[nfbmi-talk] NFB of Michigan 2011 convention agenda

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 23:19:33 UTC 2011


November 4: 6, 2011
Clarion Hotel, Kalamazoo Michigan

 “Larry Posont said, The primary goal of the National Federation of
the Blind of Michigan is the security, equality, and opportunity of
Michigan’s blind citizens, which leads to gainful employment.
Employment for Michigan’s blind citizens is the primary goal of The
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan.”

Please visit our Web Page
To buy our renowned coffee, including Michigan Cherry, visit
where we will feature products made by blind entrepreneurs.

Contact our president, Larry Posont via email at president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
 Or cell phone( 313)727-3546 home phone (313)271-3058.

Much of the convention, including Resolutions Committee meeting,
highlights from Division meetings and the Friday night Entertainment,
along with the general session on Saturday, the banquet and Sunday’s
business meeting and elections will be live streamed. The stream link
Please bring auction items for the Saturday evening Auction after the
Banquet. Baked goods are especially appreciated.

All meals during Convention will be served in the Monterey Ball Room.

Child Care is located in Room 105. Child Care is open during all
general sessions and the Banquet.

All General Sessions and Banquet are in the Palisades Ball Room.

Hospitality is located in the Monterey ball Room.

Exhibits are located in the Monterey Ball Room.

FRIDAY November 4

8:30 -- 4:00 SEMINAR Merchant’s Division of the National Federation of
the Blind of Michigan, Dave Robinson, -- Monterey ballroom.
8:30 – 9:00 REGISTRATION.
9:00 – 12:00 -- Session 1 - Grievances and Appeals
Session 2 -- Federal and State Taxes
12:00 -- 1:00 Lunch $12.00
1:00 – 3:00 Session 3 Roundtable on Ideas for Michigan Program

Session 4- Conducting a Meeting and Roberts Rules of Order
3:00 -- 7:00 EXHIBITS Monterey Ball Room

4:00 -- 7:00 RESOLUTIONS Laguna Board Room -- Dave Robinson

4:00 -- 7:00 REGISTRATION -- Mike and Paulette Powell outside
Palisades Ball Room. Pick up Braille or Print Agendas, and Banquet
tickets here.
Youth Outreach Activities will take place Friday evening and on
Saturday when the Convention is not in Session or having the Banquet.
Youth activities will also be available Sunday afternoon. For details,
contact Melinda Latham at: youthslammi at yahoo.com

6:30 – 10:00 PARENT’S SEMINAR, -- Reyes 2 Room
Fee: Friday: $10 / person or $15 / family. Sunday. $5 for each participant.
7:00 -- Mobility. Structured Discovery - What is it? Why does it work?
How is it taught? How do parents support mobility experiences across
the spectrum? Doug Boone. President D. Boone Consultants.
Transition. What is it? What do parents and students need to know? What
makes a plan meaningful. Calvin and Tricia Luker (RespectAbility
Law Center)
Why Should I be a part of the NFB? Anil Lewis.
K-12 Assessment. What do test results tell us about blind students in the
K-12 system? Which test should be given for a specific student? How to
select testing accommodations and what do these choices mean?
Brunhilde Merk-Adam.

The following poster Sessions will be available inside of the meeting room:
1. Braille Literacy
2. Integration of Technology
3. Living Trusts for kids with multiple impairments
4. Preparing for College in a smart way
5. Skills of Blindness - why they Matter (the expanded core)
6. Pro-active Parenting

6:30 MICHIGAN Association of Blind Students, Elizabeth Mohnke, President.
 Reyes 1 Room
6:30 - 7:00 REGISTRATION $5.00
7:00 - 9:00 Student Seminar

Join us for a fun informative seminar on how students can get more involved
with the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan. Featuring current
students, national leaders, and elections.

9:00 -- 11:00 ENTERTAINMENT night Sponsored by the Kalamazoo Chapter
and Mike Ellis.
Fun and fund raisers, -- Monterey Ball Room
Ann Arbor Chapter Gift Card Raffle 1 Ticket for $3.00 and 2 tickets for $5.00
$644 in gift cards and still growing
Buy as many tickets as you want. There will be just one winner. If you
do not buy a ticket, you are sure not to win. The drawing will
beSunday morning.

The Lansing and Ann Arbor Chapters will hold 50 - 50 drawings. Tickets
are $1.00 each or six for $5.00. The drawings will be on Sunday
morning before Adjournment.

SATURDAY November 5

Free Continental Breakfast will be served in the Monterey Ball Room.
To obtain breakfast, you must show your key.
7:00 RESOLUTIONS [If needed]

7:30 to 8:15 REGISTRATION -- outside Palisades Ball Room

8:30 Opening Session We will start on time with a door prize.

INTRODUCTION of Participating Members

STAR Spangled Banner, Terri Wilcox

PLEDGE of Allegiance

9:00 -- 9:30 NATIONAL Report, Anil Lewis, Director of Strategic
Communications Anil Lewis became president of the Atlanta Metropolitan
Chapter of the NFB of Georgia in 2000 and was elected president of the
NFB of Georgia in 2002. In that year he also received the Kenneth
Jernigan Memorial Scholarship, the NFB’s most prestigious award
presented to a blind student, which he used to obtain his master’s
degree in public administration with emphasis in policy analysis and
program evaluation from GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY in 2003. That year he
was also elected as a member of the National Federation of the Blind
board of directors. He received an Outstanding Alumnus award from
Torch Bearer of Peace Award recipient. In 2006 Lewis was named alumnus
of the year by Leadership Dekalb, a community leadership development
organization in Dekalb County, Georgia. Anil Lewis now works full time
for the National office as Director of Strategic Communications. He
has been able to drive the Blind Driver Challenge Vehicle and has been
working hard to abolish the abominable practice of paying subminimum
wages to blind workers.

