[nfbmi-talk] the past hasn't gone anywhere

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Sun Jul 8 14:43:55 UTC 2012

Now to this date even the public hearings letdon't meet the program access requirements or the effective communications requirements of the ADA, 504 or even Title I ov the VR rules.

The past has gone nowhere!

The State Plans rummied up as they are of MCB, MRS and MISIL are invalid on their face.

Joe Harcz

Effective Communications Case in Part Important Van Trapp NFB Monitor December 



The real problem of blindness is not the loss of eyesight. The real problem is the misunderstanding and lack of information which exists. If a blind person

has proper training and opportunity,blindness is only a physical nuisance.


Braille Monitor


December, 1992




by Greg D. Trapp


     From the Associate Editor: Greg Trapp is one of the leaders


of the National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico. He is also


an attorney with the Protection and Advocacy System in the state.


Last May he and his colleagues brought what appears to have been


the first lawsuit ever in a State District Court claiming


violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Those of us


who have watched and worked for passage of this legislation know


that there are very real limits to what it can do to assist


disabled people. It is a tool, and we must learn to use it wisely


and appropriately. This case is instructive and serves as an


example of what the ADA can and cannot do in difficult and


complex legal and fiscal situations. Here is the story as Greg


Trapp told it:


     A recent Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) lawsuit is of


special interest to blind people. The lawsuit was decided on


issues related to the ADA Title II provision on "effective


communications." It was an effort to block Medicaid cutbacks in


the state of New Mexico. Several members of the National


Federation of the Blind were deeply involved in the lawsuit,


including Albuquerque board member Marcella Gallegos, who was one


of the three plaintiffs; NFB of New Mexico president and


Information Access Coordinator Joe Cordova, who testified as an


expert witness; other NFB members who were prepared to testify as


fact witnesses; and many more Federationists who came to the


hearing to demonstrate their support. In addition, I was a member


of the team of eight attorneys from the organization Protection


and Advocacy System (P&A) which litigated the case.


Protection and Advocacy Systems are familiar to many as the


state-appointed, mostly federally-funded entities usually charged


with representing the developmentally disabled and (through the


Client Assistance Program, CAP) with representing state


rehabilitation agency clients. However, the New Mexico Protection


and Advocacy System is one of only eleven state agencies to


include a Protection and Advocacy for Individual Rights (PAIR)


project along with its other services. PAIR provides advocacy to


recipients of services from Rehabilitation Act Title VII


Independent Living Centers, including the section C, older blind


adult programs.


Like Medicaid programs in other states, the New Mexico


program has a budget deficit caused by the national recession and


Medicaid expansions. This past March the New Mexico Human


Services Department (HSD) published legal notice of proposed


cutbacks in the state Medicaid program. HSD also published legal


notice of a public hearing on the proposed cutbacks, which was to


be held in Santa Fe on April 10, 1992. The purpose of this


hearing was to enable HSD to gather public comment on the


proposed cuts so that these concerns could be considered prior to


the adoption of the final rule.


There are 170,000 Medicaid recipients in New Mexico, most of


whom are low-income, elderly, or disabled persons. The proposed


cuts would have limited these Medicaid recipients to just two


doctor's visits and three prescriptions per month. Non-emergency


dental care and elective surgical procedures would have been


eliminated. Recipients would have been required to make co-


payments for each doctor's visit and prescription. Medicaid


payments for important items such as eye glasses, hearing aids,


and other durable medical equipment (as well as diapers and adult


protective undergarments) would have been eliminated altogether.


One of the ironies of the proposed cutbacks was that, rather


than saving the state money, a strong case can be made that the


cuts would ultimately have cost the state more than the six


million dollars HSD projected it would save. The restrictions on


doctor's visits and the newly-imposed co-payments would have


forced many Medicaid recipients to defer needed early medical


treatment, which often results in medical complications that can


lead to expensive hospital treatment. Additionally, Medicaid


payments allow many severely disabled persons to live outside of


costly medical care facilities. The cutbacks would have forced


many of them into nursing homes or hospitals.


When the devastating impact of the proposed cuts became


known, Protection and Advocacy began to formulate a strategy to


oppose them. Our first plan was to file a lawsuit seeking a court


order requiring the Human Services Department Secretary to


rescind the cuts. We had to show that he had failed to comply


with his "mandatory non-discretionary duty" to abide by state and


"other applicable" law. We argued that the Secretary failed to


abide by New Mexico statutory laws concerning the rule-making


process and that he failed to comply with the requirements of the


Americans with Disabilities Act.


