[nfbmi-talk] Survey link regarding transition of blind and visually impaired youth -- Please forward to parents who are in your chapters

Lydia Schuck laschuck at juno.com
Thu Oct 6 00:25:20 UTC 2011

Hello nfb list friends,
I am collecting data by means of a survey to learn more about youth in
transition to adulthood.  This Michigan survey is intended to be a pilot
for a national survey, but I am not getting very many replies.  Could you
send this email to parents of blind or visually impaired youth, from age
14 through 26, who are in your chapters?  Thank you.
Lydia Schuck

Announcing a Survey for Parents of Blind and Visually Impaired Teens
Are you a parent of a blind or visually impaired youth ages 14 through
Would you like to contribute to research about how youth who are blind or
visually impaired transition to adulthood?  
Parents are invited to complete a brief survey, 25 minutes or less, of
your perceptions of the transition-to-adulthood planning process.   
If you would like to participate, please click on the link below:  
If you cannot participate through the internet, or have any questions
about the survey, contact Lydia Schuck by phone at 517-676-4621, or by
email at lydia.a.schuck at wmich.edu   Lydia Schuck is conducting this
research, which may become part of her doctoral dissertation at Western
Michigan University.  Ms. Schuck is herself a parent of teen who is
Please share this link with other parents you may know.  As more and more
parents participate, the research will give a better and better picture
of how transition planning happens for youth who are blind or visually
Thank you.
Lydia Schuck

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