[nfbmi-talk] Fwd: Request for an Ethics Board Advisory Opinion
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Feb 3 15:01:35 UTC 2012
Check this out. I know it is hard to read but note that Ron Sstoring is the
VP of New Horizons Rehab Services and they got whacked in the RSA monitoring
with the Macomb "reversion to vendor" issue in the RSA monitoring. And also
note MCB awarded this CRP in 2008 and Gwen McNeal fosterred the Macomb/New
Horizons cash match in 2004 and that now McNeal is on New Horizons Board of
But dig all the interconnections and votes of the Oaklan cash match with
MCB, LIO and even New Horizons in these Oakland School board minutes!!
And note that Ron Storing here is the Vice President of New Horizons
Rehabilitation Services, Inc once again and is acting in his official
capacity as a public official in these regards..
Here they are as best as I could convert them:
This is the html version of the file
Google automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the
Page 1
2111 Pontiac Lake Road
Waterford, MI 48328-2736
Telephone: 248.209.2123
Facsimile: 248.209.2206
July 11, 2011
7:00 PM
Conference Room A
Regular Meeting Called to Order - President Ehlert called the regular
meeting of the
Board to order at 7:10 PM. Vice President Williams. Treasurer DeMarco and
Storing were in attendance. Secretary Rich was absent.
Awards and Recognitions
A. The Board honored Shelley Yorke Rose upon her retirement from Oakland
after 30 years of dedicated service.
Information from the Superintendent and Administration
A. Superintendent's Report: Dr. Markavitch reviewed items in the board
B. Legislative Update: Ms. Judy Allen was not present though provided a
report from
the House Fiscal Agency titled "School Aid."
Visitor Comments - There were none.
Regutar Working Agenda
A. Board ot Education
1.0 Reports - There were none.
2.0 Discussions - There were none.
3.0 Action
a. Approval of Minutes - It was moved by Trustee Storing, supported by
Treasurer Delvlarco. to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of
June 20, 2011. as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
b. Oakland County Common School Calendar ~ 2012/2013 and 2013/2014
- lt was moved by Treasurer De1\/larco, supported by Trustee Storing to
approve the winter breaks as recommended by the Administration for
school years beginning 2012/2013 through 2013/2014.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Page 2
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of Oakland Schools
July 11,2011
B. Programs and Services
1.0 Reports - There were none.
2.0 Discussions - There were none.
3.0 Action
Department Licensing and Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for
the Blind (LARA/MCB) - Cash Match Agreement - President Ehlert
addressed the age range in the materials provided regarding restriction
of services to 14 through 20 year olds. Trustee Storing offered that the
majority of students are likety graduated by the age of 20 but this age
limitation may exclude older students. Trustee Storing recommended
that the District keep the door open to ages 21 through 26 as this
population has fewer options to obtain these services. President Ehlert
requested additional information regarding identification of those
students who are legally blind in the categories of private schools and
homeschooled students in order to achieve our program goals and
outcomes. The Administration will follow-up and provide answers to the
board. lt was moved by Vice President Williams, supported by Treasurer
DeMarco to authorize the Administration to execute a Cash Match
Agreement in the amount of $45,000.00 to Department Licensing and
Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for the Blind [LARA/MCB) for
the period October 1,2011 to September 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes DeMarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Intergovernmental Agreement: Braille Educational Materials ~ lt was
moved by Treasurer DeMarco, supported by Vice President Williams to
authorize the Administration to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement
for Braille Educational Material in the amount of $60,000.00 to the Michigan
Department of Education, Low incidence Outreach for the period July 1,
2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert -- yes Williams - yes DeMarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Contracts and Awards
(1) Contract Modification: Crisis Prevention Institute - !t was moved by
Trustee Storing, supported by Vice President Williams to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract modification with Crisis
Prevention Institute increasing the amount by $24,132.00 from
$16,999.00 to an amount not to exceed $41,131 .00 for the period
June 14, 201i to June 17, 201 1, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes DeMarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/O
Contract Award: University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill (Karen
Erickson) - It was moved by Vice President Williams, supported by
Treasurer DeMarco to authorize the Administration to execute a
contract award in the amount not to exceed $31,500.00 to
Page 2 of 7
Page 3
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of Oakland Schools
July 11,2011
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill {Karen Erickson) for the