The ADA is comprised of five divisions: Title I currently


covers private employers with twenty-five or more employees;


Title II covers state and local governments; Title III covers


private sector public accommodations; Title IV covers


telecommunications; and Title V includes miscellaneous provisions


of the Act.


Title I currently covers employers with twenty-five or more


employees and prohibits discrimination based on disability. It


requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for


disabled and prospective employees. It mandates that disabled


employees be required to perform only the "essential functions"


of a job and makes illegal job requirements such as having a


driver's license if the job requires only occasional driving and


if the driving can be assigned to other employees. It makes


illegal job application questions which would tend to elicit


information about a person's disability.


Title II covers all activities of state and local


governments. These must be operated so that, when viewed in their


entirety, they are "readily accessible to and usable by" disabled


people. Communication with these individuals must be as effective


as communication with others. Title II does not require


elimination of barriers in existing buildings. However, newly


constructed buildings and facilities must be free of


architectural and communication barriers, and substantially


remodeled portions of existing buildings or facilities must be


accessible. A Title II public entity need not make a fundamental


alteration in a facility, service, or program or be required to


make alterations or modifications which would result in an undue


administrative or financial burden.


Title III covers private entities that operate public


accommodations such as hotels, restaurants, and theaters. It


requires that public accommodations provide goods and services in


an integrated setting, eliminate discriminatory eligibility


standards, and make reasonable modifications in policies,


practices, or procedures, provided that a fundamental alteration


would not result in a change in the nature of the goods and


services provided. Although Title II does not require state and


local governments to remove barriers in existing facilities,


Title III does require that public accommodations remove barriers


in existing facilities, where "readily achievable," that is,


"easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much


difficulty or expense." Public accommodations must furnish


auxiliary aids when necessary to ensure effective communication,


unless an undue burden or fundamental alteration would result.


Public accommodations must provide equivalent transportation


services, maintain accessible features of facilities and


equipment, and design and construct new facilities and alter


existing ones in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities


Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADA-AG). (The infamous truncated


domes discussed at length in the October, 1992, issue of the


Braille Monitor are contained in the ADA Accessibility


Guidelines.) Private entities offering examinations for


educational or professional purposes must offer them in an


accessible place and form or offer alternative accessible




The ADA can be understood better by looking at the areas


which it does not cover. Religious organizations are generally


exempt unless they rent facilities to a Title III public


accommodation or unless they employ twenty-five or more persons,


in which case they are covered by Title I. Indian tribes are also


not covered. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 covers the Federal


Government, and therefore the ADA does not apply to it. The Fair


Housing Act was amended in 1988 to protect against discrimination


based on disability, so therefore the ADA does not cover housing


or apartment rentals. Likewise, the ADA does not cover airports


or airlines because they are already covered by the Air Carrier


Access Act.


It is at this point, when looking at the interplay between


the various laws, that the ADA gets a little tricky. For example,


private vendors located in airports are not covered by the Air


Carrier Access Act and are therefore covered by Title III of the


ADA. The Fair Housing Act does not cover hotels and other places


of temporary lodging, so therefore Title III covers them. While


most state and local governments receive federal funds and


therefore have long been covered by Section 504 of the


Rehabilitation Act of 1973, not all governmental entities receive


federal funds. Therefore, Title II of the ADA, which is basically


a restatement of Section 504, is intended to reach those


previously uncovered governmental entities and applies ADA


requirements to even the smallest local governments. Thus, an ADA


complaint against a small town which receives no federal funds


will be investigated as a Title II complaint. If, on the other


hand, an ADA complaint is filed against a state agency which


receives federal funds, it will be treated as a 504 complaint and


routed to the federal agency which disperses funds to the


department in question.


Any individual who believes that he or she is a victim of


discrimination may file a complaint. Complaints on behalf of


classes of individuals are also permitted. They should be


submitted in writing, signed by the complainant or an authorized


representative, contain the complainant's name and address, and


describe the alleged discriminatory action. Eight federal


agencies are designated to receive ADA complaints. A complaint


filed with the wrong agency will eventually be routed to the


proper one. The Department of Justice is designated as the


primary ADA enforcement agency; so, when in doubt, complaints


should be sent there. ADA complaints must be filed with a


designated agency (even if it is the wrong one) within one-


hundred-eighty days of the discriminatory act, unless there is


good cause for delay.


