[nfbmi-talk] miles to go before we sleep

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Oct 27 02:31:09 UTC 2011


And asides from the insults against Christine, Dave and Hazell which are 
horrendous the daily insults and discrimination and malfeasance against all 
whom are blind and/or visually-impaired continues in this state.

Christine, Dave and Hazell know, or should know by now that I, personally do 
not fight for them alone, or at least I hope they know this. I and 
hopefully, the entire NFB MI fight together for a common good against a 
common evil.

While I'm also proud to be associated and active on behalf and with the NFB 
of Michigan this is not, in my mind a partisan issue either anymore than one 
being a democrat or republican denotes being human or a citizen per se.

I think of these issues with the rightful considerations of shades of gray 
when they occur. And when so profoundly screwed up I would be absolutely 
nuts to not consider them ain black and white terms.

Regardless the issues in this resolution have not been resolved once again 
and since it is the will of convention assembled that informs and guides the 
NFB of Michigan I think we have to pursue this to the very end and not only 
for Dave and Hazell and Chris but for all others whom have been harmed by 

Regardless this is the sense and the word of this resolution.

There will be more to follow in the convention and I certainly hope that 
some individuals who might have some personal and rather selfish axes to 
grind don't interfere with the body  politic against the common good and 
against common enemies for their own self interests.; or againnst the likes 
of me purely because they have a personal dislike of me.

And, make note of this for it is not a threat but, rather a promise, if any 
person sells out against the common good  of NFB MI related to these and 
another issue I'll fight him/her with any last breath and with all the zeal 
I've fought in regards to the civil rights of all whom are blind including 
Dave, Hazell, and Chris.

The victory of Chris is a victory of all of us as I've stated publicly here. 
It is only, however one step toward the goal which we all know.

That should be nothing less than this in case folks don't know it in my 
opinion and that is complete and absolute freedom on the same terms as 
anyone else for those of us who are blind.

What I fight for is not expressed in my fights for individuals as personal 
as that might be and nor is it as abstract as my battles for the unsung 
blind folks persecuted, abused or denied unsung daily. It is something that 
might seem in-between these two balances of the pendulum, or perhaps it is 
caught in the swath that arcs between the two extremes of the action of the 
pendulum and we all know that for the pendulum to work at all it must go, in 
simple terms from an arch from right to left or visa versa if one prefers.

Regardless once stopped it doesn't work at all without human intervention.

No matter what these are for lack of better words revolutionary times 
whether some want that or not for the blind.

Times are tough for everyone. It is that simple and we are the first to be 
denied. You know the saying of all those with disabilities including, of 
course those of us who are blind: "Last hired. First fired."

So, in my opinion this all goes at the same time towards reconciling not 
only the Robinson, Brooks, and boone affairs, but also in rededicating 
ourselves to the collective good and interests of all human beings including 
first and foremost as is our promise the "equality, opportunity and 
security" of all who are blind.


inconclusion as compelling and rightful as are the complaints of Robinson, 
Boone, Brooks and all in this resolution simply speaking it is not about 
them, but all about them at the same time as ironic as that seems. 
Ultimately it all boils down to the fact it is all about US.

Apeople divided shall never be defeated. Nothing about us without us! In 

Joe Harcz

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mary Ann Robinson" <brightsmile1953 at comcast.net>
To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "l schuck" <laschuck at juno.com>; "john scot" <jcscot at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] miles to go before we sleep

Joe, I couldn't agree with you more.  While a grave wrong was at least
partially made right when Christine Boone's job was reinstated, the
injustice, prejudice and discrimination perpetrated against David Robinson
and Hazell Brooks have continued to this day.  Federationists need to offer
help and support to Dave and Hazell until their situations are resolved and
justice is served.

The MCB was instructed to award damages to Hazell Brooks months ago.  It is
incredulous that as of
this writing, nothing has happened in this regard.  With each passing day,
the amount of damages due her continues to accrue.  Additionally, the BEP
management continues to engage in discriminatory and prejudicial behavior
against her that will result in more grievances being filed

Dave has and will continue to speak out against injustice and has supported
and advocated for Hazell and Christine on an ongoing basis and he will
continue to do so for them and countless other operators and federation
members when needed.

