[nfbmi-talk] Minutes, Board Meeting National Federation of the Blind of Michigan, January 26, 2013

Pauline Smith zim1993 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 14 00:59:30 UTC 2013

Good evening. I see that only our election results for President and Vice President were listed in the Detroit chapter notes. The rest of the election that occurred in January, resulted in the following. The secretary is Pauline Smith, the treasurer is John Scott, and board members are Sarah Norwood and Wilmer Kenner. Just thought I would insert that bit of information.

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> Original Message:
> ---------------------------------
> From: trising <trising at sbcglobal.net> 
> Sent: April 13, 2013 8:28:37 PM
> To: nfbmi List <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Minutes, Board Meeting National Federation of the Blind of Michigan, January 26, 2013
> Minutes, Board Meeting National Federation of the Blind of Michigan, January 26, 2013
>  10:00 to 4:00 
> Quorum, yes Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Joe Sontag, Terri Wilcox, Mark Eagle, Nick Wilcox, Mary Wurtzel, and Dave Robinson. 
>  Introduction of Participating Members 
> Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson moved to accept the Secretary's Report for October 21. Mike Powell seconded the Motion. The Quarterly Meeting Minutes were approved. Dave Robinson moved to accept the January 14 meeting Minutes. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The Minutes were adopted. 
> Treasurer's Report, Mark Eagle. A check was deposited for Newsline. A bill for Ray Roberson's plaque was paid. Solicitation licensing was filed for the Affiliate and the Merchant's Division. Mike Powel moved to adopt the Treasurer's Report. Dave Robinson seconded the motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved. 
> President's Report, Larry Posont. Joe Sontag will attend the Legislative Representatives leadership Seminar on Saturday. The National Office eliminated several positions. The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan is more recognized on the internet. The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan has been sought out for things including cases of children taken away in northern Michigan and people in West Michigan wanting to know about services. People are being denied services through the agency. The National Federation of the Blind is the only group with a philosophy of blindness. There is an opportunity at the State Plate that is currently denying a blind person a job. The trend seems to be from work to welfare. Lobbyists facilitated our access into the Legislature. Service must open to all blind people rather than a select few. Five primary factors need attention in the agency. Staff must be trained to believe in blind people. It will take five to ten nears to train the staff. The agency must have Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility pertaining to access to the computer system, Braille accessibility of documents, and accessibility in hearings. The Business Enterprise Program must be fixed. The training programs are inadequate in the Business Enterprise Program. Quality job placements must go up. Numbers of people being placed in jobs are going down. Director Ed Rogers hired Mike Pemble with a pay grade of over 100 grand a year with an assistant to run the Lansing office. Larry Posont wrote 4 emails, mostly concerning Newsline, but Ed Rogers has not met with Larry concerning Newsline. At the Advisory Meeting, when Newsline was addressed, Ed Rogers interrupted and asked for a grant. Newsline will be shut down if it is not funded soon. The agency lapsed much money. There is no intention to provide service but to protect the jobs of people at the top. We must figure out how to get the agency to stop ignoring us. 
> Bureau of Services for Blind Persons Advisory Committee. The meeting was well run with no drama. Maryann Dunn and Mike Hudson are on the committee. Training Center Issues were discussed. Mike Pemble has a tough authoritarian demeanor. The person from Protection and Advocacy understood the Rehabilitation Act. According to the Agency, monthly financial reports were denied. They can only be done quarterly. Financial reports can and should be sent. More awareness is needed about getting information for commissioners in accessible formats. There is potential in the Board. The Open Meetings and Freedom of Information Acts were discussed in their appointee handbook. We are considering writing A press release that discusses work to welfare. Larry Posont sent Ed Rogers several emails about Newsline that have not been answered. House Bill 6006 died at the end of last session. 
> Consumer Involvement Committee Report, January 24. We must discuss the Consumer Involvement Committee on the list serve. At the last meeting the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan was not represented. The announcement of the meeting was given out quite close to the meeting which made it difficult to meet because of prior commitments. 
> Newsline, Larry Posont wrote the National office concerning the Newsline Grant. Promotion would help get 5000 subscribers on Newsline.
> Report Card, Library Services need to be merged and the Report Card needs to be used to grade the agency. The Report Card can be used as a basis to write Legislation. Measuring violations might help legislators. Andy Shore is on the Regulatory Reform Committee.
>  Legislative Issues. Both parties failed blind people in the state. 
> Resolutions passed at the 2012 State Convention. Resolutions will be sent to the appropriate people. The Resolution on the Operator Information line was sent to Rogers plus the Detroit Transportation Resolution. Consider a new agency in state government for disabilities and jobs. We want a separate agency with a policy making Board. Write a press release concerning The Michigan Transcribing Fund. 
> National Convention, Orlando Florida, July 1-6. The delegate and alternate are Larry Posont and Mike Powell.