In addition to the federal complaint process, private


lawsuits may be brought to enforce the ADA, and these may be


brought prior to exhaustion of administrative remedies. It was


this provision that permitted Protection and Advocacy to raise


ADA violations in our lawsuit against the New Mexico Human


Services Department.


Although Title II of the ADA reiterates the provisions of


section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, it does elaborate upon the


earlier legislation in several important areas, including


additional definition of the provision concerning communications.


Section 35.160 of Title II of the ADA regulations requires state


and local governments to communicate with the public in a manner


that is "as effective" for disabled persons as for the non-


disabled. Section 35.160 reads as follows:


                   SUBPART E - COMMUNICATIONS


     35.160 GENERAL.


35.160(a) A public entity shall take appropriate steps to


ensure that communications with applicants, participants, and


members of the public with disabilities are as effective as


communications with others.


35.160(b)(1) A public entity shall furnish appropriate


auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an


individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate


in, and enjoy the benefits of, a service, program, or activity


conducted by a public entity.


35.160(b)(2) In determining what type of auxiliary aid and


service is necessary, a public entity shall give primary


consideration to the requests of the individual with




     The New Mexico Human Services Department, however, ignored--


or perhaps more accurately was oblivious of--these provisions of


the ADA. We argued that the HSD announcements of the proposed


cuts, the publication of the regulations implementing the


proposed cuts, and the April 10 public hearing on the proposed


cuts failed to comply with the Section 35.160 provisions


requiring "as effective communications for the disabled as for


the non-disabled." We also argued that the public hearing itself


was inaccessible. It had originally been scheduled in a room


which seated one-hundred-twenty-eight persons and which was


largely wheelchair-inaccessible, having only a small handicapped


section at the back. It had an inaccessibly steep ramp leading to


the front, where the microphones were located, and no provision


was made for a person using a wheelchair to travel to the


microphones. HSD had made no provisions for sign language


interpreters and had to scramble to locate several at the last


minute. None of the written information on the cutbacks was


prepared in alternate formats such as Braille or audiotape. Over


five hundred persons appeared at the public hearing, and as a


result HSD decided to move it across the street to the State


Capitol Building. The hundreds of persons--many of whom were on


crutches, in wheelchairs, or on stretchers--had to make their way


through two parking lots and across a busy street in order to


reach the Capital Building.


The cuts were scheduled to take effect on May 1, 1992. On


April 29 we filed our court order in State District Court,


expecting that a hearing would be scheduled in a couple of weeks.


The judge issued a temporary order granting our Writ and, to our


surprise and that of the HSD attorneys, scheduled a hearing for


the next day. After the judge granted the temporary Writ, we met


with the HSD attorneys into the evening. We were trying to agree


on certain facts so that we would not have to contest them at the


hearing. Three attorneys represented P&A at this meeting. It


concluded with an exchange of witness lists, and I announced our


intention to call Fred Schroeder, director of the New Mexico


Commission for the Blind, and Joe Cordova, president of the


National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico and NFB


Information Access Coordinator for the state, as expert witnesses


on the ADA and issues related to blindness. Notice of intent to


call an expert witness is usually required to be given to the


other side in a lawsuit so the attorneys can prepare their cross-


examination. Both Mr. Schroeder and Mr. Cordova have amassed


impressive credentials. When I recited them, a task that took


several minutes, Shannon Broderick, HSD's lead attorney, sat back


and said, "I'm beginning to think that it isn't realistic to have


this hearing tomorrow."


We returned to our office at about 8:00 p.m., and shortly


thereafter Ms. Broderick called to request that we agree to an


extension of the temporary Writ and a new hearing date. This


seemed to be in our interest, so we agreed. However, no one knew


whether the judge would agree to the postponement, so we had to


be prepared to present our case the next day. Consequently, Joe


Cordova and Marcella Gallegos, who was one of the plaintiffs and


a member of the board of directors of the NFB's Albuquerque


chapter (Fred Schroeder was out of town), made the first of what


turned out to be three hour-long trips to Santa Fe. This one


proved to be unnecessary because the judge agreed to the


postponement and rescheduled the hearing for May 12, 1992.


During the interim we made plans to pack the court with


people who had obvious disabilities. As a result about fifty


persons with disabilities, including nearly a dozen


Federationists, were present at the start of the hearing. Several


newspaper reporters along with news crews from all three local TV


news organizations were also present to record the events.