I call upon the federation body to stand behind, support and help him with
every available resource at its disposal until he is vindicated. I further
ask that federationists stand with me in urging the commission board to act
swiftly and decisively to put an end to the tyranny and atrocities by taking
the necessary steps to ensure that the MCB
and BEP staff responsible for them are no longer in positions to engage in

Mary Ann Robinson

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe harcz ;        Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net>
To: <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 12:48 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] miles to go before we sleep

The situations involved with last year's resolution referenced here have not
been totally resolved to this date.

I submit it only to point out the facts of the matter that with the possible
exception of the Christine Boone affair (and that has not been fully
ameliorated on a number of counts by the way) these situations and more
exist to this very day and in some instances are even worse.

Now, this is not an attack whatsoever against anyone in the NFB MI. It
simply is not so.

Simply we are honor, duty, and constitutionally bound to follow through on
all of our resolutions until they are accomplished in fact and deed.

In short; "It ain't over until it's over."

Regardless I submit the following unresolved resolution from last year's
convention and again no blame on anyone whatsoever...

WHEREAS:   David Robinson and Christine Boone are highly qualified and
experienced workers in the field of Blind Rehabilitation with more than 30
years each of service to blind people; and

WHEREAS:   Both Boone and Robinson are long-time members of the National
Federation of the Blind; and

WHEREAS:   David Robinson was fired for no reason while professionally
carrying out his job duties while enjoying the overwhelming support of
Business Enterprise Entrepreneurs whom he assisted to operate their
businesses; and

WHEREAS:   David Robinson advocated on behalf of blind entrepreneurs to
properly enforce the legally mandated priority of Business Enterprise
Operators to sell food and related products on state property, sometimes in
opposition to officials who were illegally operating businesses while on the
state of Michigan payroll on state property, as verified by a ruling from an
Administrative law Judge; and

WHEREAS:   Christine Boone was fired for allegedly violating state rules
prohibiting employees from possessing or using firearms on state property;

WHEREAS:   Mrs. Boone never handled or possessed any firearms on state
property during her employment at the Michigan Commission for the Blind; and

WHEREAS:   Christine Boone consistently had highly rated performance
evaluations and actively worked to build support among staff, students and
consumers of the Michigan Commission for the Blind Training Center and raise
the standards and expectations for all blind individuals who were students
during her tenure; and

WHEREAS:   A number of entrepreneurs in the Michigan Commission for the
Blind Business Enterprise Program had their licenses illegally revoked, thus
depriving them of income; and

WHEREAS:   These blind entrepreneurs were NFB members and in leadership
roles in the Business Enterprise Program; and

WHEREAS:   Director Patrick Cannon Personally traveled to Hazell Brooks’
(the president of the NFB Merchants Division and Chair of the Elected
Operators Committee) cafeteria in the General Office Building in Dimondale,
MI, one of the entrepreneurs who was unlawfully attacked, and removed her
from her facility in violation of the Randolph-Sheppard Act, an action which
was later reversed by the Michigan Commission Board of Directors; and

WHEREAS:   MS Brooks had repeatedly asked for assistance from the Business
Enterprise Program to stop illegal catering and had been openly critical of
the Commission’s unwillingness or inability to confront and halt the illegal
catering of food and the illegal operation of an employee run store during
working hours; and

Whereas:         These attacks on innocent people by the Director of the
Commission for the Blind present a pattern of attack upon members of the
National Federation of the Blind, in violation of their Civil Rights under
the 1st and 14th amendment, the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, Michigan Public
Act 260, Michigan Public Act 220 and a basic moral and ethical code of
conduct inherent to the trust placed in public officials by the citizens of
our nation.

WHEREAS:   The actions of Patrick Cannon are designed and intend to bully
and intimidate members of the national Federation of the Blind from speaking
out about mismanagement, inept management, poor decision making, violation
of state and federal laws and rules, improper influence over decision-making
in state government, ineffective enforcement of the Americans with
Disabilities Act, which Cannon has statewide responsibility and a myriad of
other misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the National Federation of the Blind of
Michigan in convention assembled, this thirty-first day of October 2010, in
Dearborn Michigan that this organization condemn and deplore the actions of
Director Patrick Cannon of the Michigan Commission for the Blind, for his
wanton, vicious and immoral attacks on blind people who exercise their
constitutional right to freely assemble and express their views about public
programs and policies and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this organization seek all avenues of
assistance, advice and counsel to take all available actions including,
court, administrative and public information to stop this common bully and
power abusing person from injuring others and seek all compensation
available on the behalf of these injured parties from the state government
and Director Cannon personally as provided for under law.
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