[nfbmi-talk] the recon fall 2013 conference agenda
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Tue Nov 26 17:07:58 UTC 2013
11:30 A.M. Awards Lunch and Opening
Keynote address
Exhibit Hall
1:45 – 3 P.M.
ADA Protects a Vulnerable Workforce
Participants will learn that the EEOC has
instituted a new Strategic Enforcement Plan
which addresses vulnerable workers.
Individuals with disabilities are often the
target of lay off, denial of hire, denial of
reasonable accommodations and other
workplace benefits that the EEOC is
targeting for closer scrutiny. Spyridon
Mellow and Marcia Hyatt, U. S. Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission
Community Collaboration for Healthcare
Integration Collaboration is a key factor in
the integration of behavioral and physical
health care. Staff of Northern Lakes
Community Mental Health Authority will
describe the key elements in successful colocation of behavioral health and primary
care. Karl Kovacs, Mary Hubbard, Ty
Curtis, Krista Bedells, and Donna Rinker,
Northern Lakes Community Mental Health
Authority OCCMHA
MRS moves forward with EEO MRS staff
will discuss progress and plans for the
Enhancing Employment Outcomes
Initiative. Margie Hojara-Hadsell, Omar
Deadwilder, Gene Bommarito, and Don
Dees, Michigan Rehabilitation Services
Goodwill WM
Spark Plugs -Ignite Motivation in Youth
The session will include: 1. Research on the
adolescent brain and the importance of
motivation and other relevant statistics 2.
Practical Take away activities for
professionals to implement in their own
settings 3. Evidence and strength based
strategies to motivate youth. Darrel Malloch,
Peckham-Next Step Program and David
Bates, Peckham-Crossroads Program
Northern Transitions
Be an Anxiety/Stress Buster Defining
stress and anxiety. How we treat these two
conditions. What are the physical and
mental manifestations of each condition.
Will the recommended treatment reduce the
presenting symptoms. Are stress and anxiety
just psychosomatic manifestations of poorly
understood social situations? Treatment to
improve social adjustment and good health.
Roger Riley, Disability Resolution Services;
Timothy Broe, PhD; Dr. Jeffery Vrielink
Vibrant Sustainability Vibrant
Sustainability: Create a culture with your
non-profit board that not only makes your
organization stronger, but makes your board
members excited to serve! Randy Slikkers,
Non-profit Strategic Consulting MARO
3:15 – 4:30 P.M. Centers for Independent Living: A Basic
Overview Michigan's Network of Centers
for Independent Living (a.k.a. Disability
Network) serves as a great resource for
people with disabilities, their support
systems and professionals. Participants will
learn about the independent living
movement & philosophy, CIL core services
and how we can partner with you in the
community to be a resource. Sara Grivetti,
Disability Network/Michigan MRA
Michigan Auto No-Fault Legislation
Update This presentation provides a
detailed update on the proposed legislation
to amend the Michigan Auto No-Fault law
(HB No. 4612) introduced on 4.23.13.
Information on accident, personal injury,
and medical cost data associated with
catastrophic injuries are presented.
Implications regarding the rehabilitative care
of individuals is also discussed. Andrew
Nay, PhD, Hostetler Fontaine and
Associates; Kyle Yerkes, Michigan State
University Student OCCMHA
Veterans & Employment: A Call to Duty
Topics include: Military Cultural
Awareness, Veterans Transitional Issues,
Business Case for Hiring Veterans,
Challenges to Employers and Community
Job Developers, Promising Practices &
Resources for Assisting Veterans in the
Community, and more. Michael Poyma, VA
Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment
Employment Success for the Former
Offender This session will focus on how to
assist former offenders to see employment
from the employer’s perspective, and how
Community Collaborations with employers
taking place in Kent County, are playing a
role in assisting with success for former
offenders. Mary Benedict and Sonya
Bielecki, Hope Network Goodwill WM
Breaking Down Barriers to Employment
A Transition Video Project Many times,
the biggest barrier between a person with a
disability and their desired employment, is
an employer struggling to envision the
individual as part of their team. Using video
allows an employer to hear from the
individual, as well as former employers
and/or case workers and demonstrate the
individual doing their desired tasks. Justin
Caine, Good Fruit Video; Mari Rosario,
Independent Consultant; Staci Anderson and
Maria Peak, Ingham ISD Northern
Mental Health & Emerging Populations
in Higher Education We will address the
unique needs of students in higher education
with mental health conditions as well as
emerging populations (Veteran, ASD, and
Chronic Health):
1. Develop an awareness of proactive
strategies and resources 2. Promote holistic wellness in academic
and student life
Renee Craig, Shani Feyen, and John
Pedraza, Michigan State University JVS Health Care Reform Issues Major changes
in health care coverage affect employers,
people with disabilities, and those on
Medicaid. Explain health exchanges,
Medicaid, and other insurance and health
care reform issues. Mark Lezotte, Butzel
4:45 P.M.