period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deivlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motions Carried 4/0
Contract Award: David Koppenhaver - It was moved by Trustee
Storing, supported by Vice President Williams to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract award in the amount not to
exceed of $31,500.00 to David Koppenhaver for the period July 1,
2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Contract Modification: Cali Educational Consulting (Christine
Clinton-Cali) - lt was moved by Treasurer Delviarco, supported by
Vice President Willéams to authorize the Administration to execute a
contract modification with Cali Educational Consulting (Christine
Clinton-Caii) increasing the amount by $5,000 from $20,000 to an
amount not to exceed $25,000 for the period October 1, 2010 to
June 30, 2011, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Del\/larco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Contract Award: Laura Mahler- It was moved by Trustee Storing,
supported by Treasurer Delvlarco to authorize the Administration to
execute a contract award in the amount not to exceed $22,700.00
to Laura Mahler for the period July 12,2011 to June 30, 2012, as
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Dei\/larco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Contract Award: Leah H. Doster Barnett - ltwas moved by Trustee
Storing, supported by Treasurer Detvlarco to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract award in the amount not to
exceed $22,700.00 to Leah H. Doster Barnett for the period July 12,
2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Detviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
(vii) Contract Renewals: ACE Transportation, Servicar of Michigan, and
Trinity Transportation - it was moved by Vice President Williams,
supported by Treasurer Detviarco to authorize the Administration to
execute contract renewals to ACE Transportation in the amount
not to exceed $26,400, Servicar of Michigan in an amount not to
exceed $31,200 and Trinity Transportation in an amount not to
exceed $22,400 for the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, as
Page 3 of 7
Page 4
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of Oakland Schools
July ii, 2011
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deivlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
(viii) Contract Renewal: Education 2020 - it was moved by Treasurer
Deiylarco, supported by vice President Williams to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract renewal with Education 2020
in an amount not to exceed $74,000 for the period July 1,2011 to
June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Dervlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
(ix) Contract Award: ACT, Inc. (Keyrrain) - It was moved by Vice
President Wiliiams, supported by Treasurer Deiylarco to authorize
the Administration to execute a contract award in the amount not
to exceed $105,000 per year to ACT, Inc. for the period July 1, 2011
to June 30, 2013, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlcrrco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
C. Administrative Services and Business Operations
1.0 Reports - There were none.
2.0 Discussions - There were none.
3.0 Actions
Approval of Personnel List - it was moved by Trustee Storing, supported
by Treasurer Delvrarco, to approve the Personnel List of July 11. 201 1, as
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Approval of Employee Pre-Travel Requests - It was moved by Trustee
Storing. supported by Treasurer Del\/larco, to approve the Employee Pre-
travel Requests of July 11, 201 1, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes DeMarco - yes Storing - yes
Motions Carried 4/0
Amendment to Policy 1230 - District Attorney - lt was moved by Vice
President Williams, supported by Treasurer Delvlarco to adopt the
amendment to Policy 1230-District Attorney effective July 12, 2011, as
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motions Carried 4/0
Approval of Fiscal Year 2011 fourth amendment budgets for the General
Education Fund and Cooperative Activity Special Revenue Funds - It
Page 4 of 7
Page 5
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of Oakland Schools
July 11, 2011
was moved by Trustee Storing, supported by Vice President Williams to
approve the Fiscal Year 2011 fourth amendment budgets, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deiviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motions Carried 4/0
Contracts and Awards
(i) Contract Award: Delta Network Services - Equipment - it was moved
by Treasurer Deiviarco, supported by Trustee Storing to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract award in an amount not to
exceed $245,512.41 to Delta Network Services, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deivtarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
(ii) Contract Renewal: Delta Network Services - Maintenance - It was
moved by Vice President Williams, supported by Treasurer Deivlarco
to authorize the Administration to execute a contract renewal in the
amount not to exceed $103,235 to Delta Network Services for the
period July 1,2011 to June 30,2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deiviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0 .
