[nfbmi-talk] Fw: no transcripts or 2014 state plan info here

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Oct 23 10:49:30 UTC 2013

Hi Terry,

First of all most well said on all counts.

On the K-12 issue I thought the commentary of the two parents at the last 
BSBP meeting was most revealing. One parent was from the Western part of the 
state and did get excellent educational services for her son ranging from 
early intervention in to high school where he is a high academic achiever, 
has good independent living skills, or skills of blindness etc. and is 
college bound.

The other parent from the east side of the state did not fair so well 
especially on the activities of daily living aspect, though apparently she 
has had good instruction in Braille.

Now, in full circle BSBP is supposed to come in on the transition at age 
fourteen. Both parents, and most especially the parent from the East side 
are more than disappointed. In fact their treatment by BSBP staff including 
failures to denote due process rights and CAP rights at points of dispute 
mirror those of adults trying to access the BSBP VR system here.

Actually it is heartbreaking what was done especially to the East student 
and Gwen McNeal and Leemon "sellout" Jones were mentioned prominately too.

This all goes to show that from the cradle to the grave, or at least from 14 
years old to the grave BSBP is an abject failure in fulfilling its primary, 
federally funded mission to "Rehabilitate" the blind.

I know there are heroic exceptions from some dedicated staff. But, it has 
been a guerrilla war for years for the good staff to do there job and the 
"good" staff are becoming more and more rare as under Rodgers the 
concentration is to create patronage for the higher ups expanding 
administration from other components of the state apparatchek like Pemble. 
It's all know nothing chiefs and no Indians nowadays.

I urge one and all to download and listen to the last BSBP "Commission" 
meeting that Joe S so kindly posted here for these points are very well 

By the way there is another point that Lydia pointed out quite well as a 
commissioner and for years. BSBP and before that MCB was somewhat equipped 
to transition a blind kid to college at least from the standpoint of the 
college prep program and actually funding college though college students 
including many on this list denote issues with assistive technology and even 
book payments from BSBP.

But, when it comes to blind kids, especially those with additional 
disabilities who are not on a college track there is less than nothing. And 
I'm being kind in saying this.

Regardless I'm an old man now and I'm dedicated to fight for the future of 
blind people in this state including some like Nadia, who may somethimes be 
a personal detractor.

Jim More who happens to be a member of MCBVI, but one whom I respect said it 
all last summer at CIC and other meetings relative to the Executive Order 
and the destruction of MCB. He said, "Sounds like we're going back to the 

Wish that thumb sucker Joe Sibley would listen.

Now, they all have their appointments, well meaning or not, to the utterly 
impotent "advisory board".


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terry D. Eagle" <terrydeagle at yahoo.com>
To: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Fw: no transcripts or 2014 state plan info here

>I say as long as corruption and incestuous relationships continue within
> BS4BP and LARA, and blind citizens are not served, and discrimination 
> exists
> against NFB affiliated individuals, and the blind, poor, and
> African-Americans of the Detroit region are not served as equals, you will
> NOT stop hearing about the ongoing incidents of corruption, incestuous
> relationships, discrimination, lack of transparency , and misuse and abuse
> of taxpayer funded rehabilitation services monies, on this list, in the
> media, and on the streets, until such issues of corruption, unethical, and
> illegal acts cease and desist, and meaningful  change occurs, including
> consumer participation and consumer-centered services become reality for 
> the
> blind citizens of Michigan, as we of the NFB shall not standby as 
> observers,
> and sit by idle doing nothing.  If you desire positive talk while these 
> real
> and harmful actions persist, then perhaps this forum is the wrong place to
> be, and one should instead tune into that other group of the blind 
> consumer,
> to hear positive talk or no talk about that which is going on within BS4BP
> and LARA.
> As for the issue of the Department of Education, until a consumer-centered
> focus of appropriate education, training, and rehabilitative services 
> exist
> in Michigan, and until there exists meaningful relationships between the
> agency charged with serving the blind, the K through 12 education 
> community,
> and the organized blind community, the positive and meaningful result for
> the blind of Michigan will remain adrift and elusive.  Appropriate and
> quality equal education from an early age is the key to equality,
> opportunity, and security as adults in the competitive workforce and
> community.  Without appropriate and quality education, the same ongoing
> result will continue to exist.  Youth-in-transition to adulthood will not
> possess the skills necessary to prepare for and compete within the higher
> education and job market, and the result will just be more subminimum wage
> employment, underemployment, and unemployment, within a welfare state.  If
> these results are to be eliminated, the bar must be raised, so blind 
> persons
> can embrace a high expectation level, and the system and resources 
> provides
> for the opportunity to achieve a higher expectation level.  Equal and
> quality education and rehabilitation services shall never be the goal of
> departments of LARA, Labor, or welfare.  The sooner that fact is realized
> and accepted, and meaningful strides are made within the education 
> community
> to establish and maintain quality relationships and partnerships, the more
> and quicker equality, opportunity, and security will be realized for blind
> citizens of Michigan.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Nadia
> Cioffi
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 3:24 PM
> To: NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Fw: no transcripts or 2014 state plan info here
> Have we beat this bourse of a topic on the mailing list??
> I am having a difficult time hearing negative things about the BSBP,
> non-profits and issues on the list. When fact has been provided and the
> topics have been covered before.
> I would like to  hear the positive results of actions taken. The blindness
> population  is small enough as is. Trying to respect other people and
> organizations including in meeting minutes will help everyone.
> I am currently working with the BSBP and things are quite rocky. The
> foundation was destroyed from the bottom upland requiring more change when
> are rebuilding themselves. I agree change needed to be made, but not the 
> way
> change happened.
> The more NFB Mi requires changes at time many are taking place, the more
> likely I could stop receiving services and the BSBP could go away. Who 
> wins
> if this happens?? It is for sure not any blind people.
> .i do not understand why the meeting minutes from August state that the
> department of education needs to be governing the BSBP when LARA has done 
> so
> for awhile now.
> On Oct 21, 2013, at 2:45 PM, "joe harcz Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net>
> wrote:
> The outright lies by Rodgers are easy to verify by simply searching the 
> web site....
> Joe
> Sent to a commissioner....
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: joe harcz Comcast
> To: commissioner-hudson at outlook.com
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 2:44 PM
> Subject: no transcripts or 2014 state plan info here
> In fact there is very little up to date info about BSBP including a basic
> directory update since October 1, 2013.
> The proof that Rodgers outright lies about what is on the web site is by
> going to it at:
> http://ww
> w.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-61256_28313---,00.html
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