[nfbmi-talk] i've given the evidence

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Tue Jul 31 12:57:47 UTC 2012

I'm wonderring with all the evidence I've given you about violations of the ADA within the VR system itself or even the copious violations of state agencies relative to the blind what you have done about meeting this from your own goals and objectives (also goes to the rummied state plans for MRS and MCB):

Priority #3  Eliminate Employment Barriers and Protect Rights

Objective 3A – Improve access and rights to services within vocational rehabilitation and centers for independent living (e.g. transition related work,
order of selection, and address Michigan Rehabilitation Service delays)

Objective 3B – Individuals will assert their employment rights under the ADA and/or Section 504, as well as other employment laws (e.g. moving individuals
from sheltered workshops to employment in private sector)

Objective 3C - Individuals will have access to social security work incentives

Objective 3D - Individuals who have an organization representative payee at the Social Security Administration will be free from exploitation, abuse, and

Priority #4 Improve Access to Necessary Services

Objective 4A - Individuals will have access to services that support them in their community and prevent institutionalization (e.g. constitutional challenge,
individuals who have dual eligibility, and Home Help cuts; also refined approach to assistive technology)

Objective 4B - Governmental entities and providers of critical services will be accessible and provide needed accommodations (e.g. inaccessibility of courts,
inaccessibility of forms at Department of Human Services, inaccessible school materials (e.g. textbooks), and electronic formats (e.g. websites)

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