[nfbmi-talk] damned with her own words and actions
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Jun 29 21:52:34 UTC 2011
Somebody on this planet must learn to read and actually read and act on the ADA, 5004 and the FOIA. What in the world is this publicly paid employee talking about? she violated each and every act she is obligated to follow and made up times and dates out of her hat just like Patrick Cannon has for I've already supplied to all the Rehab Act, the ADA the Open Meetings Act and the Michigan fOIA on all of these accounts. By the way Cannon and Pilarski and all are violating them all again over and over again adinfinitum themselves...
What a joke and what a sick joke this all is...
Meanwhile back at the ranch how many blind customers even get their IPE in alternate format? How many students get their IEPC in alternate format let alone everything, and I repeat once and for all everything any other student gets at the same time and samestation?
Simply incredable and the whole lot of these clowns should be summarily fired on the spot for gross and multiple acts of mass discrimination which is documented in their own words.
We in the NFB fight for accessable web sites, accessable this and that. It is time for mass wave upon wave of federal lawsuits until the scofflaws come once and for all into complete compliance and without question.
Enough is enough...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marlene Malloy <
marlene at mrccouncil.org>
Date: Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 2:46 PM
membership_fy_11 at mrccouncil.org
Cc: Shori Teeple <
shori at mrccouncil.org>,
Frank Vaca <
frank at mrccouncil.org>,
Rachelle Bangela <
rachelle at mrccouncil.org>, "
Porter, Jaye (DELEG)" <
PorterJ3 at michigan.gov>,
PazurG at michigan.gov,
AdamsL1 at michigan.gov>
Hello – On Wednesday, June 22nd, I received an email Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from Joe Harcz of Mt. Morris. He was asking for the June
3rd, 2011 Business Meeting minutes, along with the MCB/MRS Combining Research report. He received a response from me within the five day requirement that
his request had been received and that the documents would be forwarded to him within the 20 business days specified in the FOIA. On June 22nd, Mr. Harcz
received both documents via email, which results in the successful response to his request. The Executive Committee has been involved in this process,
providing direction to staff. The two documents that were requested are attached and provided for your perusal as desired. I thought it was important
that the membership become aware of this activity. Thank you.
Marlene S. Malloy
Executive Director
Michigan Rehabilitation Council
3490 Belle Chase Way, Suite 110
Lansing, MI 48911
517/887.9370, extension 1
517/887.9369 -
877/335.9370 -
Toll Free
marlene at mrccouncil.org
Always speak of the past, gratefully. Of the future, excitedly. And of the present, with bobbing eyebrows and a Cheshire grin.
It is all about spiritual politics!
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This group includes (26) e-mail addresses for the following:
24 Members: Carol Bergquist, Jeanette Brown, Cecily Cagle, Steven Calley, Anthony Carmichael, Eleanor Chang, Beth Childress, Adolph Cwik, Maria Deahl, Sheryl
Diamond, Susan Fitzmaurice, Shon Halacka, Joanne Lamar, James Lewis, Tracie Lewis-Jennings, Nan Melke, Deanna Middlebrooks, Caryn Pack Ivey, Alicia Paterni,
Lisa Rutledge, Felix Sirls, Dennis Stanford, Jacqueline Thomas, Luke Zelley.
2 Staff: Marlene Malloy, Shori Teeple.
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