[nfbmi-talk] from state plan technology

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Tue Nov 5 12:32:23 UTC 2013

Say All,

Have you found this to be your experience? And if they've fixed all the holes in System 7 why can't they produce data at the ready without the extortionate charges under so-called FOIA?


Evaluation of Goal 4 - Technology

BSBP continues to explore and provide current technology for staff and consumers. BSBP’s web based case management system (System 7) provides staff with valuable data that enables them to effectively manage their case loads which allows them to provide timely services to its consumers. BSBP has a Technology Committee that provides the agency with updated information regarding new equipment and devices that are being developed that could be of assistance to the staff in carrying out their responsibilities and assisting consumers in obtaining their goals. The Technology Committee provides additional services to the agency through the development of a process to evaluate and recommend qualified access technology vendors who provide training and instruction to BSBP consumers. Through this process, vendors are categorized as to their expertise in various areas. As a result, a number of access technology vendors have been identified as approved providers of technology services and added to BSBP’s website.

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