[nfbmi-talk] This is going to save the Business Enterprise Program?!

Joe Sontag suncat0 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 14:15:45 UTC 2013

I say it's nuts!  The real questions here are:
Does anyone really care about the BEP anymore, and
If yes, what are we willing to do in response.

Still not blogging,

Joe Sontag

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Terry D. Eagle 
To: 'Joe Sontag' 
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 9:14
Subject: Check this out!

Please read the information below, reading each sentence very carefully.


What do you believe this says about the following:


The future of BEP jobs for the blind?


Businesses for the blind or manager positions?


The future status of current BEP management?


Total state control of Anderson and the Capitol food services, likely by using legislative funds rather than rehabilitation dollars? 


The beginning of the end of BEP for the blind in Michigan?


Role of the EOC?



Job Opportunities

Job #:  6401-13-BSBP-41

Job Title: D ivision Director -Business Assistance & Development Program

Closing Date/Time:  Sat. 07/20/13 5:00 PM Eastern Time

Salary:  $84,173.00 - $114,433.00 annually

Job Type:  Permanent Full Time


Location:  Lansing, Michigan

Department:  Licensing and Regulatory Affairs - LARA


Job Description

The position will function as the director over the Business Assistance & Development

Program and will be responsible for directing and managing  the work activities of

the Business Assistance & Development  Program Division (BADP). The position will

manage the consultation services, development services, educational programs, financial

assistance and guidance for small and medium business operated, managed or owned

by entrepreneurs, who are legally blind. This position will also directly supervise

operators providing food service delivery to the public at the various food service

locations and any related task or service necessary to make those operations successful

including attending training programs and other business activities associated with

a franchise operation. This person will also have the responsibility of marketing

the services of the Division and providing excellent customer relations with various

stakeholders and associates, including legally blind entrepreneurs in the private

sector. These services may include training modules for legally blind individuals

operating in the food service industry. The position will be responsible for guaranteeing

that the franchise agreements for buildings are in total compliance with all requirements

to maintain the franchise.


 Required Education and Experience:



Possession of a bachelor's degree in any major.



Two years of experience as a professional manager or program/staff specialist, or

equivalent experience.


Additional Requirements and Information:


job specification:



      This form is to be completed by the person that occupies the position being described and reviewed by the supervisor and appointing authority to ensure its accuracy.  It is important that each of the parties sign and date the form.  If the position is vacant, the supervisor and appointing authority should complete the form.

      This form will serve as the official classification document of record for this position.  Please take the time to complete this form as accurately as you can since the information in this form is used to determine the proper classification of the position.  THE SUPERVISOR AND/OR APPOINTING AUTHORITY SHOULD COMPLETE THIS PAGE.
         2.    Employee's Name (Last, First, M.I.)

        8.    Department/Agency

         3.    Employee Identification Number

        9.    Bureau (Institution, Board, or Commission)

      Bureau of Services to Blind Persons (BSBP)
         4.    Civil Service Classification of Position

      State Division Administrator 17
     10.    Division

      Business Assistance & Development Program Division
         5.    Working Title of Position (What the agency titles the position)

      Division Director
     11.    Section

         6.    Name and Classification of Direct Supervisor

      Edward F. Rodgers II,  Senior Management Exec 19
     12.    Unit

         7.    Name and Classification of Next Higher Level Supervisor

      Michael Zimmer, LARA Chief Deputy Director
     13.    Work Location (City and Address)/Hours of Work

      Lansing, MI - Anderson Office Building

      M - F;  8:00am - 5:00pm
      14.    General Summary of Function/Purpose of Position

      The position will function  as the director over the Business Assistance & Development Program and will be responsible for directing and managing  the work activities of the Business Assistance & Development  Program Division (BADP). The position will manage the consultation services, development services, educational programs, financial assistance and guidance for small and medium business operated, managed or owned by entrepreneurs, who are legally blind. This position will also directly supervise operators providing food service delivery to the public at the various food service locations and any related task or service necessary to make those operations successful including attending training programs and other business activities associated with a franchise operation. This person will also have the responsibility of marketing the services of the Division and providing excellent customer relations with various stakeholders and associates, including legally blind entrepreneurs in the private sector. These services may include training modules for legally blind individuals operating in the food service industry.  The position will be responsible for guaranteeing that the franchise agreements for buildings are in total compliance with all requirements to maintain the franchise.  
      For Civil Service Use Only

      15.   Please describe your assigned duties, percent of time spent performing each duty, and explain what is done to complete each duty.

              List your duties in the order of importance, from most important to least important.  The total percentage of all duties performed must equal 100 percent.
      Duty 1
      General Summary of Duty 1                             % of Time  45__

      Responsible for the overall management of the franchise operations at the food service facility and business assistance and development program located inside the Anderson Office Building, 1st floor and the Capitol Building first floor.  
      Individual tasks related to the duty.

      ·         Oversee the development and administration of program,   policies and procedures for Business Assistance & Development Program Division. (BADP).

      ·         Ensure the BADP follows department, agency, and Civil Service requirements in personnel management, including EEO programs, Discriminatory Harassment, ADA, Performance Evaluation, discipline, staff training, and  proper hiring procedures etc.

      ·         Overall management of the needs of the operation including the daily supervision of all employees, including:  daily scheduling, ordering supplies, and other related duties

      ·         Manage the budget and maintain all records for the operations.  Create reports as required and/or necessary.

      ·         This position will manage the staff in, providing consulting services,  developmental services, educational assistance and guidance for the small and medium businesses operated, managed or owned by entrepreneurs, who are legally blind.  

      ·         Oversee  employees who will be doing the food prep and  providing service to customers

      ·         Develop and maintain a catering service for clients in the program, providing food services in the 2 locations.  

