[nfbmi-talk] to center of the table

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Nov 16 16:22:06 UTC 2011

MCB 20/20 Questions:


If I understand the appreciative inquiry and all that sort of approach touted for years aren’t issues to be aimed at the “center of the table”?


Ok, I’ll ask some questions aimed at the center of the table here:


“If the ADA and Section 504 requires that all information is made accessible in alternate formats by all public entities in a timely manner, without surcharge, and based upon the most effective format of the individual shouldn’t MCB be the leader in these regards by law?


If, the Rehabilitation Act prohibits means testing for recipients of SSI/SSDI in fact then shouldn’t MCB follow this mandate?


If RSA requires that MCB remit certain documents in a timely manner and MCB doesn’t do so, or individuals don’t do so are they not in violation of the law and federal accounting standards/obligations?


If a blind student didn’t hand in her homework for years or if a blind customer didn’t hand in this that or the other form wouldn’t she or he or the man behind the tree be sanctioned?


Say here is a question:


Does the country of Mexico have an extradition agreement with the United States of America?


If so, and again aimed at the center of the table could someone send us that in accessible format?


Another issue to the center of the table here:


If MCB is so dead set against having a marksmanship program over safety and arbitrary and capricious issues then why does a certain blind MCB employee have a deer hunting license and is now on vacation during deer hunting season?


and shouldn’t folks in MCBVI get their panties in a bunch or the Director over these clear cut “safety issues”?


I mean blind folks can’t handle firearms can they in a safe and lawful manner right? I mean blind folks are blind right?


Shouldn’t the Director and folks like HR immediately demand that this and other blind folks might turn in their firearms to the Victor Office Building and be fired for having them because this might violate some sort of arcane and illegal civil service rule clearly in violation of the ADA/504 and all that is right and just?


Another question:


Shouldn’t the MCB be required to post accurate and transparent financial information to the public like other entities of government?


Another question here:


Does Governor Snyder give MCB a pass because this is a sort of charity for the blind and not a real policy body with the same obligations as other entities? Or is it just one cash cow like MRS and other entities that finagle federal funds and then misappropriate them over and over again?


Oh, another question:


If MCB is stressed financially for skilled personnel including frontline staff like say counselors and VRTs and O and M instructors as it is then why does it not eliminate  extraneous positions like those involved in public relations who can’t even put out timely and accurate press releases or other documents? And indeed shouldn’t this go to LARA to?


Oh, yes and if MCB is strained on counseling staff than shouldn’t those higher CRCs in administrative posts not handle some cases personally?


Or maybe they could answer the phone and return a phone call or two to customers in a timely manner?


Oh yes and this question to the center of the table in full circle:


One upper management person on this list wanted to use a baseball analogy saying in effect it was pretty good for MCB to bat about300 on delivering information in a timely and accessible manner to so-called “successful closures” even though the ADA/504 and other laws say MCB must bat 1000…But the question is this:


Isn’t MCB overall batting more like .100 and especially this highly paid administrator and most especially the Director and former State of Michigan ADA coordinator?


Isn’t that well below the famous “Mendoza line”?


And if we are to use baseball analogies here on this list then shouldn’t folks be fired for batting well below the Mendoza line or at least relegated back to the Minor Leagues if indeed they wished to use baseball analogies for their own malfeasance, misfeasance, non-feasance and over all poor “batting performance”?


I mean at least Brandon Inge acknowledged his failures and went back to the Mudhens until he could fix his head problems or whatever.


Why don’t Cannon and robertson take such personal responsibilities for their clear cut and documented failures at meeting even mminimal performance standards required again by various laws and equity?




Oh, so many questions for the “center of the table here….


Problem with the Twenty Twenty process is not the questions, but, rather how few answers that have been forthcoming.






Oh sorry that wasn’t a question aimed at the “center of the table”…So here it is:


In spite of all the spin, and all the ambiguity and all the calamity of the Twenty Twenty process over now more than a decade shouldn’t this federally and state funded entity be required to follow state and federal laws and answer basic questions about its performance like: who, what, when, where, why and how in a timely and accessible manner?




Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.Joe Harcz



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