I had been given responsibility for formulating the ADA


arguments, so we decided that I would present the majority of the


ADA case at the hearing. Our plan was twofold: 1. argue that the


ADA had been violated; and 2. argue that the process by which the


rule enacting the proposed cutbacks was promulgated and


eventually adopted was not in accordance with statutory


requirements. We had a small parade of sympathetic witnesses, who


were to testify that the public hearing was inaccessible and not


conducted in accordance with the statutory requirements for a


public hearing.


The judge began by disparaging our entire case and


especially casting severe doubt upon our ADA arguments, saying


that he didn't think the ADA applied, but if it did, he would


give it only slight weight. After this discouraging introduction,


the judge called the case, and the lead attorneys presented


opening arguments. HSD argued that they had complied with all


relevant New Mexico statutes governing the adoption of agency


regulations and the holding of public hearings and that the ADA


did not impose any additional requirements above those contained


in the New Mexico statutes.


We began to call our witnesses and elicited testimony about


the inadequacy--even complete lack--of accommodations provided by


HSD. We took every opportunity we could find to elicit testimony


about the harm that would result from the proposed cuts, and HSD


quickly objected each time. We called several witnesses who


testified to the inadequacy of the sign language interpretation


arrangements and to the need to publicize the availability of


sign language interpreters. The ADA clearly requires that steps


taken to comply with the Act be publicized.


I called our first expert witness, Anne Thomas, an attorney


who is knowledgeable about the ADA. My first job was to have her


recite her qualifications as an expert. Ms. Thomas has extremely


impressive ADA credentials, including being the Director of Equal


Opportunity Programs and ADA Coordinator at the University of New


Mexico, serving five years as a staff attorney at the Equal


Employment Opportunities Commission, serving on several


disability- and ADA-related boards and commissions, and writing


numerous scholarly articles on the ADA. Ms. Thomas also uses a


wheelchair. Needless to say, the effect was quite dramatic. Also


needless to say, Ms. Broderick vociferously objected to Ms.


Thomas's being allowed to testify. However, the judge overruled


her objections and allowed the testimony.


An expert witness is permitted to give an opinion on an


ultimate question of law. Ms. Thomas was thus able to state her


opinion that the Human Services Department had failed to comply


with the Americans with Disabilities Act. She testified that


Section 35.160 of Title II required HSD to communicate the notice


of the proposed cuts and the notice of the public hearing in a


way that was "as effective for the disabled as for the non-


disabled." Specifically, she testified that HSD was required to


provide the notice in Braille and on audiotape as well as take


steps to communicate directly to organizations representing the


blind. Most important, she was also able to convince the judge of


the applicability of the ADA to HSD and of the Act's supremacy


over the narrow public-hearing and rule-making requirements


listed in the New Mexico statute. This testimony countered the


HSD argument that it was required to abide by the statutory rule-


making requirements only and that it therefore did not have to


take steps to accommodate persons with disabilities. The


transformation in the judge's thinking was evident at the end of


the day's testimony when he referred to the ADA and said, "It's a


whole new world."


I called Marcella Gallegos to testify on the second day of


the hearing. The presence of Ms. Gallegos, who was one of our


named plaintiffs and an active Federationist of many years


standing, was very important to our case. She gave us clear


reason to assert that Section 35.160 of Title II had been


violated. The lawsuit claimed that her Title II rights were


violated because HSD had taken no steps to make the notice of the


cuts and public hearing comply with the Section 35.160


requirements that such notices be effectively communicated. Ms.


Gallegos had been unaware of the proposed cuts. I asked her to


describe how she would be harmed by them. This question was


objected to, although the objection was overruled on the basis


that the question addressed the importance of Ms. Gallegos'


receiving adequate notice and the likelihood that she would want


to attend the public hearing.


