[nfbmi-talk] National Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution Program
Marcus Simmons
president at map-n.org
Thu Dec 5 19:53:46 UTC 2013
Dear Mr. Rodgers, Edward (LARA),
Attached are the documents pertaining to where the funds for the National Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution Program are located and the statement from Perkins substanchsheating this fact.
subcontracted fund manager
Rolka Loube Saltzer Associates
213 Market Street, 12th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101
ndbedp at r-l-s-a.com
If you visit the site at:
and click on "Reimbursement Requests", then scroll down to Michigan and you will find the $31,261.74 all ready paid to BSBP in the program.
Changing what it means to be blind,
Marcus Simmons, President,
Wayne County chapter NFBMI
Second Vice-president, NFB Deaf/Blind Division
28179 Brentwood
Southfield, MI 48076-3069
president at map-n.org
(248) 552-8928
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