[nfbmi-talk] Why is there a profit? RE: bot mminutes proff in pudding
Fred Wurtzel
f.wurtzel at att.net
Wed Feb 1 20:55:07 UTC 2012
Well, this is very interesting. Gwen was directly involved in approving
financials in a couple meetings. Int the other email, she clearly approved
the expenditure of more than 2 thousand dollars to New Horizons despite her
and the Commission's protest to the contrary. I cannot imagine how this is
not a conflict on the face of it.
Second, I note that the New Horizons has carried forward funds. Because it
is a non-profit, they do not call it a profit. Bonuses and carry-forward
are, in my view, excess income over expenses, or in the real world PROFIT.
They have also given their staff a 1 thousand dollar bonus 2 years in a row.
Let me quickly say I have no problem with good pay for staff. I see no
comensurate bonus for clients. Now, I may not fully understand this report
and they may well have given sub-minimum wage employees a bonus up to
minimum wages, but it is not reflected, so I can see it. Please correct me
if I am mistaken.
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
On Behalf Of joe harcz Comcast
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 3:25 PM
To: nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] bot mminutes proff in pudding
New Horizons Rehabilitation Services
Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes - FINAL
Wednesday, July 20, 2011 - 7:00 p.m.
1. The meeting was called to order by Bud Keller, Chair at 7:00 PM.
Present: Bud Keller, Chair
Daniel Pienta, Vice Chair
Charles Stenback, Treasurer
Paula Somerville, Secretary
Elaina Fraga-O'Malley, Mbr at Large
Dr. Myron Liner, Mbr at Large
Beth Alberti
Clare Evans (Call in)
Betty Fisher
William Goodman
Peggy Griffin
Shon Halacka, Mbr at Large (Call in)
Daniel Knott
Leo Kujawa
William McCaffrey
Gwendolyn McNeal
Dr. Peter Muller
John Pajak
Lauren Scarpace (Call in)
Rick Van Heukelom
Michael Williams
Mark Woods (Call in)
Absent: Steven Bruyn
Richard Ciaramitaro
Gordon Cooley, Mbr at Large
John Kaplan
John Larson
Doug Otlewski, Past Chair
Sarah McClure, Mbr at Large
Also Present: Stan Gramke, President/CEO
Ron Storing, Vice President
Marjon Davis, Director of Development
Charlesetta Edwards, Flint/Macomb Branch Manager
Tim Hatfield, Springfield Branch Manager
Jason Kaszubski, Human Resource Manager
Greg Kriovan, Director of Quality Assurance
Kris Mooney, Director of Finance
Tom Paskiewicz, Manager Community Based Program
David Stoker, Director of Manufacturing
Angela Lehmann, Placement
The following MOTIONS were made, SECONDED and CARRIED at the Board of
Trustees Meeting on July 20, 2011.
1. Approval of Agenda:
A MOTION was made by Michael Williams and SECONDED by Gwen McNeal to approve
the agenda for the July 20, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION CARRIED.
Approval of Minutes:
A MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback and SECONDED by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley to
approve the minutes from the June 1, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION
3. Adjournment:
There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback and
SECONDED by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley to adjourn the July 20, 2011 Board of
Trustees Meeting at 8:00 PM. MOTION CARRIED.
1. Bud Keller, Chair, called the Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2. Approval of Agenda:
*** A MOTION was made by Michael Williams and SECONDED by Gwen McNeal to
approve the agenda for the July 20, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting.
3. Approval of Minutes:
*** A MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback and SECONDED by Elaina
Fraga-O'Malley to approve the minutes from the June 1, 2011 Board of
Trustees Meeting. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Audit & Finance Committee Report
A. Year-to-Date Financials (Reported by Kris Mooney, Director of Finance)
Kris reported this is the end of our fiscal year and things are being
prepared for the audit. So there are no final June numbers at this time. A
financial report and audit results will be presented at the Annual Meeting.
***No Motion needed due to year end
B. Doeren Mayhew Annual Audit (Reported by Kris Mooney, Director of
Kris met with Doeren Mayhew this week and the audit will be wrapped up and
finished for the Annual Meeting. They will be starting August 8.
C. Staff Meetings End of the Year (Reported by Stan Gramke,
Stan commented on the end of the year bonus meetings held between himself
and Ron Storing to hand out bonus checks. Staff was positive and thank you
cards were received.
5. Board of Trustees Committee Reports
A. Executive Committee Update (Reported by Bud Keller, Chairman of the
Bud reported that at the Executive Committee Meetings, other committee
activities are discussed. At the most recent meeting, the focus was on the
Audit & Finance Committee and the Nominating Committee and also the
fundraising events.
B. Personnel Committee Update (Reported by Jason Kaszubski, Human
Resource Director)
Jason reported that the personnel policy has been updated and is being
distributed to staff and offered to send copies to board members.
C. Program & Services Committee Update (Reported by Ron Storing, Vice
Ron reported that the political issues around finances are being watched.
New Horizons year-end statistics are being completed and it looks there may
be a record number as far as programs and number of persons served.
D. Golf Committee Update (Reported by Stan Gramke, President/CEO)
The first Golf Committee Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 26 @ 4 p.m.
Golf Committee Members are: Bill Goodman, Bud Keller, Doug Otlewski, Dan
Pienta, Lauren Scarpace.
E. Nominating Committee Update (Reported by Stan Gramke, President/CEO)
(a) Board Resignations
Stan reported on three resignations Elaina Fraga-O'Malley, Chuck Stenback
and Lynne Portnoy.
(b) Nominations Process
Two nominees have been identified, Clemente Garcia, referred by Elaina
Fraga-O'Malley and John Kaplan and Jim Nichols a past board member who
approached us about returning to the board. This leaves one opening and Stan
asked for board members to provide names to the committee.
(c) Nominating Committee Meeting - July 26, 3:30 p.m.
The committee consists of Doug Otlewski, Betty Fisher, Clare Evans, John
Kaplan, Bud Keller, Dan Knott, John Larson, Dan Pienta, Lauren Scarpace and
Mark Woods.
6. Fundraising/Development (Reported by Marjon Davis, Director of
Development & Office Operations)
A. Brooksie Way
To date we only have a few employees participating in this event. An email
went out last week to the Board of Trustees and staff encouraging them to
make a commitment to participate. The date of the event is October 2, 2011.
B. Annual Meeting & Awards
Scheduled for September 15, 2011. The theme this year is Helping People With
Disabilities Succeed. One by One, focusing on how we help each individual.
David Price from MARO was confirmed as our speaker and Ron Storing will be
the Master of Ceremonies. The award winners have been chosen and we are
holding meetings with them. Invitations and flyers have been designed and
approved and will be coming out soon.
C. Date Schedule Update
You should have received an updated calendar in your board packet; the Audit
& Finance meeting has to be moved from 9/19 to 9/12 due to the Annual
Meeting being moved from 9/29 to 9/15.
7. Program Presentation - "The Kooser Program" (Reported by Stan
Gramke, President/CEO, Ron Storing, Vice President & Angela Lehmann,
Placement Specialist)
Stan gave a history of how New Horizons became associated with The Kooser
Program. Ron explained the program is for those that have hearing loss, not
for the deaf and that it affects every area of your life. Angela handed out
brochures about the program and an audiogram. Angela explained how the
program works, what the audiogram means to each person who goes through the
program and had the meeting attendees take a spelling test exercise to help
provide an understanding of what someone with various levels of hearing loss
8. Adjournment
*** There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback and
SECONDED by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley to adjourn the July 20, 2011 Board of
Trustees Meeting at 8:00 PM. MOTION CARRIED.
