[nfbmi-talk] Fw: wait a minute!

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Sep 9 21:18:59 UTC 2013

    All I'm desparately trying to denote a simple democratic notion of rule of law here over the rule of men (or women for that matter). Yet in demonstrable fashion the very agencies to afford access to VR and IL programs subvert federal and state laws, even by legal pepersons over and over again.

And this is all about the lie, the utter lie about the civil rights aafforded by the ADA and Section 5904 over decades by even the supposed perveyors of them or other state actors amptly funded to implement them too!

Now, I am a lone hard driven, multiply disabled blind man with limited resources and such. But I'll tell you all this: This system and persons within it are outright corrupt, civil rights violators of the first instance and act with impunity once again.

Yet, they including Zimmer in part and Rodgers in toto soak up federal bucks meant to liberate, and not to enslave us to begin with. Now I ask openly and publicly for the courts of Michigan, and the Federal Courts to enforce our civil rights; and for other entities to at very least to attempt to do so as is their freaking charge to beging with including Michigan Protection and Advocacy Services, OCR, at Ed, the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section, etc., etc., etc.

The failure is not with me, a blind advocate crying in the howling universe of violations of civil rights laws, nor with those otherwised abused, but rather with the abusers, just as it is when rapists are the criminals and not the victims of rape. Here we the people with disabilities are raped by a system that favors the rapists, which is to say, state actors.

They might just as well say here, "long live segregation" "long live state rights", "long live Lester Maddox"..
----- Original Message ----- 
From: joe harcz Comcast 
To: Rodgers, Edward (LARA) 
Cc: zimmerm at michigan.gov 
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 4:59 PM
Subject: wait a minute!

Dear Sirs,

You have personally denied me information relative to the implementation of your federally funded state plan calling it in effect "secret". You have personally denied or controverter various access to public information regarding your activities whilst acting in a public capacity and in receipt of millions of federally funded Rehabilitation Act dollars and yet you demure and defer to state law (violations of the Michigan FOIA) when I make lawful requests in these regards as to basic information and transparency in these regards. Now, is this a pure act of arrogance of power or is it ignorance of the laws that I've cited over and over again? Is this or are these things pure ignorance of the laws you are known to apply to yourselves and others and to comply with or are you simply incorrigible ignorant scofflaws who happen to have a legal license in the State of Michigan and who just so happen to act with contempt and arrogance of civil rights laws and other federal prescriptions  even after notification in spite of your law licenses, notice of rights, and obligations and in spite of being officers of the courts in the state of Michigan?

And since all things legally flow from a poisoned  tree including your perfidy and documented violations of my civil rights under color of law and as actors of the State of Michigan, in official capacity, does it not flow legally speaking that you both under color of law, cloak of the legal guise upon which you act and so on and so forth have acted in concert to suborn my, Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.'s known civil rights even after being notified of your obligations in these regards?

Now, gentlemen of the bar and of the State of Michigan I take my federally derived civil rights, and indeed my human rights, delivered with blood, sweat, and tears of many an American very seriously  hard one by countless valiant veterans of wars and non-violent civil disobedient alike under similar principles.including by state hacks, bureaucrats, technocrats and hypocrites.

You must by federal law, federal civil rights law and constitutionally derived laws including the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution give me applicable civil rights protections under Article V of that very Amendment. Yet you both, under color of your agency as state actors have denied me same in demonstrable fashion these rights acting under color of your state law role and in direct violation of my constitutionally derived civil rights.

Worse, you act under the judicial branch and its abuse of powers, or at least under quasi-judicial capacities as you both are now or have been recently Michigan Administrative Law Judges and in fact duel administrators of the MAHS and various VR entities in Michigan which is absurd and plain upon its face a classic conflict of interest and of which you both have in demonstrable fashion on several occasions have violated the ADA and Section 504 in your official capacities in the public record to boot in spite of the Supreme Court ruling of Tennessee v. Lane.

Again here both you, Mr. Zimmer and you, Mr. Rodgers are serial civil rights law violators in a demonstrable fashion. Both have severely damaged the fundamental civil rights of countless individuals whom happen to be blind let alone others with other sensory and physical disabilities and both of you have perniciously continued this prace even again after notice which makes your actions pernicious and maliciously discriminatory in intent and practice. Thus again any resulting damages let alone injunctive relief can and should be sought against your persons under ex part young, let alone prima facae violations, knowingly of the multitude of civil rights violations over decades under your charge whilst acting in official capacity of MAHS and in stark, known violations of the civil rights of the blind alone!

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