[nfbmi-talk] access to legal proceedings

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Nov 18 14:52:28 UTC 2011

Note: While this lawsuit relates to physical access to court proceedings the same principles apply to information access to legal or quasi-legal proceedings. That should include accessable information access at AKLJ proceedings.






Calif. County Settles Disabilities Access Lawsuit

November 18, 2011

San Bernardino County has reached a $770,000 settlement with four plaintiffs and attorneys who filed a federal lawsuit claiming its 13 courthouses were

inaccessible to disabled people.


A five-year rehabilitation schedule for each courthouse will provide access improvements to public areas, including parking, exits, witness stands, jury

boxes and restrooms. The cost of those improvements hasn’t been determined.


The 2006 lawsuit filed in Riverside federal court claimed the county was in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and California’s Unruh Civil

Rights Act.


The San Bernardino County Sun says a judge approved the settlement on Nov. 10.


Lawyers for the Disability Rights Legal Center in Los Angeles, which represented the plaintiffs, gets $690,000 for lawyer fees and costs. The four plaintiffs

split $80,000.




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