Reviewed & Edited by Paula Somerville 8/16/11
Paula Somerville, Secretary Date
New Horizons Rehabilitation Services
Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes - FINAL
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 - 7:00 p.m.
1. The meeting was called to order by Bud Keller, Chair at 7:00 PM.
Present: Bud Keller, Chair
Daniel Pienta, Vice Chair
Charles Stenback, Treasurer
Paula Somerville, Secretary
Gordon Cooley, Mbr at Large
Elaina Fraga-O'Malley, Mbr at Large
Dr. Myron Liner, Mbr at Large
Doug Otlewski, Past Chair
Beth Alberti
Clare Evans
Betty Fisher
William Goodman
Peggy Griffin (Call in)
John Kaplan
Leo Kujawa
William McCaffrey (Call in)
Gwendolyn McNeal
Dr. Peter Muller
Lauren Scarpace
Rick Van Heukelom
Michael Williams
Absent: Steven Bruyn
Richard Ciaramitaro
Shon Halacka, Mbr at Large
Daniel Knott
John Larson
Sarah McClure, Mbr at Large
John Pajak
Lynne Portnoy
Mark Woods
Also Present: Stan Gramke, President/CEO
Ron Storing, Vice President
Tina Collins, Director of Public Relations
Marjon Davis, Director of Development
Charlesetta Edwards, Flint/Macomb Branch Manager
Tim Hatfield, Springfield Branch Manager
Jason Kaszubski, Human Resource Manager
Greg Kriovan, Director of Quality Assurance
Kris Mooney, Director of Finance
Tom Paskiewicz, Manager Community Based Program
David Stoker, Director of Manufacturing
Dennis Winkler, Madison Heights Branch Manager
The following MOTIONS were made, SECONDED and CARRIED at the Board of
Trustees Meeting on June 1, 2011.
1. Approval of Agenda:
A MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback and SECONDED by Bill Goodman to approve
the agenda for the June 1, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION CARRIED.
2. Approval of Minutes:
A MOTION was made by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley and SECONDED by Dr. Peter Muller
to approve the minutes from the March 16, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting.
3. Approval of the Year-to-Date Financials:
A MOTION to approve the Year-to-Date Financials from April, 2011 was made by
Gordon Cooley and SECONDED by Gwen McNeal. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Approval to Transfer Year End Excess:
A MOTION to approve transferring the year end excess revenue over expenses
into the Board Designated Fund was made by Beth Alberti and SECONDED by Leo
5. Approval of 2011-2012 Budget:
A MOTION to approve the 2011-2012 Budget was made by Dr. Myron Liner and
6. Approval of the 403b Retirement Contribution:
A MOTION to approve that New Horizons will match 100% of eligible salary
deferrals up to a maximum of 4% of the employee's wages. This would equate
to a maximum match contribution of 4% paid by the Agency for fiscal year
2011-2012. And effective for the 2012-2013 fiscal year, New Horizons would
match 50% of eligible salary deferrals up to a maximum of 4% of the
employee's wages. This would equate to a maximum match contribution of 2%
paid by the Agency was made by Bill Goodman and SECONDED by John Kaplan.
7. Approval of New Horizons Health Insurance Contribution:
A MOTION to approve Health Insurance Contribution Increase from $290.00 to
$310.00 was made by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley and SECONDED by Gwen McNeal.
8. Approval to Increase Health Insurance Major Deductible:
A MOTION to approve the Increase for Major Deductible from $500 to $1,500
was made by Beth Alberti and SECONDED by Dr. Myron Liner. MOTION CARRIED.
9. Approval to Revise Personnel Policy:
A MOTION to approve the Revised Personnel Policy was made by Michael
Williams and SECONDED by John Kaplan. MOTION CARRIED.
10. Adjournment:
There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Gordon Cooley and
SECONDED by Michael Williams to adjourn the June 1, 2011 Board of Trustees
Meeting at 8:00 PM. MOTION CARRIED.
1. Bud Keller, Chair, called the Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2. Approval of Agenda:
***A MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback and SECONDED by Bill Goodman to
approve the agenda for the June 1, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION
3. Approval of Minutes:
***A MOTION was made by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley and SECONDED by Dr. Peter
Muller to approve the minutes from the March 16, 2011 Board of Trustees
4. Audit & Finance Committee Report
A. Year-to-Date Financials (Reported by Chris Mooney, Director of Finance)
For the Month of April 2011
Program Fees & Revenue $711,075
Industrial Revenue 233,737
Community Program Revenue 155,323
Other Revenues 46,215
Total Expenses 1,058,243
Operating Surplus/Deficit 88,107
Investment Unrealized Gain/Loss -
Total Agency Surplus/Deficit $ 88,107
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As of April 30, 2011 the cash on hand was $1,256,292. New Horizons Short
Term Investments at 5/3 were $2,685,339 and at PNC were $1,501,672. A total
of cash investments of $5,443,303. Net Accounts Receivable is currently
$1,843,706 and current liabilities are $983,409.
Fiscal Year to Date Agency Information:
YTD Operating Revenue $11,918,467
YTD Operating Expenses 11,501,843
YTD Program Excess/Deficit 416,624
YTD Other Agency Revenue
Fundraising, Interest, donations 227,722
YTD Agency Operating Surplus/Deficit 644,346
YTD Investment Unrealized Gain/Loss 401,269
(Agency investments are marked to market value quarterly)
Total Agency Surplus/(Deficit) YTD $1,045,615
(including unrealized investment gains or losses)
***A MOTION to approve the Year-to-Date Financials from April, 2011 was made
by Gordon Cooley and SECONDED by Gwen McNeal. MOTION CARRIED.
a. Transferring the Year End Excess Revenue over Expenses into the
Board Designated Fund
Kris Mooney reported that at the end of the agency fiscal year, once year
end spending is complete, there may be a surplus for the agency. The
practice has been to have the board vote to approve the transfer of any
remaining surplus, not including investment activity - unrealized gains or
losses. The surplus would be moved from operating to one of our investment
accounts either with 5/3 or PNC. Currently we have a large amount of
surplus, however, we do have dollars earmarked for several end of year
spending items. These items include staff year-end bonuses of approximately
$240,000 and various facility improvements of approximately $180,000. After
these expenses the surplus amount would be moved into one of our investment
accounts which would be decided by the Audit & Finance Committee.
***A MOTION to approve transferring the year end excess revenue over
expenses into the Board Designated Fund was made by Beth Alberti and
b. 2011-2012 Budget Presentation
Kris Mooney presented the proposed budget for the 2011-2012 fiscal year,
beginning July 1, 2011 to the Board of Trustees for approval.
***A MOTION to approve the 2011-2012 Budget was made by Dr. Myron Liner and
c. Auction Update
Tina Collins provided update. The auction item list including the purchase
amounts and the value was handed out. This was the best auction ever,
raising more than $152,000. The year before was approximately $146,000. Our
expenses were down this year due to a few less people in attendance and
being diligent on getting good printing costs. Our net revenue was about
d. Brooksie Way
Tina Collins communicated that walk participants need to register at the
website and then they can personalize letters we have available in order to
solicit funds from family and friends. Materials will be provided to
participants upon request. Tina reported that there is several staff that
will be participating.
5. Personnel Committee (Reported by Jason Kaszubski, Human Resource
a. New Horizons 403b Retirement Contribution
2010-2011 - 4%
Last year New Horizons approved going from 2% to 4% match for the current
year ending June 30, 2011. Under the normal plan, if a person puts in 4% of
wages, the plan will match 2%. New Horizons approved increasing the match to
4% for this year only and would revert back to the 2% for the coming year.
