[nfbmi-talk] newsline at convention

Georgia Kitchen ghkitchen at comcast.net
Thu Sep 13 01:28:33 UTC 2012

    Hi Terri andd All,

Thank you for your testimony on  NFBNewsline. Dr. Jernigan certainly left us 
many ideas, memories, many learning experiences and he was the  one to  see 
the importance of Newsline and find a way for the blind to get this valuable 
service. Are you a persson that one may describe as low vision? Do you have 
limited time? Then NFBNewsline would definitely benefit you. Now that we 
have 40 magazines, the global search, the ability to customize  nearly every 
aspect of Newsline such as TV listings, job listings, "my Newspaper", read 
publications with an iso device, on your computer or portable talking book 
reader. Newsline has  access via the telephone--my favorite way to access 
Deaf Blind readers now can use their computers to read NFBNewsline 
publications via a braille display.  Blind readers and low vision  readers 
also now read NFBNewsline via their computers using synthetic speech, 
Braille, print and large print access. Don Drapinski, a former NFB of 
Michigan member spent many hours on the phone  along with  the help of 
others getting NFBNewsline off  the ground in Michigan.

AS NFBNewsline  has evolved so has the publications that are on it. No 
longer is there only current events, there is a wide array of subject 
matters  one can easily locate on NFBNewsline using the customized global 
searches.   I have read articles on how to best photograph fireworks, 
articles on dance, music, robotics, stem cell research and almost any  other 
subject area you can imagine. If one has an email address on file, then you 
can tell NFBNewsline to send that article to your in box by simply pressing 
pound 9.
 I personally  cannot begin to explain  how NFBNewsline has enriched my 
life. Sign Up Today via the web at
Personalized help is available at
517-258-0632 or
call toll free


Georgia Kitchen

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terry Eagle" <terrydeagle at yahoo.com>
To: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] newsline at convention

> Hi All, Georgia is certainly correct!  If you begin using NEWSLINE, you 
> will
> not be able to live without it.  Being the news and information addict I 
> am,
> NEWSLINE far exceeds my daily fix for news and information, and has 
> replaced
> and fulfilled the gap in my daily life for printed material I once could
> read.  And now, Georgia, once again, just added to the type of information 
> I
> prefer to read.
> To add to Georgia's information and idea, spreading the word about the
> life-enhancing benefit of NEWSLINE among our fellow blind and
> print-challenged readers, and increasing the number of subscribers to
> NEWSLINE, will go a long way to get the support, and ultimately, 
> additional
> state funding, to continue and expand NEWSLINE in Michigan.
> During our recent visit to the offices of state legislators and the
> executive branch, to raise awareness of NEWSLINE, and the great need for
> state funding of this life-enhancing service, I told my personal story of
> the benefits of NEWSLINE, and how NEWSLINE has positively enhanced my life
> personally since my loss of vision.  It is personal stories that get the
> attention of political type decision-makers, and move them to support and
> take action to advance a life-enhancing cause of constituents they serve.
> So I encourage everyone to set a personal goal to take two simple action
> steps:
> 1. Spread the word of the existence of NEWSLINE among your family and
> friends that could benfit from their use of NEWSLINE, and encourage and
> assist at least one or two to sign-up as subscribers to NEWSLINE through
> Georgia Kitchen, and;
> 2.  Contact your state representative and senator by calling or writing a
> brief letter, telling them your personal story of the benefits of NEWSLINE
> to you, and request that they support additional state funding to this
> life-enhancing service, and communicate their support for additional state
> funding to the director of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory
> Affairs.  There are strength in numbers, and your commitment to take two
> small action steps will accomplish our goal to grow and expand NEWSLINE in
> Michigan.
> Many thanks to Georgia Kitchen for her tireless championing of NEWSLINE, 
> and
> your two small action steps will acknowledge and salute Georgia's 
> commitment
> and contribution to maintain, inform us about, and advance NEWSLINE among 
> we
> the blind and print-challenged reader.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
> On Behalf Of Georgia Kitchen
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 2:12 AM
> To: NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] newsline at convention
> Hi All,
> I got this from a post that Larry Posont sent to the list. I believe that
> perhaps we can  learn from the folks in Illinois what worked at their
> convention.
> Here is the part on Newsline,
> Georgia
> Newsline Help line
> 517-258-0632
> service. NewslineR has many life-enhancing benefits.
> What does NewslineR have to offer you?
> 1. Newspapers, newspapers, newspapers! Currently, NewslineR provides
> more than three hundred newspapers from the United States and around
> the world.
> 2. Magazines. NewslineR offers approximately forty magazines,
> including Time, AARP, ESPN, Rolling Stone, and The Readers Digest.
> 3. Listings for TV programs carried by your satellite provider or
> cable network.
> 4. Job listings from Career Builder, with the opportunity to set up a
> personal profile. Illinois also offers a list of job openings at
> agencies serving the blind.
> 5. The Blindness Information Channel, with news from several
> organizations and agencies serving the blind of Illinois, as well as
> information about accessible voting.
> Accessing NewslineR
> NewslineR subscribers can access the service in a wide variety of
> ways. In addition to accessing content by means of a touch-tone phone,
> subscribers can download content to a wide variety of digital Talking
> Book readers. Individual articles may be sent to a subscriber's email
> address using the phone or computer.
> Perhaps the best thing about NewslineR is that all content is provided
> twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, free of charge. If you
> wish to learn more, don't miss the Friday-afternoon session on
> NewslineR during the upcoming NFBI convention.
> Give NewsLine a try. You may discover it's a service you can't live 
> without!
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