[nfbmi-talk] How to get to That Training Center!

trising trising at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 11 23:01:31 UTC 2013

How to get to That Training Center! 

Disclaimer: These notes were compiled to assist prospective training center students. However, 
they do not reflect any official policies or opinions of any of the 3 NFB training centers, BLIND, 
Inc. The Colorado Center for the Blind, or The Louisiana Center for the Blind. You are strongly 
encouraged to consult the professional staff at these training centers before taking any action 
to receive training. They will provide the most up-to-date policy information and they will be 
able to advise you on an individual basis. 

The process 

Figure out which training center you want to go to! 

. Blindness: Learning in New Dimensions Inc.: Minneapolis, MN 
. The Colorado Center for the Blind: Littleton, CO 
. The Louisiana Center for the Blind: Ruston, LA 

Contact the center. They each have a person employed to assist prospective students during 
the process. 

The Conversation 

Have a conversation with your counselor and say that you would like to get comprehensive 
Adjustment to Blindness Training and mention which training center you want to go to. Having 
a verbal conversation first may be helpful to test the waters. 

Letter of Formal Request 

This is your letter formally requesting training at the center you wish to go to. 

. Include a sentence like, "this is my formal request to receive comprehensive Adjustment 
to Blindness Training at Training Center X." 
. Include a clause acknowledging your rights outlined in the RSA. 
o You have the right to choose who will deliver the services you need to fulfill your IPE. 
This is called making an informed choice. 
. Justify how the NFB training center is different and a better fit for delivering the services 
you need to fulfill your IPE 
o Blind instructors 
o Living in an off sight apartment 
o Training to use Apple products 
o The same expectations for blind and sighted people 

o Required sleep shades 
o Industrial Arts confidence building class 
o Seminar blindness philosophy discussion class 
o Comprehensive Training, you take all classes! 
o Immersion training 
o many, many more! 

Include that you expect a response in writing within 2 weeks of the date in which the letter is 

Release of Information 

. While you are writing your letter of formal request, ask your counselor for a Release of 
Information form and release your information to the executive team of Training Center 
. Send this form to your counselor, and ask the counselor to acknowledge its receipt. 
. Give the Outreach Coordinator from Training Center X the contact information for your 
counselor and their supervisor. Begin CCing this person on all correspondence with your 
counselor and/or their supervisor. 
. If someone replies to you and not to the Outreach Coordinator, forward the message. It 
is important that they are aware of all correspondence so they can better assist you to 
craft effective responses. 


Response to formal request 

. They may say yes! 
. They may say no. 

It is recommended that you start over with a new formal request for training that is more 
verbose and explanatory and see where that leads. 

. They may ask for more information. 
o This often means they want to see a cost comparison chart which training center X will 
be prepared to provide. Most likely, training center X will be cheaper. 
o They may ask you to pay for any differences in cost. You can refute this by either being a 
recipient of SSI and not legally allowed to financially contribute to your training or refer 
to your formal request where you justified how training center X provides different 
services that are a better fit for you to fulfill your IPE, so a cost comparison is not 
necessary and irrelevant. 


Appealing for More Time 

. If your counselor will not approve more time for training, you can write a formal 
letter of appeal. 
o Example quotes. "CFR 361.50 of the Rehabilitation Acts regulations states that 
'The State unit may not establish absolute time limits on the provision of specific 
services or on the provision of services to an individual. The duration of each 
service needed by an individual must be determined on an individual basis and 
reflected in that individual's individualized plan for employment.'" 

o "Unless the individual with a disability so requests, or, in an appropriate case, the 
individual's representative, so requests, pending a decision by a mediator, hearing officer, 
or reviewing officer under this subsection, the designated State unit shall not institute a 
suspension, reduction, or termination of services being provided for the individual, 
including evaluation and assessment services and plan development, unless such services 
have been obtained through misrepresentation, fraud, collusion, or criminal conduct on 
the part of the individual, or the individual's representative." 
. While an appeal is in process, the service that you are receiving cannot be stopped. 
. Typically, the counselor will negotiate with you and the appeal process can be 
terminated, or you will be done with training by the time the appeals process is 



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