9:30 -- 9:45 PRESIDENTIAL Report on National Federation of the Blind
of Michigan, Larry Posont

9:45 -- 10:00 INITIATION of Dog and Transportation Division, Larry Keeler

10:00 -- 11:00 NATIONAL Federation of the Blind Training Centers
 Louisiana, Colorado, and Minnesota, Structured Discovery
 Doug Boone President D. Boone Consultants. Cindy Bennett, Secretary
of National Association of Blind Students, is from South Carolina and
attends BLIND INC.

11:00 -- 11:30 WHAT brought me to the Federation? New Member of the
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan, Kevin Reeves, Terri
Wilcox Secretary, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan

11:30 -- 12:00 REPRESENTATIVE from Michigan’s 61st District Margaret O'Brien
What Happens when Government Lets You Down?

12:00 -- 2:00 LUNCH

BREAK OUT Sessions for Lunch
12:00 - 2:00 ALL Things Students Pizza Luncheon, Student
Presidential Suite, Cost $5.00

ALL students are invited to grab a slice of pizza, pull up a chair, and talk
all things students in a casual atmosphere. Current leaders will be on hand
to answer questions and discuss the future of the student division. This
event is for students and other interested individuals. Please pay the
luncheon fee when registering for the Friday evening Student Seminar.

12:30 -- 1:30 MEMBERS At Large Chapter, Dave Robinson Member of
National Federation of the Blind Board
 Elections and Bylaws Lunch $12.00 to $14.00

Videos will be shown at Lunch?

2:00 -- 2:10 ANNOUNCEMENTS

2:10 2:20 -- NON 24 Hour Sleep Wake Disorder, Adrienne Annison
Executive Assistant Vanda Pharmaceuticals

2:20 – 2:30 – NEWSLINE, Georgia Kitchen, Larry Posont

2:30 -- 3:00. LEADER Dogs for the Blind, Rachelle Kniffen, Marketing Specialist
Cane Travel Program
Global Positioning Program
Summer Programs for Students

3:00 -- 3:45 SCIENCE Braille and Cooking from The NFB Perspective Camp
Tuhsmeheta, 2011, Terri Wilcox, Larry Posont, Fred Wurtzel, and
Christine Boone

3:45 -- 4:15 DISABILITIES in Agriculture in Michigan, Kelly Ewald.
Michigan State University Agricultural Extension Service.
The Agricultural industry in Michigan is second in the country, only
behind California. Cottage Law.

4:15 -- 4:30 LIBRARY for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Scott Norris

4:30 – 5:00 RESOLUTIONS

MUSICIAN, Kevin Reeves
NATIONAL Representative, Anil Lewis
AUCTION, shortly after the Banquet

SUNDAY November 6

8:30 -- DEVOTIONS Palisades Ball Room Terri Wilcox

The Lansing and Ann Arbor Chapters will hold 50 - 50 drawings. Tickets
are $1.00 each or six for $5.00. The drawings will be on Sunday
morning before Adjournment.

9:00 – 12:00 --BUSINESS Meeting of the National Federation of the
Blind of Michigan

SECRETARY’S Report, Terri Wilcox

TREASURER’S Report, Mary Wurtzel

ELECTION of Board Position 1
ELECTION of Board Position 2
ELECTION of Board Position 3
ELECTION of Board Position 4

NATIONAL Convention - Where and When

FUND Raising -- National Convention

STATE Convention - Locations for Next Year

WASHINGTON Seminar 2012

BRAILLE Monitor, new Formats by December (e-mail, Newsline, thumb drive)

OPPORTUNITIES Unlimited for the Blind, Phil Gabel, Kacy Dutmer.


STUDENT Division Report, Elizabeth Mohnke, President, National
Association of Blind Students
Affiliate Approval of Amendments

Volunteers Needed

CONSUMER Involvement Council Elections

NEW Business:
CHAPTER and Division reports
OLD Business:

12:00 ADJOURN the Board Meeting
12:00 LUNCH

1:00 – 4:00 PARENT’S Seminar
STRUCTURED Discovery Cane Walk for Students and Families

WHO are the Blind that Lead the Blind

Larry Posont, President
president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
		Michael Powell, First Vice President
mpowell at wowway.com
Melinda Latham, Second Vice President
	youthslammi at yahoo.com
Terri Wilcox, Secretary
trising at sbcglobal.net
Mary Wurtzel, Treasurer
marywurtzel at att.net
Donna Posont, Board Position
donnabutterfly50 at gmail.com
Dave Robinson, Board Position
drob1946 at gmail.com
Marcus Simmons, Board Position
president at map-n.org
Matt McCubbin, Board Position
mgoalball at gmail.com(

Thank you for attending the forty-second annual State Convention of
the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan.

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
20812 Ann Arbor Trail
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
(517)482-1800 (313)271-3058.

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