[nfbmi-talk] what about that first amendment anyways eh?

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Mar 7 18:06:17 UTC 2012

March 7, 2012


Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

Mt. Morris, MI 48458

joeharcz at comcast.net


To: Several Parties vis a vis Document Retention, first Amendment, and MCB 2020 list serve



To Several:


Including Michigan Commission for the Blind director and FOIA Several Parties


(Via E-mail… ()




I’m writing today to request all archives of the now defunct MCB 20/20 list serve and and that includes submissions made by myself that were censorred in stark violation of civil and Constitutional rights.   in stark violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Moreover, I am writing today for the memorandum or any other document from any state actor in regards to the elimination of this list serve including, but not exclusive of Patrick D. Cannon, LARA Personnel including Steve Arwood, Mike Zimmer, etc., and so on and so forth. (re: ludicrous and unilateral note of Susan Turney after my signature line. Also folks might denote the wonderful notations in the print media, broadcast media and in submissions to the United States Department of Education, relative to MCB’s State Plan relative to the “inclusion”, so on and so forth related to the MCB 20/20 process including this very list serve and the denotations over years where this was supposed to be a vehicle for not only discussion but accessible discussion in compliance  with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.



Moreover I wish to have at my ready and included in this request for information all documents censored by the moderators of this list serve including past moderators (Sherry Hiebeck, Susan Turney, et al related to my known contributions to this list that were censorred  red in violation of the First Amendment of the united States Constitution, some of which are in the hands of the internet as cached files and others in the hands of theACLU amongst others.


Now, once again I ask for any and all data related to this request in accessible format and without surcharge which would be in violation of federal civil rights laws (ADA/504) as well you now know.


To wit: I ask for the complete archives of the MCB 20/20 list serve to be posted to a file server cite that is fully accessible; and or to have each and every document submitted made available to my person without any charge whatsoever in a timely and accessible manner.


If you, Mr. Farmer or any other personnel think this is an “undue hardship” then look deeper at the laws at issue and don’t bury yourselves further in the dust.


For any action or violation of law and equity in these regards are indeed civil rights violations and actionable under 42USC1983 not only against the entities but against you as a state actor, as indeed are other torts against other individuals for civil rights violations made maliciously.




Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.





----- Origin

(The attachment and issue in question here:)

al Message -----


Turney, Susan (LARA)



Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 3:34 PM

Subject: MCB Vision 2020 Listserv no longer in operation, effective Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Effective Wednesday, February 15, 2012, the Michigan Commission for the Blind Vision 2020 Listserv will no longer be in operation.  As the amount of content

on the MCB website has expanded over the years, broad-based participation on the listserv has diminished.  It appears that the website and other means

Of communication have surpassed the listserv as convenient and effective means of communication.  Thank you for your participation on the MCB Vision 2020



Susan Turney


Communications & Outreach Coordinator, Michigan Commission for the Blind


Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs


desk:  517-241-8631; cell: 517-243-3858; fax:  517-335-5140


MCB toll-free: 1-800-292-4200


201 N. Washington Square, Second Floor,


P.O. Box 30652; Lansing, MI 48909




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