(iii) Contract Award: Qwest Communications - It was moved by Trustee
Storing, supported by Vice President Williams to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract award in the amount not to
exceed $120,000 per year to Qwest Communications for the period
July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2014, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams -- yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/O
(iv)B|anket Purchase Order: Michigan State Police - It was moved by
Vice President Williams, supported by Treasurer DeMarco to authorize
the Administration to execute a Blanket Purchase Order in the
amount not to exceed $78,000 to Michigan State Police for the
period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deiviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motions Carried 4/O
(v) Blanket Purchase Order: XPEDX Paper Company, Inc. - It was moved
by Treasurer Delvlarco, supported by Vice President Williams to
authorize the Administration to execute a Blanket Purchase Order in
the amount not to exceed $1 10,000 to XPEDX Paper Company, inc.
for the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deiviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Page 5 oi 7
Page 6
Minutes ot the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of Oakland Schools
.luly 11,2011
(vi)Blanket Purchase Orders: Dearborn Lithograph, .l&M Reproductions,
and Printwell, Inc. - it was moved by Trustee Storing, supported by
Vice President Williams to authorize the Administration to execute
Blanket Purchase Orders to Dearborn Lithograph in an amount not to
exceed $30,000, to .l&M Reproductions in an amount not to exceed
$28,000, and to Printwell, inc. in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for
the period of July 1,2011 through June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Rescind Contract: ABC Paving Company ~ lt was moved by Trustee
Storing, supported by Vice President Williams to authorize the
Administration to rescind the contract award made June 6, 2011 in
the amount ot $132,600 to ABC Paving Company in Bid Category A -
Sitework and to include an amendment to authorize the retention of
the bid bond.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Contract Award: S 8.1 Asphalt Paving Company - It was moved by
Treasurer DGMOFCO, supported by Trustee Storing to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract award in the amount not to
exceed $360,475.00 to S 8. J Asphalt for the period July 12, 2011 to
December 31, 2011, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/O
Contract Renewal: Wayne RESA - It was moved by Vice President
Williams, supported by Treasurer Delvtarco to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract renewal in the amount of
$325,000.00 to Wayne RESA for the period July 1, 2011 to June 30,
2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes DGMOFCO - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/O
Contract Modification: PAETEC Business Services - It was moved by
Treasurer Deivlarco, supported by Vice President Williams to authorize
the Administration to execute a contract modification with PAETEC
Business Services amended as follows: increasing the amount by
$63,360 from $65,560 to an amount not to exceed $128,920 per year
for the remainder of the period term July 1,2011 to June 30. 2013, as
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Derviarco - yes Storing ~ yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Page 6 of 7
Page 7
Minufes of the Regular Meeting of The
Boord of Education of Ookldnd Schoois
July II, 2011
VI. Additionui Items - There were none.
VII. Board Member Commenis - There were none.
VIII. Adjournment - Presideni Ehleri ddjourned the meeing oi 9:02 PM.
. / "K
I - /\J---@'é/£/
(Theresa Rich, Secreiory
The Board also received oi this meeting:
~ The House Fiscdl Agency School Aid repori for July 2011
Page 7 of 7
This is the html version of the file
Google automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the
Page 1
2111 Pontiac Lake Road
Waterford, MI 48328-2736
Telephone: 248.209.2123
Facsimile: 248.209.2206
July 11, 2011
7:00 PM
Conference Room A
Regular Meeting Called to Order - President Ehlert called the regular
meeting of the
Board to order at 7:10 PM. Vice President Williams. Treasurer DeMarco and
Storing were in attendance. Secretary Rich was absent.
Awards and Recognitions
A. The Board honored Shelley Yorke Rose upon her retirement from Oakland
after 30 years of dedicated service.
Information from the Superintendent and Administration
A. Superintendent's Report: Dr. Markavitch reviewed items in the board
B. Legislative Update: Ms. Judy Allen was not present though provided a
report from
the House Fiscal Agency titled "School Aid."
Visitor Comments - There were none.
Regutar Working Agenda
A. Board ot Education
1.0 Reports - There were none.
2.0 Discussions - There were none.
3.0 Action
a. Approval of Minutes - It was moved by Trustee Storing, supported by
Treasurer Delvlarco. to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of
June 20, 2011. as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
b. Oakland County Common School Calendar ~ 2012/2013 and 2013/2014
- lt was moved by Treasurer De1\/larco, supported by Trustee Storing to
approve the winter breaks as recommended by the Administration for
school years beginning 2012/2013 through 2013/2014.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Page 2