> New Voting Equipment for Michigan, Steve Delongchamp. Vice President of Election source. In The 2002 Help America Vote Act gave access to all voters. The Auto Mark can still be used, but it is getting old. Twenty percent of the Auto Marks do not work. A new system, the Image Cast Evolution would be the same machine for both disabled and nondisabled. This maintains voter secrecy. Depending on decisions made by states, both equipment types would be purchased. The new machine will be in a hotel in Lansing for a few days. A blind person needs to be on the advisory council. Regarding voting, training is crucial. The machine can be used for any election. There are no plans to update the Auto mark that Mr. Delongchamp knows. When blind individuals do our civic duty and vote in person, this demonstrates independence and confidence about blindness.
> Washington Seminar. Terri Wilcox is sharing with two other women. The men's room is full with Mauricio Almeida, Joe Sontag, Matt McCubbin and J.J. Meddaugh attending. Appointments are starting to be scheduled. Contact Matt McCubbin or Joe Sontag with information for Washington Seminar. 
> Volunteer to spearhead National Convention Fundraising. Someone from the Detroit Chapter will head our Exhibit Room table and fund raising activities. There is a new possible distributor for coffee that the birdbrains use. Paramount Coffee sells for $5 per bag and has flavors. Cinnamon almonds information came from Elizabeth Mohnke. Tote bags are suggested as a money maker. Helium for the balloons is also suggested.
> The Michigan State Convention in 2013 will be at the Grand Rapids Hilton on October 18-20. Rates are $89.00 per night if reserved before October 12. Spinnakers is the Restaurant at the hotel. Put State Convention on the list serve. Plans for State Convention should begin now.  
> Larry Posont tried to find a meeting place through the Chamber of Commerce for the Chapter Meeting in Grand Rapids. We must find a meeting place and put it in the Newspaper. Put on the list that a group is needed to organize the Chapter in Grand Rapids. Dave Robinson and Mary Wurtzel can spearhead the new Chapter. Dave Robinson moved to have the Board allocates $2,000 to create a chapter in Grand Rapids. Mary Wurtzel seconded the motion. Kalamazoo needs a new President. Keep communication lines open with Kalamazoo. Mary Wurtzel moved to allocate $500 for chapter strengthening. 
> Possibilities for State Convention 2014, include Down river Detroit or Travers City.
> The Terry Eagle Case needs a broader perspective. Mike Powell made a motion that The Affiliate will support Terry financially if needed to fight his case. Nick Wilcox Seconded the motion. The motion passed.  
> Approval of New Jackson Chapter Bylaws and Constitution. There are nine members. Some of these are Dave and Maryann Robinson and Rusty Higgins. Dues are $5.00. Meetings are Thursday evenings at Steve's Ranch. Dave Robinson motioned to approve the Jackson chapter original Constitution. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The Constitution was approved. The next meeting of the Jackson Chapter is February 21. 
> Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind Activities, Donna Posont. Donna Posont received a Birding by Ear grant for birding activities. They conducted a University of Michigan owl prowl and other activities. Steven Crouch and Donna Posont followed someone in a field. At birding camp, a high percentage of birds are identified by ear. This promotes confidence and mobility for kids. There is a birding class the first Saturday of each month in Dearborn. The grant from Cornell makes an entire Ornithology week end possible at Camp Tuhsmeheta in April. at camp Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind started in 1994. Camp Tuhsmeheta was used for camp sessions such as birding, survival, and art. 
> The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Newsletter will be worked on. 
> Web Page Send Fred Wurtzel notes to improve the Web Page. Kevin Reeves wants to work on the web page. 
> Possible Leadership Seminar for Michigan? People suggest a Leadership Seminar in Baltimore for interested members of the Michigan Affiliate. Dave Robinson moved to explore having a Leadership Seminar in Baltimore. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The motion was approved. 
> Division and Chapter Reports. The Detroit Chapter held Elections. Officers are as follows: President, Leonard Gross, Vice President, Mike Powell. Mike Powell intends to stress doing things with the National Office and State Affiliate. The Lansing Chapter elected the following officers: President, Kim Mohnke, Vice President, Mark Eagle, Secretary, Dianna Mohnke and Treasurer Gere Wilcox. Board members are Larry Woods and Dave Robinson. 
>    The following officers were elected in the Ann Arbor Chapter elections: President, Terri Wilcox, Vice President, Nick Wilcox, Secretary, Gloria Kolb, Treasurer, Larry Keeler.
> Larry Keeler will setup a list serve for the Michigan Association of Dog guide Users.   The Wayne County Chapter elected the following officers: President, Marcus Simmons, Vice President, Bob Rehahn, Secretary, Cynthia Cross, and Treasurer, Denise Kennedy. Board Members are Cheryl Stahl, Jack Couch, Paul Bunn, Senora Clifton and Donna Posont. The Wayne County Chapter is having a fund raiser selling calendars. They are also having a fund raising dinner on Southfield road where they will get ten percent of the proceeds. 
> The Merchant's Division thanked the Board for the money for their application for the lottery gaming license. Terry Eagle also stated that it is appreciated that the solicitation status is straightened out. The Chapter at Large meets on the second Monday at 8:30. Use the same conference call number as we use for the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meetings. Kandi Jelinski is President of the Chapter at Large. Fred Wurtzel is working at Lansing Community College. Seventy-five students use reader services. They will have a meet and greet where they will set goals and learn philosophy. Terri Wilcox moved to allocate $3,000 by May 1 to attend National Convention. Each person gets up to $250. Mike seconded the motion. The motion was approved. 
> Mike Powell moved to adjourn at 3:51. Joe Sontag seconded the motion. The motion was adopted and the Board Meeting adjourned.
> Voice Lessons and Braille Tutoring available. Contact Terri Wilcox MA at (734)663-4050 or at trising at sbcglobal.net
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