[nfbmi-talk] Minutes, February 11, 2012 10:00 to 4:00 P.M.

trising trising at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 21 12:55:22 UTC 2012

Minutes, February 11, 2012 10:00 to 4:00 P.M.

Sparrow Professional Building 

Quorum Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Terri Wilcox, Nick Wilcox, Christine Boone and  Dave Robinson.

Secretary's Report. Terri Wilcox. Mike Powell made a motion to adopt the Secretary's Report as emailed. Nick Wilcox seconded the motion. The Secretary's Report was approved. 

Treasurer's Report was given by Terri Wilcox since Mary Wurtzel is in Guide Dog training. Dave Robinson made a motion to approve the Treasurer's Report. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved.

Introduction of participating Members

President's Report, Larry Posont. Attacks have been occurring on the Affiliate by the Commission for the Blind. It is suggested that the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan will write a policy concerning agency problems and concrete solutions for these problems. The power of the internet is a valuable tool that should be capitalized upon. Our policy will clearly express what is wrong with the agency. Blind people have confidence and know about rehabilitation, Act 260 and the Rehab Act. We also believe in proper training of staff. A reporter whose article was highly slanted in favor of the agency asked Larry Posont about the possibility of the agency being dismantled or moved to another department. Larry has received more calls from perspective members in the last six months. The national office placed the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan on their website in a way that makes it easier for interested individuals to find us. Larry Posont and Fred Wurtzel will meet with Leader Dog on Monday.

Dave Robinson made a motion to have the next Board Meeting scheduled during the first or second week end of May in Ann Arbor. Mike seconded the motion. The motion was adopted.  

Washington Seminar, Matt McCubbin. Matt McCubbin thanked the Board and membership for assistance for Washington Seminar. The three issues that our members educated Senators and Representatives about include: Home Appliance Accessibility, Small Business Opportunities for people with disabilities and Fair Wages for people with disabilities. Before Washington Seminar, there were 24 cosponsors of H.R. 3086, the Fair Wages for People with Disabilities Legislation. After Washington Seminar, there are 36 cosponsors. McCotter, and Fred Upton might be two more possible cosponsors. Fred Wurtzel was helpful in securing an appointment. Federation members met with representatives from every district except Justin Amash's office. They were able to meet with Fred Upton himself. Five hundred blind people attended Washington Seminar. Appointments were good, but follow up is key. There was a fantastic student Seminar. Mika Pyyhkala, had a system on Haytell in order to listen to the activity at Washington seminar. There is a link to the Senate hearing where Mark Riccobono made a fantastic presentation. Reports can be made available. Many Legislators did not make definite decisions. 

Newsline, Georgia Kitchen. Georgia wants someone to become the coordinator for Newsline in Michigan. She will teach them the necessary skills to be an excellent Newsline coordinator. The Commission wanted to send 1,450 files to Newsline. They intended to use Newsline to get their information out via the telephone. The Commission for the Blind has carried forward 9 million dollars, so they can afford to pay for Newsline. We are looking at what we can put on Newsline. They gave us all of the files off of their website. The Commission sent documents to Peter Zaremba and Georgia Kitchen. Their information goes on the local channel. There are technical limitations. The common practice on Newsline is to make documents as readable as possible. These documents need to be readable and navigable. This must be done without cost to us. Mike Ellis wants to help Georgia Kitchen. On Newsline, it is possible to coordinate Job listing services with articles about jobs from newspapers. Any blind person can use Newsline. 

Commission for the Blind Board Meeting, March 23 at the Training Center. Under current circumstances, if the Training Center is reopened, the meeting will occur. Under the bylaws that are changed by the Commission Board, the Agenda is made by the Board three weeks before the Meeting. It is likely the meeting on Thursday March 22 will deal with Business Enterprise Program concerns. The general meeting will occur on Friday, March 23.