2011-2012 - 4%
Going forward for next year it is recommended again that if staff puts 4% of
wages into their retirement program, New Horizons would match that 4%. Then
the plan would again revert back to the normal 50% match on July 1, 2012.
***A MOTION to approve that New Horizons will match 100% of eligible salary
deferrals up to a maximum of 4% of the employee's wages. This would equate
to a maximum match contribution of 4% paid by the Agency for fiscal year
2011-2012. And effective for the 2012-2013 fiscal year, New Horizons would
match 50% of eligible salary deferrals up to a maximum of 4% of the
employee's wages. This would equate to a maximum match contribution of 2%
paid by the Agency was made by Bill Goodman and SECONDED by John Kaplan.
b. New Horizons Health Insurance Contribution Increase
It is recommended that the $10,800 saved by changing the opt out option be
applied to the health care stipend and taking it from $290 per month to $310
per month for all employees.
***A MOTION to approve Health Insurance Contribution Increase from $290.00
to $310.00 was made by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley and SECONDED by Gwen McNeal.
c. New Horizons Increase for Major Deductible from $500 to $1,500
Last year there was a $1,000 deductible for Blue Care Network, staff paid
the first $500 and New Horizons pays the second $500. This year the
deductible has increased to $2,000, staff will still only pay the first $500
and New Horizons will pay the balance $1,500 if needed. New Horizons total
liability for this plan is $100,000, it has been budgeted for $30,000 and
the projected New Horizons liability cost is $21,000.
***A MOTION to approve the Increase for Major Deductible from $500 to $1,500
was made by Beth Alberti and SECONDED by Dr. Myron Liner. MOTION CARRIED.
D. End of the Year Staff Bonus - $1,000 Net/Pro-rated
Last year we did $1,000 cash bonus net as a surprise. This year New Horizons
is planning to do the same.
E. Mileage Reimbursement for Staff
Mileage reimbursement will increase from .40 cents to .45 cents starting
July 1, 2011.
F. Staff Hiring Review
In the last two years we have hired 35.5 new staff. Last fiscal year we had
197 staff, this year we have 203 staff. There are five new positions to add
for new projects, putting us at 208. Our turnover rate to date is 4.9% and
has been going down over the past several years.
G. Revised Personnel Policy Update and Approval
The majority of the change to the 37 page policy was adding a one page
section on Electronic Communication Devices, which was handed out. All
other changes were cosmetic throughout the document. All personnel committee
members have received the revised document. Once approved it will be taken
to staff to be reviewed and signed by them.
***A MOTION to approve the Revised Personnel Policy was made by Michael
Williams and SECONDED by John Kaplan. MOTION CARRIED.
6. Board Committee Reports
A. Program & Services Committee
Ron Storing reported on the state and federal budgets and that not much is
known. An email was received from Lansing that they are going through with
the re-appropriation for the DCH funds and we know that Oakland and Wayne
will probably be the two counties hurt most. Nothing more is known.
ARRA projects should continue as long as MRS does not receive a significant
hit in their budget. It has been decided to take four positions out - two in
Oakland and two in the eastern division. The two Macomb projects that ended
in January have been picked up fee for service.
Transition expansion, the largest project at this time, is working directly
with Southfield schools and just confirmed taking a few students from
Ferndale schools (approx.12-14 students). The Madison Heights branch is
being used for this program. More School-to-Work programming may be picked
up in Macomb. We are budgeting zero dollars for United Way (UW). However,
during the past three years as UW funding has decreased, New Horizons has
used its own dollars to supplement the UW Funding. We expect to continue
this process since our investments returned almost four-fold during the year
and support projects with approximately ten Macomb School Districts and a
larger number of high schools. Macomb CMH would like to do some business
with us but in Oakland County. A qualifying packet is being prepared for
Overall believe we will do very well on the program side this year. Ron will
be serving on a task force to look at lowering the age from 26 to 22 in
order to receive services.
B. Executive Committee
Bud Keller reported the majority of the Executive Committee meeting was
spent reviewing the financial statements, year to date and talking about the
upcoming budget and all matters pertaining to that. A good amount of time
was also spent talking about personnel changes and proposals that have
already been discussed earlier in this board meeting. Ron Storing also
provided an update on the ARRA funds and the Michigan budget for the
upcoming year as it was known at that time.
C. Nominating Committee
Stan Gramke noted that we are looking to start holding a nominating
committee meeting in the next month or so. Doug Otlewski is the chair for
that committee. We do have two resignations this year, as well as a
potential new board candidate. Doug Otlewski asked board members to work
together and offer names of potential candidates that would be a great asset
to the New Horizons Board of Trustees.
7. Adjournment
***There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Gordon Cooley and
SECONDED by Michael Williams to adjourn the June 1, 2011 Board of Trustees
Meeting at 8:00 PM. MOTION CARRIED.
Reviewed & Edited by Paula Somerville on 7/13/11
Paula Somerville, Secretary Date
March 16, 2011
1. The meeting was called to order by Bud Keller, Chair at 7:00 PM.
Present: Bud Keller, Chair
Daniel Pienta, Vice Chair
Charles Stenback, Treasurer
Paula Somerville, Secretary
Gordon Cooley, Mbr at Large
Elaina Fraga-O'Malley, Mbr at Large
Shon Halacka, Mbr at Large
Dr. Myron Liner, Mbr at Large
Beth Alberti
Clare Evans
Betty Fisher (Call in)
Peggy Griffin
John Kaplan
Daniel Knott
Leo Kujawa
Gwendolyn McNeal
Dr. Peter Muller
John Pajak
Lauren Scarpace (Call in)
Rick Van Heukelom
Absent: Sarah McClure, Mbr at Large
Doug Otlewski, Past Chair
Steven Bruyn
Richard Ciaramitaro
William Goodman
John Larson
William McCaffrey
Lynne Portnoy
Michael Williams
Mark Woods
Also Present: Stan Gramke, President/CEO
Ron Storing, Vice President
Tina Collins, Director of Public Relations
Marjon Davis, Director of Development
Charlesetta Edwards, Flint/Macomb Branch Manager
Tim Hatfield, Springfield Branch Manager
Jason Kaszubski, Human Resource Manager
Greg Kriovan, Director of Quality Assurance
Kris Mooney, Director of Finance
Tom Paskiewicz, Manager Community Based Program
David Stoker, Director of Manufacturing
The following MOTIONS were made, SECONDED and CARRIED at the Board of
Trustees Meeting on March 16, 2011.
1. Approval of Agenda:
A MOTION was made by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley and SECONDED by Chuck Stenback to
approve the agenda for the March 16, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION
2. Approval of Minutes:
A MOTION was made by Beth Alberti and SECONDED by John Pajak to approve the
minutes from the January 19, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Approval of the Year-to-Date Financials:
A MOTION to approve the Year-to-Date Financials from the February, 2011 was
made by Gordon Cooley and SECONDED by Dr. Peter Muller. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Adjournment:
There being no further business, a MOTION was made by John Kaplan and
SECONDED by Shon Halacka to adjourn the March 16, 2011 Board of Trustees
Meeting at 8:00 PM. MOTION CARRIED.
