[nfbmi-talk] Fw: Reminder: MCB CIC meeting is this Thursday, July 19, 9 a.m. to noon. Agenda and draft notes are attached
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Jul 16 14:46:04 UTC 2012
----- Original Message -----
From: Turney, Susan (LARA)
To: 'phyllismagbanua at comcast.net' ; 'waynesworld50 at yahoo.com' ; 'Fred wurtzel' ; 'joe harcz Comcast' ; 'Geer Wilcox' ; 'Marianne Dunn' ; 'Cheryl Wade' ; 'Ghkitchen' ; 'Sharmese Anderson' ; MCB Staff ; president.nfb.mi at gmail.com ; Posont, Larry (LARA) ; 'Lydia Schuck' ; Schuck, Lydia (LARA) ; jcscot at sbcglobal.net ; Scott, John (LARA)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 10:38 AM
Subject: Reminder: MCB CIC meeting is this Thursday, July 19, 9 a.m. to noon. Agenda and draft notes are attached
This is just a reminder that the MCB Consumer Involvement Council will meet this Thursday, July 19, from 9 a.m. to noon in Lansing in the Victor Building, second floor, MCB Large Conference Room. The meeting agenda and the draft notes from the April 12 meeting are attached and pasted below. Conference call information and the complete location address are included in the agenda. This information is also on the MCB website in the Events Calendar. Please contact me if you have any questions about the meeting or need materials in alternative format or other accommodations in order to participate in the meeting.
Susan Turney
Communications & Outreach Coordinator, Michigan Commission for the Blind
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
desk: 517-241-8631; cell: 517-243-3858; fax: 517-335-5140
MCB toll-free: 1-800-292-4200
201 N. Washington Square, Second Floor, P.O. Box 30652, Lansing, MI 48909
From: Turney, Susan (LARA)
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 11:52 AM
To: 'phyllismagbanua at comcast.net'; 'waynesworld50 at yahoo.com'; 'Fred wurtzel'; 'joe harcz Comcast'; 'Geer Wilcox'; 'Marianne Dunn'; 'Cheryl Wade'; 'Ghkitchen'; 'Sharmese Anderson'
Cc: MCB Staff; Larry Posont; Posont, Larry (LARA); 'JOHN SCOTT'; Scott, John (LARA); 'Lydia Schuck'; Schuck, Lydia (LARA)
Subject: CIC agenda for July 19, 2012, meeting and draft notes from April 12, 2012, meeting
Attached and pasted below are the agenda for the July 19, 2012, MCB Consumer Involvement Council meeting and the draft meeting notes from the April 12, 2012, meeting. The call-in information is included in the agenda and the notes. These documents are also posted on the MCB website (www.michigan.gov/mcb) in the Events Calendar under July 19, 2012.
Susan Turney
Communications & Outreach Coordinator, Michigan Commission for the Blind
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
desk: 517-241-8631; cell: 517-243-3858; fax: 517-335-5140
MCB toll-free: 1-800-292-4200
201 N. Washington Square, Second Floor,
P.O. Box 30652; Lansing, MI 48909
Michigan Commission for the Blind Consumer Involvement Council
Thursday, July 19, 2012, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
MCB Large Conference Room, Victor Building, 201 N. Washington Square, Lansing
Telephone Conference Call-In Number: 877-873-8017, Passcode 7085546
1. Meeting call to order by Chair Phyllis Magbanua at 9:00 a.m.
a. Roll call and determination of quorum
b. Review and approval of agenda
c. Review and approval of April 12, 2012, meeting minutes
2. Old/New business
a. Opening comments by CIC Chair
b. MCB Liaison Report
c. Update on veteran by Wayne LePiors
3. Roundtable
a. Reports from individual CIC members
b. Questions, concerns, and comments from CIC members
4. Public comment/dialogue at 11:30 a.m.
5. Adjourn at 12:00 p.m.
Michigan Commission for the Blind
Consumer Involvement Council
Thursday, April 12, 2012, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
MCB Large Conference Room, Victor Building, 201 N. Washington Square, Lansing
Telephone Conference Call-In Number: 877-873-8017, Passcode 7085546
In Attendance
· In person: Guest speaker Richard Bernstein, Marianne Dunn, Tim McLain (Richard Bernstein's assistant), MCB Commission Vice Chair Larry Posont, guest speaker Bob Robertson, Cheryl Wade, Fred Wurtzel, and Susan Turney.