Appointments to the Commission Board. No appointments will be made in the near future because the Government is holding back on all new appointments for Commissions and Boards. The Commission for the Blind may be moved to the Family Independence Agency or to Work Force Development. The chair will not be named and neither will there be any new appointments. Two people were asked to be on the board but turned down the request. The fault lies with the Administration rather than the agency workers. Larry Posont does not hate Cannon. However, he does not agree with the way he administrates the agency. Consumer groups should have adequate time for presentations. Consumer presentations will not be cut short like last year. Consumer groups can ask to be placed on the Agenda concerning any issue at any meeting. Consumers need to be engaged in discussion before decisions are made. Mike Powell can write letters to the Board in order to get things on Agenda. Decisions may be different if public comment is given before the decision is made. In order to have true consumer involvement, time for conversation must be built in. Consumer organizations have a place on each meeting. Agency staff must make reports in writing and answer questions from the board. The Commission Board would like to establish a data base of Randolph Sheppard information, legal decisions, and Minutes that will help in Business Enterprise Program votes. The Commission only presents its point of view. The Board must try to get both sides of every issue. 

Consumer Organizations Report to the Commission Board, March or June? We will create a position paper that is a solid piece of information with links to more information on the web. 

2012 National Convention Registration. This year we are returning to Dallas and the beautiful Hilton Anatole Hotel for our annual 

convention. This year's gathering will be bigger and better than ever! Make reservations now by calling (214) 761-7500; you won't want to miss out on the excitement! For more information watch the Braille Monitor. We will try to schedule our caucus on June 30 around 9:00. 

National Convention Items for Sale, Dave Robinson. Dave Robinson suggested that we will bring fifty bags of coffee, tote bags, back packs, and balloons with whozits on them. No one sells balloons and they are not expensive to ship. Balloons will be inflated at the table just before they are sold. It is suggested that we make cups of coffee and entice people to buy coffee. Braille and print sheets of coffee will be available. Terri Wilcox makes a motion that due to space limitations only affiliate merchandise is sold at the Affiliate table. If people do not speak with Dave Robinson they do not sell at the table. Mike Powell seconded the Motion. The Motion passed. Workers at the table must say no to merchandise that is not sold for the Affiliate. Chapters can feel free to sell merchandise on their own around Convention. Dave Robinson is checking into a second table. Someone needs to check to see if we can sell bouquets of balloons to State Affiliates for Banquet tables. 

State Convention Sites. One possible site is the Doubletree on October 19-21. The  Doubletree Hotel will cost 89.00 per night. This hotel is very easy to work with. Regarding other sites, Mary Wurtzel investigated Flint and prices were high. There is nothing in Jackson that will accommodate us. In Southgate, rooms were high plus there was a fee for convention rooms. Christine Boone makes a motion to have the 2012 State  Convention at the Doubletree Hotel in Dearborn on October 19-21. Mike Powell seconded the Motion. The Motion passed. Someone must determine if Doubletree will handle Preregistration. Dave Robinson urges us to consider the rest of the state in order to develop membership. Christine Boone made a motion to schedule the 2013 state convention now. Dave Robinson seconded the Motion. The motion passed. Mike Ellis, Kandi Jelinski and Mary Wurtzel are on a committee to investigate and schedule the 2013 State Convention. Agenda items are needed for state convention. Dave Robinson recommends that we establish a three person convention planning committee to make recommendations to the Board in May about the theme, banquet costs, and other details. Christine Boone seconded the Motion. The Motion passed. Dave Robinson, Mary Wurtzel, and Mike Powell are on this Committee. Kim Mohnke will create the flyer. She wants the theme and registration dates. 

Tentative Plans and Direction for Summer Auto Show. Let blind people get their hands on autos. On August 12, we will have an auto show for blind people to see models of cars. Car collectors will bring cars. The old Michigan School for the Blind is a possible site. Adults and kids could have a ride. Talk to Mark Riccobono about having the blind driver challenge car available. We may check into having a blind mechanic who builds hotrods. There could also be a contest for the best feeling car of each decade. The web address 

www.nfbmicarshowddcom is available. Check out the Hands on Auto Show in Detroit. 

