[nfbmi-talk] Colorado Center Summer Programs

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 23:09:12 UTC 2011

Dear Michigan Federationists:
    Please read this and distribute it far and wide to anyone in these age groups who might be interested.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Carol Elzi
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 4:53 PM
Subject: Colorado Center Summer Programs

Dear NFB State Presidents,

 Please find information about our Summer Program at the Colorado Center for the Blind.  We have programs for middle school, high 
school and college prep levels.  If you need information, please contact Youth Services Coordinator, Brent Batron, at 303-778-1130 
x222 or bbatron at cocenter.org

Thank you,

2011 Summer Youth Programs
Colorado Center for the Blind

Summer for Success College Prep Program
Ages:  High school graduates and older
Program dates:  Friday, June 10, 2011 - Friday, August 5, 2011
8-week residential program

Earn and Learn High School Program
Ages:  14 years and older
Program dates:  Friday, June 10, 2011 - Friday, August 5, 2011
8-week residential program

Initiation to Independence Middle School Program
Ages:  11-14
Program dates:  Monday, July 18, 2011 - Friday, August 5, 2011
3 week residential program

For more information and applications please call:
Brent Batron, Youth Services Coordinator
bbatron at cocenter.org
Colorado Center for the Blind
2233 West Shepperd Avenue
Littleton, CO  80120
(303) 778-1130     1-800-401-4632
Email:  ccb at cocenter.org         Website:  www.cocenter.org

At the Colorado Center for the Blind we offer three summer residential programs for students in middle school, high school and 
college.  The students live with counselors in two bedroom, two bath apartments located near the Center and will work on all aspects 
of managing an apartment. Students are well supervised by their counselors at a ratio of 3:1. They will also use public 
transportation to travel to and from the Center each day. There are usually 2-3 students per apartment and they will work together 
on such things as cleaning, cooking, food storage, grocery shopping using shopper assistants, budgeting money, and sharing common 
household chores.

We place a big emphasis on challenge recreation activities such as white water rafting, rock climbing and a variety of other events 
like major league baseball games or trips to amusement parks.  The students always have a great time tackling these challenges that 
are generally perceived as inaccessible to blind kids.

All students participate in discussion groups where they talk about what it's like to be a blind teenager. Topics of discussion may 
include dating, dealing with parents and teachers, ways to integrate effectively into all school activities, and various social 
situations. Students learn how to problem solve, self advocate and take control of their lives.

All programs share the core classes of Braille, cane travel, home management, technology and philosophy of blindness.  As an 
integral part of our programs, students with residual vision are required to wear sleepshades during the day and during other center 
activities.  This provides for all students to focus their attention on learning the non-visual techniques that we teach at the 
Colorado Center for the Blind.  Confidence and self-belief is developed at a quicker rate and students can fully realize that it is 
okay to blind and that their worth is not based upon the amount of usable vision but instead on their ability with or without 

One of the high points of the high school and college summer programs is traveling to the National Federation of the Blind Annual 
Convention. This is the largest gathering of blind people in the world and the students get the chance to meet many successful blind 
adults and other kids from all around the country. At this convention, they learn about the newest technology and adaptive devices 
and experience some of the details of staying in a world-class hotel. We will travel by plane giving them a good experience in 
independently traveling through unfamiliar airports, packing and checking luggage, etc. They will attend a formal banquet at the end 
of the convention and appropriate dress clothing is the norm at this event.

Summer for Success College Prep Program
This comprehensive eight-week residential program for high school graduates will prepare each student to handle all aspects of a 
university or vocational program. Participants will have instruction on using readers and Disabled Students Services, applying for 
scholarships and meeting and talking with blind adults who have gone through the college experience. Local college instructors will 
work with students on developing alternative techniques in order to take courses including math, statistics, and sciences. Students 
will learn to take effective notes as well as to manage time.  They will also learn to navigate different college campuses by 
utilizing the structured discovery techniques that they will learn in their cane travel class.

Earn and Learn High School Program
This eight-week residential program serves students aged 14-18.  Not only do these students take the core classes, but they have the 
opportunity to participate in exciting, paid work experiences. We work to match students with jobs they find both interesting and 
challenging. It is exhilarating for the students to get their first paycheck.

Initiation to Independence Middle School Program
This is a three-week residential program for students aged 12-14. In addition to the core classes, this is an opportunity for this 
age group to live in apartments with other students and a counselor, getting real world experiences in their home away from home. 
Students will meet successful, working adults in order to learn about various professions. These students are excited to have so 
many new experiences

Carol Elzi

2233 W. Shepperd Ave.

Littleton, CO  80120


303-778-1598 fax


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