[nfbmi-talk] think about this please
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Sat Jul 27 00:24:48 UTC 2013
The First Amendment Is Not Opinion:
All when I invoke the First Amendment of the United States I invoke the clauses that protect “political speech” and the “right of everyone” including, of course those of us who are blind to “redress grieveances against our government””
These things are sancrosanct and are not “flaming” as they adress statements about our government and public officials.
In other words I have the right to say and to document perfidy, violations of law and equity, and other things of public officials like I have done of Pat Cannon in the past and of Ed Rodgers in the present as they derive their paychecks from we the people and are obligated to we the people to be accountable and transparent and under our individual and collective scrutiny for performance. I care not one with about party, or partisanship. I care about that which is documented, and again rule of law. in these regards.
And calling a liar a liar when documented of course as I always do is not defamatory, libel, slander or anything else even under Michigan’s constitution for the ultimate defense against libel, defamation claims etc. is the truth.
The truth is that Ed Rodgers and, Pat Cannon before him whwhere and are documented liars, in fact deed and in the law (rather under several statutes).
Actually the public record of events includes ample documentation of multiple violations of multiple laws over time and that includes many.
Subjective and discriminatory stuff as list moderation without letting things in to the public record in a timely manner are contrary to NFB’s long history of full inclusion, truth telling and self determination. Simply it makes us look bad if nothing else and damages our credibility on numerous accounts.
Now again I am personally left of center in the scheme of things. Others are right of center.
Some are religious. Others not.
The NFB and other civil rights organizations are neutral and rightfully so collectively on these issues.
Regardless, the facts are facts, and again document other things are value based opinions and not supported by arbitrary and capricious suspensions of civil liberties.
I here point to David Robinson's sensibilities and rightness in law and equity about list activity and moderation.
I do here state openly and for the record that Dave is highly respected by me and has been for quite some time. I’ll also state for the record that I disagree with him and have stated that personally on his for lack of better words ‘’’”Republican” or “conservative” general stance. Dave knows this, And on these issues Dave and I respectfully disagree. I respect him and his right and visa versa as demonstrated in the public record over time. Again Dave thank you in the public record here for your advocacy for the right to state not only opinions, but, also facts.but again I appreciate his long time principled and stalwart stance on this issue.
Both the right and the left and the so-called middle whatever these terms mean need to be able to express themselves freely and again in documented fashion on these NFB list serves lest we lose access to valuable information. And more importantly the right to act affirmatively on behalf not only of NFB but all of the blind and all PWD and, in fact all oppressed individuals.
I appreciate Dave’s perspectives and his defense of the truth or the right to at least to try to air the truth which is so fundamental to all folks in America and not just the blind.
Now, let me pick upon Chris Boone …Smile…
I am kidding on this one too. But I’ve advocated for Chris’s rights for now well close to a decade or at least before I ever met her or talked with her for the savage stuff that Pennsylvania did to her, and also through her we people who are blind.
It doesn’t matter that I’m a very maverick and left wing blind person and she was and is a nominal Republican and visa versa….Or it shouldn't matter should it?
Bottom line is that we in America are supposed to be a government of law and not of man. And the law must be just and based upon human rights and Constitutional rights principles. That Tenbroek taught us all.
And that law is for us all.
Tyranny is tyranny, whether from the nominal right or the nominal left or from the nominal middle for that matter. Tyranny holds each individual in contempt to the caprices of discrimination, and prejudice and stereotype.
I often have ruffled feathers in both ACB, NFB and more importantly within RSA, VR programs, IL programs, and so on and so forth.
But that is my “job” as an advocate for civil rights, as a former news reporter who still believes in the check upon abusive governmental power by that “Fourth Estate”, and as a simple, yet often flawed, but truth telling person who happens to be also an advocate for those who are blind and otherwise disabled, including myself.
Where there isno debate based upon facts tyranny always arises. Wherever there is censorship or prior constraint upon speech tyranny arises. These are things that NFB has always taught in the context of being a part of the global society of which we wish to be in. In fact I invoke Jacobus Tenbroek who, by the way in all of his writings and all of his legal determinations would be labeled today a sort of communist!
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