[nfbmi-talk] mcb's only il survey 2009

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Apr 12 10:25:16 UTC 2012











Date:          March 17, 2009


To:              Patrick Cannon


From:         Bob Robertson


Re:             IL Survey Results



This report will highlight the findings of the Independent Living portion of the telephone survey conducted by staff at the Michigan Commission on Disability Concerns. The VR portion of the survey was completed late last fall and a similar report was given to you in early December, 2008.


As noted before, this survey was a result of hours of discussion and review by many different parties. It took several months to finally come up with a list of questions that were acceptable to all concerned. The final approval for our questions was given by Dr. Brenda Cavanaugh at Mississippi State University who has some expertise and experience in surveying.


One way this part of the survey differed from the VR part was in the difficulty locating the consumers. The target group was those clients with a case closed during the previous year. Unfortunately, the response rate was lower than we hoped for. Sixty-one of them could not be reached by phone because either the number had been disconnected or was no longer the number of the person we were trying to survey. It was found out that another 19 of them had passed away and 9 simply refused to answer or were medically unable to participate in the survey. There was also a relatively high number of people who had no recollection of ever working with MCB. This happens occasionally because people just don’t remember the agency that was helping them out but in this survey, there seemed to be more than usual. 


The results of the survey are described on the following pages. The number in parenthesis is the total number of responses for that answer. The survey also had a few open-ended questions so those responses are included as well.  


If you have any questions about these results, let me know.



cc:     Leamon Jones

          Sherri Heibeck

          Christine Boone






















Satisfaction Survey – IL closed cases

Completed – December 2008



1.                How did you hear of the Commission?


1.    Family   (8)

2.    Friend   (12)

3.    Doctor   (24)

4.    Media    (1)

5.    Other 

-                     Council on Aging (2)

-                     Visiting nurse

-                     Hospital

-                     Self

-                     Washtenaw Library

-                     MCB called me

-                     Saw a notice in my apt complex



-                     Never heard of MCB  (3)

-                     Never got MCB services  (5)

-                     Can’t recall   (5)



2.                Why did you seek services from the Commission? (Please check all that apply.)


1.    Family made me   (6)

2.    Couldn’t care for my family   (8)

3.    Reading problems   (41)

4.    Needed help managing my medications   (13)

5.    I wanted to be able to go places alone   (16)

6.    To stay out of a nursing home and live independently   (38)

7.    Other

-                     Don’t remember seeking services  (2)

-                     Acted on my own initiative

-                     Needed stronger magnification  (2)

-                     Needed help with stove/oven

-                     Get assistive device (watch)

-                     Doctor’s encouragement   (4)

-                     To maintain employment  (2)

-                     Cooking and driving

-                     Daily skills training

-                     Mobility concerns

-                     Couldn’t see to write



3.                How much did the MI Commission for the Blind services help you to have a more positive attitude about your blindness?


1 – not at all  (2)

2 – somewhat   (22)

3 – a great deal   (27)




-                     still live independently

-                     never had to pay for most needed assistive devices

-                     always had a positive attitude (3)

-                     couldn’t be nicer

-                     didn’t do much



4.                Have you attended a week long mini adjustment program?


Yes – 9

No – 42


If yes, how satisfied were you with the services?

                   1 – not at all satisfied  (0)

                   2 – somewhat satisfied   (1)

                   3 – very satisfied   (8)



5.                In the past two years, did you take classes at the MCB Training Center in Kalamazoo?


Yes – 0

No – 50

6.                In the past two years have you taken classes at Visually Handicapped Services at Detroit Receiving Hospital?


Yes – 0

No – 53



7.                In the past two years, did you receive teaching services in your home?


Yes – 8

No – 44


If yes, how satisfied were you with the services?


          1 – not at all   (0)

          2 – somewhat   (2)

          3 – very   (6)



8.                How was the Commission for the Blind most helpful to you?


-                     magnifying glass, watch, assistive devices  (13)

-                     medication advice, talking books, dark glasses

-                     they get things I need

-                     books on tape – keeps me from going nuts

-                     can’t recall

-                     markers on appliances  (6)

-                     transportation to doctor

-                     reading material

-                     telephone with big numbers  (3), talking clock, TV remote

-                     hard to say, paid for most things herself

-                     talking book  (6)

-                     cassettes

-                     information, very helpful, followed thru on what they said they would do

-                     book club at Washtenaw Library, cane, greater confidence

-                     someone coming by to show her things she needed to do

-                     made me realize I was not as bad off as I thought I was

-                     painted steps and tied rope from house to mailbox

-                     just being available

-                     how to fold money

-                     computer literacy instruction

-                     gave me more positive outlook and made me more determined to be self-sufficient, overcame social barriers, increased awareness of discrimination laws

-                     they provided just about everything I needed – walking assistance, computer training, and reading machine

-                     large print calendars, how to sew, baking utensils

-                     provided VA phone number

-                     providing advice and encouragement

-                     talking clock, forms to write checks

-                     low vision program and better glasses

-                     someone to talk to but couldn’t provide any real assistance

-                     Braille  (2)

-                     Their interest in knowing what the goals of the recipient are

-                     Cooking skills



9.                Now that you’ve received services from MCB, what is one thing you can do that you couldn’t do before?


-                     can read menu better

-                     not sure / can’t think of any (16)

-                     more independent

-                     can do own laundry because markings on washer

-                     better at cooking  (4)

-                     ability to enjoy books and assistive devices

-                     tell what time it is (3)

-                     use the phone

-                     stove and dryer now easier to use  (3)

-                     reading  (5)

-                     can read thermostat and labels so could cook

-                     magnifier goggles let her see the large ships in the river near her

-                     go shopping alone because of the cane

-                     using cutting board and can opener

-                     can cross street and no longer afraid to do things alone

-                     see and read

-                     reading Braille  (2)

-                     using the computer  (2)

-                     walking training

-                     can order assistive devices from the catalog

-                     talking books and magazines

-                     didn’t really need any help

-                     better attitude towards vision loss and general outlook on life  (2)

-                     a number of things



10.           Would you refer a family member or friend who is blind to the Commission for services?


Yes – 48

No – 0



-                     not sure

-                     MCB person who helped her not a good communicator



11.           What additional services could the Commission have provided you with that would have enhanced your ability to live more independently?


-                     large magnifier to read newspaper

-                     need more training and services now

-                     can’t think of any, not the type of person who asks for things, have always tried to be independent

-                     magnification screen for TV

-                     can’t think of any, MCB performed well beyond expectations

-                     more info on reading machines and other similar technologies

-                     could have provided cooking and shopping skills

-                     more emphasis on job placement, there’s no active recruitment by MCB to seek placement of blind or visually impaired, more training/higher education grants, etc. to help lead to gainful employment

-                     could have provided greater awareness of programs, never knew anything about

-                     more follow-up would have been nice

-                     if MCB had more money available to provide special equipment and apparatus it would be helpful

-                     financial compensation for those who provide additional assistance

-                     could have taught wife how to provide better assistance to him

-                     during an eye exam in Traverse City, used a magnifier that provided virtually perfect vision, MCB follow-up said doctor showed it only worked for one eye and provided a binocular unit which didn’t help, wished he could’ve gotten the magnifier he used at doctor’s office

-                     better communication

-                     should have kept the first person who provided assistance instead of changing to someone else

-                     can’t think of anything  (34)






12.           How satisfied were you with the communication between you and the Commission staff?


Very satisfied  (28)

Satisfied  (13)

Somewhat satisfied  (2)

Not satisfied  (4)

Not sure  (3)




-                     no one responds to her calls now

-                     communication





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