[nfbmi-talk] National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting February 7 2013

trising trising at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 21 14:00:17 UTC 2013

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting February 7 2013 

Quorum Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Joe Sontag, Terri Wilcox, Nick Wilcox, Dave Robinson and Sarah Norwood.

Washington Seminar Update. Both a Democrat and a Republican agreed to sponsor Fair Wages for workers with Disabilities Legislation. Cosponsors from last year were gengally interested in cosponsoring the Legislation again. The Technology Education Accessibility College and Higher Education Act is the hardest sell for Congressmen. Disabled Veterans do not have access to space available on military airplanes. H.R. 164, the bill to remedy this, had lots of support. It will pass before too long. The Legislative Director's Seminar trained people about how to be more effective at Washington Seminar. There will be a web based method in reporting appointments. Things will go directly in the data base. To see what a representative or a senator has done, go to Thomas.gov Members of our Affiliate talked directly to Tim Walberg and Dan Kildee. 

Larry Posont discussed issues in Michigan with Dr. Maurer. A conference call is requested regarding Newsline. A meeting will occur concerning the web page. An email is necessary to get the Meeting Minutes from the Advisory Council. There may be an organizing meeting of the Grand Rapids Chapter in March. Consumers from Detroit who want services from the Bureau are not receiving return calls. Staff training is key. Tote bags and cinnamon almonds are possible products for National Convention. 

Larry Posont moved To adjourn at 9:15. Mike Powel seconded the motion. The motion was approved. 

Voice Lessons and Braille Tutoring available. Contact Terri Wilcox MA at (734)663-4050 or at trising at sbcglobal.net

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