1. Bud Keller, Chair, called the Meeting to order @ 7:00 PM.
2. Approval of Agenda:
A MOTION was made by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley and SECONDED by Chuck Stenback to
approve the agenda for the March 16, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION
3. Approval of Minutes:
A MOTION was made by Beth Alberti and SECONDED by John Pajak to approve the
minutes from the January 19, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Audit & Finance Committee Report
A. Year-to-Date Financials (Reported by Chuck Stenback, Treasurer)
For the Month of February 2011
Program Fees & Revenue $637,043
Community Program Revenue 144,343
Industrial Revenue 334,810
Other Revenues 9,659
Total Expenses 1,126,148
Operating Surplus/(Deficit) (293)
Investment Unrealized Gain/Loss -
Agency Surplus/(Deficit) $ (293)
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As of February 28, 2011 the cash on hand was $1,093,166 with $4,087,296 in
the New Horizons Investment Fund. Cash investments total $5,180,462. Net
Accounts Receivable is currently $1,812,187 and current liabilities are
Fiscal Year to Date Agency Information:
YTD Operating Revenue $9,674,257
YTD Operating Expenses 9,343,157
YTD Program Excess/Deficit 331,100
YTD Other Agency Revenue
Fundraising, Interest, donations 142,501
YTD Agency Operating Surplus/Deficit 473,601
YTD Investment Unrealized Gain/Loss 307,953
(Agency investments are marked to market value quarterly)
Total Agency Surplus/(Deficit) YTD $781,554
(including unrealized investment gains or losses)
A MOTION to approve the Year-to-Date Financials from February 28, 2011 was
made by Gordon Cooley and SECONDED by Dr. Peter Muller. MOTION CARRIED.
a. Investment Accounts
Chuck Stenback, Treasurer reported we now have two investment funds. We
approved a second investment fund with PNC, as we have an existing fund with
Fifth Third. Depending on how things go, there might be some adjustments
between one or the other as to who will manage the most money.
b. Budget 2011-2012
Kris Mooney, Director of Finance reported we are starting the planning for
the budget for the next fiscal year. The plan is to have a budget prepared
for the preliminary approval process and recommendation at the Audit &
Finance Committee and then be presented at the board meeting to be held June
1, 2011.
c. Additional Item - PNC Women Who Achieve
Bud Keller, Chair reported that Kris Mooney, Director of Finance was
selected by PNC bank to represent their Women Who Achieve and will be on
PNC's website beginning next week. This is a selection of women that are in
the workplace, customers of PNC, that are honored for their achievements.
5. Board Committee Reports
A. Executive Committee
Bud Keller, Chair reported the Executive Committee reviews the meetings of
the other committees. In our last meeting, we reviewed the School-to-Work
Program status along with the auction and how that is coming. We reviewed
the new Investment account at PNC as well as a ways of communicating
closings of the branches when we have snow days as we did this last winter.
B. Program & Services Committee
Ron Storing, Vice President reported that our next Program & Services
meeting will be April 8, 2011. We've held off having a meeting waiting to
see what's happening at the federal and state level. Ron will send an email
out when the next meeting is finalized.
C. Personnel Committee Scheduled
Elaina Fraga-O'Malley, Committee Chair reported the next meeting will be
held on May 10, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. We have three agenda items, open
enrollment, policies and procedures, and open staff issues or concerns.
D. Golf Committee Formation
Stan Gramke, President/CEO asked for volunteers who would like to serve on
the committee. Although typically held in Grand Blanc at Woodfield, we are
open to moving it closer toward Auburn Hills/Rochester Hills. However the
cost does increase. We would like to find ways to enhance the event. The
date is currently scheduled as September 9, 2011.
6. Administrative Update
A. Federal Budget
Ron Storing, Vice President reported that at the federal level, they are
currently working on a two week extension of the 2010 budget. Not directly
affecting New Horizons at this time. This extension expires on March 18,
2011 and most likely another extension will be enacted. An approved 2011
budget is not expected to be approved any time soon.
B. State Budget
Ron Storing, Vice President reported that at the State level, the Governor
Snyder has given two executive orders that will eliminate the Department of
Energy, Labor and Economic Growth as we have known it. This will take effect
on April 24, 2011. DELEG will become part of the Department of Licensing and
Regulatory Affairs or LARA. The Medicaid budget may or may not be cut. Some
reports state that there may be a 2% increase, and some that there is
likelihood that a 3% decrease may take place.
Ron passed out a list of the current who's who in Michigan state government
from Lansing. We need to pay attention to what is happening and make phone
calls to let them know the importance of the issues that affect us. Doug
Smith, former Oakland County Deputy Executive, is now in Lansing and is a
strong advocate for Oakland County and Southeastern Michigan.
C. ARRA Funds
Ron Storing, Vice President reported the ARRA dollars will disapate
September 30, 2011.
At the local level, we are working with MRS in determining how the projects
started with ARRA funding can be maintained. Management meetings with MRS
Michigan Eastern Division are being held. Our projects in Macomb County will
continue through fee for service arrangements. In Oakland County we are
looking at maintaining some positions, while others may be eliminated. The
final budget for 2012 will have a lot to do with the final decisions.
E. Additional Item - Southfield Schools
We are close to coming to an agreement with Southfield Schools in developing
a new transition program for special education students. We hope to have an
agreement completed by April. Traditionally our Madison Heights facility has
been the least used as far as capacity. We will be starting a facility based
project with about 40 students. They will be bussed to our facility. The
program is modeled after a program that was run when Ron first started with
New Horizons. We will have a teacher and a half on board to provide
educational components right in the facility to meet their educational hours
that are required each day. They will structure it to have 20 students in a
classroom and 20 students working and then switch them, so they are only
bussing them one time there and back.
F. Staffing Changes
Stan Gramke, President/CEO reported that his key contact person has changed
and is now Marjon Davis. Janis Coschino has left employment and has accepted
a position at another business.
G. Weather Closures
Jason Kaszubski, Human Resource Manager reported what we normally do in the
event of a closure. Jason calls the state police and they send our name up
to Lansing and we hope we will show up on channel 2,4, 7 and the radio
stations. A new procedure is being put in place where if Jason gets the call
from Stan or Ron that we are closed, he will call in from home to each
branch and select from three pre-recorded phone messages that notify
consumers and staff what is happening. We are also working on some type of
link on our website that will give the same notification as the phone
messages. Finally, we are looking at using an automated phone tree. All of
these should improve communication concerning closures.
7. Public Relations /Fund Raising
A. Charity Auction 2011 Update
Staff passed out triangle showing where sponsorships are so far. We are
doing well and almost at $80,000. Last year we were close to $100,000 and
that is our goal this year. Committee members are soliciting the outstanding
sponsors that donated last year. If you know of any possible sponsors, let
us know. 200 letters just went out from Michael Williams list of contacts.
Staff passed out list of items received so far. We are a little concerned
with this, we only have about 48 items so far and the "rock star" is Chuck
Stenback. He has brought in most of our items so far. We really need
everyone to look at what they promised to get in and really go after it. We
also need some good live items. We did get a few yesterday, one from
Guardian Alarm - a whole system for a house, Lear Corp. - suite at a Tiger
game, and PNC - 4 Piston floor seats. Get items in by mid-April so we can
get them in the program. We will add an addendum to the program - but would
like them soon.
Covered under a above.
Covered under a above.
Additional Item - Tables/Tickets - please let us know what you want to do.
If you donate $1,000 you get six tickets & the ad in the program. If you
purchase a table, it is $700 for 10 tickets and no ad. We will try to
accommodate you if you need more tickets than the six for your $1,000
donation, however if you do not let us know ahead of time, we cannot promise
that we will have the tickets available.
Additional Item - New Horizons Shirts
Polo shirts are available in various sizes for $20 each.