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of Oakland Schools
July 11,2011
B. Programs and Services
1.0 Reports - There were none.
2.0 Discussions - There were none.
3.0 Action
Department Licensing and Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for
the Blind (LARA/MCB) - Cash Match Agreement - President Ehlert
addressed the age range in the materials provided regarding restriction
of services to 14 through 20 year olds. Trustee Storing offered that the
majority of students are likety graduated by the age of 20 but this age
limitation may exclude older students. Trustee Storing recommended
that the District keep the door open to ages 21 through 26 as this
population has fewer options to obtain these services. President Ehlert
requested additional information regarding identification of those
students who are legally blind in the categories of private schools and
homeschooled students in order to achieve our program goals and
outcomes. The Administration will follow-up and provide answers to the
board. lt was moved by Vice President Williams, supported by Treasurer
DeMarco to authorize the Administration to execute a Cash Match
Agreement in the amount of $45,000.00 to Department Licensing and
Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for the Blind [LARA/MCB) for
the period October 1,2011 to September 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes DeMarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Intergovernmental Agreement: Braille Educational Materials ~ lt was
moved by Treasurer DeMarco, supported by Vice President Williams to
authorize the Administration to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement
for Braille Educational Material in the amount of $60,000.00 to the Michigan
Department of Education, Low incidence Outreach for the period July 1,
2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert -- yes Williams - yes DeMarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Contracts and Awards
(1) Contract Modification: Crisis Prevention Institute - !t was moved by
Trustee Storing, supported by Vice President Williams to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract modification with Crisis
Prevention Institute increasing the amount by $24,132.00 from
$16,999.00 to an amount not to exceed $41,131 .00 for the period
June 14, 201i to June 17, 201 1, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes DeMarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/O
Contract Award: University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill (Karen
Erickson) - It was moved by Vice President Williams, supported by
Treasurer DeMarco to authorize the Administration to execute a
contract award in the amount not to exceed $31,500.00 to
Page 2 of 7
Page 3
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of Oakland Schools
July 11,2011
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill {Karen Erickson) for the
period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deivlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motions Carried 4/0
Contract Award: David Koppenhaver - It was moved by Trustee
Storing, supported by Vice President Williams to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract award in the amount not to
exceed of $31,500.00 to David Koppenhaver for the period July 1,
2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Contract Modification: Cali Educational Consulting (Christine
Clinton-Cali) - lt was moved by Treasurer Delviarco, supported by
Vice President Willéams to authorize the Administration to execute a
contract modification with Cali Educational Consulting (Christine
Clinton-Caii) increasing the amount by $5,000 from $20,000 to an
amount not to exceed $25,000 for the period October 1, 2010 to
June 30, 2011, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Del\/larco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Contract Award: Laura Mahler- It was moved by Trustee Storing,
supported by Treasurer Delvlarco to authorize the Administration to
execute a contract award in the amount not to exceed $22,700.00
to Laura Mahler for the period July 12,2011 to June 30, 2012, as
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Dei\/larco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Contract Award: Leah H. Doster Barnett - ltwas moved by Trustee
Storing, supported by Treasurer Detvlarco to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract award in the amount not to
exceed $22,700.00 to Leah H. Doster Barnett for the period July 12,
2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Detviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
(vii) Contract Renewals: ACE Transportation, Servicar of Michigan, and
Trinity Transportation - it was moved by Vice President Williams,
supported by Treasurer Detviarco to authorize the Administration to
execute contract renewals to ACE Transportation in the amount
not to exceed $26,400, Servicar of Michigan in an amount not to
exceed $31,200 and Trinity Transportation in an amount not to
exceed $22,400 for the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, as
Page 3 of 7
Page 4
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of Oakland Schools
July ii, 2011
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deivlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
(viii) Contract Renewal: Education 2020 - it was moved by Treasurer
Deiylarco, supported by vice President Williams to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract renewal with Education 2020
in an amount not to exceed $74,000 for the period July 1,2011 to
June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Dervlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
(ix) Contract Award: ACT, Inc. (Keyrrain) - It was moved by Vice
President Wiliiams, supported by Treasurer Deiylarco to authorize
the Administration to execute a contract award in the amount not
to exceed $105,000 per year to ACT, Inc. for the period July 1, 2011
to June 30, 2013, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlcrrco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
