[nfbmi-talk] state convention

Gkitchen ghkitchen at comcast.net
Mon Oct 22 15:17:04 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I enjoyed meeting everyone. Yes, I must agree with Jim that the luncheon for the chapter at large was a success due to the folks there and the fine leadership we had there. I better not mention any names should I forget someone.

Again, It was fun metting everyone. Some people I only met via email before. I thank all who offered to help in some way  with NFBNewsline.

Remember, if you didn't get any of those brochures, please let me know if you want some and how many and I will send them Free Matter. Our public libraries are in need of  this info, eye doctors offices, churches and so forth. Our goal is to get to people before they lose hope and before they are too ill to benefit from NFB services from the commission and the Library of Michigan.

I enjoyed meeting all the students and wished I could have met  others. 



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