8. Adjournment
There being no further business, a MOTION was made by John Kaplan and
SECONDED by Shon Halacka to adjourn the March 16, 2011 Board of Trustees
Meeting at
Reviewed & Edited by Paula Somerville on 3/29/11
Paula Somerville, Secretary Date
January 19, 2011
1. The meeting was called to order by Bud Keller, Chair at 7:00 PM.
Present: Bud Keller, Chair
Daniel Pienta, Vice Chair
Doug Otlewski, Past Chair
Paula Somerville, Secretary
Beth Alberti
Steven Bruyn
Clare Evans (Call in)
Betty Fisher (Call in)
William Goodman (Call in)
Peggy Griffin
John Kaplan
Daniel Knott
Leo Kujawa
William McCaffrey
Dr. Peter Muller
Elaina Fraga-O'Malley
John Pajak
Michael Williams
Absent: Gordon Cooley
Richard Ciaramitaro
Shon Halacka
John Larson
Dr. Myron Liner
Sarah McClure
Gwendolyn McNeal
Lynne Portnoy
Lauren Scarpace
Charles Stenback, Treasurer
Rick Van Heukelom
Mark Woods
Also Present: Stan Gramke, President/CEO
Ron Storing, Vice President
Janis Coschino, Administrative Secretary
Tina Collins, Director of Public Relations
Marjon Davis, Director of Development
Tim Hatfield, Springfield Branch Manager
Jason Kaszubski, Human Resource Manager
Greg Kriovan, Director of Quality Assurance
Kris Mooney, Director of Finance
Tom Paskiewicz, Manager Community Based Program
David Stoker, Director of Manufacturing
Dennis Winkler, Madison Heights Branch Manager
The following MOTIONS were made, SECONDED and CARRIED at the Board of
Trustees Meeting on January 19, 2011.
1. Approval of Agenda:
A MOTION was made by Dr. Peter Muller and SECONDED by Michael Williams to
approve the agenda for the January 19, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting.
2. Approval of Minutes:
A MOTION was made by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley and SECONDED by Leo Kujawa to
approve the minutes from the November 17, 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting.
3. Approval of the Restructuring of New Horizons Operating
A MOTION was made by Michael Williams and SECONDED by John Kaplan to
recommend to the Board of Trustees restructuring of the New Horizons
Operating Accounts by moving a total of 1.5 million into PNC Investments
which will be regulated by the New Horizons Investment Policy Statement
dated January, 2005. In Favor = 17, Opposed = 0, Abstained = 1. MOTION
5. Approval of By-Law Revisions
A MOTION was made by Doug Otlewski and SECONDED by Dr. Peter Muller to adopt
the New Horizons By-Law revisions dated January 19, 2011.
5. Adjournment:
There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Doug Otlewski and
SECONDED by John Pajak to adjourn the January 19, 2011 Board of Trustees
Meeting at 8:45 PM. MOTION CARRIED.
1. Bud Keller, Chair, called the Meeting to order @ 7:00 PM.
2. Approval of Agenda:
A MOTION was made by Dr. Peter Muller and SECONDED by Michael Williams to
approve the agenda for the January 19, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting.
3. Approval of Minutes:
A MOTION was made by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley and SECONDED by Leo Kujawa to
approve the minutes from the November 17, 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting.
4. Audit & Finance Committee Report
A. Year-to-Date Financials (Reported by Kris Mooney, Director of Finance)
For the Month of November 2010
Program Fees & Revenue $640,550.00
Community Program Revenue 176,666.00
Industrial Revenue
Other Revenues
Total Expenses
Operating Surplus/(Deficit) 173,407.00
Investment Unrealized Gain/Loss -
Agency Surplus/(Deficit) $173,407.00
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As of November 30, 2010, the cash on hand was $2,090,302 with $2,422,485 in
the New Horizons Investment Fund. A total of cash investments of
$4,512,786. Net Accounts Receivable is currently $2,057,828 and current
liabilities are $864,475.
Fiscal Year to Date Agency Information:
YTD Operating Revenue $6,438,418.00
YTD Operating Expense 5,979,356.00
YTD Program Excess/Deficit 459,062.00
YTD Other Agency Revenue
Fundraising, Interest, donations 83,877.00
YTD Agency Operating Surplus/Deficit 542,939.00
YTD Investment Unrealized Gain/Loss 161,701.00
(Agency investments are marked to market value quarterly)
Total Agency Surplus/(Deficit) YTD $704,640.00
(including unrealized investment gains or loses)
a. 5/3 Investment Performance
Kris Mooney, Director of Finance reported Pete Gargasoulas, 5/3 Senior
Portfolio Manager presented to the Audit & Finance and Executive Committee
the Fifth Third Investment Fund performance. Mr. Gargasoulas reported on the
State and National platforms as well as detailed data on the New Horizons
Investment Funds. Specific information regarding the fixed income and
alternative overviews were presented.
Overall, Mr. Gargasoulas was pleased with how the New Horizons Portfolio is
fixed and is receiving good returns based on current markets. The equity is
diversified within the New Horizons Investment Policy guidelines. Once the
equity reaches benchmark allocation of 60% they will realign equity into
short term fixed income.
The committees discussed the need to obtain a higher rate of return on the
agency's Operating Fund.
b. Restructuring New Horizons Operating Accounts
John Kaplan, Audit & Finance Committee Vice Chair reported on the proposal
made by PNC to the Audit & Finance Committee with regard to investing $1.5
million into a balanced portfolio. At this time the Audit & Finance
Committee recommends to the Board that New Horizons invest $1.5 million with
PNC in an Investment Portfolio, leaving approximately 1.0 million dollars in
the Operating Accounts.
A MOTION was made by Michael Williams and SECONDED by John Kaplan to
recommend to the Board of Trustees restructuring of the New Horizons
Operating Accounts by moving a total of 1.5 million into PNC Investments
which will be regulated by the New Horizons Investment Policy Statement
dated January, 2005. In Favor = 17, Opposed = 0, Abstained = 1. MOTION
5. Board Committee Reports
A. Executive Committee
Bud Keller, Chair reported the Executive Committee met December 13, 2010 at
a joint meeting with the Audit & finance Committee at which time PNC
Presented their investment portfolio. The status on the Auction's progress
was presented as well.
B. Program & Services Committee
Steve Bruyn, Chair reported they had not had a Program & Services Meeting
for a while and are waiting to hear what information comes out of the new
Governor's office.
A. Meeting Date Revisions
Stan Gramke, President/CEO reviewed the enclosed handout containing the 2011
committee & board meeting dates with the Board. Elaina Fraga-O'Malley
requested the December 20, 2011 Executive Committee Meeting be reviewed as
the date is quite close to Christmas.
6. New Horizons By-Law Update & Changes
Stan Gramke, President/CEO reviewed the proposed By-Law updates and changes
with the Board, noting the Audit & Finance Committee and Executive Committee
have approved the changes and has sent them to the Board for approval, John
Cashen, LLC, New Horizons legal counsel has also made his final revisions
and has approved all changes.
A MOTION was made by Doug Otlewski and SECONDED by Dr. Peter Muller to adopt
the New Horizons By-Law revisions dated January 19, 2011.
7. Public Relations /Fund Raising
a. Development Activities
Marjon Davis, Director of Development reported she is currently working on a
$10,000 Grant from PNC that will support the School to Work Program. New
Horizons is also applying for the Mutual of America Community Partnership
Award which is due by April 1, 2011. New opportunities are always being
sought after.
b. 2011 Brooksie Way
Tina Collins, Director of Public Relations reported New Horizons will be
participating in the Brooksie Way for fundraising opportunities, the Board
may sign up to take part in the race to walk or run. New Horizons will
provide information for you to send out to your sponsors.
Brooksie Way will charge an entrance fee and New Horizons will receive
donations from sponsors from each participant representing New Horizon, the
event is scheduled for October 2, 2011. Registration usually begins around
April/May, keep checking their website, www.thebrooksieway.com for
registrations forms and information.
c. Charity Auction 2011 - Breakout Sessions
Tina Collins reported the New Horizons Charity Auction is May 6, 2011 at the
Pontiac Centerpoint Marriott. A packet was distributed to the Board
containing forms that may be needed by Board Members when collecting
donations. Reserve your tables early, $1,000 gets you six tickets.
