[nfbmi-talk] April 28, 2011 Minutes,

trising trising at sbcglobal.net
Sat May 7 01:45:16 UTC 2011

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board


Quorum Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Melinda Latham, Terri Wilcox, Mary Wurtzel, Marcus Simmons, Donna Posont, Matt McCubbin, Dave 

Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Mike Powell made a motion to adopt the Secretary's Report. Marcus Simmons seconded the motion. The 
Secretary's Report was approved.

Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel. 4,824.35 is in the Affiliate Treasury. Dave Robinson made a motion to accept the Treasurer's 
Report. Marcus Simmons seconded the motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved.

Introduction of participating Members

President's Report, Larry Posont. An email was sent to Jo Ann Pilarski appointing Christine Boone to the ad hoc training committee. 
Mike Powell made a motion to appoint Christine Boone to the Ad Hoc Training Committee.  Dave Robinson seconded the motion. The Board 
approved the motion.

Lydia Schuck will represent the Commission Board on the Ad Hoc Training Committee.

Youth Outreach. We will have the Bridge Walk at a camp in Traverse City. The cost will be $120 or $150 for 3 or 4 days. We are 
speaking with Low Incidence Outreach concerning funds. We are exploring other fund raisers such as Wall Mart and checking on the 
Solicitation License.

The grant cannot be used to help individuals attend Convention because the donor says the grant money must be used for programs at 
Camp Tuhsmeheta. If money is left it can be used to fund to Bridge Walk or other Youth Outreach programs. Donna Posont made a motion 
to take 1000 from the Youth Outreach for Melinda Latham's ticket and room and 1000 from the Parents CD for parents and kids to go to 
Convention. Marcus Simmons seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Appointing Christine Boone to the Ad Hoc Training Committee. Christine Boone has the most knowledge about training staff. They 
objected because of her supposed litigation that is not litigation. Structured Discovery cane travel was started in Nebraska by a 
group including Christine and Doug Boone, Fred Schroeder and several others. Larry is representing the Commission Board on a 
Committee concerned with a catering issue.

Update on NFB Consumer Presentation on Commission Board

Meeting on June 17. Suggested areas that we should address to the Commission Board include an inappropriate relationship between the 
Client Assistance Program and the Commission for the Blind. Documents such as the State Plan, need to be released in accessible 
formats in a timely manner for Commissioners and other interested blind people. Open forums should be held throughout the state for 
blind people every three years. Out of 5.4 million in case service budget, 1.2 million was not spent. The Business Enterprise 
Program only spent 85 percent of its budget. Extra stimulus money could be spent on Newsline.

Newsline. There was Discussion with a state representative. Bill 2314 is not an Appropriations Bill. Fred Wurtzel is discussing 
legislation that sponsors Newsline through the Public Service Commission with Legislators. Stimulus money could be used for 
Newsline. The National Office has not threatened to shut Newsline off.

Legislative Committee, Mary Wurtzel. The Michigan Affiliate hopes to go to legislature on May 18. A conference call between Larry 
Posont, Fred and Mary Wurtzel, and Georgia Kitchen. Dave Robinson made a motion that the Affiliate participate in the Braille-a-thon 
on June 21. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The motion was adopted.

State Fund Raising. We intend to sell coffee at the exhibit table.

Camp Tuhsmeheta. There was a previous discussion about our three camps. A prompt  list of supplies is needed for each of our three 
camps. Reach camp directors at  campdirector at camptddorg

It was desirable to thank Karen Taylor for her supplies and time, but Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind did not pay the bill. 
Last year, Larry Posont asked for account information, but did not get all he wanted. Mary Wurtzel made a motion to pay Karen Taylor 
$200 as a thank you. Marcus Simmons seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Larry Posont will ask Camp Tuhsmeheta for a 
proposed budget for our three camps. Then, we will add our expenses.

Quarterly Board Meeting, NFB. Saturday, May 14, 2011. Ann

Arbor. Agenda Items Needed. Dave moves donna seconds bringing 1 bag coffee from Affiliate for the Board Meeting Fred Wurtzel asks if 
the church has an internet connection available?

August Board Meeting. Details will follow. No food is allowed in the hotel.

Nature's Finest Bounty Report. A sighted person is needed to put pictures on the website

Matt McCubbin intends to look into this.

New Business: It is suggested that we auction off a recording of the Ad hoc committee meeting. Melinda Latham thanks the Board for 
standing behind her with money that will assist in getting youth to convention.

Blind Vendor's Yearly Workshop April 29-May 1. The merchants will have a meeting Friday, from six thirty to nine P.M.

Adjourn. at 10-30.

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