[nfbmi-talk] reiterated request for accessible information zelley

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Aug 5 18:04:27 UTC 2013

August 5 2013


Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

Mt. Morris, MI 48458

joeharcz at comcast.net





J. Michael Zelly, Executive director, the disability Network

And Chair, Michigan commission for civil Rights


(Via e-mail)


Dear Mr., Zelley,


Once again invoking the Americans with disabilities Act of 1990 and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (relevant portions therein), I am demanding the following information from yu though I’ve requested it before with little or no responses:


-The past five (5) years meetings minutes of The Disability Network.

-All previously requested ADA accessibility surveys (re”several verbal and written requests for same)

-All e-mails between you and yourself to any state or federal agency related to these requests for lawful information.

-All conflicts of interest policies of your board of directors, including their responses, and all by-laws of the Disability Network.

-All procedures for ensuring “effective communications” pursuant to your and the Michigan Civil Rights Commission in the complaint process and vis a vis ADA, Title II (entities (state and local government).

-All assurances from your agency (TDN) over years including those submitted with 704 B reports to the Rehabilitation Services Administration as required by federal law ensuring your agencies requirements and obligations to follow the ADA and 504; ditto for any submissions to the feds of same regarding MCRC whilst under your prevue.

-All similar submissions aas well as documentation of your responsibilities while Chair of Michigan Works and Career Alliance to ensure equal and protected access of the On-Stop systems in Michigan which, by the way are still out of compliance to this very date with the letter, spirit and rule of law of the ADA/504 and which documents your attempts to comply with such rules, regulations, and stated laws. This should include self-evaluations of same and not only for physical access issues lacking, even to this day relative to facility access but, also effective communications access.


The latter again required.


-Finally, I am writing to request in accessible format here the procedure in which I a known’ whistleblower” is protected from your innate conflicts of interests while acting both as a recipient of federal funds running a nominal center for independent living and as a State Actor clearly violating section 1983 in your official as a State Official with power and influence.

I request all documents herein and those request prior to be remitted as either plain text and/or Word attachments to my e-mail adress now well knwon as my computer "talks" and in accordence, once again with yur known obligations under both the ADA and Section 504.




Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.


Cc: several




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