Web Page. The web page model is well developed. We will have an excellent website we can be proud of. Kevin Reeves has done a good job with this. The web and internet are very powerful. The link to coffee is on the web site.. We must research ideas for bringing other states to our web site. Each chapter president will have access to the web page and can place things there and remove them. Short issue summaries of important concerns can be placed on the web site with links to more information. This can be a draw to new and existing members, as well as the public. 

At Large Chapter. Kandi Jelinski needs the 501 C3 and the Ein number. There is a meeting on February 26. She will speak to gain new members. The next Chapter at Large Meeting is Monday February 13, at 8:30 P.M. State and National Convention will be discussed. We have a database of people from all Conventions. We must guard our lists because they are gold. There are over 900 people on them. The free white cane lists can be used to reach out for new members. Terri Wilcox will split up each white cane list between all of the board members to call each potential new member. Jordyn Castor wants to call new students. Kandi Jelinski wants to help call. Can a link to face book be made for coffee sales? The fan page can be used. 

Science Camp will not be run by Kate Boone. Fred Wurtzel contacted Kacy Dutmer and was referred to Gwen Botting. The facility will need to be scheduled separately. We may have to consider an alternate site for our camps. Let Fred Wurtzel or Terri Wilcox know if you want to volunteer for Braille, Science, or Culinary Camps. Check out Braille Certification. 

Chapter Reports/ Division Reports. The Ann Arbor Chapter had teens at the last Chapter Meeting. Teens attended as a result of Terri Wilcox's presentation at the Library. Our next Chapter meetings will involve Braille, Structured Discovery, and Careers. During the legislation report, Terry Eagle urged our affiliate to educate legislators and the public. Individuals will be exposed to issues of concern with one or two page summaries. More details will appear on our website. Transparency will be emphasized. Terry Eagle's mom was interviewed because she helped start the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan. We will be present at the Capitol and will hand out clear, concise, and transparent information in order to educate about what it is to be blind in Michigan. We must get people's attention about our organization. We are the only organization who can drive change in Michigan. Video should be a part of our website. The Lansing Chapter is developing membership with a reformatted Agenda. The Chapter is meeting at Michigan state. The Western Wayne County Chapter elected Bob Rehahn as President. The Chapter meeting location was moved. The Consumer Involvement Council passed motions that will be brought to the Commission Board. Someone from Detroit Department of Transportation will come to discuss problems with the transportation in Detroit for blind individuals. One transit company that provides door to door service has not been paid, so they are not providing service. The motion concerning the funding of Newsline will come to the Commissioners and so will a Secret Shopper motion. The National Federation of the Blind is pleased with the activist attitude of the Consumer Involvement Council. Members of this Council include: Fred Wurtzel, Georgia Kitchen, Sarah Norwood, and Joe Harcz as alternate. The Consumer Involvement Council recommended that the Commission not contract with organizations that pay subminimum wages. 63 sheltered shops are paying less than minimum wages in Michigan. Get a Freedom of Information request for names of these shops. It would be beneficial to have Tim Walberg involved. The United Auto Workers and the military contracts with sheltered shops and pays subminimum wage. Sixteen cents an hour can be paid. Mike Ellis, Dave Robinson, Elizabeth Mohnke, and Terry Eagle are in Walberg's district. Dave Robinson will contact Anil Lewis concerning this important matter. It is suggested that we nominate the Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund for a Bolotin Award. Dave Robinson made a motion to go to the national office to sue the Michigan Commission for the Blind. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The motion passed. Secretarial jobs at the Commission for the Blind were not given to blind people. Christine Boone feels she needs to resign from the Board of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan. Christine Boone is thanked for being on the Board. There are attacks against Larry Posont as a member of the Commission Board and a member of National Federation of the Blind. Cannon appointed the Board before John Scott. We stand up to anyone for any of our members. 

New Business: Mike Powell made a motion to encourage the Commission Board to reconsider how they broke the law concerning the bidding on the State Plate. Nick Wilcox seconded the motion. The motion was adopted. Terri Wilcox will distribute names from the free white cane list to all the Board members.  

Adjourn at 4:02.


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