· On the phone: Chairperson Phyllis Magbanua, Sharmese Anderson, Mary Davis, Joe Harcz, Wayne LePiors, Jim Moore, and Sarah Norwood, and David Robinson.
Meeting call to order
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Phyllis Magbanua. Roll call was taken and it was determined that there was a quorum. Joe Harcz moved to approve the agenda and Wayne LePiors seconded the motion. For the draft minutes of the January 12 meeting, Marianne Dunn noted one correction: that the CIC includes a parent representative from the Michigan Association of Parents of the Visually Impaired (MPVI). With this correction, Joe Harcz moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Cheryl Wade.
Old/New business
Phyllis noted that because she couldn't attend the March MCB Commission Meeting, Susan Turney read the motions from the CIC to the MCB Commission Board at the meeting, and Phyllis thanked Susan for doing this.
Susan gave a brief update regarding Executive Order 2012-2, saying that the order was scheduled to go into effect on April 24, and that additional details were expected soon.
Fred Wurtzel made a motion for the CIC to recommend to Governor Snyder that PA 260 be maintained, and Joe seconded the motion. Joe noted that the governor does have the right to transfer MCB to a different department, while maintaining the board with its policy-making status and the separate status of MCB as an agency.
There was a vote, and Cheryl Wade abstained while all others voted to approve the motion.
Phyllis asked Wayne about his progress in contacting a veteran to possibly join the CIC. Wayne said he had contacted some potential veteran representatives, but he had not received a response yet from any of them.
MCB staff member Bob Robertson joined the group to discuss recent MCB consumer satisfaction surveys. He said that the 2008 VR survey is the most recent survey of successful closures. The last time there was a general agency-wide survey was 2005, and it's on the agency's to-do list. The problem is that MCB doesn't have a research person on staff. MCB may be able to use the services of a couple of MSU graduate students.
Joe referenced the previous CIC motion made regarding a secret shopper, and he stated that this motion was based on a comment regarding the 2008 survey and glaring violations of civil rights regarding failure to provide every format requested to every person every time.
Fred made a motion for MCB to contract with someone to do a survey of all MCB consumers, and Joe seconded the motion.
Cheryl said she applauded Bob for working with MSU. She said there is a project at MSU called Project Excellence looking to see if best practices are in use. Bob said that MCB was trying to tap into this project at one time, and MCB met with them two or three years ago regarding this project. MCB narrowed some ideas down to three or four priorities, and then the department didn't approve the fee.
Fred asked if there were any requirements under the Rehab Act to do satisfaction surveys. Bob replied that there were not, but that there is a requirement to do needs assessments. Joe stated that Project Excellence is the needs assessment, and these are required every three years and required to be public, and MCB is behind in this requirement. Joe also stated that the MCB Commission Vice Chair was sent notification of Project Excellence in print, which is not an accessible format for him.
Marianne Dunn asked if the CIC as a committee could prioritize needs, for example, MCB response time to phone calls and emails.
Cheryl asked what criteria the CIC should use to determine priorities, and she said that looking at the most recent surveys would be one good way to do this.
Marianne said that response time has been an issue for years, and there are two or three other items at the top of the list.
Joe suggested that priorities are MCB response time, receiving information in fully accessible format, and informed consent.
Fred stated that response time is an agency-wide issue.
Larry said that he recommended to the board to push these three items to the front.
Guest speaker Richard Bernstein arrived with his assistant, Tim McLain, and Phyllis welcomed them and thanked them for coming to the meeting to discuss Detroit transportation issues among people who are blind or visually impaired.
Richard shared a story of a Paralympics athlete who asked him about transportation, and how some areas of the state are not as advanced as others. He discussed Southeast Michigan's two systems, the Detroit Department of Transportation and SMART, and the lack of coordination between the two systems. He spoke about the importance of working incrementally to improve transportation in areas that are not as good as others. He spoke about the Detroit Department of Transportation consent decree regarding standards and quality compliance issues, and said that the monitor has done a good job with this.
Joe asked about privatization issues, and Richard said that privatization doesn't affect the consent order.