Our last witness on the second and final day of the hearing


was state NFB president Joe Cordova. We called him as an expert


witness on effective communications for the disabled and on


blindness. The judge knew of Mr. Cordova from a letter which he


had recently sent to all New Mexico judges pointing out that


blind persons should not be kept from jury duty based solely on


their blindness. The judge's reaction to Mr. Cordova and his


letter seemed positive. He listened closely as the witness


testified to the number of blind persons in New Mexico who


receive Medicaid and his opinion on the ineffectiveness of the


HSD communications. Mr. Cordova, who is the state NFB's


Information Access Coordinator, described the steps necessary to


assure effective communication with the blind and hearing-




The HSD attorneys put on a rebuttal argument and called the


director of the Medicaid program. It was clear by this time that


HSD officials were in difficulty. The legal team was trying to


construct the argument that abiding by the ADA would have


resulted in an undue financial or administrative burden. Upon


cross-examination, however, the Medicaid director admitted that


HSD had taken no steps to make the notices of the proposed cuts


and public hearing comply with the ADA. After our cross-


examination the judge himself questioned the Medicaid director


asking him "how much would it cost to make audiotape copies of


the regulation?" The director could only respond, "Not much." The


director gave a similar answer when the judge asked how much it


would have cost to place a sentence on the notices stating that a


TDD number was available and that copies of the notices were


available in Braille and other accessible formats.


It was obvious to all that the judge was about to rule in


our favor. However, he threw out the arguments we had made


concerning HSD's failure to abide by the statutory rule-making


requirements. Instead, he found that HSD did not comply with the


Title II ADA requirements for provision of effective


communications, making the hearing fundamentally unfair.


The decision caught many state officials off guard. HSD


initially threatened to appeal the decision and even challenge


the constitutionality of the ADA. The Governor, however, was


quoted as saying that he did not want to be perceived as being


against the disabled by challenging the ADA. Finally, the


attorney general decided against an appeal on the basis that the


facts of the case were too sympathetic to our side and that the


result might be a decision against the state which would have


even broader legal precedent.


State agencies, however, have taken notice of the decision.


The New Mexico Commission for the Blind, which reflects the


Federation philosophy of its director Fred Schroeder, is busy


filling requests for ADA information and providing Braille


services. The Newsline for the Blind (telephone newspaper-reading


service) director, Mike Santullo, has even had to create a new


legal notices category on the Newsline system. Mr. Cordova is


also now responding to requests for information on how to provide


more effective communication for blind people. As a result of


this lawsuit, the positive philosophy of the National Federation


of the Blind is being disseminated by many people in New Mexico.


Best of all, it is all being done with nary a mention of a


truncated dome.


     There you have Greg Trapp's description of this important


ADA case. Here are two of the newspaper articles published at the


time it was making news. Jackie Jadrnak was the reporter who


wrote both stories. The first was published in the Albuquerque


Journal on Thursday, May 14. Here it is:






     Medicaid cuts won't be allowed to take effect under a court


ruling Wednesday--a ruling that could have a major impact on


public accommodations that must be made for people with




The decision effectively means the state Human Services


Department can't count on any savings from the cuts in its budget


before the June 30 end of the fiscal year, according to Secretary


Dick Heim.


State District Judge Art Encinias ruled the department


didn't go far enough to make a public hearing on Medicaid cuts


accessible to people with disabilities. Because the process to


enact the cuts didn't comply with the federal Americans with


Disabilities Act, the cuts themselves couldn't take effect, he




Heim said he would decide today what course the department


would take next. It's possible the department could both appeal


the decision and begin a round of new hearings to cut Medicaid


coverage, he said.


One option might be to challenge the constitutionality of


the Americans with Disabilities Act itself on the grounds that


the federal government is interfering too closely with powers


reserved to the state government, said Judith Ferrell, attorney


for Human Services.


That could set the state in the forefront in challenges to


the act, which toughens requirements for making public buildings


and events accessible to people with disabilities. The act took


effect January 26.


As it is, Encinias' ruling was the first in New Mexico on


the effect of the disabilities act. "There are going to be very


serious implications to state government," Heim said.


Encinias said the department failed to give effective notice


of the public hearing on the Medicaid cuts to people with


disabilities, especially those who couldn't see.


In addition, the notice of the hearing failed to mention


what special steps would be taken to make it easier for people


with disabilities to participate, he said.


Testimony showed the notice of the hearing was available


mainly in written form and didn't mention that sign language


interpreters would be available.


Without offering details of what should have been done at


the hearing, Encinias said adequate accommodations weren't


offered for people with visual, hearing, or mobility impairments.


Saying he didn't believe the department acted in bad faith,


Encinias said, "It treated the disabled without thought...as


invisible men and women."


Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, they can be


invisible no longer, he said. "They are absolutely entitled to


participate in public life," Encinias said.