Exhibit Hall Grand Opening &
Presidents’ Reception
Featuring Michigan DJ Service
6:30 P.M.
Movie: Lives Worth Living
Exhibit Hall
5:15 – 6:15 P.M.
JPD Meeting, MRA Room
6:30 MSU Session, Do-All Room
Session room is indicated in Bold: MRA, MARO, JVS, Do-All etc.
7:00 – 8:30 P.M.
Leadership Academy Re:connect
Zumba 6:30 – 7:15 A.M.
Fitness Center
7:30 – 9:00 A.M. Breakfast – Exhibit Hall Beginning at 8:00 A.M. Transforming
Approaches to Diversity & Employment
Hear from corporate leaders on how they are
transforming their approach to diversity to
include people with disabilities. Participants
will hear how they are implementing culture
change, innovative hiring & recruiting
practices and how you can be a part of the
solution. Interactive breakout session with
the speakers to follow. Rick Keyes, Meijer;
Jill Day and Clif Charles, Gordon Food
Service. Exhibit Hall
9:15 – 10:30 A.M. VR Service Delivery: Four State VR
Agency Results The results of four state VR
agency case studies are presented that reflect
effective VR service delivery practices
enhancing employment outcomes. Common
VR service delivery practices across the
agencies are presented in terms of portability
to other agencies, sustainability and impact.
Roy Del Valle, DHS-Michigan
Rehabilitation Services; Susan Sherman and
Michael Leahy, Michigan State University
Transforming Approaches to Diversity &
Employment Hear from corporate leaders
on how they are transforming their approach
to diversity to include people with
disabilities. This interactive presentation
will allow ample time to interact with the
employer panel featured in the general
session. Sara Grivetti, Disability
Network/Michigan; Michael Poyma,
Department of Veterans Affairs; Rick
Keyes, Meijer; Jill Day and Clif Charles,
Gordon Food Service OCCMHA
Literacy Instruction and Transition to
Adulthood for students with Autism
Spectrum Disorder This presentation will
cover findings from a study that examined
how educators think about basic literacy
skills by students with autism spectrum
disorders (ASD) as they transition into
adulthood. Presenters will inform on special
education supports and transition services
needed for employability and independence.
Yeaton Clifton and D.A.G. Groomes, PhD,
Oakland University Reading and Language
Arts Do-All
Strategic Use of Social Media in Job
Development Describe key features of a
social media job development strategy
including goals, methods, and outcomes.
Describe best practices in creating and
maintaining a respectable professional
brand. Practice key activities using social
media including marketing strategies.
Provide tools that improve job development
results. Anna Soderman and Amanda Abbott
Knox, Peckham, Inc. Goodwill WM
Project SEARCH: A Collaborative
Approach Project SEARCH is a school to
work transition program for students with
intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Students are trained in real work settings
while learning employability and
independent life skills. Oakland County used
a multi-agency approach to develop and
implement the program, and is operating the
program at three sites. Lydia Gray, JVS;
Cathy Schmidt, Oakland Schools; Karen
Blum, New Horizons; Sheila Gannon, Troy
Schools; Sue Pelkey, Oakland County
CMHA Northern Transitions
Session room is indicated in Bold: MRA, MARO, JVS, Do-All etc.
The Relationship Between Ethics and the
Law This presentation discusses the
complex relationship that exists between
counseling ethics and law. Also discussed blankare exceptions of the right of privileged
communication and confidentiality with
some clients in the public and private
counseling setting. The session concludes
with a 30 min. forum for attendee's to share
their clinical experiences. Andrew Nay,
PhD., Michigan State University JVS The Three A's of a Successful Agency A
funder's evaluation depends on how well
these 3 words apply to your agency:
Accountability, Accessibility, Affordability.
This session offers specific strategies for
using metrics to help agencies operate more
efficiently while improving their quality of
care, sharing decades of experience as
legislators and direct care providers. David
Bucciferro, Foothold Technology MARO CANCELED10:45 – 12 P.M. Customized Outreach Hearing, sight,
mobility, and cognitive impairments all
increase the layers of safety risks for people
with disabilities. By customizing safety
messages, and raising the level of safety
awareness for people with disabilities, we
can eliminate many risks.