      Duty 2
      General Summary of Duty 2                             % of Time  15         

      Provide training, continuing education, assistance and initiatives for clients in the program.  
      Individual tasks related to the duty.

      ·         Formulate the short-range and long-range plans and goals for the operation

      ·         Work with the staff to plan specific training opportunities for clients in the program

      ·         Evaluate the skill and progress of clients to help determine their readiness to manage, operator or own a small or medium business.  

      ·         Supervise the training of all staff and clients in the program


      Duty 3
      General Summary of Duty 3                             % of Time  15         

      Responsibility of maintaining the franchise agreement.
      Individual tasks related to the duty.

      ·         Oversee the entire operation to ensure that minimum production requirements established for the franchise agreement are reached and maintained

      ·         Attend franchise training programs, meetings, and other activities as required by the franchise agreement

      ·         Make sure the facilities comply with all franchise inspections and requirements

      ·         Be able to adapt quickly when changes in product line or promotions are received from the franchise company

      ·         Maintain all necessary records and provide reports as needed for the franchise company

      ·         Record procedures for franchise agreement and requirements and change as necessary.
      Duty 4
      General Summary of Duty 4                             % of Time  10         

      Responsibility for adherence to all safety regulations and requirements of a food service operation including state and federal laws.
      Individual tasks related to the duty.

      ·         Stay current on all food safety laws, regulations, rules, and guidelines

      ·         Make sure that all employees follow the requirements and maintain a clean and safe environment in all aspects of the food prep and service delivery

      ·         Guarantee that all necessary equipment and supplies are available to ensure food safety


      Duty 5
      General Summary of Duty 5                             % of Time  10         

      Plan, develop, implement, and maintain a program to promote the skills of clients to assist, develop and implement initiatives to allow the legally blind clients to operate, manage or own a food service facility. 
      Individual tasks related to the duty.

      ·         Provide excellent customer service to patrons of the operation both at the Anderson Office Building and the State Capitol Building.

      ·         Promote the services available from the program to the community and the public in general.  

      ·         Regularly meet with the building management at the Anderson Office Building and the State Capitol Building to develop and maintain a positive working relationship
      Duty 6
      General Summary of Duty 6                             % of Time  5            

      Other duties as assigned.
      Individual tasks related to the duty.



      16.    Describe the types of decisions you make independently in your position and tell who and/or what is affected by those decisions.  Use additional sheets, if necessary.

      ·      All day-to-day needs and decisions regarding scheduling, food preparation, service delivery, catering

      ·      Management of the program for clients assistance, development and initiatives to allow legally blind individuals to manage operate or own a food services facility.  
      17.    Describe the types of decisions that require your supervisor's review.

      ·         Major policy decisions that can impact the entire program including compliance with all state and federal reporting requirements

      ·         Major budgetary needs and decisions
      18.    What kind of physical effort do you use in your position?  What environmental conditions are you physically exposed to in your position?  Indicate the amount of time and intensity of each activity and condition.  Refer to instructions on page 2.

      Bending, walking, standing, lifting moderately heavy objects, tolerating temperature changes associated with being in a food prep area and kitchen freezers, ability to handle the stress associated with meeting deadlines and supervising a large staff 
      19.    List the names and classification titles of classified employees whom you immediately supervise or oversee on a full-time, on-going basis.  (If more than 10, list only classification titles and the number of employees in each classification.)
      Dept Analyst (2)
      20.    My responsibility for the above-listed employees includes the following (check as many as apply):

      x      Complete and sign service ratings.                                   x      Assign work.

      x      Provide formal written counseling.                                   x      Approve work.

      x      Approve leave requests.                                                        x      Review work.

      x      Approve time and attendance.                                              x      Provide guidance on work methods.

      x      Orally reprimand.                                                                 x      Train employees in the work.
      21.    I certify that the above answers are my own and are accurate and complete.


                                                           Signature                                                                                                       Date

NOTE:  Make a copy of this form for your records.

      22.    Do you agree with the responses from the employee for Items 1 through 20?  If not, which items do you disagree with and why?

      23.    What are the essential duties of this position?

      See Box 14
      24.    Indicate specifically how the position's duties and responsibilities have changed since the position was last reviewed.

      This is a new position. This is a new division and an initiative sponsored by the Governor and given to BSBP.  
      25.    What is the function of the work area and how does this position fit into that function?

      The Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP) provides a wide range of rehabilitation services to legally blind individuals in order to find them employment and to be independent. The Business Assistance, Development Program Division is a program designed to prepare legally blind persons to operate, manage or own food service facilities.  The food service operations and training center for business assistance and development program is to be located at 1st floor, Anderson Office Building in downtown Lansing.  All clients in the program will complete a training curriculum at the facilities.  The operation will have two functions - provide quality food service to the general public and employees within the Anderson Building and the State Capitol Building and to provide an on-the-job training opportunity for clients of the BSBP.
      26.    In your opinion, what are the minimum education and experience qualifications needed to perform the essential functions of this position.

      Bachelor's Degree in any major

      Two years experience as a professional manager or program/staff specialist, or equivalent experience. Experience working in a food service operation providing training to new staff, managing scheduling, record keeping, etc. is necessary for this particular position.

      Knowledge of food service operations, managing and training staff, food safety regulations and procedures, public relations, marketing, and the overall rehabilitation process of the BSBP is essential.

      NOTE:  Civil Service approval of this position does not constitute agreement with or acceptance of the desirable qualifications for this position.
      27.    I certify that the information presented in this position description provides a complete and accurate depiction of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position.

                                               Supervisor's Signature                                                                                           Date
      28.    Indicate any exceptions or additions to the statements of the employee(s) or supervisor.

      29.   I certify that the entries on these pages are accurate and complete.


                                     Appointing Authority's Signature                                                                                 Date





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