C. Administrative Services and Business Operations
1.0 Reports - There were none.
2.0 Discussions - There were none.
3.0 Actions
Approval of Personnel List - it was moved by Trustee Storing, supported
by Treasurer Delvrarco, to approve the Personnel List of July 11. 201 1, as
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Approval of Employee Pre-Travel Requests - It was moved by Trustee
Storing. supported by Treasurer Del\/larco, to approve the Employee Pre-
travel Requests of July 11, 201 1, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes DeMarco - yes Storing - yes
Motions Carried 4/0
Amendment to Policy 1230 - District Attorney - lt was moved by Vice
President Williams, supported by Treasurer Delvlarco to adopt the
amendment to Policy 1230-District Attorney effective July 12, 2011, as
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motions Carried 4/0
Approval of Fiscal Year 2011 fourth amendment budgets for the General
Education Fund and Cooperative Activity Special Revenue Funds - It
Page 4 of 7
Page 5
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of Oakland Schools
July 11, 2011
was moved by Trustee Storing, supported by Vice President Williams to
approve the Fiscal Year 2011 fourth amendment budgets, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deiviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motions Carried 4/0
Contracts and Awards
(i) Contract Award: Delta Network Services - Equipment - it was moved
by Treasurer Deiviarco, supported by Trustee Storing to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract award in an amount not to
exceed $245,512.41 to Delta Network Services, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deivtarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
(ii) Contract Renewal: Delta Network Services - Maintenance - It was
moved by Vice President Williams, supported by Treasurer Deivlarco
to authorize the Administration to execute a contract renewal in the
amount not to exceed $103,235 to Delta Network Services for the
period July 1,2011 to June 30,2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deiviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0 .
(iii) Contract Award: Qwest Communications - It was moved by Trustee
Storing, supported by Vice President Williams to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract award in the amount not to
exceed $120,000 per year to Qwest Communications for the period
July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2014, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams -- yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/O
(iv)B|anket Purchase Order: Michigan State Police - It was moved by
Vice President Williams, supported by Treasurer DeMarco to authorize
the Administration to execute a Blanket Purchase Order in the
amount not to exceed $78,000 to Michigan State Police for the
period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deiviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motions Carried 4/O
(v) Blanket Purchase Order: XPEDX Paper Company, Inc. - It was moved
by Treasurer Delvlarco, supported by Vice President Williams to
authorize the Administration to execute a Blanket Purchase Order in
the amount not to exceed $1 10,000 to XPEDX Paper Company, inc.
for the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Deiviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Page 5 oi 7
Page 6
Minutes ot the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of Oakland Schools
.luly 11,2011
(vi)Blanket Purchase Orders: Dearborn Lithograph, .l&M Reproductions,
and Printwell, Inc. - it was moved by Trustee Storing, supported by
Vice President Williams to authorize the Administration to execute
Blanket Purchase Orders to Dearborn Lithograph in an amount not to
exceed $30,000, to .l&M Reproductions in an amount not to exceed
$28,000, and to Printwell, inc. in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for
the period of July 1,2011 through June 30, 2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Rescind Contract: ABC Paving Company ~ lt was moved by Trustee
Storing, supported by Vice President Williams to authorize the
Administration to rescind the contract award made June 6, 2011 in
the amount ot $132,600 to ABC Paving Company in Bid Category A -
Sitework and to include an amendment to authorize the retention of
the bid bond.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delvlarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Contract Award: S 8.1 Asphalt Paving Company - It was moved by
Treasurer DGMOFCO, supported by Trustee Storing to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract award in the amount not to
exceed $360,475.00 to S 8. J Asphalt for the period July 12, 2011 to
December 31, 2011, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Delviarco - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/O
Contract Renewal: Wayne RESA - It was moved by Vice President
Williams, supported by Treasurer Delvtarco to authorize the
Administration to execute a contract renewal in the amount of
$325,000.00 to Wayne RESA for the period July 1, 2011 to June 30,
2012, as presented.
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes DGMOFCO - yes Storing - yes
Motion Carried 4/O
Contract Modification: PAETEC Business Services - It was moved by
Treasurer Deivlarco, supported by Vice President Williams to authorize
the Administration to execute a contract modification with PAETEC
Business Services amended as follows: increasing the amount by
$63,360 from $65,560 to an amount not to exceed $128,920 per year
for the remainder of the period term July 1,2011 to June 30. 2013, as
Ehlert - yes Williams - yes Derviarco - yes Storing ~ yes
Motion Carried 4/0
Page 6 of 7
Page 7
Minufes of the Regular Meeting of The
Boord of Education of Ookldnd Schoois
July II, 2011
VI. Additionui Items - There were none.
VII. Board Member Commenis - There were none.
VIII. Adjournment - Presideni Ehleri ddjourned the meeing oi 9:02 PM.
. / "K
I - /\J---@'é/£/
(Theresa Rich, Secreiory
The Board also received oi this meeting:
~ The House Fiscdl Agency School Aid repori for July 2011
Page 7 of 7
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Posont" <president.nfb.mi at gmail.com>
To: <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 12:09 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Fwd: Request for an Ethics Board Advisory Opinion
> Dear Michigan Federationists:
> Please read this very carefully.
