Cheryl Wade

From: <trising at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 3Whyis it illegal:37 PM
To: "NFBofMichigan List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Minutes, May 26, 2011

> National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting
> May 26, 2011 Minutes 8:30 P.M.
> Quorum Larry Posont, Terri Wilcox, Michael Powell, Donna Posont, Dave 
> Robinson, Mary Wurtzel.
> Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson made a motion to adopt the

> Secretary's Report. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The Secretary's 
> Report was approved.
> Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel. We got the 20,000 for Camp Tuhsmeheta. 
> Melinda Latham purchased four tickets for youth to get to National 
> Convention. Donna Posont made a motion to adopt the Treasurer's Report. 
> Terri Wilcox seconded the motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved.
> Introduction of participating Members
> President's Report, Larry Posont. Christine Boone thanks the National 
> Federation of the Blind of Michigan for our support. The Board supervises 
> Cannon and we need to make a strong statement at the Commission Board 
> Meeting. Christine Boone's victory is known nationally.
> The August Board Meeting will be held August 6 in Kalamazoo at the 
> Clarion.
> National and State Convention. Detroit is taking a bus to Convention with 
> some other affiliate. Those receiving Jernigan Scholarships from Michigan 
> are, Steve and Jeff Crouch, Paul Bunn and Gloria Tatum. Information about 
> chapter sales need to be to Dave Robinson by June 15.
> Braille-a-thon is on June 21. We discussed several issues surrounding 
> Braille-A-Thon. We will pay to have a table for Newsline at 
> Braille-a-thon. The vendor at the capitol has not relinquished his right 
> to be there and should not have to. Operators are being charged $35 and 
> this is illegal. MCB should not be using its resources for an event that 
> is being sponsored by a private organization.
> Christine Boone will ask for auditing of books.
> Newsline. Keep looking for funding sources.
> Nature's Finest Bounty Report. The web page is moving forward.
> Web Site Report. Jeff Crouch is willing to help out.
> Camp Tuhsmeheta. Christine Boone is our connection between National 
> Federation of the Blind of Michigan and Opportunities Unlimited for the 
> Blind.
> Legislative Committee, Mary Wurtzel. Legislative day was canceled.
> Discussion on Commission for the Blind Presentation at the June 17 
> Commission Meeting. Mike Powell, Dave Robinson,
> Terri Wilcox. The Commission Board has never taken and used the power of 
> Act 260. There may be training on the sixteenth concerning the Board and 
> Act 260. We must keep our presentation to 45 minutes. We will put the 
> presentation on the listserve after we give it to the Board at the 
> meeting.
> We will ask that our documents go into the Minutes verbatim.
> Commission for the Blind Discussion. Seven people had a meeting dealing 
> with catering policy and Act 260. They included three operators, Larry 
> Posont and three staff. Our document written by the National Federation of

> the Blind was endorsed but has been in limbo. Steve Arwood pointed out 
> problems we have previously addressed. Vendors have priority in 
> concessions in the law. This includes catering. Due to a lack of support 
> from the agency, the performance of some blind vendors may suffer.
> Monitoring Report. Pat Cannon says he notified Rsa and they have not sent 
> notification back. We would like to get legislators involved.
> Blast Conference Nashville Tennessee, September 2011. We are working on 
> getting a charter bus. Registration is $150 before August 15 and $200 
> after August 15.
> New Business: The hotel agrees to allow us to host the other half of a 
> Parent's Seminar on Sunday afternoon at State Convention until four P.M. 
> The hotel is encouraging us to eat lunch there. We want to encourage 
> participation in convention all week end.
> Old Business: Elizabeth Mohnke made a draft of a scholarship application 
> to the Scholarship Committee. She intends to present it soon to the 
> National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board. It is suggested that 
> the Board request transcripts of Christine Boone's and Dave Robinson's 
> cases. Once a case is adjudicated, it is public record. John Scott went to

> the Attorney General for documents after being denied by Cannon.
> Adjourn at 10:01 P.M.
> --
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