Follow the template created by the Grand
Traverse Metro Fire Department and their
community partners to learn how to work
with the emergency services agencies in
your community to help keep everyone safe!
Meredith Hawes, Grand Traverse Metro Fire
Dept.; Leanne Baumeler, Northwestern
Michigan College MRA
Advocacy -MRA Public Policy The
Michigan Rehabilitation Association Public
Policy committee will demonstrate strategies
to engage legislators and their staff in
disability policy. Rehabilitation Counseling
students will provide information on
educational advocacy efforts on campus.
Affairs Summit will be shared, and MRA
Highlights of the national Governmental blankblankblankblankblankblankblankwill discuss position papers on auto no-fault
and mental health parity. Stacey Locke,
Peckham, Inc. -Michigan Rehabilitation
Association; Molly Newman, Michigan
State University; Omar Deadwilder and
Kate Marsh, Michigan Rehabilitation
Services OCCMHA Living with Autism Diagnosing and
changes to the Autism diagnosis will be
discussed, as well as common sensory and
daily living issues. Paul is an individual
who has been diagnosed with Asperger
Syndrome/Autism, and he will discuss some
of his personal views on living with the
diagnosis. He will review some of the
senses, as well as his vocational
accomplishments. Jason Hamel and Rick
Kornspan, The Guidance Center; Paul
Armstrong Do-All
Michigan's AmeriCorps: A Pathway to
Employment AmeriCorps provides an
opportunity for individuals with and without
disabilities to impact their community in a
significant way, and also can lead to
meaningful employment. Join us for an
engaging panel discussion about
AmeriCorps and how it can be an important
part of a long-range employment plan.
Participants will also learn how
organizations can utilize AmeriCorps
programs to build capacity and expand their
community presence. Megan Sargent,
Michigan Community Service Commission;
Sarah George, Peckham, Inc.; Tony
Calcagno, Goodwill Industries of Greater
Grand Rapids Goodwill WM
Successful, Innovative, Collaborative
Transition Strategies Some youth with
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) leave
Session room is indicated in Bold: MRA, MARO, JVS, Do-All etc.
school without needed supports or transition
plans. Learn about how 3 programs are
assisting with meaningful transition plans
and practical goals as youth with ASD age
into adulthood. Attendees will learn
constructive strategies on post-school
outcomes of employment, post-secondary
education & training, & lessons learned.
Marcia Ransom, Work Skills Corporation;
Terri Smith, Kandu Incorporated;
representative from Goodwill Industries of
Greater Grand Rapids Northern
Working While Receiving Benefits Panel
discussion featuring representatives from the
Social Security Administration, a WIPA
Project Manager, and a Certified Work
Incentives Coordinator sharing their
expertise and perspectives on navigating the
benefits / employment journey. Bob
Simpson, Social Security Administration;
Paul Landry, UCP of Metropolitan Detroit;
Laura Hall, ADAPT Michigan JVS
The Great Value of Generational
Differences For the first time ever, there are
four generations of people in the workplace.
We will look at how the four generations are
defined and therefore different as well as
how they can value that diversity for greater
success. We will also look at what each
generation wants from a work environment
and discuss retention strategies for each
generation. Scott Derthick and Justin
Walworth, Peckham Inc. MARO
12:00 – 1:00 P.M. FREE LUNCH
With the Exhibitors
And the Exhibitor One Minute of Fame
1:15 – 2:30 P.M.
BSBP Update Director Rodgers will
provide an overview of programs and services delivered through the Bureau of
Services for Blind Persons. Edward Rodgers
II and Mike Pemble, Bureau of Services for
Blind Persons MRA
Neurodiversity: Autism as a Natural
Variant on Human Cognitive Functioning
Neurodiversity refutes the medical model
emphasis on treatment and cure, and instead
values individual strengths and acceptance.
This presentation introduces neurodiversity
and provides examples of its application to
education, employment, and community
inclusion. Michelle McKnight and Trenton
Landon, Michigan State University
ADAPT: The Movement Behind the
Power of Community ADAPT has a long
history in the Disability Rights Movement
and as a movement itself. This session will
explore the work of ADAPT on community
living, direct action as a tool for advocacy,
the importance of disability history, culture
and pride in the lives of people with
disabilities, and how service providers and
others can help foster this. Laura Hall, Leigh
Campbell-Earl, Clark Goodrich, and
William Earl, ADAPT Michigan Do-All
Self-Employment as a Vocational
Rehabilitation Goal This presentation is an
overview of self-employment for individuals
with a disability and what it takes to
successfully start a business. The goal is to
provide rehabilitation counselors and other
employment service providers with a basic
understanding of how to start a small
business. Warren Galloway, Warren
Galloway & Associates LLC Goodwill
The Delta Project College Prep Program
Saginaw ISD has collaborated with Bay and
Midland counties on a Regional version of
the Delta Project: Regional College
Session room is indicated in Bold: MRA, MARO, JVS, Do-All etc.