> Subject: Fwd: Request for an Ethics Board Advisory Opinion
> To: president.nfb.mi at gmail.com, jcscot at sbcglobal.net, laschuck at juno.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Cannon, Patrick (LARA)" <cannonp at michigan.gov>
> Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 11:18:05 -0500
> Subject: Request for an Ethics Board Advisory Opinion
> February 1, 2012
> Janet McClelland, Executive Secretary
> State Board of Ethics
> Michigan Department of Civil Service
> P.O. Box 30002
> Lansing, MI 48909
> Dear Ms. McCIelland:
> I am requesting an Advisory Opinion as to whether ethical concerns
> exist because a manager working for the Michigan Commission for the
> Blind (MCB) also serves as a member of the New Horizons board, a
> non-profit service organization.
> The Commission is a public rehabilitation agency, located within the
> Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)
> providing an array of services to individuals who are blind or
> visually impaired, including vocational rehabilitation services,
> independent living services for the older blind, youth low vision
> services for visually impaired students in the K-12 system, as well as
> our Business Enterprise Program (BEP), serving as the State Licensing
> Agency (SLA) for blind entrepreneurs running food service facilities
> on State and Federal properties. MCB also operates a residential
> Training Center in Kalamazoo, where students learn skills of blindness
> to aid them on their path toward independence.
> The Commission was created by Public Act 260 of 1978, and under the
> statute the Commission board is comprised of five members appointed by
> the Governor. Each Commissioner serves for a 3 year term with at
> least 3 of the 5 appointees being legally blind and each serves as a
> voting member of the Board.
> New Horizons is a nationally recognized, private, not-for-profit
> rehabilitation agency providing vocational training and job placement
> in Michigan since 1964 with a primary goal focused on preparing people
> with disabilities for competitive employment and providing the
> necessary skills for consumers to assume responsibility for their own
> long-term success. New Horizons works with referral and funding
> sources to help make employment services more readily available and
> accessible to persons with disabilities.
> The ethics question which has prompted this request for an Advisory
> Opinion centers on Ms. Gwen McNeal, the Manager of the Commission's
> Detroit Office, who also serves as a New Horizons board member. A
> conflict of interest question has been raised by a commissioner, as
> well as by one of two blind consumer organizations in the state, the
> National Federation of the Blind (NFB) of Michigan in a resolution
> adopted at the organization's state convention last November. All
> three commissioners are also NFB members, and the Commission's
> vice-chair is also the President of NFB of Michigan.
> Ms. McNeal was first appointed to the New Horizons Board in 2010 for a
> one year term and reappointed in 2011 to a two year term, with the
> verbal support and approval of her supervisor, Leamon Jones, MCB's
> Director of Consumer Services. Ms. McNeal contends that her service
> on the board is not in conflict with her duties as MCB Southeast
> Region Manager, asserting that at no time did she, as a board member,
> vote on anything coming before the board related to financial
> interactions, contractual arrangements or programmatic services with
> the Commission. She is strictly a volunteer, receiving no
> compensation, meets on her own time and does not directly supervise
> the 2 counselors who may choose with their consumers, to receive
> services from New Horizons. She also rejects, as false, the
> contentions of the NFB resolution challenging her board service as a
> conflict of interest.
> In addition to the points raised in this letter you will also find
> several attachments that may be helpful in formulating an opinion.
> These attachments include the NFB Resolution 2011-08, excerpt from the
> draft minutes of the December 9 MCB Commission meeting where the issue
> was addressed, excerpt from the 2009 RSA Monitoring Report related to
> New Horizons, New Horizons policy on conflict, New Horizons position
> description for board members, several confidential sets of minutes
> from New Horizons board meetings which Ms. McNeal has participated in
> and finally, several threads of email correspondence regarding
> conflict charges raised by Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr., a concerned citizen
> and NFB member.
> Is it a conflict of interest under the State Ethics Act, MCL 15.342,
> for Gwen McNeal, a state employee and Manager of MCB's Southeast
> Region, to continue to serve on the Board of New Horizons? Thank you
> for considering our request for an Advisory Opinion on these issues.
> If you would like any additional information please contact me
> directly at 335-4265.
> Sincerely,
> [cid:image002.jpg at 01CCE0D3.2ACC38D0]
> Patrick D. Cannon
> State Director
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