[nfbmi-talk] throwing my hat in the ring
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Sat Nov 9 03:12:39 UTC 2013
Dear Governor Snyder,
I am writing you today to, as they say “throw my hat in the ring”. I’d like to be a token appointment to one of the following:
-Commission for Services for Persons who are Blind BS for BP (Bovine Scatology for Blind Persons)
-Michigan Council of Rehabilitation services (MCRS)m No Acronymns here sire just a slaves life on the CRO plantation, but don’t you love the fact we all can work for less than minimum wages without those nasty collective bargaining thingees? I sure do sire…)
-Michigan Statewide Indigent Living Council
As an advocate for people with all disabilities, who happens to be blind and with other disabilities I especially like the fact that these organizations are virtually without any self-determination, or self-empowerment, or even a voice of those with disabilities as you’ve constructed them under executive orders. Nice touch sir!
Oh and I really like the sort of neo-monarchialist assault upon those nasty Constitutional powers of advise and consent by the legislator in your admonition that all serve “at the pleasure of the Governor”. Oh my I’m so glad that our forefathers fought for the right of this sort of promise of freedom and liberty at your “pleasure” totally unchecked by anyone let alone elective representatives of we the people. I mean that wouldn’t be running Michigan like a business or a corporation and I get that sir I really do.
So I’d like to serve on one of your impotent bodies representing the complete selling out of all people with disabilities to one of these three outfits and, again serving at your pleasure if not kissing your ring, and doing other duties of a serf and perhaps kissing other things in feudal allegience to your Highness.
Excuse me sire, for I’m getting old and these knees are hard to creek in order to bend and kiss your … And, of course I’ve crossed swords with and wrangled with a few of your evil knights who kind of don’t understand your kindly and kingly nature and sort of ….Well are whacko sire…Forgive me sire…Arwood, Zimmer and Rodgers are whackos….
Sorry sire I must speak….
Oh my seems with a sword to my throat….Hmmm…Did I say that Mr. Rodgers? Isn’t it a wonderful day in this neighborhood?
Oooh…sorry stop the beating…I give up…I’ll sell my soul for a nice word, an hour of travel instruction, or if I’m really good a Braille display or even, Lord, please give me a Tim Hortons Franchise at the Anderson Building and the knighthood of the Order of the Essenberger? Please?
And please name me Constance and let me know that all is well that ends the rest of the blind community in Hell.
Of this me prays me Lord.
Oh, yes I awoke from my ddream Governor Snyder and it was a nightmare for the blind. I’m still bloody well awake!
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