Connection. Foundation funding has also
been instrumental in the continuing growth
of our program. Four cohorts of students
have completed the Project, are now
attending Delta College -and all are doing
very well. Come hear transition success
stories & positive Delta Project outcomes
through collaboration with community
partners. Denny Wickham and Janet Timbs,
Saginaw Intermediate School District
Northern Transitions
Special Minimum Wage Considerations
Under FLSA Brief overview of Special
Minimum Wage (SMW) under Fair Labor
Standards Act (FLSA) using select slides
Explain the investigative process -reasons
for investigations, highlight typical
violations and provide attendees with tips to
remain in compliance now and into future.
Goals: to inform and educate on key
elements of achieving/sustaining SMW
compliance under FLSA. Randy Whitmire
and Amanda Enrico, US Department of
Labor -Wage & Hour Division JVS
Growing Leaders -The Impact of
Mentoring A facilitated panel discussion by
Leadership Academy mentors and mentees.
The panel will focus on the value and impact
of mentoring on the professional
development of the future leaders in our
field. The session opens with an overview
of the key elements within a solid mentoring
program and then will lead a discussion with
the panel. Joe Evans and Jason Hamel, The
Guidance Center; Sue Pelkey, Oakland
County CMHA; Tony Calcagno, Goodwill
Industries of Greater Grand Rapids MARO
2:30 – 3:00 P.M.
Prize Drawing
3:15 – 4:30 P.M. The Future of a Rehabilitation
Counselor: Education and Practice This
Presentation will be comprised of
Rehabilitation Counselor Educators from
Western Michigan University, Wayne State
University, and Michigan State University's
Rehabilitation Counseling programs. The
five panel members will respond to
questions concerning the current and future
educational needs of a Rehabilitation
Counselor. Karsten Bekemeier, Michigan
Rehabilitation Association; Jennipher
Wiebold, Western Michigan University;
George Parris and Paige Dunlap, Wayne
State University; Michael Leahy and Connie
Sung, Michigan State University MRA
Multicultural VR Counseling
Competency Training Racial minorities,
especially African Americans have
significantly lower outcomes in seeking and
receiving VR services. This presentation
will include hands-on training in developing
multicultural competencies for the provision
of culturally relevant VR services to racial
minorities. Rommel Johnson and Fanny
Johnson, Eurisko Vocational Services LLC;
Skenah Tennison and Jessie Tennison,
Michigan Rehabilitation Services
Disability Policy Update from DC VIA
SKYPE: One of the nation's leading
disability policy experts, Bobby Silverstein,
Principal at Powers Pyles Sutter and
Verville and ACCSES Legislative
Consultant, will provide commentary on the
progression of disability rights since the
ADA, and an overview of the current state
of policy and politics in Washington, DC.
Robert "Bobby" Silverstein, Powers Pyles
Sutter & Verville PC
ACCSES Legislative Consultant Do-All
Session room is indicated in Bold: MRA, MARO, JVS, Do-All etc.
The Job Coach and Employees with
Autism Spectrum Disorder Current
statistics show that adult service agencies
will be experiencing a substantial increase in
referrals for individuals with autism. In the
employment process the job coach plays a
vital role in insuring success for workers
with ASD. Hear more about how trained job
coaches make the difference. Bob
Steinkamp, ASPPIRE,Inc. Goodwill WM
A Spectrum of Services for Transitioning
Youth As youth with disabilities transition
from education, a coordinated continuum of
services is essential. Best practices for
transitioning youth should include
collaboration with family and service
providers, employability skills training,
advocacy, and the development of business
relationships. Goodwill presents services for
all youth including ASD. Cyndi Langlois,
Anthony Centille, and Scott Snowling,
Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand
Rapids Northern Transitions
What's New With CARF Accreditation A
brief overview of CARF accreditation and
an update on changes to CARF standards
and programs of service. Pete Hathaway,
CARF International JVS
Non-Profit Advocacy It is critical for your
agency to have an effective public advocacy
strategy. Learn the difference between
"lobbying and advocating" with state
leadership, and how to build your advocacy
program. Go over actual real-life advocacy
successes and map out your own using a
real-life scenario. Randall Slikkers, Nonprofit Strategic Consulting; Sara Grivetti,
Disability Network/Michigan MARO
4:45 P.M.