Sponsorships - Lear $15,000., MJacobs $10,000, PNC $10,000, there is a
strong start so far with $40,000 in commitments.
Michael Williams, Auction Chair stated New Horizons asks Board Members once
a year to support them; the target amount is $1,000 each Board Member. The
Committee is not necessarily looking for cash out of your pocket; you can
get donations or sponsorships to meet this commitment. This is the major
fundraiser New Horizons has for the year.
Attendees of the meeting were broken up into small groups to brainstorm
donation ideas for the Auction.
8. Political Climate & Changes
Ron Storing, Vice President stated there are many "unknowns" at the Federal
& State levels. Rumors are there will be department realignments. State
employees will be looking at potential concessions. The Department of
Energy, Labor and Economic Growth possibly restructured. The AARA dollars
will need accounting attention; the tracking of these funds has not been up
to par at the State level.
At the Federal State legislative there will be many new people coming into
office due to term limits. Expect lots of change due to the unseasoned
decision makers.
9. Break Out Session Wrap Up
Attendees reassembled and discussed ideas given during the breakout session.
The final date to get Auction donations to Tina or Marjon is April 15, 2011.
8. Adjournment
There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Doug Otlewski and
SECONDED by John Pajak to adjourn the January 19, 2011 Board of Trustees
Meeting at
Reviewed & Edited 2/23/11
Paula Somerville, Secretary
jac/2-25-11/my documents/ botmeeting /minutes 1-19-11
November 17, 2010
1. The meeting was called to order by Bud Keller, Chair at 7:00 PM.
Present: Bud Keller, Chair
Daniel Pienta, Vice Chair
Charles Stenback, Treasurer
Gordon Cooley
Clare Evans
Betty Fisher
Elaina Fraga-O'Malley
Daniel Knott
William Goodman
Shon Halacka
John Kaplan
Leo Kujawa
Dr. Myron Liner
Gwendolyn McNeal
John Pajak
Lauren Scarpace
Absent: Beth Alberti
Steven Bruyn
Richard Ciaramitaro
Peggy Griffin
Doug Otlewski, Past Chair
John Larson
William McCaffrey
Sarah McClure
Dr. Peter Muller
Lynne Portnoy
Paula Somerville, Secretary
Michael Williams
Mark Woods
Rick Van Heuklom
Also Present: Stan Gramke, President/CEO
Ron Storing, Vice President
Janis Coschino, Administrative Secretary
Karen Blum, Novi Branch Manager
Tina Collins, Director of Public Relations
Marjon Davis, Director of Development & Fundraising
Charlesetta Edwards, Employment Services Manager
Tim Hatfield, Springfield Branch Manager
Jason Kaszubski, Human Resource Manager
Greg Kriovan, Director of Quality Assurance
Kris Mooney, Director of Finance
David Stoker, Director of Manufacturing
Dennis Winkler, Madison Heights Branch Manager
The following MOTIONS were made, SECONDED and CARRIED at the Board of
Trustees Meeting on November 17, 2010.
1. Approval of Agenda:
A MOTION was made by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley and SECONDED by Bill Goodman to
approve the agenda for the November 17, 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting.
2. Approval of Minutes:
A MOTION was made by Gordon Cooley and SECONDED by Shon Halacka to approve
the minutes from the July 21, 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION
3. Approval of Year To Date Financials:
A MOTION was made by Dr. Myron Liner and SECONDED by John Pajak to
approve the Year To Date Financials. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Adjournment:
There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Shon Halacka and
SECONDED by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley to adjourn the November 17, 2010 Board of
Trustees Meeting at 8:15 PM. MOTION CARRIED.
1. Bud Keller, Chair, called the Meeting to order @ 7:00 PM.
2. Approval of Agenda:
A MOTION was made by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley and SECONDED by Bill Goodman to
approve the agenda for the November 17, 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting.
3. Approval of Minutes:
A MOTION was made by Gordon Cooley and SECONDED by Shon Halacka to approve
the minutes from the July 21, 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION
4. Audit & Finance Committee Report
A. Year-to-Date Financials (Reported by Kris Mooney, Director of Finance)
For the Month of October 2010
Program Fees & Revenue $696,740
Community Program Revenue 176,063
Industrial Revenue 26,175
Other Revenues 5,317
Total Expenses 994,241
Operating Surplus/(Deficit) (90,508)
Investments Unrealized Gain/Loss
Agency Surplus/(Deficit) ($90,508)
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As of October 31, 2010, the cash on hand was $2,444,896 with $2,422,485 in
New Horizons Investment Fund. A total of cash investments of $4,867,381.
Net Accounts Receivable is currently $1,427,148 and current liabilities are
Fiscal Year to Date Agency Information:
YTD Operating Revenue $4,912,439
YTD Operating Expenses 4,613,503
YTD Program Excess/Deficit 298,936
YTD Other Agency Revenue
Fundraising, Interest, donations 74,123
YTD Agency Operating Surplus/Deficit 373,059
YTD Investment Unrealized Gain/Loss 161,701
(Agency investments are marked to market value quarterly)
Total Agency Surplus/(Deficit) YTD $534,760
(including unrealized investment gains or loses)
A MOTION was made by Dr. Myron Liner and SECONDED by John Pajak to
approve the Year To Date Financials. MOTION CARRIED.
a. Budget Forecast 2010-2011
Stan Gramke, President/CEO stated New Horizons business with the government,
NISH as well as the consumers served (MORC & MRS), and transition programs
are all expected to be strong and status quo with no problems foreseen for
this fiscal year. The only concern, due to the new Governor, is the unknown
status of the State Budget for October 1, 2011.
The ARRA funding for the Thumb Area will be expiring this year. It is
expected that due to the high level of satisfaction of the MRS Director in
that area New Horizons will hopefully maintain those services.
Ron Storing reported Bloomfield Hills Schools have contacted New Horizons to
replicate our program with the Holly Schools Program.
b. 5/3 Investment Performance
Bud Keller, Chair stated there would be a presentation by Pete Gargasoulas,
Vice President of 5/3 on December 13, 2010 to review the performance of the
New Horizons accounts. This will be a joint meeting of the Executive and
Finance Committee.
c. PNC Investment Account
Bud Keller, Chair reported the Audit & Finance Committee is in the process
of reviewing the potential of opening an investment account for
approximately 1.0 million dollars.
5. Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Board Structure
a. By-Law Review
Bud Keller, Chair reported during the Strategic Planning Meetings it was
revealed that it was time to review the New Horizons By-Laws. It has been 10
years since the By-Laws had been last reviewed; the language, committees and
employment practices need to be reviewed and updated.
b. Committee Structure
Stan Gramke, President/CEO referenced the handouts and asked if there were
any questions from the Committee to please let him know.
c. Proposed Meeting Dates
This document was included with the meeting packet for today; please add in
the section of Special Events: September 29, 2011 to the Annual Meeting.
6. Board Committee Reports
A. Executive Committee
Bud Keller, Chair reported the Executive Committee Meeting on August 24,
2010 was devoted to the "draft" of the Financial Statements. Industrial &
Program reports were given and the Nominating Committee brought Nominations
B. Program & Services Committee
Ron Storing, Vice President reported the Committee met on October 19, 2010
the main item discussed was the formal report received from CARF. The
following were the three recommendations made to New Horizons: 1.) We should
have a no reprisal statement in the consumer handbook when a recipient
rights complaint is filed. 2.) We should have a no retaliation statement in
the handbook if a consumer files a formal grievance.3.) We should have
documentation stating if a consumer or their parent/guardian agrees with
service plans developed to reduce the possibility of risks identified when
consumers are participating in community-based programs.
