[nfbmi-talk] Introducing Myself And Asking On Behalf Of Potential New Member

Kim Mohnke kitties_kimmy at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 15 20:44:16 UTC 2013

Hello Kane,
Currently we are working on starting a chapter in the Grand Rapids area.  I am not sure of the first meeting date and location.  If this is not a good option for him, he could join the chapter at large.  They meet monthly on our free conference phone line.  I think they do the call on one of the Monday nights.  Our president could give you more information about that.  
Hope this helps,
Kim Mohnke 

From: Kane Brolin <kbrolin65 at gmail.com>
To: NFBMI-Talk at nfbnet.org 
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 10:40 AM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Introducing Myself And Asking On Behalf Of Potential New Member

Hello, fellow listers.

I just subscribed to this list about ten minutes ago and became aware
of its existence about five minutes prior to that.  My name is Kane
Brolin, and I have become active in the Federation on a local level
only since June of 2012.  I am just across your southern border in the
South Bend, Indiana area, where I serve as first vice president of the
NFB's newly formed Michiana chapter.

In addition to this, I happen to be the co-owner of a franchise
business involved with financial planning and money management.  Just
three days ago, I became aware that a colleague in my company has
learned his eyesight is in serious jeopardy due to a condition his
doctors have called vasculopathy.  (He describes it as internal
bleeding within the eye.)  He already has lost sight in one eye
completely--(this has been true for years)--but now the other is
failing to such a degree that his wife helps him both with
transportation and with the day-to-day paperwork aspects of his job.
I do not want to reveal my friend's identity, out of respect to his
right to make private decisions and to take action as he sees fit.
But in the event his condition cannot be reversed through surgery or
natural healing--something he still hopes for--I informed him about
the National Federation of the Blind and made it clear that neither
his life nor his career need to grind to a standstill in the event he
loses functional eyesight permanently.  My friend seemed appreciative
of this, and both he and his wife appear to have a positive focus
toward all this.  While they don't want him to have permanently the
characteristic of blindness, they are not panicking.  They admit that
failed eyesight might well be a life-long element of his future.

My friend bases his business in the Grand Rapids area.  After doing
numerous Google searches and walk-throughs of NFB-related Web pages, I
was unable to find a chapter that clearly defines itself as serving
Grand Rapids, Muskegon, or generally that region that incorporates the
eastern shore of Lake Michigan in the state of Michigan.  Rather than
writing just to the affiliate president, I thought I should make
contact on this list and find a specific name, chapter location, etc.,
that my friend and his wife can interface with on their own terms.

Thanks to anyone for helping to set a direction for us here.  Please
respond to this list, or e-mail me privately at kbrolin65 at gmail.com,
or phone my cell: (574)386-8868.

Cordially yours,

Kane Brolin

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