MRA Room
5:00 – 6:00 P.M. Run Walk Roll with
your Fellow Attendees
5:30 – 7:00 P.M.
Re:vive and Re:lax
Join your fellow attendees for a Light
Supper and discounted beer/wine
YOGA 6:30 – 7:15 A.M. – Do-All Room
7:30 A.M.
Breakfast in the Tower Pre-function Area Beginning at 8:00 A.M. Ignite Session
9:15 A.M. – 10:30 A.M. Strategy in Turbulent Times Objective 1.
Provide theory for developing strategy in
times of rapid and turbulent change.
Objective 2. Describe turbulence in public
VR in Michigan (specifically MRS)
Objective 3:Provide information of MRS's
strategic plan for FY14 and beyond to
demonstrate the theory in Obj. 1 in use.
Objective 4: Answer questions of audience
members. Lou Adams, Michigan
Rehabilitation Services MRA/OCCMHA
20 Years of Claims for Leave as a
Reasonable Accommodation under the
ADA Leave is an important accommodation
for employees with disabilities. This
presentation will outline the reasons that
leave has been found to be reasonable or
unreasonable, including employer leave
policies and the medical support for the
Session room is indicated in Bold: MRA, MARO, JVS, Do-All etc.
request. Stacy Hickox, Michigan State
University Do-All
Transitioning To Success I will share my
journey on how I turned tragedy into a
successful business story. I will walk you
through my successes and failures. We will
talk about who supported me and how you
can support people who want to become
entrepreneurs. Eric Thomas, EZ Awareness
By Design Goodwill WM
Promising employment-focused transition
practices Presenters and audience will
review and discuss the results of a case
study designed to investigate promising and
emerging practices leading to successful
employment outcomes of transition youth
customers, specifically those practices
implemented by the best performing
Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS)
districts. Sukyeong Pi, Marwa Alsman, and
Trent Landon Michigan State University;
Cynthia Wright, Michigan Rehabilitation
Services Northern Transitions
Advancements in Vocational Evaluations
for TBI Describe various methods for
administering clinical vocational assessment
protocols for purposes of determining clients
functioning. This will include addressing
specific neurocognitive and
neurobehavioral, psycho-educational, and
vocational rehabilitation assessments.
Joseph Richert and Rene Dell, Special Tree
Rehabilitation System JVS
Psychological First Aid: Critical Incident
Stress This presentation will identify critical
incidents and discuss approaches used to
effectively treat traumatic stress when it
occurs in the workplace. Key components of
an effective organization response to a
critical incident will be discussed. Dr. James
Gall, TBI Solutions MARO
10:45 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Michigan Department of Community
Health Update Policy updates from the
director of the Bureau of Community Based
Services within DCH's Behavioral Health
Administration. Liz Knisely, State of
Michigan-Bureau of Community Based
Ethics at the Speed of Technology
Advancements in technology, especially
social media, means facing progressively
sophisticated legal, ethical, and professional
challenges. Implications of these
advancements will be placed in context with
current CRCC and ACA Codes of Ethics.
Confidentiality, informed consent and
professional ethical responsibilities will be
discussed. Todd Lewicki, Erica
Wondolowski, and Trenton Landon,
Michigan State University Do-All
Personality Disorders; Issues in Case
Management Already given at many MRS
sites in Michigan, workshop addresses
personality disorders that interfere with case
management, decisions about vocational
training and job readiness. Topics cover (a)
DSM-V classifications of Personality
Disorders, (b) do's and don'ts in "personality
management", and (c) predictors of
vocational outcomes. Douglas Ruben PhD,
Best Impressions International Inc
Northern Transitions
Successful outcomes for customers with
Addiction Approximately 22.1% of VR
applicants have an active substance use
disorder. This presentation will discuss
practical tools in the provision of services to
this population that will achieve positive
rehabilitation outcomes. Rommel Johnson
and Fanny Johnson, Eurisko Vocational
Services LLC JVS
Economic Development Overview This
is an overview of
Session room is indicated in Bold: MRA, MARO, JVS, Do-All etc.
economic development in Michigan, with
initiatives in business attraction, retention,
and entrepreneurship. Clarinda will discuss the
concept of Talent System Organization -
combining MEDC Talent Enhancement,
Workforce Development, and Local Partners
-resulting in a thriving economy, and
connecting companies with demand-driven
talent. Clarinda Harrison, MEDC MARO Session room is indicated in Bold: MRA, MARO, JVS, Do-All etc.
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