The Medicaid cuts, which were to take effect May 1, would


have reduced payments to various health-care providers and scaled


back coverage for the 170,000 low-income people receiving


Medicaid in New Mexico. For instance, Medicaid would have stopped


paying for hearing aids, glasses, or dental care for adults and


would have limited the number of doctor office visits and


prescriptions it would pay for.


The cuts would have saved $4.3 million in state and federal


spending during the last two months of this fiscal year.


Without those savings Heim estimated that state funds are


short $2.9 million to $6.9 million this fiscal year for the


Medicaid program. The gap between the two figures represents


money the state hopes counties will contribute to the program.


Donna Smith, director of the New Mexico Association of


Counties, said at a legislative hearing Wednesday that she might


know after meetings this week how much counties might ante up.


Do¤a Ana County already has agreed to give about $1 million, but


several counties may have to donate to make it worthwhile for any


of them to do it, she said.


Otherwise, only one or two counties would end up subsidizing


the program statewide, according to Smith.


Odis Echols, lobbyist for Bernalillo County, said county and


University Hospital officials are discussing whether they want to


give Medicaid $2.5 million to help keep it out of the red this


fiscal year.


Counting the federal match--the state gets about $3 in


federal funds for every $1 it spends on Medicaid--the program's


shortfall is running between $11.5 million and $27 million. The


department estimates this fiscal year's spending will total about


$500 million.


Next fiscal year expenses under Medicaid could run up to


$565 million, while funding would be only about $500 million,


according to department estimates. For the next fiscal year the


department still has to figure out either how to cut spending or


find new money.


     There you have the first article. A little more than a month


later, Ms. Jadrnak completed the story. Here is the Albuquerque


Journal article of Tuesday, June 23:




     The state won't appeal a court ruling that blocked Medicaid


cuts and interpreted some requirements of the new federal


Americans with Disabilities Act, officials said Monday.


Attorney General Tom Udall said he was trying to practice


preventive law instead.


Noting that his office is trying to develop guidelines for


all of state government to comply with the disabilities act,


Udall said, "After we have a chance to work at them a little


more, we'll be able to resolve some of these issues rather than


resolve them through litigation."


Last month state District Judge Art Encinias ruled that


planned cutbacks in Medicaid couldn't take effect because a


public hearing on the cuts didn't comply with the disabilities


act. For example, public notices didn't state that interpreters


for the deaf would be available, nor was any effort made to


notify blind people of the hearing, he said.


The decision now specifically affects Human Services, but an


appeal could set a strong precedent for all of state government,


said Human Services Secretary Dick Heim.


Udall indicated it might have been hard for the state to win


the case, "The courts, under the set of facts we had here, might


well find against us," he said. "The facts could be very


sympathetic to the plaintiffs and the judge's ruling."


Also, the decision on whether to appeal had no real effect


on Human Services' battle against a budget deficit, said Deputy


Secretary Aug Narbutas.


It would be too late for program cuts to save the department


any money for the current fiscal year, which ends next Tuesday,


he said. Meanwhile, the department is working on a set of cuts


that would go through a hearing process and might take effect


about September, he said.


The department hasn't settled on a list of proposed cuts,


Narbutas said, but added that the Medicaid program could be $65


million or more short next fiscal year. In New Mexico Medicaid,


which pays medical bills for some low-income and disabled people,


gets almost three-quarters of its money from the federal




"There are only two ways to deal with this: to increase


revenues or reduce expenditures," Heim told members of the


Legislature's Health and Human Services Committee Monday. "We


most probably will go with another round of cuts.


"We can't avoid being sued, but we hope to avoid losing," he




"If we don't find another way to finance Medicaid growth,


we're inevitably going to see significant cuts in the Medicaid


program," said Sen. Janice Paster, D-Albuquerque. "Medicaid is


just eating the general fund up....


"This is a gigantic train wreck--and I think it's coming


next legislative session," she said, noting that program costs


have grown thirty percent in each of the past two years. "This is


a disaster of major proportions."


     That is what the newspapers were saying, and there is no


question but that the Medicaid program is in deep trouble. All


citizens with a concern about this crisis should have an


opportunity to be a part of the discussions being conducted by


state governments across the country in an effort to find


solutions. This case has demonstrated the new legal necessity to


insure that no disabled citizens shall be prevented from taking


part in the discussion. The Americans with Disabilities Act is no


panacea, but in the right hands it is a tool that can help to


insure justice.


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