[nfbmi-talk] Minutes November 1 2012

trising trising at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 13 01:51:37 UTC 2012

Minutes November 1 2012 

Board Meeting National Federation  of the Blind of Michigan

Quorum, yes Larry Posont, Joe Sontag, Terri Wilcox, Mark Eagle, Nick  Wilcox, Dave Robinson and Mary Wurtzel 

Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel. The Affiliate made $1,486 for  Preregistration at convention. In total, registration, banquet, and lunch took  in $2,137.

The total of money taken in from State Convention registrations was $3,593.  The Affiliate took in $483 at the  Auction. The total amount taken in for the state convention was $3,876 The Affiliate Balance is $89,512.05. $112

was sold in products at  Convention. It is estimated that we have 14 tote bags, 30-40 tea shirts and bags of coffee. 

President's Report, Larry Posont. Emails were sent to all presenters  thanking them for speaking at State Convention. an email for ed Rogers was written

 requesting a discussion pertaining to the State Plate. Legislation may be  introduced to eliminate state buildings from the Randolph Sheppard Program.

The  Anderson  Building is one facility  that burocrats would like to exempt. At the beginning of the Snyder  administration, a sighted person was operating

the vending facility in the tentative Governor's  offices in the Library of Michigan Building and the Administration has bad feelings against the Randolph Sheppard  Program. After the election, the

Legislature needs some friendly information and  education about the Randolph Sheppard Program. Joe Sontag, Fred Wurtzel and  Terry Eagle will be on the

Committee to organize this education of the  Legislature. The Legislature will be back in session on November 8 and 18, and December 19-20.  Joe Sontag

was asked by Ed Rogers to turn off his recording device in  a vending meeting. Recordings are permissible and do not require prior approval  under Public

Act 260 and the Executive Order or the promulgated rules. There was  no public comment at the vending meeting. Joe Sontag sent Mr. Rogers email  correspondence

concerning this. Ed Rogers responded that he received Mr.  Sontag's documentation. The ADA issue can be solved promptly. Staff needs  to be trained. There

is a new person to administrate in Lansing. No one is in  service delivery but Christine Boone. Both Ed and Mike were bumped. 

The website charged an extra fee for Preregistration. Preregistration  online will work more smoothly next year. There were not enough volunteers from

 the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan to conduct a Senior Fair. There  is a volunteer who will call people on the white cane list. A list of

names and  contact information for all members should be sent to the Affiliate Secretary.  $1 should be sent to the state Treasury for every member. 

One possible site in Grand Rapids is the Hilton by the airport. This  hotel offered a price of  89.00 per  night for our State Convention. The hotel restaurant

is Spinikers Restaurant.  The Merchants Division is applying for a lottery license in order to conduct  Bingo games so that vendors can attend the Blast

Conference. Dave Robinson made  a motion to approve a $200 licensing fee for the Merchant's Division so that  they can raise money through bingo. Mary

Wurtzel seconded the motion. The motion  was approved. Joe Sontag made a motion to Adjourn the meeting at 9:30. Terri  Wilcox seconded the motion. The

motion was approved. 

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