[nfbmi-talk] request for information

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Jun 29 15:05:30 UTC 2011


Have you received the meeting minutes from all the recent public meetings of MCB including the required minutes under the Open meetings Act of the last three meetings of MCB including the "PA 260" meeting, the Quarterly Board meeting and the "State Plan meeting?

If so I am requesting them from you.

If not it shows how this scofflaw and renegade agency is not only violating this blind person's civil rights but yours as well.

There are substantial violations of the ADA, The Rehabilitation Act, the Open Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act going on here and those are the facts. They are not conjecture, but copiously documented.

If you see this problem with me, a 58 year old adult who knows these laws intimately then imagine the violations that go on daily to the average blind person trying to get so-called services from this agency that again is documented to violate the human and civil rights of myself and others.

Ms. Pilarski you are most culpable too as you've known of these and other violations over a decade now and I save my e-mails and my correspondences to you and others acting in official capacity. Thus you have acted in concert and with deliberate indifference to the laws you have sworn to uphold.

I hold the other commissioners blameless in these regards.

It is time for you, Ms. Pilarski to tender your resignation. Simple as that and it is long since time for this board to give Patrick Cannon a vote of "no confidence" for his pernitious violations of multiple laws over the course of a decade.


Joe Harcz


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