Marianne asked how to solve the problem and get people where they need to go, perhaps with a voucher system. Richard suggested holding hearings to get testimony of people who are blind and visually impaired and invite the media to hear these stories. This is a way to develop public support. This is also a way to showcase that MCB is doing great things.
Sharmese spoke about her experiences with public transportation in Southeast Michigan, and she said that she now lives in Kalamazoo.
Cheryl said that there was a ride-sharing office at CMU in the seventies, and said that this was a good resource. Richard said that this was a fantastic idea and a good way to have a positive effect, in addition to vouchers. He also suggested exploring grants as another possibility.
Phyllis stated that she as on a committee with Blue Water Transit in Port Huron, which uses vouchers, and that the vouchers have worked well.
Richard said that many Michigan cities have excellent transportation, and that people will get behind efforts to improve transportation in southeast Michigan. Marianne suggested accessing private resources to the rehab counselor to make MCB responsible for this next step. Fred stated that it's an economic problem.
Sarah Norwood spoke about her problems with transportation in southeast Michigan, and Richard stated that her experiences are all too common. He said that the best thing to happen is for MCB to look at private providers to pick up the slack. Fred suggested a company run by a blind person. Richard recommended partnerships.
Fred asked Richard about Executive Order 2012-2. Richard suggested that this is a time for MCB to focus on its best work, and make the commission meetings focus on the most important items.
Sarah returned to her previous comments about transportation in the Detroit area. Richard said he wanted to get more information from Sarah regarding this.
Phyllis and the other CIC members again thanked Richard Bernstein for attending the meeting and speaking to the group, and he said it was a pleasure to be with the group. Then Richard Bernstein and Tim McLain left.
Joe said he wanted to address two systemic issues: 1) affirmative provision to remit information upon request in the most effective format, and 2) Braille signage.
There was discussion about the CIC motions brought to the board at the March 2012 commission meeting. Susan read these and Larry commented on each one after it was read.
1. Motion to recommend to the MCB Board that information sent to commission board members relevant to the state plan including financials, intakes, and closures be sent to the CIC members in their preferred format, including all the intakes, all the closures, all the financials, and everything that the MCB board approved as part of the director's objectives for this year, and that this information be posted to the website and sent to the listserv. Larry said he believed the MCB director said it would be done, and it has been done. Joe said that nothing had been posted on the MCB website this month, and Susan said that she posted budget information yesterday.
2. Motion to recommend to the MCB Board to require the director and MCB to follow the effective communications requirements of the ADA including timely delivery of information related to all activities of the commission board, to make documents available upon request and for them to be posted to the commission's webpage. Larry said he believed this item is done. Joe replied that this is not done. Fred thanked Susan for providing materials to the CIC in everyone's requested formats.
3. Motion to recommend to the MCB Board to have the ADA coordinator and department of transportation director invited to the next meeting. Larry didn't remember the discussion regarding this item.
4. Motion to the MCB board to recommend to the board that they explore a mystery shopper program like the one that was conducted by MRS in the past. Larry noted that Pat said he would look into this. Maryanne noted that the fact that the CIC needs to consider this indicates there are difficulties. Joe agreed.
5. Motion to recommend to the MCB Board that they demand from the director that MCB not contract for services with any agency that offers subminimum wage and does not follow section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Larry recalled that Commissioner Lydia Schuck said she would get the list of those organizations that pay less than minimum wage and give these to the MCB director. Then the director did a report and showed the money MCB is paying. Joe asked if the CIC could get that, and Larry said that he believed so. Fred asked if Commissioner Posont could forward the report, and he replied that he would forward it to the appropriate people. Fred asked Susan whether the report on sheltered workshops could be provided to the CIC, and Susan said she would check on this.
Fred stated that he wanted the minutes to reflect a note of appreciation to Sue Luzenski regarding her excellent work on the commission board meeting minutes. The other CIC members agreed.
Public Comment
Larry stated that it was a good meeting, especially the discussion of transportation issues. He said that transportation is working in a lot of places in Michigan, but southeast Michigan is problematic, and people are missing opportunities because of this.
David Robinson commended the CIC members for their motions to the MCB board, and said that hopefully these will be followed through. He said that NFB Michigan had set priority issues as expressed in their resolutions last November, which were presented to the MCB board, and the board and the agency have not addressed these.
Wayne LePiors made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Sarah.
Note: The next meeting will be held July 19 in Lansing.
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