[nfbmi-talk] accessible meetings accessible info civil rights issue
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Oct 21 21:09:45 UTC 2013
October 21 2013 to Rodgers et all meeting accessibility
Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.
1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.
Mt. Morris, MI 48458
joeharcz at comcast.net
Edward F. Rodgers, II, Director
Bureau of Services for Blind Persons
(via e-mail)
Dear Mr. Rodgers,
I have requested information related to bsBP meetings in accessible format and in a timely manner including “transcripts/minutes” and other information given to commissioners at those meetings. Your agency and indeed Deputy Director Zimmer and others turned this in to a FOIA request and wanted to charge me money for searching for these documents. And all say this doesn’t violate the Rehabilitation Act and/or the ADA.
Then on Saturday you stated for the record that this information is posted to BSBP’s web site, which it is not and all one needs to do is look at the web site which I do fastidiously.
Regardless after my signature line all please note LARA’s own accessible meeting policy which is based upon compliance with these seminal civil rights laws.
You, Mr. Zimmer et al have been sent this along with statute and regulations. Thus you have been notified of your obligations under law to abide by these known civil rights. Laws. Thus the discrimination is knowing, wilful and with malitious intent especially since you both are officers of the court and state actors acting in official capacity.
Besides shouldn’t BSBP be a model of accessibility to the blind?
Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.
Cc: Zimmer M, LARA
Cc: OCR, Ed.
Cc: BSBP Commissioners
Cc: Farmer, hHaynes lARA
Link from page at:
Then go to LARA Accessible meeting policy.
This is what you get in a pdf file which I’ve converted here:
Table with 5 columns and 4 rows
Effective Date:
09-12-2011 Policy #:
G-01 Supersedes:
3-31-05 Subject:
Meeting Accessibility
1 of 4 Table endPURPOSE
The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) plans and sponsors
meetings and events attended exclusively by LARA staff as well as those attended by
individuals and organizations outside the department. In addition, LARA plans portions
of and co-sponsors meetings and events with other organizations and individuals
outside the department. In keeping with federal and state disability rights laws, it is the
intent of this policy to standardize the department’s planning of and participation in
meetings and events to ensure accessibility for all participants.
LARA sponsored Meetings and Events
Events and meetings planned and sponsored entirely by LARA will be accessible,
whether attended by LARA staff, individuals from outside the department, or both. This
policy includes but is not limited to meetings open to the public, conferences,
educational events, press conferences, staff training and retreats. “Accessible” means
that all who are qualified to attend will be able to attend, participate in all activities, and
have access to information in the needed alternative formats in a timely manner that
allows full participation during the event. At a minimum, the site will be barrier-free, and
additional accommodations will be provided upon request with advance notice.
Event announcements should be made sufficiently in advance or at least the number of
days necessary to receive and respond to requests for accommodations. These
announcements should include a statement similar to the following:
“The meeting site is accessible, including handicapped parking. Individuals
attending the meeting are requested to refrain from using heavily scented
personal care products, in order to enhance accessibility for everyone.
People with disabilities requiring additional accommodations such as
information in alternative formats in order to participate in the meeting should
contact the LARA Office Services, Americans With Disabilities Act
Table with 5 columns and 4 rows
Effective Date:
09-12-2011 Policy #:
G-01 Supersedes:
3-31-05 Subject:
Meeting Accessibility
2 of 4 Table endMeetings and events planned and sponsored by others outside LARA
When LARA staff participates in an event planned and/or sponsored by another
organization, the portion of the event presented by LARA staff should be accessible,
and LARA staff will advocate for accessibility and provide technical assistance to
increase accessibility at the entire event.
A LARA bureau participating in the meeting or event is responsible for implementing
this policy. Questions on this policy may be directed to LARA Office Services,
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator.
These procedures and resources pertain to meetings and events sponsored and
planned in whole or in part by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
(LARA). These procedures will be revised and updated as approved by the LARA ADA
Meeting/Event Planning Procedures
1. Know your audience. Do you know all the persons (and their abilities) coming to
the event? Is it an event only for those invited or registered, or is it an event open
to the public without pre-registration? If you know the audience, this will help with
planning, but remember that (for example) anyone could suddenly need to use
crutches on a temporary basis. If people register for your event, you have the
opportunity for them to alert you to their accommodation needs and you can
provide precisely what is requested. Otherwise, you need to prepare for the
unknown by having an accessible site, materials on hand in alternative formats and
a sign language interpreter if needed. 2. Site selection. If possible, the bureau planning the meeting or event should
conduct an onsite visit of the location or proposed location to determine
accessibility, including factors such as parking, meeting rooms, elevators,
restrooms, and others which may have an effect on participation in the event. If it
is not possible for bureau staff to do an on-site visit, staff from a partner
organization (such as one of Michigan’s Centers for Independent Living) may be Table with 5 columns and 4 rows
Effective Date:
09-12-2011 Policy #:
G-01 Supersedes:
3-31-05 Subject:
Meeting Accessibility
3 of 4 Table endable to provide information about the proposed location based on a visit or past
3. Transportation, parking and getting into and around the facility. Think about
approaching your event or meeting from private automobiles, taxis, or public
transportation. Any barriers in the event location? Are there enough accessible
parking spaces for the event? Any security issues that require advance
arrangements for guest parking? Are there accessible paths of travel (with ramps,
curb cuts and elevators where needed) from the parking area to meeting rooms to
restrooms to other sites for the event, including a minimum 36 inches of clearance
through doorways for the path of travel. 4. Access statement. In press releases, advertisements, publications and other
information about the event, include a statement such as this: “The meeting site is accessible, including handicapped
parking. Individuals attending the meeting are requested to
refrain from using heavily scented personal care products, in
order to enhance accessibility for everyone. People with
disabilities requiring additional accommodations such as
information in alternative formats in order to participate in the
meeting should contact the LARA Office Services, Americans
With Disabilities Act coordinator.”
Before sending this out, it is important to verify that the site actually is accessible
and that there is adequate handicapped parking as estimated for your event.
The deadline for requesting additional accommodations or alternative formats
must allow time for participants to find out about the event and for you to respond
to requests. If there isn’t time to receive and respond to specific requests for
accommodations, staff need to be prepared for any accommodation need.
Table with 5 columns and 4 rows
Effective Date:
09-12-2011 Policy #:
G-01 Supersedes:
3-31-05 Subject:
Meeting Accessibility
4 of 4 Table end5. Have a generous timeline. Publicize the meeting early enough (10 days in
advance recommended) for people needing accommodations to request them,
and for you to provide them. Know when people will actually receive the meeting
announcement. 6. Seating. Designate barrier-free seating locations for people with disabilities
dispersed throughout the seating area. Have adequate open spaces for
individuals using wheelchairs, seats with a clear view of sign language
interpreters for people who are deaf, and seating close to the podium or stage for
individuals with limited vision. Room layout should allow full participation in
planned activities. For example, if activities require moving from table to table,
allow enough space between tables for people using a wheelchair or mobility
aids. 7. Accessible information throughout the event. This includes speeches,
PowerPoint and other presentations, flip charts, hand-outs, films, videos and
other information. For example, accommodations may include sign language
interpreters, assistive listening systems, and/or real-time captioning for
individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. People who are blind or visually
impaired may need materials in alternative formats such as large print, Braille,
audiotape, and/or a computer disc. The information should be available during
the event, and not sent after the fact.
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