[nfbmi-talk] Fwd: Lansing Airport opposes more frequent Michigan Flyer service

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Sun May 12 13:42:33 UTC 2013

Dear Michigan Federationists:

     Here is some information that might be of interest to you about a
service many of us use on a frequent basis.

Larry Larry Posont

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michigan Flyer <sales at michiganflyer.com>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 18:11:35 -0400
Subject: Lansing Airport opposes more frequent Michigan Flyer service
To: president.nfb.mi at gmail.com

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> Lansing Airport Fights Michigan Flyer Plan to Increase Frequency
> Last August, Michigan Flyer was awarded a one-time federal grant to help increase frequency of [image: Tri County Logo]service from 8 to 12 times daily on the East Lansing-Ann Arbor segment of our route to Detroit Metro Airport and back. This would give residents of the Greater Lansing area near-hourly service between early morning and late evening, seven days a week.
> The Michigan Department of Transportation sponsored and strongly supports this plan. However, it is now in jeopardy due to a campaign by Lansing's airport to block the release of grant funds through the local Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (TCRPC).
> Here is our response to the airport, as well as a fact sheet on the issue. Basically, we believe it's important to provide more transportation options that connect our residents, businesses, institutions and government bodies with the rest of the world—not less.
> A vote by TCRPC commissioners on May 29 will decide whether Michigan Flyer can use the funds to improve transportation options locally, or if those dollars will be spent in another region or state.
> If you would like to express any concerns regarding this issue, simply email Susan Pigg, TCRPC executive director, at spigg at mitcrpc.org with a copy to info at michiganflyer.com. In the subject line, be sure to state "Public Comment on Michigan Flyer TCSP grant."
> East Lansing Honors Michigan Flyer with Crystal Award
> [image: Crystal Award Logo]The City of East Lansing honored Michigan Flyer and its founder Ody Norkin with one of four annual Crystal Awards on April 25, 2013. Our entire staff was both elated and humbled by the award, which is given to "unsung heroes" who have made outstanding contributions to the community.
> In presenting the award, Mayor Pro Tem Nathan Triplett noted that Michigan Flyer "has created a boost for the local economy by drawing tens of thousands of visitors to the heart of the East Lansing community."
> Besides creating a new, easy and affordable option for travel to and from Detroit Metro Airport, said Mr. Triplett, "Michigan Flyer has also created a travel option with numerous environmental benefits. Michigan Flyer-AirRide passengers make a significant difference in energy conservation, decreasing pollution, and easing congestion on highways." [Full text of his remarks here]
> On behalf of Michigan Flyer and parent company Indian Trails, Ody said, "We're honored to be the first impression of East Lansing to hundreds of thousands of visitors to the city." He also recognized the huge contribution to Michigan Flyer's success made by Indian Trails President Gordon Mackay, who took part in the awards celebration.
> It's Orange Barrel Season
> [image: orange barrel]Temporary boarding location in downtown Ann Arbor
> Starting next Tuesday, May 14, and for the next two weeks, the boarding point for Michigan Flyer-AirRide near the Blake Transit Center will be temporarily moved to the north side of William Street, immediately east of Fourth Avenue. This is due to utility work needed for ongoing construction of the BTC. The temporary boarding point is indicated by "AirRide" on this diagram.
> Slow going in downtown East Lansing
> Due to major road construction, traffic on Michigan Ave. from U.S. 127 through the heart of town to Hagadorn Rd. will be limited to just one lane for months to come. So, if you are driving to the Michigan Flyer office at the East Lansing Marriott, your best bet when coming from the East will be to take Albert St. from Hagadorn Rd. When coming from the West, the best route may be Saginaw St. to Burcham Rd. to Albert St. Map available here.
> Book early for May 20-22 westbound, May 26 eastbound
> Reminder: Michigan Flyer coaches will be FULL on these dates because we and our parent company Indian Trails will be providing ground transportation for the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals competition at Michigan State University. We'll be bringing hundreds of participants to the MSU campus from Detroit Metro Airport May 20-22, and taking them back again on May 26.
> Happy Mother's Day, May 12, to all the
> wonderful moms who grace our motorcoaches!

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333 Albert Street Suite 110 | East Lansing, MI 48823

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