The first portion of the CARF Report will be copied for the Board of
C. Nominating Committee
Stan Gramke, President/CEO complimented Doug Otlewski, Committee Chair for
the selection of new Board of Trustees, they will do a good job representing
New Horizons. All the new members are settling in and contributing to New
7. Public Relations/Fund Raising
a. 2011 Charity Auction
Tina Collins, Director of Public Relations reported the auction will be held
May 6 at the Auburn Hills Marriott Pontiac at Centerpoint. The Auction
Committee had their first meeting on November 9, 2010. Lear Corporation will
be the title sponsor with a donation of $15,000, and M. Jacob & Son has
committed to a donation of $7,000
The Committee's goal is to get our first mailing out to past supporters the
first of December and committee members will make follow-up phone calls. At
this time the committee would like to encourage the Board of Trustees to
begin working on getting items for the live and silent portions of the
Bud Keller, Chair explained the expectation that each Board of Trustee
contribute in some manner to the Charity Auction; his goal is 100%
b. November Appeal Letter
Marjon Davis, Director of Development stated the New Horizons Appeal Letter
focused on transportation and our need for new vans was mailed out Monday,
November 15, 2010.
The look of the Appeal Letter mirrors the Annual Report using the graphic
from the cover and also the tag line "Putting People Back to Work"
c. 2011 Brooksie Way
Tina Collins, Director of Public Relations offered the Board an opportunity
to participate in the Brooksie Way as well as help support New Horizons
through donations. So far there is not a confirmed date for next year's
event, however, this year the event was the first week of October.
Look for information to be distributed after the first of the year with
sponsorship letters that will allow the Board to go out and solicit
donations for their participation. Kris Mooney offered trainings those
interested in running in the race.
d. New Donor Software Program
Marjon Davis, Director of Development reported there was a product called
Altai chosen as the New Horizon new database management software. This
software will sit on top of our CRM platform.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010 was the first assessment meeting, held with Altai
and The TM Group going over a questionnaire with Altai to help define our
specific needs and requirements. We are now waiting on the summary of
results and more accurate cost estimate, now that there is a better
understanding of our needs.
e. New Horizons Open House
Tina Collins, Director of Public Relations reported Open Houses were held at
all four main branch locations on October 22, 2010 to help celebrate
National Disability Employment Awareness Month, cider and doughnuts were
The event was well received by everyone that attended.
. More than 100 people attended.
(Contact information was gathered for the New Horizons database).
. The majority of attendees were parents or family members of
. Partners from various school districts, Michigan Rehabilitation
Services, etc. also attended.
Tours were given and information about New Horizons was available for our
guests, such as our Annual Report and Outcomes. Guests enjoyed being able to
see and touch the manufactured products that our consumers produce.
8. Rehabilitation Update
a. United Way Funding
Ron Storing, Vice President reported United Way was having financial
difficulties; some of the concerns were that New Horizons had to contact
United Way to receive their campaign information. Presentations to New
Horizons employees will take place next week for the 2010 Campaign.
Funding for New Horizons has been reduced $25,000. Mr. Storing projects June
30, 2011 that New Horizons will no longer receive United Way funding. Some
of the programs New Horizons currently funds with United Way dollars is the
Macomb County programs, MRS, Michigan Commission For the Blind all match
Dr. Myron Liner, Board of Trustee suggested potentially using the New
Horizon Endowment dollars as match dollars to replace the United Way money.
b. MRS Staff Changes
Ron Storing, Vice President reported due to the new Governor being elected
there is an expectation that there will be leadership changes in many
government agencies, due to the government department and bureau heads being
selected by the Governor.
Jennie Tunnell, MRS District Manager will be retiring; her efforts have
resulted in much growth in the Macomb Area for New Horizons. Ms. Tunnell
took the time to thank her partners; Mr. Storing felt it was a very
thoughtful and classy thing for her to write New Horizons a letter of praise
and support.
9. Adjournment
There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Shon Halacka and
SECONDED by Elaina Fraga-O'Malley to adjourn the November 17, 2010
Board of Trustees
Meeting at 8:15 PM. MOTION CARRIED.
Paula Somerville, Secretary
jac/1-11-11/my documents/ bot meeting /minutes 11-17-10
September 30, 2010
1. Bud Keller, Chair, called the Meeting to order @ 6:00PM.
2. Introduction of Guests and Staff
Bud Keller, Chair introduced the representatives from
Doeren Mayhew, Patrick
Fuelling CPA, Partner and Melissa Kyewski, CPA. Also attending, Leo Kujawa
and Lauren Scarpace, Board of Trustee Nominees.
3. Approval of Agenda:
A MOTION was made by John Pajak, and SECONDED by Bill Goodman
to approve the agenda for September 30, 2010, 46th Annual Board of Trustees
4. Approval of Minutes:
A MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback and SECONDED by Beth Alberti to approve
the minutes from September 24, 2009, 45th Annual Board of Trustees Meeting.
5. Nominating Committee Report - Election of Executive Officers
A. A MOTION was made by Beth Alberti and SECONDED by Bill Goodman
to elect the following members of the Board of Trustees to serve on the
Executive Committee, for fiscal year 2010-2011. MOTION CARRIED.
Bud Keller - Chairperson
Daniel Pienta - Vice Chair
Chuck Stenback - Treasurer
Paula Somerville - Secretary
Doug Otlewski - Past Chair
Gordon Cooley - Member at Large
Elaina Fraga-O'Malley - Member at Large
Shon Halacka - Member at Large
Dr. Myron Liner - Member at Large
Sarah McClure - Member at Large
B. A MOTION was made by Doug Otlewski, and SECONDED by
Gordon Cooley to
elect the nominees Leo Kujawa, Lauren Scarpace, Rick Van Heukelom,
term to 2013 to
the Board of Trustees. MOTION CARRIED.
C. A MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback, and SECONDED by
Beth Alberti to
accept the resignation of Joe Pallischeck and Ed Pugh,
Jr. with regret, the Board
expressed appreciation for their service. MOTION
D. A MOTION was made by Bill Goodman and SECONDED by Shon Halacka to elect
Joe Pallischeck to Emeritus Status for the Board of Trustees. MOTION
E. A MOTION was made by Gordon Cooley, and SECONDED by Beth Alberti to
re-elect the following Members to the Board of Trustees for term of
offices ending 2011, 2012, 2013. MOTION CARRIED.
Term to 2011 Term to 2012 Term to 2013
Steven Bruyn Beth Alberti William Goodman
Gordon Cooley Richard Ciaramitaro John Larson
Clare Evans Marvin Keller William
Betty Fisher Daniel Knott Gwen McNeal
Peggy Griffin Dr. Peter Muller Douglas Otlewski
Shon Halacka Elaina Fraga-O'Malley John Pajak
John Kaplan Daniel Pienta Mark Woods
Dr. Myron Liner Lynne Portnoy Leo Kujawa
Sarah McClure Charles Stenback Lauren Scarpace
Paula Somerville Michael Williams Rick Van Heukelom
6. Independent Auditor Report By Doeren Mayhew
Patrick D. Fuelling, CPA, Partner
Melissa Kyewski, CPA
The firm of Doeren Mayhew, Certified Public Accountants and Consultants,
audited the statement of financial position of New Horizons FY 2009-2010.
The statement of activities, statement of financial position and statement
of cash flow for the year were presented to the Board of Trustees, with the
results of the Audit Report as required under professional standards.
