[nfbmi-talk] September 8, 2011 Minutes

trising at sbcglobal.net trising at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 29 01:25:36 UTC 2011

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting
September 8, 2011 Minutes 
Quorum Larry Posont, Terri Wilcox, Mike Powell, Dave Robinson, Donna Posont, Mary Wurtzel, and Marcus Simmons. 
Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson moved to adopt the Secretary's Report. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The Secretary's Report was adopted. 
Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel. The totalBalance $4391.48. This includes left over Youth Grant money. The Affiliate Balance is $1586.47. Youth account has $2805.01. $2,000 was paid from the National office for legal fees. The Newsline account has about $1,439.35. The Newsline phone line costs $9.95 per month Georgia Kitchen needs funds to cover printing costs for Newsline. Terri Wilcox made a motion to adopt the Treasurer's Report. Mike Powell seconded the Motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved. 
Introduction of participating Members.
Larry Posont stated that documents were Filed to the State for the Solicitation License approximately three weeks ago,  
The National office recommended filing for our solicitation license without a fund raising company. We do not have the years 2005-2006. There is a $20 fee for National Federation of the Blind of Michigan for the year. 
State Convention. Many aspects of the Agenda are in process. Leader Dog will be on the Agenda. Midwest Enterprises for the Blind pays more than minimum wage, and will possibly be on the Agenda. Fifteen blind employees work there. More could be hired if there was work. Fred Wurtzel is discussing the possibility of having Agrability on the Agenda. The Merchants Division is having a meeting on Friday from 10:00 to 3:00 plus Saturday breakfast. The Resolutions committee will meet from 3:00 to 5:00 on Friday afternoon. There is a need for someone to take on the responsibility of leading hospitality for the Convention. The hotel is strict and does not allow outside food in. Burger King and Arby's are near the hotel. Should we bother with having a hospitality room? 
Dianna Mohnke and Mary Wurtzel will delegate the responsibility of child care for the Convention. Our Convention was announced at the Consumer Involvement Committee meeting. Melinda Latham and Fred Wurtzel have agreed to distribute door prizes at the Convention. A letter concerning door prizes is needed. 
Web Page Registration. Registration is available online, through a link on the www.nfbmi.org web page. A social event will be explored by Terri Wilcox for Friday night.
Deadlines for Registration and Banquet before prices go up. October 21 is the deadline. We need to send a mailing. We have received no scholarship applications. 
Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund Fiftieth Anniversary Update, Dave Robinson. A resolution needs to be written concerning this. 
Commission for the Blind Board Meeting, September 15-16. The Governor's office said that no one will be appointed to the Board before the meeting. Lydia Schuck is the Chair for Thursday and John Scott is Chair for Friday. The agenda is supposed to be available already, by Thursday, September 8. The meeting will begin on Thursday at 12:00 noon. The meeting will commence with public comment. Thursday is devoted to Board concerns. Staff reports and Bep issues will occupy the Board on Friday. Joel Hoffman claims the building will be accessible with proper signage. The meeting at Constitution Hall in December will also be accessible.  Appointments to the Commission for the Blind Board. Appointments will be made by the December Meeting.
Monitoring Report. The RSA State Plan for 2012 is on the 20/20 list serve. Pat Cannon still maintains nothing has been heard concerning the Monitoring Report.
Blast Conference Nashville Tennessee, September 2011.
 Michigan has about sixteen people attending. 
New Business: The Consumer Involvement Committee meeting occurred. We should send Gere Wilcox a card because he had a knee replacement. The college policy was addressed. Concerned citizens at the Commission Meeting should talk about the form, which is paternalistic nonsense.  Students attending the meeting can make public comments against the form. Cheryl Wade participated as a student representative. Maryann Dunn  participated as a parent representative, at the  Consumer Involvement Committee meeting. National Federation of the Blind of Michigan representatives included Fred Wurtzel, Sarah Norwood, and Georgia Kitchen. Public transportation was discussed. Veterans might be represented. A motion was discussed that the Commission subsidize Newsline for five years until a funding source can be found. Steve Arwood was responsive concerning accessibility of documents.  There is a new link online for Commission documents. Dave Robinson is having trouble with a judge who will not follow laws of accessibility concerning a Business Enterprise Program case. Fred Wurtzel believes the Commission Board can address this issue. Fred Wurtzel is also working on a Business Enterprise Program case and needs accessible documents. Complaints need to be filed against Lansing Community College.
Members at Large Chapter. The Membership Committee had a meeting and will have a chapter at large meeting on Saturday, September 24, at 11:00 A.M. If every affiliate member sold a bag of coffee once a month it would generate profit. 
Adjourn. Mike Powell moved to adjourn at 10:15. The meeting was Adjourned.

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