[nfbmi-talk] Moose Lodge Fund Raiser

Larry D. Keeler lkeeler at comcast.net
Tue Apr 23 21:10:43 UTC 2013

Joe and others, one posative was our fund raiser at the Ypsilanti Moose lodge last Friday!  It was a great time and I was the supervisor and primary chef. We cooked and talked to at least 30 folks mostly associated with the Moose. We told them by example and also by mouth what our organization did and I for one asked them about theres!  I feel that we gained a lot of respecct for blindness at this event. And I being the chef and another woman who did deserts were talked about very favorably! Plus, I'm an active member of our Knights of Columbus council and assembly and I do a olot of other volunteer things in my community. With and without my guide dog Holly!  Blindness is niether good or bad but justis. We who teach our communities by example or by lecture or litterature are if not ppromoting good attitudes towards blindness, we are at least evening the playing field. 
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