[nfbmi-talk] an even better link to DTMB/ADA compliance surveys ofstate properties

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Oct 26 22:36:10 UTC 2011

Dear Joe,

Again thank you for the valuable service and on another note all identified 
barriers for all persons with disabilities were to have been removed under 
the ADA by no later than July 25, 1995 the Fifth Anniversary of the 
Americans with disabilities Act of 1990.

And again the ADA, title II in particular which goes to state and local 
government had a "second bite" at this access apple as because they were 
required to meet these obligations decades earlier under 504 as recipients 
of federal funds well I guessed they missed some civil rights deadlines once 

Now, this said and fast forwarding to this very date October 26, 2011 what 
need more we say than if the barriers including not only raised character 
and Braille signage but also others identified in these only partially 
accessible surveys exist to date then hasn't someone or somebody or many 
somones and many somebodies violated the civil rights of us all to this 

Now this is all basic civil rights 101 and people, real people are 
responsible here not just tokens or figures or abstract institutions. In 
fact the ADA, Title II alone states the head of each public entity is 
ultimately responsible and, in deed, in this case Pat Cannon amongst others 
is ultimately culpable.

He Pat Cannon and others have acted with not only deliberate indifference to 
these known civil rights violations over time and again documented right 
here and now, but also because they were informed, and because they were in 
even higher positions like the head of the U.S. Access Board that set these 
very standards intentionally discriminatory and with malice of forethought.

I'm scrambling for a parallel in history here of civil rights and civil 
rights law abuses.

But, let me think....

OK here's an analogy: "It is kind of like Bull Conner hosing down black 
civil rights demonstrators in the streets with water cannons..."..."Nope 
that isn't right because as bad as that was the civil rights laws weren't 
enacted and besides Bull Conner wasn't black..."

Nope this is kind of like over time after the civil rights law of 1964  was 
actually enacted Martin Luther  King  himself (not of course that he would 
have done so_) hosed down in say 2011 or even "hosed off" or even wanted to 
look into "bullet proof drapes" against -"uppity African-Americans" who 
protested unlawful discrimination by blacks in power against blacks who were 
not in positions of public power and influence.."Oh my my this anology 
breaks down or in the above case lapdog Bob Robertson making big time buck 
for MCB in 2008 at the bequest of Pat Cannon making big time bucks from the 
State and the feds and because of paranoia, perhaps in retrospect rightful 
paranoia do to  their own chronic and discriminatory actions against 
African-Americans in Detroit who were/are blind)) did that bullet proof 
drape thing....

I'm of half a mind right now to have a contest as a undraiser by the way for 
the NFB convention...How's this for a thought? What if we had a rap contest 
around best rap  presentation of the whole FOIA crap on this issue. Honestly 
I don't wish to be discriminatory and would includ any music including 
Country Western, Blues, or Rock and I'd call it karoki except I obviously 
can't spell karoki and my spell check doesn't figure it out in outlook 
express...But I do digress...

Regardless the causes of action against this state actor, Cannon and indeed 
all others are substantial and documented here.

The tragic or more tragic issue is that while being blind is apparently and 
demonstrably a cause of action against these civil rights scofflaws in and 
of itself those with other disabilities in combination, or woman who are 
blind or woman who are black and blind or others with other minority status 
get doubly, triply, or ad infinitum screwed on these fundamental civil 
rights grounds by this state and by Cannon in demonstrable form.

Oh well I talked with Kerry briefly and we all know Kerry during the last 
MCB meeting.

I said, "Hi Kerry, you'll be happy to know that nowadays MCB doesn't just 
discriminate illegally against those who happen to be black and blind like 
they have done and continue to do. Nowadays they are an equal opportunity 
offender and they discriminate against even whit males who happen to be 
blind living in western Michigan."

She laughed and said, "Glad to hear we're making progress on the civil 
rights frontier or words to that effect."

Sarcasm andironic references should be noted with all of these comments.

Regardless the State of Michigan and all parties and even those who are 
blind within the State apparatus or its upper echelons including MCB 
illegally discriminate against all blind folks regardless as to race, color, 
creed, national origin, gender, gender identification, and everything else 
unless one happens to be a total sellout to the class interest like Pat 

God forbid that anyone of us who happens to be blind and as importantly 
truly competent and qualified is in a position of power. Oh my that alone 
would be grounds for a firing if not a summary execution in the minds of 
these open, documented and true bigots and sellouts to us all.

By the way did I sugar coat or otherwise mince my words here or salve my 
sentiments with anything but straight talk?

If so I'm sorry for being obtuse.

Peace with Justice,

Joe Harcz
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Sontag" <suncat0 at gmail.com>
To: "NFB of Michigan List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 3:55 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] an even better link to DTMB/ADA compliance surveys 
ofstate properties

>        This will be easier to download.
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22266576/dtmb%20ada%20survey%20pdf%20rcd%20nov%2018%202010.zip
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