Patrick Fueling, Partner recognized Kris Mooney, Director of Finance, and
the New Horizons staff for an outstanding job. Independent auditors report
gave an unqualified opinion on the financial statements. Statements are in
conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
The Balance Sheet reflects the cash and marketable securities totaled $4.2
million. The figure is a picture of very solid organization. Net assets of
$7 million represent accumulations of revenues over expenses, from inception
to June 30, 2010. Net assets are approximately 42% of the total asset base.
These are strong examples of a well-run organization.
Changes in net assets are a positive $518,886 which includes the $195,192
unrealized gains on investments due to the market.
A MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback, and SECONDED by Dr. Myron Liner to
accept the Fiscal Year Audit Year-End 2009-2010. MOTION CARRIED.
7. President/CEO Remarks
Past Year Highlights
Stan Gramke, President/CEO presented the 2010 Program Highlights and
accomplishments to the New Horizons Board of Trustees. Over all highlighting
the high level of consumer satisfaction of 98%, and job placements for 549
consumers. New Horizons served a record number of consumers with 3,212
served. The total number of programs delivered increased to an all time high
of 4,660.
Actual Revenue grew by 20% over the previous year to a record $11,975,723
due to expansion of our services. Revenue over expenses increased from
$23,206 in 2009 to $518,886. A record number of building and program
improvements were made at all locations which included paving, painting, and
computer/software program equipment, along with phone system upgrades.
During one of the most challenging economic years our 2010 Annual
Auction-Make a Difference raised a record $147,525. We had a sell out
audience of over 370.
New Horizons received the honor of being voted one of Metropolitan Detroit's
101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For 2010 (5th time in 10 years).
Staff hired FY 2009-2010 - 33 new staff (not including 16 sewers)
There was a retention rate of staff at 95% and a turnover rate of 5.3%. All
staff received a $1,000 bonus check at year end.
This year teamwork and partnerships were fundamental in maintaining very
good relationships with our funding sources. New Horizons also initiated a
major project in conjunction with MRS Eastern Michigan Division that
encompasses the thumb area of Michigan.
School to Work Services were expanded to include Work Based Learning
Services for Holly Area Schools for approximately 43 students on a daily
basis as well as expanded the School to Work Programs in Macomb County with
the East Detroit, Lake View and Lake Shore School Districts.
New Horizons began a new Ability One Project, the manufacturing of the GEN
III Grid Fleece Drawers. This new business allowed us to expand our sewing
capabilities into our Auburn Hills facility. The electrical and pneumatics
were updated to accommodate the new sewing equipment which included 16 new
sewing machines as well as several new staff to run this assembly line.
Mr. Gramke recognized the excellent Management Staff and dedication and
commitment of the New Horizons employees as well as the Board of Trustees
for the agencies success.
Bud Keller, Chair on behalf of the Board of Trustees recognized and thanked
Mr. Gramke, President/CEO, Ron Storing, Vice President and all the New
Horizons Staff for all their efforts towards an outstanding year.
8. Adjournment
There being no further business, a MOTION was made at 6:40PM by Doug
Otlewski and SECONDED by Paula Somerville to adjourn the September 30, 2010,
46TH Annual Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION CARRIED.
Present: Marvin Keller, Chair
Peggy Griffin
Daniel Pienta, Vice Chair
Shon Halacka
Charles Stenback, Treasurer
John Larson
Paula Somerville, Secretary Dr. Myron Liner
Doug Otlewski, Past Chair Gwen McNeal
Beth Alberti Dr. Peter Muller
Gordon Cooley John Pajak
Betty Fisher Joseph Pallischeck
William Goodman
Absent: Steven Bruyn
Richard Ciaramitaro
Clare Evans
Elaina Fragga-O'Malley
John Kaplan
Daniel Knott
William McCaffrey
Sarah McClure
Lynne Portnoy
Ed Pugh, Jr.
Mark Woods
Michael Williams
Also Present:
Stan Gramke, President/CEO
Ron Storing, Vice President
Karen Blum, Novi Branch Manager
Janis Coschino, Administrative Secretary
Charlesetta Edwards, Employment Services Manager
Tim Hatfield, Springfield Branch Manager
Jason Kaszubski, Human Resource Manager
Greg Kriovan, Director of Quality Assurance
Kris Mooney, Director of Finance
Tom Paskiewicz, Manager Community Based Program
David Stoker, Director of Manufacturing
Dennis Winkler, Madison Heights Branch Manager
Guests: Leo Kujawa & Lauren Scarpace, Board Nominees
Patrick Fuelling CPA, Audit Director,
Doeren Mayhew
Melissa Kyewski, CPA, Doeren Mayhew
The following MOTIONS were made, SECONDED and CARRIED at the Board of
Trustees Meeting on September 30, 2010.
1. Approval of Agenda:
A MOTION was made by John Pajak, and SECONDED by Bill Goodman
to approve the agenda for September 30, 2010, 46th Annual Board of Trustees
2. Approval of Minutes:
A MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback and SECONDED by Beth Alberti to approve
the minutes from September 24, 2009, 45th Annual Board of Trustees Meeting.
3. Nominating Committee Report - Election of
Executive Officers
A. A MOTION was made by Beth Alberti and SECONDED by Bill Goodman
to elect the following members of the Board of Trustees to serve on the
Executive Committee, for fiscal year 2010-2011. MOTION CARRIED.
Bud Keller - Chairperson
Daniel Pienta - Vice Chair
Chuck Stenback - Treasurer
Paula Somerville - Secretary
Doug Otlewski - Past Chair
Gordon Cooley - Member at Large
Elaina Fraga-O'Malley - Member at Large
Shon Halacka - Member at Large
Dr. Myron Liner - Member at Large
Sarah McClure - Member at Large
B. A MOTION was made by Doug Otlewski, and SECONDED
by Gordon Cooley to
elect the nominees Leo Kujawa, Lauren Scarpace, Rick Van
Heukelom, term to 2013 to
the Board of Trustees. MOTION CARRIED.
C. A MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback, and
SECONDED by Beth Alberti to
accept the resignation of Joe Pallischeck and Ed
Pugh, Jr. with regret. The Board
expressed appreciation for their service. MOTION
D. A MOTION was made by Bill Goodman and SECONDED by Shon Halacka to elect
Joe Pallischeck to Emeritus Status for the Board of Trustees. MOTION
E. A MOTION was made by Gordon Cooley, and SECONDED by Beth Alberti to
re-elect the following Members to the Board of Trustees for term of
offices ending 2011, 2012, 2013. MOTION CARRIED.
Term to 2011 Term to 2012 Term to 2013
Steven Bruyn Beth Alberti William Goodman
Gordon Cooley Richard Ciaramitaro John Larson
Clare Evans Marvin Keller William
Betty Fisher Daniel Knott Gwen McNeal
Peggy Griffin Dr. Peter Muller Douglas Otlewski
Shon Halacka Elaina Fraga-O'Malley John Pajak
John Kaplan Daniel Pienta Mark Woods
Dr. Myron Liner Lynne Portnoy Leo Kujawa
Sarah McClure Charles Stenback Lauren Scarpace
Paula Somerville Michael Williams Rick Van Heukelom
4. A MOTION was made by Chuck Stenback, and SECONDED by Dr.
Myron Liner to
accept the Fiscal Year Audit Year-End 2009-2010. MOTION CARRIED.
5. There being no further business, a MOTION was made at 6:40PM
by Doug Otlewski and SECONDED by Paula Somerville to adjourn the September
30, 2010, 46TH Annual Board of Trustees Meeting. MOTION CARRIED.
Paula Somerville, Secretary Date
jac/12-17-10/my documents/minutes 9-30-10/annual bot meeting
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